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 Author It's been a long time coming.

Raven Warriors

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 2673
Posted: 2007-01-20 01:56   
What has been a long time coming you ask? Well, I'll get on that right now. I am downright sick and bloody tired of the crap I see here now. This community has gone down the toilet. How did this happen? Well, I think the people we have here, are to blame. See, we have a bunch of, (how should I say it, to not come off harsh, oh I know!) idiots here. These fools range from old to new, complainers to whiners...wait, those are the same, arn't they? We have a bunch of pres jockies, who get bent out of shape because they lost their easy ticket to Admiral ect. These are "special people", they like to post threads saying they are going to nuke in protest, then they get mad when they can't. These people though, arn't the problem. They only cause people to have negative feelings, and cause "Revenge Bombings". See, that really isn't the problem. It's the people who whine and complain about everything. You know who you are. These "people" go and say things, that actually harm DS. I wont put the post up, but trust me, it was a harmful thing, not only for DS but for certain others here. I hope that the post made by the fool is overlooked. Seriously people, use your brains. You post stupid annoying crap, that helps no one. We really don't care that you are leaving for the fifth time. Leave already. We don't care, infact, we will help you leave. Please, stop infecting DS. Never have I seen so many flames here. It started right before I left. You drive people away. See, some people here, post flamebait, I can name about 5 off the top of my head. You're bloody idiots, with no common sense. You're lucky we have the mods we do(Who do a great job, I'm suprised they even put up with some of you.). Anywhere else, you'd be banned for being a troll and a fool. I want to see this stop. This post was actually made, because I recieved a PM from a friend. Amazing, I wasn't the only one who was pissed about this. So I decided to take matters into my hands. I hope this is a wake up call to you. All of you. This isn't a flame(It would be if I put names up.). It's the bloody truth. Grow up people. (I request that this thread be left open. You can remove some of the idiots if you want. There arn't many. Just please, clean up any flame posts people make. People need to see this. I'll request a lock after a couple others have their say.)

Oh, quick edit. We are all to blame. Everyone of us. We all need to change. We are all not like the "people" I mentioned though. They are in a special section. So, to fix the community, all must change. Just the special ones more so then the rest of us.

[ This Message was edited by: -RevenG- on 2007-01-20 02:35 ]

Pitch Black

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 1895
From: Maryland, U.S.A
Posted: 2007-01-20 02:23   
Thanks for posting this Rev, I've wanted too, but I dont think I could have put it as nicely as you.

This community has gone to hell, and we all have had our fair share in it. Many players where complaining due to the ammount of mirving done in the MV, and they in turn said they would revenge mirv. Now that there is something actualy stoping them from mirving, they are complaining.

Players that have complained about every part of the game realy do not care about others here, but only want what makes it easier for them to play. They could care less about balance and fairness in gameplay. There are also players here that are out Just to Harrass Players and Cause Problems. Those players know exactly who they are, and they enjoy the attention of it.

For the Forums, I dont even want to read half of the things posted in here, because it's the usual people making the same 'Nerf This!', 'I'm Leaving if this doesnt get fixed!', or 'I love doing this!' post. Seriously people, grow up and figure out that even if you complain and bitch for as long as possible, you will not get your way.

Latley, I've been thinking of something that I have not though of for the past four years.. Leaving darkspace completley, no logging on the site, no lobby camping, and no playing. Why? The community. I've only stayed around due to the friends I have here, and to try and support Faustus.

Well, thats my say I geuss.

[ This Message was edited by: Crim on 2007-01-20 02:25 ]

  Email Supertrooper

Joined: December 13, 2004
Posts: 554
Posted: 2007-01-20 02:27   
I agree reveng, altho im not off that list of yours i know. I whine and complain about the eds, pds, mirvings, and poor sportsmanship as many do in the metaverse now a days. However, I personally try to keep it off the forums as much as possible when it comes to myself and to my fleet. I also agree with the statement that some people here are like an illness to DS, they just kill it and bring its community down. Its sad really, cus when i first started everyone was very nice and helpful and they taught me a lot about the game and about peoples character, then it was like a depressive strike hit us and we all became cold, shunning, heartless people who want everything for themselves. I am not saying that this goes for every single person here, just for a lot of them. Myself included.

Hopefully we can revitalize our lost community and bring back the good old days, but new an improved with the people of this community working together to make this game fun.


Grand Admiral
Pitch Black

Joined: January 24, 2006
Posts: 141
From: Canada
Posted: 2007-01-20 05:42   
What you've got here are a bunch of unhappy gamers paying for a broken game and seeing little action towards fixing it, this tends to put you into a disgruntled mindset, and hence you have the mess that you have in the community.
Smacktacular, \"with my legs in a case\"

\"Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.\"
--Thomas Jefferson

Fleet Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 06, 2001
Posts: 3406
From: Charlotte, North Carolina
Posted: 2007-01-20 07:50   

You are fortunate that you are not in the position that I was when I made similar accusations of laziness, apathy, and selfishness toward the community. Speaking as a standard member makes the words a little more personal, I suppose... but still, don't make the same mistake I did.

Your community's best have gone on and moved away, sensing the lack of air in DarkSpace's sails. This has left behind a newer generation of players that has never known a working DarkSpace... several of your current 'vets' have been brought up in the same negative atmosphere that you describe, so how can you blame them?

No, Rev, look at this for what it is. This is a game that hasn't received a major patch in... what, is it almost two years now? The community held on for a damn long time, because they were a damn loyal bunch...

But it's not the same any more, and it's not their fault. Keep holding on for one more week, one more month, even one more year... and it still won't change what really needs to change. And yelling at them certainly won't do anything but... well, what yelling at people usually does.

Make you feel better. :-/ Don't take it out on them, man.


[ This Message was edited by: Demorian on 2007-01-20 07:58 ]

Fleet Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: October 01, 2004
Posts: 1254
Posted: 2007-01-20 08:28   
Hmm, where to start, where to start?

First off, I would like to point out that everything that Rev said was true, although he put a little more nicely than I would probably have. This community has gone down the drain, causing the people I would log on to talk to slip away. Sometimes, I do not know if it is worth it to log on, but I do for support of those that continue to weather the storm. People's attitudes towards others does not help in the development of this game. The game does not develope solely because of the work put in it for a new version; the people, community if you want to call it that anymore, even manages to hender that as recent events have shown. The community itself has to be one that attracts others for the game to advance, and frankly, that sure as hell isn't happening.

If I get a response from one of the true "inconsistencies" of this community, there will probably be another, more interesting post made.


P.S. Like Veron and Rev, I also do realize that all of us have a part in the way this community is going. It is just that some take a more active role in the "flushing" of the game.

Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2007-01-20 10:47   
Rev has a certain point here, unfortunately...

See, most times when I get home from school, I'm too tired to do anything, so I'm either asleep or I'm sitting here in the lobby.

So... I happen to see alot. And there is a shocking difference.

For the most part, Dem hits the nail on the head. The older vets - I'm talking, 3 years, 4 years running people, are gone. Those are the people who in their hearts did not (or the majority of them did not) act like utter fools.

See that RoC to the side of GCQL? Yes, see, that used to be followed to the letter. Dem was admired for the fact that he would pound you into dust for your second infraction, cause you knew better.

Too bad we don't have that anymore.

I suppose another grander part was that the majority of the community were not ranting prestige lunatics. Darkspace used to be unique in the fact that most people did not obsess whether or not their prestige gain was fast. From what I saw (and experienced myself) we were too busy playing the game to care whether or not we had FA in 1 year or 1 month.

This patch changed alot - it brought newer players, newer players with absolutely no respect to authority and even less respect to their fellow players, because unlike older vets, they only thought of themselves, only thought of their enjoyment. And if they saw this post, they would only say "I don't care, Ill do whatever I want, because I can!" because they have not, that maturity and that fellow respect that older DSers had.

Yes indeed, Rev has a shocking point, in that alot of the things in this game that 2 years ago would have gotten a kickban now are allowed - repeated fighting, repeated flaming, often by the same people, only gets mere slaps on the wrist. I've seen the same people muted over and over, the same people abusing whatever bugs they can over and over, the same the same people causing trouble in any way they can.

We look to authority, but authority is sadly... lacking.

But I lament, and lamenting doesn't bring back older days, and neither does complaining, so I look to the one thing that still keeps me in DS even though I have no power over its course.

What cannot be changed, must be endured.



Joined: June 11, 2004
Posts: 61
Posted: 2007-01-20 11:01   
Why do I get the feeling that the thread was directed towards me?

Anyway, I agree with Demorian.

I still want to play this game. I just come around every couple of months to check in. Maybe you don't like my way of going about it, but I don't like the way you put it in your thread.

doda *EP5 no longer exception...*
Grand Admiral

Joined: December 11, 2005
Posts: 1012
From: happy land
Posted: 2007-01-20 11:21   
You couldnt have stated it any better. The problem is once it has gone downhill, its hard to fix. So I think a step at fixing this problems are to have admins and mods gradually get more strict and specify whats flaming and not flaming. Gradually improving the forum and lobby community.
Please resize your Admin - signature
VCA since June 5th 06


Joined: August 02, 2006
Posts: 327
Posted: 2007-01-20 11:33   
WOOT dodas got it in 1 kneel to the mighty doda


Raven Warriors

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 2673
Posted: 2007-01-20 11:53   
I understand that Dem. The complaining about a patch, I can see. It has been awhile. I'd complain also if I still played or cared that much. See, those complaints I can handle. The ones about the EDs, and the PDs, heck, even the MIRV complaints I can see, as they are all a big problem. It's the fact that when something is done about it you get people screaming bloody murder because they lost their easy ticket. The main "people" this post is directed towards, arn't the ones with valid complaints. They are the ones that post stupid complaints about anything. That has no bearing. I'm talking about the people who only post to get others riled up. Those are the people I have issue with. This post is not directed at any one person, it's directed at alot of people. I have no issue with about 3/4 of the people here, because they are nice, and they understand what's up. It's the other 1/4 that I have an issue with, who only seem to want to destroy what we have with flamebait, flames, trolling, and who knows what else. I probably will make a mistake Dem, I will try not to though. (The ratios arn't 100% accurate, just using a figure of speech. Didn't feel like getting the exact number of good to bad.)

Also, Ant, I did not make this post because of you. This post has been in the works for 2 months now, I just finally decided to get off my butt and post it.

[ This Message was edited by: -RevenG- on 2007-01-20 12:49 ]


Joined: January 18, 2007
Posts: 147
From: Dev land
Posted: 2007-01-20 13:20   
Although Dem has a point, DarkSpace has never had active developers that have played the game, or been true players before being developers (and so know the game through playing it - not through developing it).

When Faustus finishes the backend code rework he's doing, all that needs doing is a few tweaks to the resourcer (which is nothing compaired to the backend re-write). Once this is down, the developers can work on the roadmap that BackSlash and Drafell worked on about 7 - 8 months ago. This should ensure a speedy delivery, since 1.484 beta already has all the systems in place:

The new modding system is in place, as well as the level lockout.
Swapping of the planetairy resources over to one generic resource, is done.

All that's left, is a major revision of weapons, and ship layouts. This will take a while, but I would expect much more frequent updates considering us 'content' developers have more than enough time to work on doing that.

Unfortunatly, this won't be happening tomorrow, or the day after, as it all depends on the speed of which Faustus finishes the backend re-write, and resourcer fix.

- Lyedtau
Made by Doran

Legatus Immolation

Joined: December 20, 2004
Posts: 384
Posted: 2007-01-20 13:53   
good shtuff cant wait

[ This Message was edited by: Airwolf (OMW to Canada!) on 2007-01-20 14:01 ]


Joined: July 22, 2003
Posts: 570
From: Lagtopia, Lag system.
Posted: 2007-01-20 14:08   
hmms... I was going to say something, but then I realized I should just.... not.

  Email Hawk™
Fleet Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 06, 2001
Posts: 3406
From: Charlotte, North Carolina
Posted: 2007-01-20 14:47   

On 2007-01-20 13:20, Lyedtau wrote:
Although Dem has a point, DarkSpace has never had active developers that have played the game, or been true players before being developers (and so know the game through playing it - not through developing it).

Fact check, aisle five.


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