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 Author To the Kluth...
Grand Admiral

Joined: August 14, 2003
Posts: 570
Posted: 2005-04-30 14:35   
Why do we play the faction that we play? Ask yourself that before you start griping about the faction that YOU play on and realize there is TWO other faction to choose from if you are unhappy with the one you are on.

Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2005-04-30 16:29   

On 2005-04-30 14:25, Captain_Savage wrote:
for the record, even nerfed the bug ships are still better than ICC ships. i took on a Kluth destroyer, one with an elf beam, i managed to destroy the sucker, but my cruiser(a heavy cruiser modded with particle cannons and AM torps) sustained heavy damage. this was one on one, a ship of the line versus an auxilliary, and the auxilliary almost won.

frankly, it is possible to over-balance a game. and frankly, the kluth are good, but i sympatise with you, even though i still hate you.

Nothing personal, but you are a 2nd rear. I'm not suprised a Dessie tore into you. It all depends on the pilot.

But see, if a Kluth cruiser had gone against you, you would have wiped him clean. And a Kluth dread? The dread goes boom. Your ship has more armor than a Kluth dread, and I'm sure more full weapons.

After Kluth dessies, we do not compare.
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Legatus Immolation

Joined: December 20, 2004
Posts: 384
Posted: 2005-04-30 17:01   
hey this is my first time posting here.. can someone explain to me what beta is and what its for.. and all the versions of DS like .481 and .482 and .483
It would help if someone could deeply go into detail about this and if ur prestige is reset or not..

If im bored in DS i just like to sit about and either hide under tarn's station and sleep next to namra's Dread or ill just sit about and have a chat with some kluuth.. Mariano or Marina cant remember man ur ship is weird.. u have a destroyer which is weaker than cruser.. but man ur Weapons what ever they are totally wipe all my systems and energy in one strike isee u . you pop outa Stealth and zapp me and im down for the count.. dude either u have mass fluxes or ur very good and stealthy.. good job!

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2005-04-30 20:24   

On 2005-04-30 17:01, AirWolf wrote:
hey this is my first time posting here.. can someone explain to me what beta is and what its for..

beta's the next stage of software development after alpha. its usually the first version that gets put out to the public for testing (open beta, as opposed to close beta, which is generally internal or a select group).

and all the versions of DS like .481 and .482 and .483

just version numbers, can read the dev log (release side, link here to see what features/bug fixes are in past version, or read the log beta side to see whats upcomming)

It would help if someone could deeply go into detail about this and if ur prestige is reset or not..

there wont be a full reset of everybodys profiles unless theres something catastrophic like a complete and utter loss of the database.., tho there was one around the time DS went from beta (the original beta) to pay2play. at the most, the beta profiles might get wiped, or the time played be reset. ya never know tho


Mariano (peace)

Joined: June 24, 2002
Posts: 1006
From: Rainbow Station
Posted: 2005-05-01 04:39   

On 2005-04-30 17:01, AirWolf wrote:
Mariano or Marina cant remember man ur ship is weird.. u have a destroyer which is weaker than cruser.. but man ur Weapons what ever they are totally wipe all my systems and energy in one strike isee u . you pop outa Stealth and zapp me and im down for the count.. dude either u have mass fluxes or ur very good and stealthy.. good job!

kluth tactics: jump in, feed on humans, burn them, jump out

Legatus Immolation

Joined: December 20, 2004
Posts: 384
Posted: 2005-05-01 07:45   
eheh u sneaky devil.. thanx mythica i apreciate that... didnt answer all me questions but its a start...
I just got absaloutly wiped out last night 13 kluuth agasint 6 uggies.. lol
But what is beta and alpha for and what exactly is it?

Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2005-05-01 11:05   
just stages of software development. its there to make sure whats supposed to work does, what isnt supposed to work doesnt, and find and fix any bugs inbetween

alpha's the first stage, usually just the core functionality of the game/program/patch/whatever, a basic set a features, and buggy out the wazoo.

beta's the second stage. most of the features and functions will be locked in, in the case of a game, all the models and textures will be in, some maps and whatnot. beta's usually the first playable/usable version
over the beta period, everythings put in that needs to go in, taken out that needs to be removed, and generally fine-tuned and tweaked before the next version is fully released.

in darkspace terms, not likely to see an alpha, since thats all internal-palestar. you might catch a glimse of something in the dev log tho, alpha has a red heading i belive.

beta's the next version, 1.483 in this case (release version is 1.482[acutally 1.4828] ). as i stated you can read the dev logs to see whats planned for an upcomming version. all patches take 2 Weeks™ and 2 Weeks™ exactly, can read the Beta Testing Guide, all that good stuff

Lark of Serenity
Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: June 02, 2002
Posts: 2516
Posted: 2005-05-01 18:20   
ill just make a few points

1) i tend to avoid using flux myself (except in those cases where im bored and can spare the pres of an MD to take out 1 destroyer), and i think from now on when in command of a fleet i will say to use flux with discretion. im not up for creating more arguments about weapons and ballance and that. and since a new ICC may note that "flux" and "elf" are 2 powerful weapons being talked about. neither of which happens to be of ICC make, i should probably just make it clear that we arent meant to have powerful weapons, but rather powerful defenses. the ICC tactic is to move from planet to planet, and basically, go on the offensive by taking things to defend.

2) i've ordered ICC ships to protect UGTO space, but only in the circumstance that the UGTO are unable or unwilling to protect themselves, it is close or within their home system, and the kluth are using tranny rushes or other tactics of "disputable regard". ive been away for a couple weeks so i've no idea what current ICC actions are in the MV. i really hope my previous orders havent started some sort of habit within ICC to defend UGTO -.- i wonder if weve gotten revenge on them yet for taking CD36. i highly doubt we've made any permanent agreement however, so i dont think its a fair argument against us.

3) now, as for the kluth; yes, i agree that certainly there are more kluth players playing then are arguing in the forums. and certainaly the same could go for the human factions as well. but im worried about a couple things:
A) kluth are supposed to be the offensive hit-and-run faction. that some people PLAYING kluth still mistake it as the ADs-cleverly-disguised-as-shrimp faction is somewhat disconcerting, both to those individuals overall intelligence, and the fact that nearly everyone has stated this fact a few thousand times over and it still goes unheaded.
B) i dont quite understand why kluth use real tactics instead of tranny rushing to take a planet. if u dont want people bashing you, there ARE ways to do it, even with the limited resources u appear to have. and no it doesnt involve finding a lonely rock and bombing it with a clavate. if youd like me to entertain you with my theories on planet capture id be more then happy to come and visit your faction and indulge you with the way ICC does it when we're heavily outnumbered, outgunned and have no chance in hell. even if it doesnt work its usually quite entertaining.

4) generally speaking, i have no respect for kluth TACTICS, everything else about them im fine with, but honestly i could do worse damage to a defended region with a bag of tomatoes. i dont conisder capturing a shipyard next to a well defended planet with a fleet of ICC around it to be anywhere near intelligent, nor is it intelligent to spawn something on the order of 6 hives, 12 dreadnaughts and a random number of destroyers and transports out of this said shipyard into the hands of the waiting enemy fleet. this was my first run-in with the kluth since my return. i consider it to mean that nothing has changed in the minds of the kluth commanders, since the last run in i had with kluth BEFORE i left was watching them try to rush a line of ADs with hives and destroyers. that was 6-7 months ago. so all im saying is maybe if you tried something OTHER then rushing headlong into sticky situations you wouldnt NEED flux or tranny rushes or anything. the only reason it works sometimes is due to a lack of defending ships.

so what im saying is what im usually saying when these arguments spring up:
ICC - defensive and territorial, rely on capturing territory to win
UGTO - balanced and are more dependant on planets for infantry then anything else in my eyes. are good at just being generally good at things. are ok at capturing, are ok at defending, are probably just best and keeping an enemy ship down.
K'luth - ought to be sneaky and clever and have a lot of punch to them but arent supposed to stick around long enough for you to figure out what just happened to your rear shield arc. or how the 50 inf landed on your planet.

so basically ICC targets the infrastructure, kluth targets the ships, UGTO targets everything. sounds logical to me.
Admiral Larky, The Wolf
Don't play with fire, play with Larky.
Raven Division Command - 1st Division

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-05-01 18:41   
Mhhh...I think of factions in terms of damage over time...it works out like this

ICC, least damage over time. They are there to stick around in the fight throughout, using their rotating shields to their best advantage. They have the better bombers (bomber destroyer and bomber dread (in practise I know the BDread isnt so amazing). Use the shields to stay in the battle longer, dealing damage over time, you wont be doing much, but then again, your taking more damage than any other factions ship, so use that to your advantage. Against K'luth, rotate your shields quickly, their alpha attacks are going to bring the shields down pretty quick, so make sure your hammering those numpad keys, fire back with as much as you can, pull back to recharge your shields like they will be repairing their armour and hull. Againt UGTO, use the time advantage, cycle your shields best you can, in the end, a UGTO v ICC fight aught to come out evenly if both parties are equaly skilled and equiped.

UGTO, most damage over time. They use their energy weapons to deal medium damage over a medium period of time, they should be doing more damage than any other faction over a time based period because of the "no ammo" approach of some of their shops (cannons on the BD). They also use their high speed to dodge some of the heavier fire. They dont do extremely well in bombing, their cruiser classed bomber is pretty much the peak of their bombing technology, the ICC have the bomber dread (meant to be the best bomber in practise, I know its not like that now), and the kluth have their speedy clavate. Against the Kluth, hit that space bar as many times as possible, detonating torps so that you deal the most damage you can before their cloak comes back into effect. Against ICC, you need to be using speed to dodge their fast tracking weapons and using time to deal damage to their shields. ICC v UGTO is meant to be pretty balanced (UGTO have more damage, ICC more defence).

K'Luth, most damage in a single hit. They are meant to use their high damage weapons to deal the most damage over a short period of time, if your seen for a LONG period of time, your meant to be dead already. Your meant to use stealth to your advantage, using it to sneak up and deal heavy damage in one alpha. Duking is not an option as you dont have the armour to deal with it. Against ICC, you need more ships per enemy ship as the shields are going to protect them, against UGTO, cloak quickly, as their higher damaging weapons are going to be hurting you faster than the ICC.

Some of these tactics wont be very effective, I know, as the game isnt very balanced, but come 1.483, you'll find these very usefull, and its better to get started now than come up short when 1.483 arives.

Hope this is of some use...


p.s. how far has this topic gone ofcourse.....lol


Joined: July 02, 2004
Posts: 64
Posted: 2005-05-01 23:40   
qoute "Against ICC, you need more ships per enemy ship as the shields are going to protect them, against UGTO,"

yip sounds balanced to me

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-05-02 10:22   
They dont do as much damage as you do to them, so its balanced.

You do more damage
They do less

This is not a dog-fighting game, your not meant to go around rambo stylé and kill everyone. This is a team game, and therefor, your meant to work in a team. Because ICC have their shields, you need more people to take them down quicker, otherwise the battles going to be drawn out, and as kluth, going to leave you exposed. But your weaponry is FAR more superior power-wise than any other faction.

[ This Message was edited by: BackSlash on 2005-05-02 10:24 ]

Legatus Immolation

Joined: December 20, 2004
Posts: 384
Posted: 2005-05-02 11:33   
i thought the ICC dont flux alot.. but last night between 12am-6am (i know its early) i saw alot of the ICC flux with at least 6+ fluxes including Mousey and Smokey.. i aint bitchin or anythin but cam on cant we fight a decent one instead of flux then run away?

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