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164330 Players - page 4 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
301 Aradrox 920
302 Xydes 920
303 Achilles Lord of the Myrmidon 920
304 Bmoreno 917
305 Malduc{-GTN-} 913
306 Ryuk the Reaper 913
307 Kallith 909
308 Bula2k 909
309 symond21 903
310 jamesbob 902
311 Grappler 900
312 Midnight *FA* 900
313 Viskel the Muffin Muncher 895
314 Rocki 894
315 James Bum007 890
316 Octurion 889
317 Null Pointer 889
318 Ducimus (HMIS Victoria) OIC 884
319 Hawkeye696 883
320 thebold 882
321 GiggaShadow[+L.F.] 882
322 Senti-Onikawa 880
323 Ikar0 876
324 vorrgo 865
325 Admiral Kamikaze Bacon 863
326 Nurfed 862
327 Starfist 862
328 =Trooper= 850
329 darkcow300 848
330 Drafell 847
331 Russian Roulette with Muskets 844
332 Quiic 843
333 Derelict 842
334 MaWs 842
335 Rebels 839
336 HeavensGuardian*FlareStriker 839
337 Feralwulf 837
338 -=LoKi=- 837
339 Parkertime 836
340 Mariano (peace) 835
341 sauerkraut 835
342 crab 832
343 daisonkeene 828
344 Endeavour[DE] 827
345 Comander Adama 824
346 Musiqsoulman 821
347 Smith 820
348 Grand Admiral Overlord 819
349 Hell Bender 819
350 Klaatu 819
351 Megavar 813
352 PetayPan 812
353 munda13 812
354 deathblave 811
355 Fatal Afro Man *NCO* 810
356 Draxagon 807
357 Fluttershy 806
358 MalReynolds 801
359 Xavier I. Agamemnon 799
360 Trolololo 798
361 Bumblebee 794
362 Malasorte 790
363 Spiritlift 789
364 ArmyHaunt 783
365 Alex3huey 781
366 SpecOps Golem *XO* 781
367 relentlessx1 781
368 Fatal Flaw 779
369 Alison 775
370 Sky 769
371 kerosene 768
372 Rogue Spear 767
373 IIVIIatrix 765
374 Abandoned Mind 762
375 arturkor 762
376 Raiders 761
377 Rainman (USF Widowmaker) 758
378 WhiteWolf 758
379 deaddog 757
380 Avrak 757
381 Mephiblo 755
382 Ants 750
383 tucker32 750
384 Alois Falix 749
385 NoPants2win 748
386 nOOgmAn 745
387 Mylith 741
388 BlackYoup 741
389 hzn 733
390 Jabberwocky 733
391 Veronw 732
392 Bobamelius 731
393 Solaris {C?} 731
394 Skuriti3 730
395 Big Pimpin 728
396 Darkness_Shadow 727
397 =Zeus= 727
398 Koda 726
399 FATAL TAXI *ADM* 720
400 Gejaheline 719
164330 Players - page 4 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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