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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
Time Played
Bonus Prestige
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Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
Planet Collisions
Resources Lost
164354 Players - page 62 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameGames Played
6101 tucker 43
6102 Druke 43
6103 CassandraR 43
6104 Admiral--Nyax 43
6105 Greenleaf -blah- 42
6106 Soul Reaver 42
6107 Dubekot 42
6108 Boxpipe 42
6109 Cpt. Riken 42
6110 cdplaya 42
6111 Soulless_Reaver 42
6112 Ursulon Apshai 42
6113 AsgardLords 42
6114 slicernet 42
6115 ciro 42
6116 Darth Serparous 42
6117 Leon-s-Kendey 42
6118 cyberbillp 42
6119 b0mb m@n 42
6120 Synergy XIII 42
6121 Calrissian 42
6122 sado456 42
6123 toasted_victim 42
6124 WeiPheonix 42
6125 Bylek 42
6126 osheon 42
6127 daoc78 42
6128 Peno15 42
6129 Hotaru (DemonicAngel Of Destruction) 42
6130 ThePirateking0 42
6131 {Eleria} 42
6132 {G}OD~L1K3 #_# 42
6133 buybygb 42
6134 Hiamovi 42
6135 anthn899 42
6136 shadowstalker112 42
6137 Aquifn 42
6138 bloodmask88 42
6139 LordKILL 42
6140 tryll1980 42
6141 axelou31 42
6142 FroZeNL 42
6143 huey2 42
6144 Blood Sovereign 42
6145 AdventProficide 42
6146 oliverb5 42
6147 Dilly Dom DoOm 42
6148 norel 42
6149 Chimu{638} 42
6150 JoKeR 42
6151 Xavi 42
6152 overlordregen 42
6153 cneuf802 42
6154 KillaCali310 42
6155 Kittles 42
6156 Ranger 42
6157 The Super-Happy Fun Frigate 42
6158 Da Gilbert 42
6159 Zeta-dono 42
6160 Evil Shadows 42
6161 BrianGeistwhite 42
6162 Crygonhlin 42
6163 [NoFleet]WhiteCoyote 42
6164 Ludacris 42
6165 Ooiittee 42
6166 Calvis 42
6167 Swag 42
6168 Cpl_Satan 42
6169 Sage Lothar 42
6170 aeonleon 42
6171 Sir Vili 42
6172 ExpertNewbie 42
6173 Aethos315 42
6174 *Lightning11* 42
6175 keybordkiller 42
6176 cheechka 42
6177 Evil Android #6 42
6178 leglos2000 42
6179 PrimeAegis 42
6180 Deonyx 42
6181 colt 42
6182 jizmo 42
6183 poopshackless 42
6184 orenc 42
6185 trogwolf 42
6186 Jyson 42
6187 asmeroe 42
6188 Abih 42
6189 Troll 42
6190 raccoon~ninja 41
6191 Muaddib2014 41
6192 Dr. Chaos 41
6193 phantoodin 41
6194 {k2k}monarch 41
6195 himmler777 41
6196 The Dirty Angler 41
6197 Zeeke 41
6198 Sonny Boy 41
6199 Brolli777 41
6200 buzzzzzzz 41
164354 Players - page 62 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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