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 Author Changes to Research Queue...
Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2004-02-09 04:12   

On 2004-02-08 18:24, Josef wrote:
Wow, 14 replies so far and not a single one from Barthezzz.

Someone should really go over to his house and check on him.

People are beginning to freely share their opinion again without fear of massive over-quotage and utter forum-domination, Barth-style.

Woe is the day!

Barthezzz has a project for school

I do however think this is a bad idea.
The "No Defenses on high tech planets" idea makes no sense.

You want defenses? then youll need Lots of Research bases.
However, lots of research bases means no room for Defenses?

Atleast thats how i see it?

Fleet Admiral Barthezzz - Intergalactic Pirate...Rawr...

[ This Message was edited by: Barthezzz on 2004-02-09 04:14 ]

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Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2004-02-09 04:47   

Dwarden, you hit up on a point... say for example, you need a tech level of 6 to build a certain structure, which once built allows you to build other structures... basically, the technology tree becomes built into the game mecanics.

For example, you'll need tech level 1 to build a barracks, then tech level 3 and a barracks to build Advanced barracks... (this is just an example).

Anyway, I'll be glad to switch everything over to tech levels, it should be pretty painless and done fairly quickly for testing.


What happens if the original barracks gets destroyed but you still have enough labs for the tech level and an advanced barracks? Will this enable you to still build more advanced barracks or would you need the original structure in place?
You have Advanced structures built, but all the labs get destroyed... do the advanced structures still stay in place?
I like the idea of removing the manual research tree from the game, but I think to see an effective implementation then (as Nat said) we would need to adjust structure limits for planet sizes.

The 'Alien Artifacts' idea sounds pretty good. (Reminders of ArchSpace here) Maybe have a few different types of Arifact though, (ones that effect max population etc) and only a set number of them in the MV.

It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

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Joined: May 26, 2002
Posts: 893
Posted: 2004-02-09 05:14   
will that also be put into engineer builds as well, so lets say a tech lvl 2 build can build x structres automaticly?

Or maybe have the higher lvl builds researchable and have to be built? so if you want to have a lvl 6 build you have to spend X rescorces, and maybe even rescources to even try to research the tech to build the thing

and maybe even farther down makeing it so you have to have x build points in order to use such a build

anyway just my ideas on the matter

other than that great idea
\"Experience is a tough teacher. She gives the test first and the lesson after.\"
~ William H. O


Joined: July 05, 2003
Posts: 90
Posted: 2004-02-09 08:59   

great idea, but to solve the room issue hows about you simply upgrade one research lab to the max, each tech level being a different upgrade. For example, tech lvl1 is a research lab, tech lvl2 is advanced research lab (u just pay costs and click to upgrade it to advanced) and so on.
The difference between a fighter and a warrior lies in the mind and the spirit. The fighter, regardless if the fear death or not, embraces it. Also, they hold no wisdom, regardless of knowledge. The warrior is wise and neither fears nor embraces death.


Joined: April 14, 2002
Posts: 156
Posted: 2004-02-09 10:02   
Well, firstly I think this should wait til 1.482...however, since its been brought up...and I dont mind losing the current system...

There was a flaw in the research que already, since you lose seconds with non-ten numbers, IE, if you had 3 seconds left on an item, it would still take 10 seconds to research it, instead of just the 3...

Anyways, I think rather then having to build another research base every time for a tech level, you should be able to upgrade the colony hub every other level, but it would be an expensive one. IE, Instead of adding another Research base on for a tech level, if its an odd number on the research ladder, then you should be able to upgrade the colony hub, which would of course cost alot more and also require a certain population level, but save you 1 building space. This way, Colony Hubs remain important, and you have another option.

Might have more ideas about this tomorrow...

Also, on Core Worlds...We have been throwing around ideas about this for quite some time now, but nothing will see the light of day til a few patches from now, probably the Economy Patch, or something similar down the road...so, dont be surprized if something similar to this isn't implimented...

- |2eason -

[ This Message was edited by: Reason on 2004-02-09 10:17 ]
- |2eason -


Joined: April 03, 2003
Posts: 116
Posted: 2004-02-09 11:09   
First thing I'm seeing about the research changes:

Senerio -- Defense research was just radically speeded up. An engineer and an extractor working together could get a planet with 4-5 research domes and dbases online in a fraction of the time it'd take to climb the research queue.

Loss of research domes? What happens if they get bombed offline? Do buildings that no long have the supporting technology suddenly go offline? From a realistic standpoint it'd make more sense to have them slowly degrade overtime. Since in the game-universe the planet would have lost the supporting technology for the repairs and what not.

Synergistic effects of requring more buildings allocated for research and the changes to the bombing system. I remember a forum post talking about how bombing would be made easier. We'd need to take a look and see how both the change in bombing mechanics AND a reduction in available planet slots for dbases would effect the game play. I don't think we want a situation where a single bomber frigate can punch through a shipyard planet's defense.

Spin up time for MV planets: This isn't as much of an issue as the rest. Yet, like scenerio you'll have planets able to run up the research queue MUCH faster. Blindingly fast with MV planets that have 500,000 metals sitting on them. It'd make flattening a planet and rebuilding it after you capture it something that takes 2-3 min TOPS, then you just wait for population to come up.

Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: December 07, 2002
Posts: 522
From: Straight Outta Boston!
Posted: 2004-02-09 11:37   

On 2004-02-08 17:23, Smith wrote:
i like nats idead but deathstars r gonan have to be made larger than 32 for the odvious facts of keeping research labs, power, domes,farms etc..they will still have low def..just a little larger but not that much maybe 40..just a thought

I didn't finish reading all the posts, so maybe someone else has adressed this, but as far as I've heard, Deathstars are probably going to be removed as bombing is changing with the whole rotating planet concept.

[S.W] Grand Admiral Strategery
ICC Master Battle Strategist (ret.)
Proud Commander of the C.S.S. Ticonderoga

  Email Strategery

Joined: June 07, 2001
Posts: 1072
From: Czech Republic
Posted: 2004-02-09 11:38   
Let say research bases are gonna to be offline by power outage, damaged to be offline or destroyed at all ...

in that case i suggest low degradation of population technology level knowledge ( i.e. when today's science people die ... there will be nobody soon to run technology but that technology can be still used for while ...).

so let say effectivity of that tech level "structures and similar" will be dropping with slow ratio and longer means faster degrading in operable status till offline ....

in moment population technology knowledge for certain technology level reach 0, all structures of that technology levels become disabled (offline)...

after structure become offline, damage counter starts ... as certain structure is abadoned ... it become damaged (no mainteance done ...) and slowly deteriorate to final destruction ...

and this enforce people TO maintain planet tech level at certain value to preserve needed buildings stay operational ...

and also, this bring up another nice point, we need mainteance $ and staff (technicians) at planets what about Research labs ability to train (build) Technician group (like infantry) which You can place into building (e.g. they can increase repair rate ...

P.S. when i think about, what You say on crew in defence bases, which will naturally limit defence bases ammount? lol


... Ideas? ... that's Ocean w/o borders !

[ This Message was edited by: Dwarden on 2004-02-09 11:49 ]
... Ideas? ... that's Ocean w/o borders !

The Monty

Joined: October 07, 2002
Posts: 967
Posted: 2004-02-09 15:03   
I like Red's idea, seeing as how it would make people less likely to charge straight to other factions home systems, & more likely to keep fighting at the borders, where it belongs.
Obesa cantavit. Diabolus fecit, ut id facerem.


Joined: August 13, 2001
Posts: 1912
From: mrsparkle
Posted: 2004-02-10 15:29   
Am I the only one who doesn't really like this? I used to like researching, remote building etc. Plus it seems that research labs require 3 workers each? That's a pretty big requirement, it will leave a planet defenseless if you want a shipyard that can produce stations (which is what you will want in the MV, not necessarily in scenario). Then there's the problem of suitable planets, because planets like Rafraue out by itself won't make a good shipyard planet (you need moons and planets nearby that can take care of the defense bases)

I think it can work if it gets tweaked a little (labs requirements a bit too steep right now). But please, don't get rid of research queues! Put them back the way they were at least, where you could just queue up all the research you needed at one time.


Joined: June 07, 2001
Posts: 1072
From: Czech Republic
Posted: 2004-02-10 19:17   
thats why i really hope for existance of both schemes at same time ;0
... Ideas? ... that's Ocean w/o borders !


Joined: August 13, 2001
Posts: 1912
From: mrsparkle
Posted: 2004-02-10 19:43   
Hmm Dwarden you mean tech requirements AND research requirements at the same time? That could work! I think right now it just moves too fast, it was a much slower process before to get a planet fully built. But to require research still, and to require a certain tech level before you can research a tech might be really good.

Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: May 27, 2002
Posts: 345
From: Wouldnt you like to know
Posted: 2004-02-12 22:25   
blah blah planets rotating PCM fleets BABY!!!!!


  Email Beast
Max Kepler
Fleet Admiral
Templar Knights

Joined: March 08, 2002
Posts: 589
From: ICS Victory
Posted: 2004-02-13 00:30   

On 2004-02-09 04:12, Barthezzz wrote:

I do however think this is a bad idea.
The "No Defenses on high tech planets" idea makes no sense.

You want defenses? then youll need Lots of Research bases.
However, lots of research bases means no room for Defenses?

I'm guessing that Defense Bases will be relatively low on the research scale, or Advanced Defense Bases will be implemented to go along with this.

The idea is that, if you want Stations, you'll need 8 labs. If you want a planet that is simply built for defense, it has 4 labs (arbitrary numbers). This would increase your defense base capacity by 4, which is a considerable amount.

Or, if you get up to say 10 labs, you'll be able to build/upgrade Adv. Defense Bases that might have twice the effectiveness of the regular base, but still having them cut so short would reduce the total effectiveness (3 Adv. DBs aren't as good as 9 regular DBs). This way, _very_ high technological planets could defend themselves as a result of their superiority in research, but they still suffer since the technology is primarily used for something else.

I love you, Faustus.

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Chief Marshal
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 29, 2003
Posts: 4032
From: The Gideon Unit
Posted: 2004-02-13 09:50   
@peoples wondering when you take labs offline

dont know about most buildings but the shipyards continue to funtion, ie you can dock and change ships
however, taking labs offline results in a very rapid falloff of the tech level, so even tho a SY might be fuctional, its quite possible you wouldnt be able to get any new ship beyon what you have in storage

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