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164328 Players - page 4 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
301 Barthezzz 14,465
302 Pegasus 14,448
303 Kinthalas 14,404
304 Sicksence 14,379
305 GRRRR 14,267
306 Koba 14,240
307 Roger Devil 14,222
308 Egoist 14,221
309 JBud 14,219
310 woodburner 14,151
311 Black Hawk 14,114
312 GTW 14,114
313 Redemption (Angel of Light) 14,080
314 Dane 14,011
315 Pimpalicious Nerd {C?} 13,974
316 Ramius 13,957
317 Teager 13,936
318 Darkness_Shadow 13,916
319 DubStep Santa 13,913
321 Pentara 13,844
322 buzzcoxss (Artisen Anitomical) 13,830
323 Weebee 13,828
324 redrumkillerforlife 13,824
325 boopalas 13,816
326 Starcommander 13,816
327 Destroh Phaytus 13,815
328 The Monty 13,791
329 MoD 13,771
330 Mr.Covfefe 13,720
331 Arch Angel 13,679
332 Quiic 13,651
333 Winters Rapture 13,588
334 [-clamup1995-] 13,570
335 chaser123 13,569
336 Peachy 13,567
337 Archon 13,543
338 Hellza - Dark Master 13,542
339 Sputter{TB} 13,540
340 Lord Raiden *Super Sup* 13,514
341 Valerius{DK} 13,508
342 slinky 13,498
343 Doubleugly 13,488
344 Tarnekep 13,470
345 UNhooked 13,459
346 Stracius 13,437
347 ElectroFanatic 13,437
348 Malduc{-GTN-} 13,433
349 Glimmer 13,392
350 Babylon 13,359
351 Lord Cain 13,356
352 MOC 13,321
353 Distel {Combat BUMpkin} Stolz 13,318
354 *Morpheus* 13,317
355 Diabo|ik 13,314
356 g0ds s0ldier 13,302
357 Virus 13,282
358 Solo Artist ™ 13,282
359 Skuriti2 13,278
360 Creeper 13,263
361 Fleet Admiral Nithis [RO] 13,260
362 Crim 13,254
363 Photox [F|F|I] 13,232
364 Draxcyn 13,200
365 Cuisinart 13,196
366 gocrazyonu 13,164
367 AcIDfReAk 13,162
368 JRE 13,149
369 Type Zero 13,138
370 PizzaTheHut 13,122
371 OmegaKingOfLobsters{C??} 13,110
372 Dreadfuel. 13,068
373 Sheepy 13,065
374 Smith 13,060
375 Kaine Darkheart -SO- 13,057
376 Patryn 13,045
377 hehas{No mercy for a week} 13,043
378 befuddled 13,018
379 Jar Jar Binks 13,016
380 einie{bad_boy_o_space} 13,008
381 FAR {Grasshopper} 13,000
382 Apache 12,947
383 [ML]RogueAvengerTTV 12,901
384 Doubelieve 12,876
385 Commander2010 12,856
386 thundercat984 12,837
387 Taelon 12,809
388 Megavar 12,787
389 Strom"DaBum"Moon 12,751
390 Chosen of Chaos{Dictor Lord} 12,730
391 shine 12,722
392 Bizaro 12,633
393 Drouid 12,614
394 Eochu 12,613
395 SpaceGK 12,602
396 Grey Wolf 12,588
397 bomberglen 12,530
398 Eagleranger 12,516
399 ScottyderEchte 12,481
400 $harp$hooter*M* 12,462
164328 Players - page 4 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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