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Forum Index » » Diplomacy » » Kluth, if it aint PB it aint Kluth !!!
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 Author Kluth, if it aint PB it aint Kluth !!!

Joined: January 15, 2002
Posts: 195
Posted: 2002-11-29 16:39   
Ok heres the deal TWP went on the offensive today in wolf and along with BIS, the operationwas a complete succsess, wolf fell. Anyway as expected a massive UGTO retaliation followed (it always does).

So heres the deal, once it comes the time to take up arms try to hold the onslaught, well it was difficult, wolf was a dead loss and icc started hitting lalande and barnards, so now we come to the point where we have to rally the trops and get some ships in there, and some support arrives...

then things get totally out of hand and now we really need help, a member of my fleet infos me that PB guys about (maybe 9 not sure) are having thier fun in FA, not a prob i thought they will come !!

Well it wont surprise you to know that of the PB players in mv today it was the good old faithfulls (coombie, chosen, varz), and as those guys are the usual suspects well no one was surprised, what surprised me was when i went out to lobby at a particularly bad time to get more help and asked WDPFF if any pb were on his answer was yes about 5, cool (i was daft enough to think)..
then came this...

You whispered to [PB]WDPFF : "are any of them helping hold the fleet from hell in mv ???"

* [PB]WDPFF whispered "you started it."

[PB]WDPFF whispered "we hold TWP systems all night, you stuck your stick in the hornets nest and now your gonna pay for it

[PB]WDPFF whispered "its not my fault your newb fleets eyes are too big for its stomach

PB]WDPFF whispered "pls dont take out your feelings about your panzy ass fleet on me, its not my fault they all suck

TWP]g0ds s0ldier @58234 sent to Clan: "nope Neo, no PB in Lalande

[PB]WDPFF whispered "look just because we defend your space does not mean we have an obligation to save you everytime you do something stupid"

PB]WDPFF whispered "you dont defend anything you just trans cap a bunch of planets and then sit around in POS siphons..

well i think that about says it all, now you know in fullness why TWP was reserected, and for those that are TWP well guys we know that with a few other fleets out there, WE are Kluth......

What s drak day for us this is, please bring us politics asap so this ca be dealt with for good !!!



Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-11-29 16:51   
This is NOT the first time Yule has insulted TWP (hell last time he did it publicly rather than privately). Everyone knows that PB has an elitist attitude, and frankly it has gotten a lot better since KC left. But, unfortunately, there are still a few in there who think they are the best damn thing in this game. The problem is, this label has been slapped onto all of PB when there are good players like Coombie and Creeper who are nothing like the other elitist batsages in teh clan.

And I don't want to hear that this is not the case. I was in PB, so was Neostar and most of TWP. We know who is like what in that clan, and who is not. Yule thinks he is better then everybody and is ruining the gaming atmosphere.

I would say a bit more, but I have to go eat and I know this thing will either be deleted or locked before I get back. Long story short: Yule needs a reform or he needs to go.

BTW: Yule=WPDFF for those innocent bystanders.

Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2002-11-29 16:56   
Its not the first time Yule insults anything.
Heck it would be weird if he wouldnt.

Anyway PB has died and left some sort of something behind.

  Goto the website of Barthezzz
Varz zZz zz

Joined: March 16, 2002
Posts: 702
From: East Coast, USA.
Posted: 2002-11-29 17:05   


PB. Simply the best.


Joined: January 21, 2002
Posts: 224
Posted: 2002-11-29 18:12   

On 2002-11-29 16:39, Neostar wrote:

PB]WDPFF whispered "pls dont take out your feelings about your panzy ass fleet on me, its not my fault they all suck


  Email Undertaker

Joined: February 23, 2002
Posts: 1275
From: Poorly ventilated paint storage facility.
Posted: 2002-11-29 18:43   
That is nice work neo, posting less then half the chat and inserting some clan chat to hide it. This brings into question an aspect of your character. An aspect which I have never given any player a reason to doubt, your integrity. I regretfully do not have the entire chat log, I imagine it will be posted eventually, I do however have select quotes.

Before I get to that however I have a few more important things I wish to discuss. First I request this thread not be locked, it is in the soap box where it belongs, and more importantly a locked thread can still be read, and I feel that PBs reputation should not be tarnished by neos feelings towards PB following an incident where he tried essentially to assume control over the clan, and the subsequent refusal of the core admiralty of pitch black to join his new fleet.

What i must address first neos statement that If it aint PB it aint kluth. I will treat this as what it is; neos attempt to wrest control over the kluth. In order to do this I must explain the events in full.

I was in the lobby reading the forums and I noticed in the offline chat ragglocks request for assist in the metaverse, something I nearly always follow up on. However he was offline so I asked neostar what was going on. He said that the UGTO were invading lalande and the icc where making a joint attack through the eri. When I asked why he was in the lobby he stated that he was reading the forums. Thats fine I could care less, but Im not going to defend his sytems while he screws around in the lobby. I then recieve a call from another TWP who is currently in eri that he needs assist. Fine, that I respond to. I left FA joined the MV and took a piercer and began making the trip to eri, neo came shortly after and arrived shortly after me. I got to eri to find a TWP PLANET was being invaded. I then scrapped the non essential structures on the planet and built inf boxes from barracks. To make this clear I LOST PRESTIGE FOR A TWP PLANET. I managed to save the planet with limited assist from TWP who were chasing an extractor. After the enemy infantry were eliminated i loaded 4 elites from the nearest planet, my intention to immediately recap the system and reinforce wolf. Unfortunately TWP was busily calling the icc a bunch of cowards (presumably for not fighting kluth destroyers in their extractors). This isnt my style, so I left. I had a look at the MV map and basically I found that TWP had been pressing sol. This was done with no prior planning or preparation. TWP essentially ran up and kicked the UGTO in the shins and then ran back to hide behind PB. I stepped aside, i told him "you started it".

At that point neo went off. Regrettfully i do not have this quote verbatim but you have my word that i have not attempted to color his words as he has tried to do to mine.
"i hoped you would say that, now I am going to post this in the forums to show that PB doesnt care about anything but PB. I am ordering my fleet to stop defending your planets, and I will be there to capture each planet that falls. you will pay for your inaction"

This was about 5 minutes after I acted to save a TWP planet.

To that i responded with:
[PB]WDPFF whispered "we hold TWP systems all night, you stuck your stick in the hornets nest and now your gonna pay for it

[PB]WDPFF whispered "its not my fault your newb fleets eyes are too big for its stomach

The intent of this was to convey the fact that PB is not his pawn. If he wants to make a joint assault he can tell us beforehand. We are happy to hold and defend TWP systems, and we are happy to make joint strikes (recall the BIS/KIGR/PB attack on exathra) but we are not here save his fleet from itself.

To draw this back to the main thread he implies that PB does not care about anything but PB. Funny I dont see PB instituting a policy not to defend TWP systems, and I dont see PB makingtopics in the forum to weaken the kluth faction for our own gain. Actually that is exactly what the TWP are doing. This seems funny to me neo, I dont notice the rest of your fleet doing this. Just you.

In fact i told him to ask his fleet before making this post. Specifically 4cemj, who I have fought side by side with in odds worse then 4 - 1 for TWP systems. Night after night. But since you were blinded by emotion you responded with things like this.

* [TWP]Neostar whispered "hmm really, yup i thought so,, you really are talking out of your butt but hey you always did"

and this:
* [TWP]Neostar whispered "lol you are so blinded by your arrogance you cant see it, your are nothing

Once again nice job neo, trying to get me to say what you wanted so you could take quotes out of context. Nothing like trying to drag down your old clan mates who would have sacrificed their own ships to save yours.

I have a question for you neo. What was your fleet doing while you were writing this post? Oh right, they were trying to hold lalande....This is exactly what happened when you left PB, you spent your time in the forums and insulting your old fleet mates over clan chat while PB ignored you and went on capping systems. Once again you chose YOURSELF over your faction.

However it goes deeper then this. Even while you pleaded for assist you were not even in the system trying to hold it. Your only motive was trying to deface PB. I cannot fault your fleet for this I fault you. YOU are the one who does not care about kluth.

YOU are the one who is enforcing a policy with your clan that weakens the kluth directly. YOU are the one who was not acting for the benifit of the faction as you lectured me on the same thing. Actually it is much worse, you were acting in DIRECT OPPOSITION to teamwork that makes the kluth work. The kluth are generally a tight bunch, we have to be to defend ourselves against the 3 - 1 odds we face every single battle. Except for you neo, you are the one who picks up the PB infantry during joint capping operations to make sure the planet caps TWP. Again neo its all you. Take a hard look.

You will notice i kept all levity from this post. This is because I wish to convey in all seriousness what is meant by the post, whith no possibility that it may be missconstrued. It is devoid of sarcasm, or insults to your fleet. I have respect for the skill and loyalty of most of its members. Especially 4cemj, Undertaker and Saggitter. The quotes in the above were written by me and I regret them. They were taken out of a conversation meant only for neo. They do not reflect my feelings towards most of the TWP membership.

Thankyou for reading the rest of the story.

*edit feel free to ask ~L~ or SW or TK if they see me leaving them free caps in the MV. I bet they all give you the same answer.

[ This Message was edited by: WDPFF on 2002-11-29 18:52 ]
You sir, have an incurable case of rationality. I'm afraid the only thing you can do is develop a deep cynicism before the stress of searching for something you cannot find causes a stroke.

  Goto the website of NoPants2win

Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-11-29 18:49   
i sadly could not make it as i was sound asleep at the time... but i was informed it went quite well untill the end... BIS will stick by TWP anytime and we hope it is likewise

dont be offended by yule, he thinks he is all high and mighty... let him be, when he realises it he will fall on his ass.. hes sent BIS members (when they were still in MV training) on suicide missions with no backup... they asked for it and himself and Peanut butters just sat there... and from what ive heard he has turned 2 enemy factions in FA soley against me just to make my day bad... whats this game coming to... enemys ally to kill just 1 person in a supply ship :/


Joined: February 23, 2002
Posts: 1275
From: Poorly ventilated paint storage facility.
Posted: 2002-11-29 19:02   
I sent a frigate to scout a planet. I was unaware this was too much to ask of a 1st rear admiral. And that was varz and I messing around with you on
on your first day of being admiral cuz we like ya. I swear I have never ordered anyone to target you.

[ This Message was edited by: WDPFF on 2002-11-29 19:04 ]
You sir, have an incurable case of rationality. I'm afraid the only thing you can do is develop a deep cynicism before the stress of searching for something you cannot find causes a stroke.

  Goto the website of NoPants2win
Varz zZz zz

Joined: March 16, 2002
Posts: 702
From: East Coast, USA.
Posted: 2002-11-29 19:11   

I am leaving PB. It's nothing personal against anyone.

Neostar and Yule, I don't have anything against either of you. I joined PB right before the whole thing went KablOOie.....so I never got a chance to work with many of the TWP people very much.

However, I don't want to be in a situation where every time I go to play there is a crisis. I'm not pointing a finger at anyone by saying this, just saying I don't want to be caught up in too much drama. I am playing for fun and this whole situation is not fun. Period.

So I am resigning my position in PB. It has been fun playing with you all I hope that I still get a chance to do that. No hard feelings.


PB. Simply the best.


Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-11-29 19:49   
yule... you do sound convincing... hopefully you can show me one day that you actualy like me... untill we meet on the battlefield

2nd Rear Admiral

Joined: July 03, 2002
Posts: 3697
From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted: 2002-11-29 19:53   
Well per request I am routing through the logs, my lord you two do yap alot, so we can see just what happened...

Regardless... I cant help feeling this belongs more in Diplomacy, if partys agree, I would like to move this thread to there...

  Email Tael
2nd Rear Admiral

Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-11-29 20:08   
I must say Yule, after reading your side of the story and the way you put your words, my respect for you has risen. I know I'm gonna get a lot of crap for posting something positive about you, but one can never truly get irritated at a fellow or former clanmates.

Yule, Neostar; Pb, TWP: We have all fought together under one name and under two names on several occasions. We have all been clanmates and we will always be faction-mates. Frankly inter-faction bickering is useless, inefficient, and pointless in the end. Unfortunately I have learned this lesson the hard way just as most of us have.

And, though I hate to say it, I don't want to be caught in the middle of a fight between my old clan and my new clan. Thus I am leaving TWP. We will all still be friends because thats how this game works: You join a clan, you make friends for life, no matter where you go afterwards. I know I will remain friends with old clanmates from PB and from TWP. Hell, I'm still friends with old mates from KSF, VA, and Chimera.

But loyalty stretches farthur than the clan. I will remain K'Luth, though not with TWP or with PB. I will fight by their sides within the best interests of the faction, but I refuse to take sides in such sever infighting. I will defend both TWP and PB space to the death as I would with any K'Luth planet.

So here lies the true question to both of you: Is it worth it? Neo, was it worth it to start this topic? Yule, was it worth it to encourage it? Both of you, is it worth it to fight? So far PB has lost one member and TWP has lost two because of this fighting. How many more will it take?

Naufragus the Hashishin

Joined: September 17, 2001
Posts: 1253
From: Dallas, Los Angeles, Paris
Posted: 2002-11-29 20:31   
man- this must be the Kluth's Laundermat cuz i see their dirty laundry piled up all over

[ This Message was edited by: Naufragus the Nincompoop on 2002-11-29 20:32 ]

Commander Cain

Joined: April 04, 2002
Posts: 218
Posted: 2002-11-29 20:37   

On 2002-11-29 20:08, Optic wrote:
I must say Yule, after reading your side of the story and the way you put your words, my respect for you has risen. I know I'm gonna get a lot of crap for posting something positive about you, but one can never truly get irritated at a fellow or former clanmates.

Yule, Neostar; Pb, TWP: We have all fought together under one name and under two names on several occasions. We have all been clanmates and we will always be faction-mates. Frankly inter-faction bickering is useless, inefficient, and pointless in the end. Unfortunately I have learned this lesson the hard way just as most of us have.

And, though I hate to say it, I don't want to be caught in the middle of a fight between my old clan and my new clan. Thus I am leaving TWP. We will all still be friends because thats how this game works: You join a clan, you make friends for life, no matter where you go afterwards. I know I will remain friends with old clanmates from PB and from TWP. Hell, I'm still friends with old mates from KSF, VA, and Chimera.

But loyalty stretches farthur than the clan. I will remain K'Luth, though not with TWP or with PB. I will fight by their sides within the best interests of the faction, but I refuse to take sides in such sever infighting. I will defend both TWP and PB space to the death as I would with any K'Luth planet.

So here lies the true question to both of you: Is it worth it? Neo, was it worth it to start this topic? Yule, was it worth it to encourage it? Both of you, is it worth it to fight? So far PB has lost one member and TWP has lost two because of this fighting. How many more will it take?

Great post. All PB/TWP and it seems now BIS memebers should love by those words.

I too have my feelings and thoughts on this matter but I dont feel this is the time or the place for them. There is alot of stuff going on here that shouldnt be posted in a public fourm.

I will be pushing for a meeting of Pitch Black brass and I ask that TWP and BIS do the same. Before this spins out of control all the fleets need to get all the facts, then sit down and decide what is best for the faction.

I just ask the everyone PLEASE calm down, get a hold of your brused ego and talk to your fleet leaders. This mess can be resolved and the damage repaired.

Thank you,
[PB]Commander Cain


Joined: May 31, 2002
Posts: 326
Posted: 2002-11-29 20:40   
Needless to say, when the version that goes live that allows us to declare against fleets of our own faction, there will be some fun to be had.


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