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164330 Players - page 28 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
2701 ICQ 2,035
2702 1337 2,031
2703 Vomit 2,030
2704 Arcaneous 2,030
2705 SpaceDuncan 2,030
2706 wturkey 2,029
2707 redlittle 2,029
2708 seaniboy(1ra) 2,028
2709 Wolf7th 2,028
2710 Dagrum 2,027
2711 Nantrius 2,026
2712 Ddude 2,025
2713 cctv dude99 2,020
2714 octwo 2,020
2715 Whitey 2,019
2716 Kiith Somtaaw 2,019
2717 Invixor Nistrim 2,016
2718 SyKO 2,016
2719 Lektor 2,014
2720 Jellicoe 2,014
2721 Nox 2,011
2722 The ICS Lotus 2,010
2723 Swancomb 2,009
2724 Admiral Starkiller 2,007
2725 JACKELO*EN* 2,007
2726 mikew_E-9 2,006
2727 Liam Fremen 2,004
2728 Dagger 2,004
2729 Viktor Tupolev 2,003
2730 Recks Racer 1,999
2731 Gralgrathor 1,998
2732 Storm514 1,995
2733 BDU.se 1,993
2734 xSyntechx 1,992
2735 Longbow 1,991
2736 Chuck 1,991
2737 NeoofGenesis 1,991
2738 Noosebomb 1,988
2739 ztech4 1,987
2740 Kraetorian 1,986
2741 Ferrowscar 1,986
2742 Soto Bashir 1,985
2743 Booker 1,984
2744 Hashtag 1,984
2745 combattank 1,984
2746 alkiap 1,982
2747 Gatos 1,981
2748 Duster 1,980
2749 Ahkari-={Dark Mistress}=- 1,980
2750 LocustBoy 1,979
2751 Storm* 1,977
2752 Foxbat40 1,976
2753 Teknoman 1,976
2754 Ho Chi 1,975
2755 Joose 1,974
2756 Gratisbeilage 1,972
2757 Lobo Sentado 1,970
2758 DekkonBlack 1,970
2759 Cptbeefhart 1,968
2760 Friis999 1,966
2761 Grin 1,965
2762 CrasherGT 1,964
2763 Hound 1,963
2764 Korum 1,962
2765 Meehan 1,962
2766 crispy 1,962
2767 Vandal 1,962
2768 PerfectFord 1,961
2769 .Locke 1,960
2770 Skyfool 1,960
2771 Dexxus 1,959
2772 Gaz'arai 1,958
2773 Killer_JED 1,956
2774 deathx91 1,955
2775 Hummel 1,954
2776 Lord Hood (FA) 1,953
2777 xRoughneck 1,952
2778 LeviathanV 1,952
2779 Rid 1,952
2780 Hyp3rLin3 1,951
2781 MeTheGreat 1,949
2782 Kahabut 1,948
2783 AK_Vader 1,947
2784 Yamato2520 1,946
2785 AceDestroyer 1,946
2786 Dynamite 1,943
2787 lupo (M.M Vittorio Veneto) P1 1,943
2788 samwit3 1,943
2789 Kyrtin 1,943
2790 Tabrin 1,942
2791 ParkingSpot 1,937
2792 James T. Kirk (1A) 1,935
2793 Jannertto 1,934
2794 tomcat 1,933
2795 Señor Squiggles 1,928
2796 tasty113 1,925
2797 Dartje 1,924
2798 Hayabusa_JPN 1,924
2799 battlecruiser3 1,922
2800 Chigy 1,921
164330 Players - page 28 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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