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 Author The Silent Cartographer
Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2012-09-09 12:01   
some news for the 1.7 mv, many (but not all) systems will be seeing a drastic reduction in number of planets, largely to ease the load on the individual server thread.

i'll also probably be breaking the server clusters up into smaller chunks, again for the same reason. sag for example might bet broken up into Sagittarius, Ophiuchus and Capricornus (or something like that)

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2014-05-26 20:32   
so this happened. http://youtu.be/aIGYpCdTbw8

livestreamed the construction of a scenario map, just to give you a glimpse of what goes on in the map-making process. map is The Deadlands, by chaoticstorm ne SRM_Kenny.

anyhoo, there's plans for the metaverse. TLDR version is it's going to be more scenario like.
ive mentioned some new scenario maps, and the current idea is to chunk up the MV to about 3 systems per map, most likely along current server lines (transfer gates). along with that, some basic capture objectives (ok, so they're all basic...) will be added to allow for progression between each chunk. so say everyone's fighting in perseus. kluth captures the majority of the planets in r148/wolf/vanmaanen, and gains control of the map. map then progesses to lacerta and people start fighting over sol/struve/AC.
this should make the MV a bit more winnable, or at least throw in some variety.
you'd still have your ships that persist from one map to the next, but with current limitations, each map would basically be a tabula rasa, planets would still have to be built up each time (so hey, free construction points), although there'd be a long time limit (like 24 hours, if any at all) so theres plenty of time to build up, then start punching each other in the nuts.

at this moment, im not sure what we'll do with the newbie, rogen and mi/pirate sectors, but we might spool up some additional scenario servers. that's all TBD though.

if you're interested in possibly submitting some maps, we do havethe map maker spreadsheet here, and a forum for submissions, just please take some time and sketch out some objectives and mission text if you do, it helps.


Raven Warriors

Joined: May 23, 2002
Posts: 284
From: 10 minutes away in a fast boat
Posted: 2014-05-28 00:14   
^^@doran.. any info on possibly bringing back specific resources on certain planets, ultimately making planets useful again? From what I remember of DS years ago, some of the best battles were fought over darkmatter or hypermatter, etc... which like 1 planet in the system had?
-so precious lovin the thrill...

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2014-05-28 09:25   
thats a bit off topic, but yes. jim's drawing up some 'economy' plans, for roooughtly 1.8 or so, and faustus wants to overhaul the resource system before that. and the least, you'll be seeing hydrogen, oxygen, metals, etc as individual resources again. but that's all long-term

Chief Marshal

Joined: March 23, 2010
Posts: 1187
Posted: 2014-06-20 12:54   
are also resources.

Templar Knights

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 2044
From: Michigan
Posted: 2014-06-20 14:55   
On 2014-06-20 12:54, DiepLuc wrote:

Adapt or die.

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2014-08-28 17:34   
some progress.

"Previously, on Darkspace..."

all the mv maps have objectives now. each map is a 3 system cluster (lacerta, sag, cassie, andromeda...etc) and is set up so that (generally speaking) each faction is attacking its clockwise-adjacent neighbor on the inner half (sag, pavo, columba, norma), and anticlockwise-adjacent on the outer half.

if a faction wins in their clockwise-adjacent neighbor's home system, the map moves to the winning faction's home system. otherwise, the defending faction pushes inward one step closer to sag.

the other 3 arms of ursa minor, canis minor and rogens rift will still be present, and work sorta like a warp/shortcut to the otherside of the map.
for example. ugto's normally pushing clockwise towards icc, but if they get into columbia and then ura minor, they attack anticlockwise and can hit andromeda. icc can hit ugto in lacerta from rogen's rift, and kluth have a direct line to icc in cassie from canis (MI nonwithstanding.)

time limit's up in the air still. between 1-7 days, likely 3-5 or something, assuming icc doesnt keep running unchecked and capping out in 5 hours.

Forger of Destiny
Chief Marshal
We Kick Arse

Joined: October 10, 2009
Posts: 826
Posted: 2014-08-30 05:32   
4 days sounds like a fair amount of time to determine whether cluster X has been conquered by faction Y or Z.
What is intended to happen when a cluster has only 1 or 2 systems captured by the attackers, instead of being either fully captured or defended? I would favour having the systems return to full defender control if only a few planets could be captured, and full attacker control if only few planets were defended (few meaning less than half in a system).

And since every faction is attacking other factions on two fronts, that seems to make 6 separate scenario-like areas where players of any faction would have access to 4 (2 defending, 2 attacking). This would make the play spread across too many fronts (player concentration gets greatly reduced).

I'd recommend having only 1 or 2 areas involved in active combat (such as a UGTO attacking ICC map, with a KLuth attacking UGTO map simultaneously, or KLuth reinforcing their own systems, more on this later), so that players can focus on a small area of activity.

In continuation with having limited combat areas, I'd propose allowing players of a faction to be able to be in a system only if
1) it belongs to them, ideally fully controlled. This so that they can tweak planets and set up platforms and such to prepare the cluster for a strong defence.
2) they are supposed to be playing there. This, obviously so that UGTO can attack ICC systems, for example.
3) they are in a scout ship. This so they can recon enemy systems, maybe harass ships and do some light bombing. But mainly recon.
Forging legends and lives outside till naught remains inside.

Templar Knights

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 2044
From: Michigan
Posted: 2014-08-30 13:50   
On 2014-08-30 05:32, Forger of Destiny wrote:
In continuation with having limited combat areas, I'd propose allowing players of a faction to be able to be in a system only if
1) it belongs to them, ideally fully controlled. This so that they can tweak planets and set up platforms and such to prepare the cluster for a strong defence.
2) they are supposed to be playing there. This, obviously so that UGTO can attack ICC systems, for example.
3) they are in a scout ship. This so they can recon enemy systems, maybe harass ships and do some light bombing. But mainly recon.

How do you define "supposed to be playing there"?
Adapt or die.

Forger of Destiny
Chief Marshal
We Kick Arse

Joined: October 10, 2009
Posts: 826
Posted: 2014-08-31 04:22   
On 2014-08-30 13:50, Talien wrote:
How do you define "supposed to be playing there"?

Well, similar to how a kid is supposed to be confined in the area of the house. The kid is confined because there are no plans for travel (school or say a beach trip, analogous to recon missions or when a cluster gets selected for a UGTO attacking ICC defending scenario mission). So while your faction's high command isn't ready for capturing a cluster, you are not allowed to take big ships to enemy areas and start a one-man war.

Once they're ready and have given the signal, you're most welcome to travel inter-cluster and make your people proud; and no one will judge if you choose to stay in your safer areas, maybe fortifying planets or shooing away pesky ICC and K'Luth bomber scouts.

This is a working basis for a system having only 1-2 clusters available for faction fights which would help players satisfy their hunger for combat.
Forging legends and lives outside till naught remains inside.

Templar Knights

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 2044
From: Michigan
Posted: 2014-08-31 11:21   
On 2014-08-31 04:22, Forger of Destiny wrote:
Well, similar to how a kid is supposed to be confined in the area of the house. The kid is confined because there are no plans for travel (school or say a beach trip, analogous to recon missions or when a cluster gets selected for a UGTO attacking ICC defending scenario mission). So while your faction's high command isn't ready for capturing a cluster, you are not allowed to take big ships to enemy areas and start a one-man war.

Once they're ready and have given the signal, you're most welcome to travel inter-cluster and make your people proud; and no one will judge if you choose to stay in your safer areas, maybe fortifying planets or shooing away pesky ICC and K'Luth bomber scouts.

This is a working basis for a system having only 1-2 clusters available for faction fights which would help players satisfy their hunger for combat.

So basically your idea is having all non-mission areas rank locked to ensign (I.E. Scouts only) for factions that don't control them, and only having no rank restriction for the current contested zones? I can see how that could work, it would give people who like large maps a lot of areas to explore or mark for future conquest while keeping the people who want instant action upon logging in happy by giving them combat based in whatever system/systems happen to be the current hotzone.
Adapt or die.

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2014-08-31 16:38   
okay, so this is what happens* when FACTION XX///YY///ZZ achieves majority control on any given map.

icc looks to bet pretty well set. they have paths into both ugto and kluth space most of the time, but the latter will take a bit of work to set up.
ugto has a good line on kluth, but needs a tactical loss to flex on icc space.

so lets see how many problems we can find here. ill start.

  1. kluth cant directly attack ugto space unless they(kluth)'ve lost a few maps first.
  2. kluth do have a direct line to icc home territory
  3. kluth cant attack into normal at all

*may not actually happen like that, because reasons.

Forger of Destiny
Chief Marshal
We Kick Arse

Joined: October 10, 2009
Posts: 826
Posted: 2014-09-01 06:03   
I can see that ICC cannot attack Perseus either.

And I see that no faction can attack Norma from Columba, or vice versa.

And I'll just say, having 4 of the 12 systems in the inner group disrupts symmetry. 4 Inners plus 3 Home and 3 warp systems leave UGTO and ICC odd two systems, namely Perseus and Caelum. Perseus can't be attacked by ICC, and Norma (instead of Caelum due to even more asymmetric positioning) can't be hit by K'Luth.

I feel it likely you've just missed drawing a couple of arrows to Norma and Perseus. Either that, or the map needs inner group planets adjusted to 3 or 6, instead of 4.
Forging legends and lives outside till naught remains inside.

*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: August 08, 2010
Posts: 20
Posted: 2014-09-26 22:42   
The idea that you can't attack a system as a one-man war seems logical, however, would it not be better to make it so you can't access a system that is not adjacent to a system you already control?

The concept would be that the gates would 'lock' so you could not use them to enter another system until the majority of the planets in the current system are controlled by your faction. the only issue with that would be people capping the bare minimum to advance...which i consider a plausible risk, and would allow those who are not frontline (noobs or people looking for easier pres) to 'clean up' the planets in the backfield.

also, could a system be considered neutral...as no faction has the upper hand at that point in time?

edit: clarity
[ This Message was edited by: Gekko-Go on 2014-09-26 22:43 ]

DS is not dead

Forger of Destiny
Chief Marshal
We Kick Arse

Joined: October 10, 2009
Posts: 826
Posted: 2014-09-30 02:54   
On 2014-09-26 22:42, Gekko-Go wrote:
The idea that you can't attack a system as a one-man war seems logical, however, would it not be better to make it so you can't access a system that is not adjacent to a system you already control?

The concept would be that the gates would 'lock' so you could not use them to enter another system until the majority of the planets in the current system are controlled by your faction. the only issue with that would be people capping the bare minimum to advance...which i consider a plausible risk, and would allow those who are not frontline (noobs or people looking for easier pres) to 'clean up' the planets in the backfield.

also, could a system be considered neutral...as no faction has the upper hand at that point in time?

edit: clarity
[ This Message was edited by: Gekko-Go on 2014-09-26 22:43 ]

That is a good idea, but it ends up limiting the area where players can go for exploration or sightseeing. I've taken people a couple of times to MI territory, and I'd like to be able to keep doing that

My idea was hovering around letting players take scouts (especially bomber scouts) to soften up planets in nearby systems, hoping that one of them would get selected for a fight mission and they would have an easier time invading, as opposed to getting insta-killed by players that may be camping a jumpgate. Having one or more scouts doing recon before and at the beginning of a mission in the enemy system would enable the fight to actually proceed. I did not consider stopping players from entering non-adjacent areas, as doing anything there would be inefficient; and hence no one would go so far in the first place without a special purpose.

And if somehow a faction is able to capture a planet in a non-mission system a) using tiny scouts b) using their tiny cargo space c) not using any supply platforms (no engineers allowed, remember?) and d) under attack and constant threat of steam-rolling by AI frigates and players, I salute them. Aye, platforms that may already be existing in a system would greatly increase effectiveness of such a scout team, but I trust my fellow DSers to be able to tackle tiny niggles like that ^^,

I don't know if DS has any implementation to completely stop a player from entering a non-adjacent cluster. Right now it can stop you based on your ship's rank, but that is probably it. So some effort may be needed to implement gates that can lock up.

At the moment DS labels a system having over 50% neutral planets as a neutral system. I think this definition is sufficient for most purposes, so an alternative definition does not seem to be needed.
Forging legends and lives outside till naught remains inside.

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