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164353 Players - page 18 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
1701 S3rpith 1,416
1702 Big Pimpin 1,415
1703 Valakias 1,413
1704 BlackFlash400 1,413
1705 grossenschwanz 1,413
1706 Gabriel 1,410
1707 Jammy Pajamies 1,409
1708 mOno. 1,406
1709 Moisty {r33} 1,406
1710 Kalthorpe 1,406
1711 Sydney 1,405
1712 7-121 1,401
1713 General Bazziel (poor English) 1,401
1714 Fatally chewedtoothpick 1,401
1715 GatorChick {C?} 1,400
1716 Gazenberg 1,399
1717 lds 1,399
1718 Enaness 1,398
1719 Ceriodaphnia * | * Zer0 1,397
1720 GWHAWK 1,396
1721 Xortok 1,393
1722 MalReynolds 1,393
1723 Bob117 1,392
1724 Epsilon 1,391
1725 Fox McCloud 1,390
1726 notalotuk 1,390
1727 Nine Arts Dragon 1,389
1728 Daritus{Awoken} 1,389
1729 ReDxMuNkS [noob] 1,388
1730 Lyedtau 1,387
1731 cloudrunner 1,387
1732 Nemesis 1,386
1733 codemonkey 1,385
1734 zel 1,385
1735 Nagorrack 1,385
1736 D0NU7 1,384
1737 kingking190 1,383
1738 l0rd 1,382
1739 Khalinus 1,382
1740 asdfgahmed 1,382
1741 k1llsw1tch 1,381
1742 -=CaRt_M8=-SuZuka-ChaLLenGe|~~| 1,380
1743 Mortarr 1,380
1744 freckhard 1,380
1745 99zeus 1,378
1746 Juichi 1,375
1747 mertz98 1,374
1748 Letho Kol 1,373
1749 sorhirio 1,373
1750 dutch_wingman 1,371
1751 Xihas 1,370
1752 whateverr 1,369
1753 Solecs 1,367
1754 LocustBoy 1,365
1755 0stego 1,365
1756 SpectreZone 1,363
1757 Special K 1,362
1758 lockey 1,361
1759 naturemarine 1,360
1760 PvT-Anarchist 1,359
1761 Stealthy 1,359
1762 Nantrius 1,358
1763 Thresh 1,357
1764 Alzek15 1,357
1765 StarChaser 1,357
1766 Fortress 1,353
1767 -Atlas 1,351
1768 Zyclops 1,351
1769 Gwalden 1,351
1770 Aldarin Surith 1,348
1771 Botoru 1,347
1772 LawaBoy 1,346
1773 UnknownCode 1,346
1774 Zekarde 1,345
1775 TraxZ 1,344
1776 Alexander Drax 1,344
1777 FlufferZ 1,344
1778 LeNawax 1,341
1779 Athanasius 1,341
1780 XTerrorWOLFx 1,341
1781 H_Deathman_H 1,341
1782 _Sajuuk_ 1,340
1783 Groschen 1,339
1784 Ryan-Commander of Tauri 1,339
1785 Cantari Darkwing 1,339
1786 Tolwynn 1,338
1787 ZekkThain18 1,337
1788 Grimm 1,335
1789 Skyfool 1,333
1790 James T. Kirk (1A) 1,331
1791 Drajka (The λ Snark) 1,331
1792 Sundowner 1,331
1793 Havoxx 1,331
1794 deathrute 1,329
1795 Fallen 1,329
1796 octwo 1,328
1797 Inuya$ha 1,327
1798 IIVIIatrix 1,327
1799 Arrus 1,326
1800 Hightower 1,326
164353 Players - page 18 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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