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164352 Players - page 20 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
1901 crank359 3,177
1902 Altesol 3,176
1903 Eric_the_Red 3,170
1904 StarChaser 3,169
1905 Palatro 3,169
1906 Aurora 3,169
1907 Phyz 3,166
1908 El3menTT 3,164
1909 Knight Rider 3,162
1910 Gone4Ever 3,162
1911 Torlok 3,162
1912 aaron17924 3,159
1913 Comet 3,156
1914 [GA]Alastor Hoolaa 3,156
1915 Valsodar 3,155
1916 Zelpher 3,147
1917 hellcane 3,145
1918 Comander Adama 3,142
1919 ZeroCool2k 3,139
1920 herodes 3,137
1921 Deep//Blue 3,137
1922 Wiff Brim 3,133
1923 Soyokaze 3,132
1924 Mitigator 3,132
1925 Lord Hypnos 3,131
1926 Silverbird 3,131
1927 blkjedi (recruiting) 3,129
1928 Orion5 3,127
1929 Limn43 3,126
1930 God-Speed 3,126
1931 IsoHelix 3,122
1932 DragonLord 3,120
1933 Phaser Burns 3,119
1934 Gebus 3,116
1935 Neo_chaoz 3,115
1936 Frivolous Disguise 3,114
1937 -Steinzeit- 3,112
1938 SgtProteus 3,112
1939 RedShadow45 3,109
1940 matior 3,103
1941 Fireguy0306 3,101
1942 SnakeEyes 3,100
1943 phentari 3,099
1944 Jyard 3,097
1945 SpecOps Golem *XO* 3,095
1946 Grand Admiral Trays 3,091
1947 Lozboz 3,081
1948 SmellyTerror 3,079
1949 lalala12 3,079
1950 Daemonicus 3,077
1951 IrishSargent 3,076
1952 Stardust541 3,076
1953 Aaron Lienhardt 3,072
1954 MSC Tsugumori 3,068
1955 plumbgod 3,066
1956 ezathule 3,065
1957 shiftycapone 3,065
1958 Scotty 3,063
1959 Sadeema 3,061
1960 ZerO QuesT 3,060
1961 Henners 3,059
1962 Slador 3,058
1963 ford1 3,057
1964 Gabo 3,056
1965 SteelMite 3,055
1966 Dae Solarius 3,047
1967 zendrix 3,047
1968 RealSuperSand 3,045
1969 Zero.. 3,039
1970 Abisha 3,037
1971 ZanteWarrior 3,034
1972 DarkChaos {C?} 3,033
1973 Apollyon 3,032
1974 Abandoned Ships[AS] 3,032
1975 Saint681 3,031
1976 Megathon 3,028
1977 Vector40 3,024
1978 archangels 3,022
1979 Ikelos 3,015
1980 the_black 3,015
1981 Cattypat {P} 3,014
1982 HMS Fearless 3,014
1983 Dancer 3,010
1984 bloodguy 3,010
1985 Jackel 3,000
1986 Zephir 3,000
1987 ezweb 2,998
1988 Witsch 2,998
1989 Hubret 2,998
1990 NZ-juex16 2,997
1991 superprawn 2,994
1992 SpunSolo 2,990
1993 ReDxMuNkS [noob] 2,989
1994 LT_THUNDER 2,987
1995 kudosil 2,986
1996 Havoxx 2,985
1997 CAF_Blizzard 2,984
1998 Jackal' 2,981
1999 Kaemonik 2,980
2000 Defence Unit-Alpha_Matrix[48] 2,979
164352 Players - page 20 of 1644

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