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 Author Kluth, if it aint PB it aint Kluth !!!

Joined: January 15, 2002
Posts: 195
Posted: 2002-11-30 16:06   
Well it becomes clear that things cant be kept in game, my post started carefully not laying direct insult at any1, yet again i have come under personnal attack, SPECTREX you have somthing to say about my activities that infringes the roc or such others rules you post it where it should go, other wise you better watch what you say, at the end of the day this post (when it started wasnt hard to do) all i did was offer up actual quotes from another person (just like a newpaper would), it was as selv put a warning shot fired at 1 person to his continual abuse of myself and fleet (ya should have heard him when we quit PB) thats fact..

But no, now its gotten all bitter and sad and twisted and now even bloody admin are putting in there opinion as admin, and publically stepping into the fray against 1 player in def of another who only had his own words posted !!!!!!.

Selv you say im posturing (just as you did in pmf) well id like to know where that context came from was it that post or new in this, once again you proove the point of what my pmf thread was meant to be..

i started this thread completely in game and since then it has been bent and warped by a lot of people saying a lot of not so good things, and no doubt it will go on and on, it seems like i tapped into the well of emotion big time..

And the irony is while all you nasty peeps still get stuck in with your cooments and accusations, it has already been put to rest between our 2 fleets, WE ALL understand how it happened and we have all made sure it wont again, and in all truth have probably worked out a better understanding than we did have...

so all you that have put in your bitchy remarks carry on, for us its done, most of us remembered it was only a game and most remembered this topic started in game..

And this last 1 gets fired out to where those that its to know who is meant,
if this post has required so much of your attention so far (remembering it started in game) then some of you are gonna be pretty damn busy involving yourselfs in the futre when politics hit game, if ya cant keep out of this then what are you gonna do when its going on all over..?? end subject ..


Joined: December 12, 2001
Posts: 1323
From: Missouri, USA
Posted: 2002-11-30 16:23   
Neo, shut it man, yer way outta line. And this was NOT started in game since you originally posted it in the Soap Box forums. This whole thing is like a big SOAP opera (get it? =P)

And as far as personal insults go Neo, Specterx did no such thing. He was simply displaying your credibility. Basically you blow things way out of proportion, you always have. Specterx cited the example where you threatened to tell all clans to never let us in anymore because we had a personal connection in RL. The point is, you need to calm down and give serious thought before you you post something so controversial (SP?). It's way too late to unpost something after 44 replies.

You started this snowball, now you will just have to wait until it gets to the bottom of the hill before you starting picking up the wreckage.

  Email Orion_Prime
Lith Ragond
Galactic Navy

Joined: November 25, 2001
Posts: 1854
Posted: 2002-11-30 17:14   
well, i tried reading all the posts. but due to the fact that this has gotten completely blown out of proportion, i find some of these threads redicoulous. when i came over to Kluth, i thought of joining TWP of PB, mainly because they are so good at working as a team. and now, there seems to be this rift between the two fleets. i will admit i dont understand even half the problem. to me though, it seems there are two sides, with equally large egos. i dont want to say everyone in PB, or TWP are at fault. heck, i have some friends in both fleets, and like everyone in each fleet. those of you posting to this, and adding to the fire, need to chill out. remember, this is a GAME! if you get all upset because someone drops some inf on a planet, or if there are some fleet members not helping protect their faction territory, or WHATEVER... well... there is just no need. just play for fun. sure, its fun seeing a planet cap for your fleet, and seeing the MV your faction color, but it is so not worth getting upset over if it doesnt happen how you want it.

so basically guys, maybe you should rething how much of a game DS is for you. it seems there are some of you that have gotten lost in the 'world' that is DS, it almost happened to me. i was so concerned over this and that. but once i broke that kind of thinking... well, in the past couple weeks, i have been having more fun playing DS than the 5 previous months combined.

just have fun.


Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-11-30 18:54   

On 2002-11-30 11:54, Specterx wrote:

On 2002-11-30 02:20, ph34rd wrote:
BUT after about 4 hours there was an attack in Groomy 34 so we responded and other PB were brought in from Comander Cain, specterx, coombie and some others... we capped it back... then made our way to delta pav (i had to turn back because icc entered sirius just as i was entering proc so i got to delta pav about 25mins after them... they had capped Price so far... they were working on Darcel and i had 6e with me... as i entered orbit they had dropped all their inf and there were only 10 freindly inf left with greenie enemys spawning... so i dropped my 6 e's and waited... it capped 30secs later and then coombie told me to "f" off (didnt put the whole word for the youngins present) and a few other words and i was told to leave and that my 6e werent needed to cap it... commander cain and i think specterx said something also... yule pvt msgd me and asked me nicely to leave... then coombie threatened to FF me if i didnt leave...and i said if they did i would report them and they would prolyl be banned as i was once before banned on the spot for FF'ing (i was in my own right to tho... i was fired on first ) and they said that they wouldnt be banned... now i understand PB has alot of members who are mods so im wondering if they have any special ties with the "higher" DS community... i tried to convince them it was a Kluth planet not a faction planet (as i see this game) but they kept whingin so i remaned in orbit... they also said that they dont need anyonelses help... if they didnt need anyones help then Lalande wouldnt be owned by Kluth atm... and also they wouldnt have seen the 2nd wave of icc cruisers entering sirius... so i joined the english lobby to seak freindly advice to see if i was in the wrong moraly (i knew i wasnt in the wrong with any breach of the RoC) Moderator Varzadium who is a freind told me that PB have been havin a bad day and reminded me of the soap box thread... i understood that part and confronted the ingame players but they kept whinging...

Ph34rd, there's a little something called etiquette that applies to situations such as you found yourself in. Yule told we didn't need nor want any help in DP, but you came anyway. PB as a fleet just wanted to cap some planets on our own, after having to log on and deal with this. Instead of leaving us alone you not only had to barge in, but you had to jump to the planet we were capping at literally the last second and drop troops, just so it went over to BIS, after we had spent 30 mins ferrying inf and whittling down the planet's defenses. That would be rude under any circumstances, but then you had the nerve to gloat about it and ignored us when we asked you to leave. You upset the situation enough to make Coombie loose his temper, something I have never seen anyone manage to do. Even after all that, you didn't realize that it wasn't the best time to start a fight with us, and here we are.

BTW, we never threatened to FF you, that's a false statement (aren't false statements usually called LIES?).

i will request for the logs to be brought up on delta pav and the entire conversation and maybe an events history to show how many inf were on darcel and how many i dropped and the 30 seconds later it was capped... i am seriously pushing for logs to be posted because as i suspected and others knew i would be outnumbered and trodden on... im not letting this go... being threatened to be FF'd and told to f off doesnt go down nicely with me...

*Request* for Delta Pav action and chat logs from yesterday

Specterx funny how your story is totally differant to mine and that coombie hasnt said anything in this thread yet and it has made 4 pages :/

Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: April 30, 2002
Posts: 830
From: Land of Chocolate
Posted: 2002-11-30 19:31   
If this stays in K'luth, they will end up destroying themselves. Nice speech Yule. If inter-faction wars do happen, there most likely will be many problems. I give it a 50% chance that all the factions will get all tied up fighting themselves, rather then everyone else.
Captain of the StarCruiser
I hit planets for fun!
Spellchecker, the POWER t00l

Fleet Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: December 09, 2001
Posts: 547
From: Virginia/California
Posted: 2002-11-30 19:32   

Specterx funny how your story is totally differant to mine and that coombie hasnt said anything in this thread yet and it has made 4 pages :/

Coombie posted right below challenger.

  Email Specterx   Goto the website of Specterx
Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: April 30, 2002
Posts: 830
From: Land of Chocolate
Posted: 2002-11-30 19:32   
If this stays in K'luth, they will end up destroying themselves. Nice speech Yule. If inter-faction wars do happen, there most likely will be many problems. I give it a 50% chance that all the factions will get all tied up fighting themselves, rather then everyone else.
Captain of the StarCruiser
I hit planets for fun!
Spellchecker, the POWER t00l

Grand Admiral

Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-11-30 19:50   

On 2002-11-30 19:32, Specterx wrote:

Specterx funny how your story is totally differant to mine and that coombie hasnt said anything in this thread yet and it has made 4 pages :/

Coombie posted right below challenger.

mmm i apologise... didnt see that... and in regards to coombies post... yes bring up the logs

Selvarian {IMC}

Joined: August 18, 2001
Posts: 1242
From: GA, USA
Posted: 2002-11-30 21:21   

Huh? What is the core of what I have been saying here? KEEP IT IN-GAME! Don't bash someone who is saying the same thing as you are.

As for the "posturing" remark, it had solely to do with your post in the PMF, and little to nothing to do with what is transpiring here.

Everyone else that wants to make "official" requests,

Please post them in the proper place, the Staff Feedback forum. Thanks!

Prime Engineer
Caitian Defense Corps
Founding Member - Interstellar Mercenary Corps

  Email Selvarian {IMC}   Goto the website of Selvarian {IMC}
Commander Cain

Joined: April 04, 2002
Posts: 218
Posted: 2002-12-01 00:04   
I am not leaving PB, I never will.
but... I am not logging in unitll you people reach and mature past the age of 8.

see ya in 4 years.

[PB]Commander Cain

Darkheyr ={NuKe Squad}=
Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 23, 2001
Posts: 805
Posted: 2002-12-01 02:55   
Specterx : Just to clarify, if I say "PB as a clan" I mean that a few or a single PB member, we always got along with, but as soon as there were a larger group of them, they often caused trouble.

Just so noone thinks I'm insulting people here...

And Neo : Calm down. I do agree that PB tends to be arrogant a lot, but you're WAY overreacting.

\"A little bit of weird with a dash of oddness.\" -Kitana

  Email Darkheyr ={NuKe Squad}=

Joined: January 15, 2002
Posts: 195
Posted: 2002-12-01 03:52   
Ok im now sat down nice and chilled and not letting my frustrations better me, first il admit that this has all gotten my goat and the reason is that it has spun way out of control.

There have been so many sub accusations its unreal and its all gotten quite sad, suffice to say that now this whole topic has gone off in a wild direction it no longer has any bearing on what was intended (ironically that happened shortly after the topic began)..

So now that my aims are achieved and i know what i need to know i can let this rest (as far as im concerned) you guys may continue quite happily .

And 1 for the sceptics before i go... i really wouldnt bank on this post indicating that kluth are gonna tear each other apart, the generall feed back already is an acknowledgment of better cohesion and moves already seem to be a foot..

So there you have it, to quote another great race now left for the rim:

through conflict and destruction evolves strength

And now iv had the various meetings i needed to i think things will be a lot stronger, time will tell..


Mercenaries of Andosia

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 2256
From: Switzerland
Posted: 2002-12-02 04:51   
i followed this one since the beginning

don't you think, it is more than time to end it??

the accusations flows fore and back; keep one thing in mind

perhaps, at the start of it, it was a "who is right"-question

now, it is more than a "who is not so much wrong at all"

this one is a downgrade, not only to PB / TWP, or what clan ever, but to the K'Luth-faction and to DS
and we need a strong enemy in MV
no need to love eachother, but dont crush it

i agree with cain (and others) in this one

grow up, all of you

many thanks

  Email Bumblebee
DOM700 [-IMO-]
Fleet Admiral

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-12-02 10:28   
I can only agree with bumblebee
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

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Fleet Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: December 09, 2001
Posts: 547
From: Virginia/California
Posted: 2002-12-02 16:17   
Maybe if people stopped posting it would die off (Yes I'm aware of the irony of that statement...)

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