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164352 Players - page 19 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
1801 whateverr 3,362
1802 DOT 3,359
1803 Fishy_Fishy 3,357
1804 Degonas 3,355
1805 -={DriftingWood}=- 3,353
1806 GalaxyFalinzin 3,351
1807 Smagelly 3,348
1808 Dragonday 3,346
1809 Rockerrock =Bad Azz= 3,345
1810 MTH 3,342
1811 Thesan 3,342
1812 Hexa 3,341
1813 IIVIIatrix 3,333
1814 Blue Dragon 3,333
1815 raners 3,332
1816 Luther Khann 3,330
1817 Lucutis of Borg 3,330
1818 Flap Plap 3,327
1819 Green_Devil 3,327
1820 Random + 3,321
1821 Membar 3,320
1822 Ululo. 3,318
1823 Da-Fort 357/55-89 3,311
1824 uberturkey 3,307
1825 DNME 3,306
1826 nybbler905 3,302
1827 Mortem 3,300
1828 Talar 3,299
1829 3rd fleet lowfire3 3,298
1830 HMS Ark Royal 3,289
1831 Ras 3,289
1832 Doubleumc 3,288
1833 Guerra01 3,286
1834 Wyldkat 3,281
1835 Kaiser Reinhard von Lohengramm 3,280
1836 Hammerz 3,279
1837 Cold Death 3,278
1838 [-Triplestrike-] 3,277
1839 Red-Arrow 3,276
1840 Diablo (VA) 3,275
1841 Lonectzn 3,274
1842 Evad.e84 - The Imperial Grand strategist 3,274
1843 Jingwa_gc 3,272
1844 ShuRugal 3,270
1845 Matthias_L 3,269
1846 Aloof101 3,269
1847 EmmyAwards 3,268
1848 Nixie 3,264
1849 Xihas 3,260
1850 Dar-N25 3,258
1851 Fatal Crispies 3,257
1852 Eeep 3,256
1853 Josh Highthorn 3,255
1854 Xen C. Protonus 3,250
1855 Sunie 3,247
1856 MuaiThai 3,246
1857 DesertDragon 3,246
1858 diff4er 3,241
1859 Anubis132 3,240
1860 Coleseus 3,240
1861 Alienfreak 3,238
1862 Adm. Stoner 3,233
1863 ^majik 3,231
1864 Ctai 3,231
1865 Stern jr. 3,230
1866 Manteuffel 3,230
1867 xWARLOCKx 3,229
1868 ArturK 3,229
1869 An Fiach 3,226
1870 FarstriderScout 3,225
1871 Nova Starrider 3,225
1872 Sevenoaks*PAYING*CUSTOMER* 3,223
1873 Eleda 3,220
1874 KamikazeRage 3,219
1875 Mikatus 3,215
1876 Iglooman (SF) 3,213
1877 CJrocks17 3,209
1878 Lazurkri 3,207
1879 «¤°Dragonfire422°¤»™ 3,205
1880 SR1 NORMANDY(Wales) 3,205
1881 Showoff*rokkstarr* 3,204
1882 Archaon 3,202
1883 emtfej 3,201
1884 00kennedyp 3,200
1885 Altheus 3,199
1886 Alkuam 3,195
1887 Prawneh 3,195
1888 Vyse The Legend 3,195
1889 Vor 3,194
1890 Taylor Wraith 3,192
1891 Solman V.Adm 3,189
1892 Moisty {r33} 3,188
1893 Perl 3,188
1894 bates 3,187
1895 SmartOne 3,186
1896 BuzzKill 3,185
1897 Loki-71 3,185
1898 Spatzz 3,183
1899 Kuma 3,181
1900 Multianna 3,177
164352 Players - page 19 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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