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 Author To the Kluth...

Joined: November 06, 2003
Posts: 1
Posted: 2005-04-27 22:17   
Well, I had figured the Luth to be less powerful now than they were before. The Beta ships are cool, but they dont have any type of punch as firepower.

[ This Message was edited by: Jengo Fett on 2005-04-27 22:20 ]

Grand Admiral

Joined: November 09, 2002
Posts: 181
From: San Antonio, Texas
Posted: 2005-04-27 22:24   
Ahh... the days of old... My first faction of choice was K'Luth. The reason why is because of peeps in the lobby complaining about how a few luth dessies tore into several TC's and EAD's. I wanted to see what all of the hub-bub was about. After attaining my Gold combat in no time with the 5 CL2K's and 4 Fusion torp fitted dessies as luth, I started to feel sympathy for the other factions. So, I left KIGR, and went ICC. Tried them for about 2 or 3 weeks. Didn't like the teamwork. There was none, at the time. I decided to try the UGTO. The teamwork and dedication intrigued me. I had fought the GTN on many occations, and it surprised me that they invited me into GTN. I had found a home to defend and the line to draw. I had recieved a taste of defeat in many battles agains the luth with CL2K's and left me for space dust. After the patch, i felt bad for the luth faction as a whole. They had their edge taken away. But, I do agree that we 3 factions should have our "own" special weapon to be restricted to them. That should go for engine types and Jump Drives. Why not Different types of jump drives as well? Slipstream drives, Trans-dimentional drives (which should be like the WH devices, but only the ship equiped with it can use it. ie.. Jump Criuser) Just a thought.
The fleetless are not to be trusted.

  Email Zepher
Grand Admiral

Posts: 0
Posted: 2005-04-28 09:30   
Only thing that pisses me off about the fluxing, is that with a ICC or UGTO you can try to not get to close, but Kluth use there cloack, get close, and can blow you up in a single shot.

[removing an accusation inconsistent with the rest of the thread]

[ This Message was edited by: Fornax on 2005-04-28 17:47 ]

Mad Bum
Grand Admiral
ExtraTerrestrial Space Bums

Joined: March 06, 2004
Posts: 171
Posted: 2005-04-28 11:53   
me points at Rogue Spear's AD and giggles


Raven Warriors

Joined: April 30, 2002
Posts: 906
From: Jacksonville, FL
Posted: 2005-04-28 17:48   
Have gotten to try UGTO against ELF's and frankly, it sucked.
I'll take an ICC ship AND the resultant shield drain any day.


Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2005-04-28 18:19   
As far as I was aware, not many Kluth bothering with the MV nowdays. We dared to go into beta when asked, and got whacked for it. We tried to recapture some rocks, and instead got teamed up on by ICC and UGTO. There were LITERALLY 5 Kluth on with 55 people in the MV. You do the math. We tried to invade UGTO space, and THE ICC WH'd IN AND STOPPED US.

Now, if I am included in this list of folks who flame out over this stuff, it's probably because with such a broad stroke, all Kluth get labelled flux and ELF whores and SY abusers.

Now, at this time, as we DO have the ability to mount flux, as previously stated, I carry 1 usually. Good vs Interdictors, great vs other lousey flux monkies who PJ on you, then press V and flounder about until their V key recharges. As I sit in the MV, I see Carrier Cruisers with Larves, mineing ships with AM mines, ship mounted psi cannons and missles.....hmmm....all Kluth technology. I sure hope you folks get equally upset when you see the talking monkey next to you launching 3 or 4 Larves. I mean, if Kluth should not have flux, then wth is every other faction doing with psi weapons and larves????

As far as ELF, again, 'RUPTERS USE TOO MUCH ENERGY FOR AN NRG STARVED SHIP. Now, this one BEING Kluth tech, I will mount as many as I feel is nessecary (tho seldom a full load). If you want me to pull out my ELF, I will do so. The very second after UGTO removes their armor to 2 on a dread, and the second after ICC agrees to not use their shields. It IS that important of a weapon to a faction that ABSOLUTELY MUST LIVE by the hit and run.

What I would like to see is a discussion on whether or not it's a good thing for DS, now that it has a 2 faction conglomerate vs an ALREADY undermanned, underpowered faction. Try this for an equation; 6 months minus approxamately 2 weeks. That's how long this non aggression or truce or whatever has gone on between the ICC and UGTO. Since the total MV domination of the Kluth, I believe on Halloween last year, there has been about two weeks worth of hostilities between them. That was a recent event too. we went 4 months at least, dealing with swelled enemy numbers, and getting flamed the whole time.

As for me, I have requested that Wolf's pilots remain out of the MV for a time, and just stick to beta testing. Kluth are not welcomed in the MV whatsoever anymore, and it's crossed the line from just a game insult to actually just being flat insulting. So let the talking monkies have a nice hollow victory.

To Rogue, it is nice to see somebody who sees reality on that side of the enemy lines. And personally, you impressed me stating all that in light of how your skinsuited relatives feel about us. TY for your post.
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  Email Azreal   Goto the website of Azreal
Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 08, 2002
Posts: 2074
From: Ohio
Posted: 2005-04-28 19:15   

On 2005-04-28 18:19, Azreal wrote:
As far as I was aware, not many Kluth bothering with the MV nowdays. We dared to go into beta when asked, and got whacked for it. We tried to recapture some rocks, and instead got teamed up on by ICC and UGTO. There were LITERALLY 5 Kluth on with 55 people in the MV. You do the math. We tried to invade UGTO space, and THE ICC WH'd IN AND STOPPED US.

MV counter doesn't show the actual number of players, though, so 'doing the math' is irrelevant.

As I sit in the MV, I see Carrier Cruisers with Larves, mineing ships with AM mines, ship mounted psi cannons and missles.....hmmm....all Kluth technology. I sure hope you folks get equally upset when you see the talking monkey next to you launching 3 or 4 Larves. I mean, if Kluth should not have flux, then wth is every other faction doing with psi weapons and larves????

Back in 1480, ELF and Flux were faction-specific. K'luth could use human tech (CL2ks and nuke mines) and humans would use K'luth tech (psi weapons, AM torps, etc.) Flux and ELF are *powerful* weapons that were supposed to be limited to their parent faction. The thing is, only 1 UGTO ship, the heavy supp, can mount an ELF beam, so we don't gain much benefit from it. However, almost every ICC and K'luth ship can mount multiple flux waves. That IS an unbalance, any way you stack it, but I'm not complaining about it, just stating a fact.

As far as ELF, again, 'RUPTERS USE TOO MUCH ENERGY FOR AN NRG STARVED SHIP. Now, this one BEING Kluth tech, I will mount as many as I feel is nessecary (tho seldom a full load).

Yeah, the thing is, you were only supposed to have 1. I won't get into that though; the K'luth DO need it because of nerfage in other areas.

What I would like to see is a discussion on whether or not it's a good thing for DS, now that it has a 2 faction conglomerate vs an ALREADY undermanned, underpowered faction. Try this for an equation; 6 months minus approxamately 2 weeks. That's how long this non aggression or truce or whatever has gone on between the ICC and UGTO. Since the total MV domination of the Kluth, I believe on Halloween last year, there has been about two weeks worth of hostilities between them. That was a recent event too. we went 4 months at least, dealing with swelled enemy numbers, and getting flamed the whole time.

I'm sorry, but this is largely false. ICC and UGTO haven't had an alliance for all this time; there WAS one that went for several weeks, maybe a month or so, but not 6 months. What you're perceiving as a permanent alliance is just the fact that ICC and UGTO are pretty willing to work with each other against large-scale K'luth attacks. Myself, I'd love to get into a good scrape with the ICC, but it just hasn't happened for a while, sadly. I'll have to do an attack one of these days when I can stay on for awhile.

As for me, I have requested that Wolf's pilots remain out of the MV for a time, and just stick to beta testing. Kluth are not welcomed in the MV whatsoever anymore, and it's crossed the line from just a game insult to actually just being flat insulting. So let the talking monkies have a nice hollow victory.

Your aggression is unnecessary. To be honest, I find it somewhat ironic that the faction that recently controlled most of the MV is now complaining bitterly because the tables have turned... they will turn back. they always do.

  Email Bobamelius

Joined: July 02, 2004
Posts: 64
Posted: 2005-04-29 10:18   
sadly i dont think they will turn back, have you seen the nerfage thats going to be released? sadly the admins here only seem to respond to whining so i guess its time for us to start. kluth ships are supposed to hit and run in beta, yet i have seen two luth ships (a cruiser and dread) decloak and alpha an EAD, the EAD was attacking a icc station. the ead was able to totally ignore us and continue on against the station. Our weapons may do more damange, but ugto armo is also better. meanwjile our hulls and so called armour are paper. You say hit and run, wiith new planet def how are we going to hit and run if we are bombing, myself i have givin up on this game, you will see no more subs from me. in fact maybe ill try to get perma banned just to make a point......
oh and btw i read sumone post that speed is the advantage ugto have, hmm i though ugto was armor and kluth speed, oh well i guess ugto wants it all cant blame them but i can blame the game for caveing and giving it all to them.

oh btw rogue your showing some class m8

[ This Message was edited by: tagar on 2005-04-29 10:23 ]

Rogue Spear
Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 20, 2002
Posts: 848
From: Texas
Posted: 2005-04-29 12:51   
Ok I was just playing UGTO and I was just elfed for the 1st time. Every bit of energy i had was sucked away, I couldnt even fight back. a 90% hull EAD and I couldnt do a damn thing


Joined: September 30, 2003
Posts: 144
Posted: 2005-04-29 14:55   
yeah, heh we flux alot.


anyway, i have the deepest respect for the bugs, they are exellent fighters, and every time i fight them they show up in force, and operate as a pack, they scatter the ICC fleets and tear our stragglers apart. i would be honored to join their ranks, and would in a moment if it were not for one thing; i hate them. not because they're overpowered(though they sure seem like it), not because they flux(infact i've never seen any of them flux. even when me and Mousey pull out our flux boats.), and not because they're somehow uber. i hate them because they best me every time. it's like a personal grudge i have agaist the kluth. infact to the point that i would gladly ignore the UGTO completely if they would just stop trying to kill me. it's a sort of vendette against them, they are a serious threat, and their use of fleet tactics and combined arms seems to be completely lost on my colleques, who simply throw themselves into the bugs' arms while crying "UBER! MUST NERF!"

they ignore the fact that even as they fight for one insignificant planetoid, they bugs surround us, devide us, and devour us. what's worse is that they could easily beat the kluth if we just work together, communicate, and actually fight together as a fleet rather than as a group of individuals.

but do they? do we? no. we never learn, we cry foul and claim they have favor, and we completely ignore the fact that it was our arogence, and our ignorence that made us lose, not some kluth invincibility.

like the barbarians who threw themselves agains the collective sheild and Gladius of the Roman Legionares, we scatter ourselves, telling ourselves it will be individual skill, not group effort, that will will win the day.

BIOnics Industry Syndicate

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 1955
From: Denmark
Posted: 2005-04-29 15:32   
can it be someone know what realy needed to be nerfed , the players that play kluth

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LOVE the smell of human flesh in the morning smells like MVictory

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Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2005-04-29 15:53   

Yes this thread is surprising me...there are some facts yes. K'luth have got to have helluva patience to put up with people (especially those who fight them tooth an nail on anything, like me.). But...

Well, its pointless. K'luth. who haven't once complained about anything at ALL I've seen, other than whiners. Kluth haven't made a peep until, they er...lose for once.

This is the first time in months again stated, that Kluth have suffered loses on their home turf. Put up with it. Fight back. If human factions can always pull back, K'luth by damned could.


Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2005-04-30 13:33   
Is there any way the KLUTH could get a forth faction that is alien, yet fractured. That way we too could have a permanent ally?

What to do, when you face EADs parked next to pulse waving AC's?

I mean, why is it that we have to face all the tech of two factions when our own is nerfed all to hell?

And I pay 10 bucks a month for this?

Well, I can't fix all the problems I have with this game, but I can fix one.
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  Email Azreal   Goto the website of Azreal

Joined: July 02, 2004
Posts: 64
Posted: 2005-04-30 14:22   
true the kluth dont complain like the whiners, we ADAPT and get nerfed for it. i assume the patch after next our weapins will albe disables andour cloak will ivolve lighting up a huge sign on out ship saying "SHHHH im hiding"


Joined: September 30, 2003
Posts: 144
Posted: 2005-04-30 14:25   
for the record, even nerfed the bug ships are still better than ICC ships. i took on a Kluth destroyer, one with an elf beam, i managed to destroy the sucker, but my cruiser(a heavy cruiser modded with particle cannons and AM torps) sustained heavy damage. this was one on one, a ship of the line versus an auxilliary, and the auxilliary almost won.

frankly, it is possible to over-balance a game. and frankly, the kluth are good, but i sympatise with you, even though i still hate you.

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