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Forum Index » » Diplomacy » » Kluth, if it aint PB it aint Kluth !!!
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 Author Kluth, if it aint PB it aint Kluth !!!

Joined: June 14, 2002
Posts: 82
Posted: 2002-11-29 20:52   
well this certainly makes for one of the more interesting forum topics

Varz zZz zz

Joined: March 16, 2002
Posts: 702
From: East Coast, USA.
Posted: 2002-11-29 21:47   
hehe...yeah it is.


PB. Simply the best.

Lith Ragond
Galactic Navy

Joined: November 25, 2001
Posts: 1854
Posted: 2002-11-29 22:47   
lol, the K'luth by nature fight amongest themselves, bout time someone started acting like a real Kluth my excuse is i am half human


Joined: April 19, 2002
Posts: 162
From: Sydney, Australia
Posted: 2002-11-29 23:08   
I will await the full chatlogs before i make my comment. But i trust what WDPFF is true.

What i am sick of is the slandering of our clan by Neostar and some of the other members of TWP. For the most part TWP are all nice guys, but there always has to be the rotten egg in every clan. And have a guess who it is in TWP.

Why dont you just back down Neostar, stop slandering us. We dont need your help to defend our planets, you will no longer get ours and lets just ignore each other. The moment we can start killing each other your #1 on PB's hitlist and ill make sure you go down.

To the rest of the Kluth faction, call on PB whenever you need some support in attacking or defense we are always willing to help, we stand by all real Kluth members.


Fleet Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: December 09, 2001
Posts: 547
From: Virginia/California
Posted: 2002-11-29 23:38   

Neostar, it's not clear to anyone why you have such a problem with PB or such a desire to see us publicly slandered and dishonored. Normally, when ONE person has a fight with ONE other person, they keep it personal, or at least within reasonable circles. Yet, you feel the need to display your dirty laundry for all to see.

Since we're slinging mud, let's talk about the time you threatened to get Orion_Prime and I "blacklisted" from ever joining a fleet because we played on a LAN once a month, and how you tried (and failed) to kick me out of PB for it. Let's talk about how you left PB - firing insults off at us over clanchat, calling us disorganized and uncommited, this while the rest of our fleet was capping the ICC home system and you were sitting alone in the lobby. I (or We) could have used this as ammunition in some kind of public anti-TWP campaign, attacking your character (and, by extension and the addition of some fuzzy logic, your fleet). Yet, this was not done. At least Yule gives respect to those deserving of it.

It's a mystery to me how someone who carries out vendettas against entire fleets can be appointed to and remain in a MOD position. It's obvious you have no respect for anyone in PB and don't recognize that there are people behind the tag. What do you hope to accomplish? Are you trying to kill PB? You've already driven off several of our members, and now one of your own. Keep it up.

To Neo, and to everyone else who calls PB "elitists": Let's have some names, and real examples - enough evidence to clearly establish a trend. I have yet to see any proof, EVER, of a long-term trend of elitist or self-centered behavior by a majority (or even a small minority) of PB members. If you can't provide evidence, then guess what - you're going to get flamed for being a liar, and it will be obvious to everyone that you just love passing on rumors.

  Email Specterx   Goto the website of Specterx
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: May 27, 2002
Posts: 345
From: Wouldnt you like to know
Posted: 2002-11-29 23:52   
Hmm PB system TWP system hmm didnt know there was 2 new factions added.To me it,s all kluth systems.You people better get your priorities straight.

  Email Beast

Joined: May 26, 2002
Posts: 893
Posted: 2002-11-30 01:16   
dont worry they will be tehre own factions as soon as they are able to...

they really dont care about that, they just care about how many planets they have....
\"Experience is a tough teacher. She gives the test first and the lesson after.\"
~ William H. O


Joined: November 06, 2002
Posts: 177
Posted: 2002-11-30 02:15   
this is a good post for the soap box, i bet we will find out yule had an affair with neostar soon. Varz found out and since he is secretly in love with yule too but doesn't dare to admit it he left VB so he doesnt have to see Yule that often.

Great storyline so far, keep it up!

Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2002-11-30 02:18   

On 2002-11-30 02:15, Saitan wrote:
this is a good post for the soap box, i bet we will find out yule had an affair with neostar soon. Varz found out and since he is secretly in love with yule too but doesn't dare to admit it he left VB so he doesnt have to see Yule that often.

Great storyline so far, keep it up!

OH NO! Neo is getting Yules baby!

  Goto the website of Barthezzz
Fleet Admiral

Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-11-30 02:20   

On 2002-11-29 18:49, ph34rd wrote:
i sadly could not make it as i was sound asleep at the time... but i was informed it went quite well untill the end... BIS will stick by TWP anytime and we hope it is likewise

dont be offended by yule, he thinks he is all high and mighty... let him be, when he realises it he will fall on his ass.. hes sent BIS members (when they were still in MV training) on suicide missions with no backup... they asked for it and himself and Peanut butters just sat there... and from what ive heard he has turned 2 enemy factions in FA soley against me just to make my day bad... whats this game coming to... enemys ally to kill just 1 person in a supply ship :/

so i dont disrupt the storyline of this whole thread and replys in regards to this post i have quoted it but i am changing it... after spending 3 hours in MV with Yule capping lalande with just him, [TWP]4cemje and myself i have found out yule is a good guy...

BUT after about 4 hours there was an attack in Groomy 34 so we responded and other PB were brought in from Comander Cain, specterx, coombie and some others... we capped it back... then made our way to delta pav (i had to turn back because icc entered sirius just as i was entering proc so i got to delta pav about 25mins after them... they had capped Price so far... they were working on Darcel and i had 6e with me... as i entered orbit they had dropped all their inf and there were only 10 freindly inf left with greenie enemys spawning... so i dropped my 6 e's and waited... it capped 30secs later and then coombie told me to "f" off (didnt put the whole word for the youngins present) and a few other words and i was told to leave and that my 6e werent needed to cap it... commander cain and i think specterx said something also... yule pvt msgd me and asked me nicely to leave... then coombie threatened to FF me if i didnt leave...and i said if they did i would report them and they would prolyl be banned as i was once before banned on the spot for FF'ing (i was in my own right to tho... i was fired on first ) and they said that they wouldnt be banned... now i understand PB has alot of members who are mods so im wondering if they have any special ties with the "higher" DS community... i tried to convince them it was a Kluth planet not a faction planet (as i see this game) but they kept whingin so i remaned in orbit... they also said that they dont need anyonelses help... if they didnt need anyones help then Lalande wouldnt be owned by Kluth atm... and also they wouldnt have seen the 2nd wave of icc cruisers entering sirius... so i joined the english lobby to seak freindly advice to see if i was in the wrong moraly (i knew i wasnt in the wrong with any breach of the RoC) Moderator Varzadium who is a freind told me that PB have been havin a bad day and reminded me of the soap box thread... i understood that part and confronted the ingame players but they kept whinging so then i saw Shine (a pb member) was in the lobby and i spoke to him about it nicely as he was not responsible (im not holding PB entirely responsible for this incident but some of its members) and he mentioned that BIS have "mysteriously" captured PB planets overnight... which i thought was quite odd and took it as it was... an accusation that BIS has human spys within the ICC or UGTO and that planet farming was going on... i took offence to this but remained fine and just made clear of what he was saying but he started to withdraw it... then i exited game and came in here... upon arriving in the client a few players sympathised with what i had said in the lobby previously then i thought i may aswell come post it here... now i will say i am awaiting an admin to come online so the whole matter can be investigated (the mv incident and the mysterious planet capping)...


Joined: March 28, 2002
Posts: 886
Posted: 2002-11-30 02:42   
Well let me be the first to respond to what ph34rd. Obviously I am not kluth nor am I even considering the MV or the game here. This is from a Moderator position.

1.) I dont care who you are or who you know if you are a player, Mod, or a Admin FF another player then I or anyother intelligent Mod or Admin will ban you on the spot if catched FF you own members. Reports are good but Pics are better.

2.) Stop all of this stuff. Clan wars is one thing and what you guys are doing now is retarded (yes I am speaking to all involved, yes I am pointing fingers) If you want then mabye a new rule can be passed that when 2 or more clan members drop troops on the planet then the planet will become neutral faction when captured. Then no one will get anything.

3.) This is a community of many Vetran players some more then others. I read this EXTREMELY long post and see a lot of Vets doing most of the typing. So guys just move on as we all have done in the past.

4.) I know nothing about attitude from PB but if there is one then someone needs to get to the bottom of it and deal with it. That goes with anyone. I am all about getting fresh blood into the game and I dont think it will happen if there is attitude flying around.

Most of the posts i can not comment on because i wasnt there and I am hearing it all 2nd person. So im not going to try. Yes Admins will look ino the chat log I will make sure of it. Then when we see the threats of FF then it will be delt with.

For now act as a team who cares who gets what planet. Why is it so important anyway? I know how good PB and the other clans are not because of their planets they own. I measure them by their flying ability, and personalities. Forget the planets, work as a team.


  Email Challenger
Chief Marshal
Pitch Black

Joined: October 04, 2001
Posts: 149
From: Australia
Posted: 2002-11-30 04:25   
In responce to ph34rd.

What actualy happened in dp just now.
There were 4 of us capping away in there with a station, now there is a common respect sort of thing while capping, which is basicly if your tagging along on a cap(not needed/invited) you ask the "station or whoever' if thay need inf and dropping on a planet when your inf are clearly not needed can be seen as rude.

But any way so we are sitting at this planet for like 30 mins running inf back and forth, its in the bag and Pheared come along, runs in and drops inf and it caps (he hasnt offered to group or anything so we spent all that time working on the planet for no cap points or whatever and its annoying.
So I went off been in a bad mood today for some reason prolly this thread, I asked why did he drop when he knew it didnt need it and he makes some sarcastic remark about how he got the cap.

So I lost my temper for a sec and went off, I did say "F off tard" and "piss off" but never threatened to ff him.

Quote" then coombie threatened to FF me if i didnt leave...and i said if they did i would report them and they would prolyl be banned as i was once before banned on the spot for "

This part of his story is made up, he never said another word after i told him to go away.I would never threaten to ff someone this is not something i would do. I like to think i get along with most of the ds community pretty well including the other kluth factions.

Admins plz do check the logs and you will see Pheaded is full of it.

Regards Coombie

PS:I apoligise for useing sutch abrasive words Pheared it wnt happen again

[ This Message was edited by: Coombie on 2002-11-30 04:29 ]


Joined: January 15, 2002
Posts: 195
Posted: 2002-11-30 04:41   
Im actually quite impressed as to how far this has gone, lol all i did was put up WDPFFs reply when asked for help...
Im guessing some didnt like that, well that was expected, and to ALL who think that TWP are trying to take control of kluth... get a grip, me and tops left PB for exactly the point of where this thread started, and to the fact that most only done any mv work when it suited them FACT (with the exception of a few very good players), neither of us tried to drag any1 out of PB those that left did so of thier own accord, still i get the impresion (again as expected) that now iv had the audacity to speak out there are loads cueing to try to take a lump out of me.... again np..
Sheepy you said you dont understand what my problem is with PB well il make it simple, i didnt have 1 , just a problem with a certain few players, and remarks thrown at tops and myself the day we left, they are not forgotten.
Anyway you wouldnt know coz even when i used to inform you of matters like people not pulling there weight nothing got done..

Anyway that will do for response to the personnal remarks made at me, now il respond to the best post (with the exception of ph34rd, nice 1), and that ws lith..

heh your absolutly correct, it is supposed to be in our nature to wrestle, how ever it also highlights 1 other main point, it reminds us all that this is a game, if you look back you can see all i did was post certain replys, this was so not to make it a personnal flame war but after only 1 evening people have jumped in and laid a barrage of remarks specifically at me, which just highlights that some of you people cant help yourselves, you always give your opposition the morale high ground ..

finally to teal, yes m8 move it to diplomacy, or lock it it makes no odds, the point was made.


Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-11-30 04:53   
yule: i was invited to the MV by yourself and sheepy... i came to help... so did 4cemje, wether that has respects to DP or not but i was there for the whole day (the mv)... now i jumped 25secs after you so i dont see how you can say "we went back and forth for 30mins" only 3 others cc, coombie and whoever the otherone was... and i did request to group (i think (check logs)) if not you know i would have i was busy keeping a large group the whole day... its not like i went there to delibrately cap it when i even said to you guys that it doesnt matter who caps it aslong as it was capped... and the planet in question had 10inf on it and was going up and down between 10 and 13 with greenies appearing... so i dropped 6e... thats all... but thats not what were discussing... its PB's (mainly coombie's) outburst which the logs will show were totally uncalled for and a disrespect for freindly/fair gameplay... as i said to him and all of you in there... i have now lost respect for the greatest player on DS... and im sure others have by reading this outburst... i dont know if coombie realises this (he will prolly ignore it like he said to me"ITS ONLY A GAME" which really i shoulda said back regarding the planet cap being mine) but being the highest ranked player with that lead does mean something... you are a high rep of DS... and that means alot...

cheers challenger for looking at this and posting and also to neo


Joined: August 18, 2002
Posts: 29
From: Orlando, FL
Posted: 2002-11-30 04:53   
I'm just glad all of you play on the Kluth faction in the MV. Well, any faction I'm not playing on that is.

Most of you just suck the life and the fun out of DarkSpace. I come here to have fun, but that is almost impossible when you guys show up with all your taunts and your whining and your insufferable attitudes.

I'm just sick of the whole thing now. I wish you would just leave but it will probably be me that does. There are other games. I do not need DarkSpace to give me self-respect like so many of you obviously need.


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