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 Author Jump Drive Speeds...

Joined: August 13, 2001
Posts: 1912
From: mrsparkle
Posted: 2002-06-02 22:57   
I'm wondering if 4x is too much?

I'm a scenario player, and sometimes part of the strategy of a map is managing your jump fuel and the time it takes to jump to certain systems.

Perhaps 2x would be okay, but personally I'd rather see the more advanced drives that need to be researched and then built have this capability (maybe they do now? i don't know)

A change like this could affect things a lot more than we think...

DOM700 [-IMO-]
Fleet Admiral

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-06-03 11:12   
Maybe the an advanced drive should accelerate til the middle of the jump and then slow down til it has 500, if you abort, you damage your drive, but you should be able to slow down during the jumo
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

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Fleet Admiral

Joined: February 09, 2002
Posts: 335
Posted: 2002-06-03 19:39   
how bout an acceleration ramp up similar to sub light drives? The ship would lag a little getting out of the gate but it would quickly accelerate out of weapons range and faster than missiles can follow. I think this would be around 30 seconds to reach 4000 gu/sec. Assuming a linear ramp up one second into the jump would see the ship at over 100 gu/sec. It would take five or six seconds to reach 600 gu/sec and the minimum range for such a speed would be around 5000 gu I think. I don't feel like digging my physics book out and I can't remember the equations.

We could also add an acceleration ramp down for reaching the target similar to the ramp up. If you abort jump it would start this ramp down when initiated but you would not stop for some time, preventing precision jump aborts or at least making them more difficult.

Plus, I think this might look pretty cool.

I don't know how you would handle an e-jump in this way. Perhaps you could make the e-jump instantaneous acceleration similar to current model but causing some drive damage due to the severity?


Joined: January 11, 2002
Posts: 125
Posted: 2002-06-03 23:16   
I'm just going to say this: The default jump drive must be faster and longer ranged. The fact that I can't even realisticly cross a large system like Cyg without making a pit stop at Azuk is ridiculous. Making the faster drive a purchase(leaving the current slow tach drive as standard issue) is also ridiculous, as a tach drive is 12K creds, and an AMJ 15K creds; I don't have the kind of cash on me to keep buying drives, so the MV would still be an unfun place due to the crossing times.
Prestige-Free Day, the novel idea


Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-06-05 09:03   
I like the concept, but I do agree that 4x is too much. Also, I think the MV is designed to require refueling stops in certain systems. It is part of the strategy, as the recent battle in cyg demonstated.....having to travel through enemy systems where friendlies or remote gas giants were unavailable hampered my ability to join the battle, (after being instant death'ed by 4-6x flux wave, but that is another topic )....

...anyway, perhaps higher end drives could have variable speed/fuel usage. You could choose to go faster, but at greater fuel cost and decreased fuel efficiency (a la afterburner i guess, as has been mentioned). That way, you would have to think about what 'warp speed' you want, need, or can afford for a given situation.




Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-06-05 12:46   
I think tahts a great idea, also you need to change the balance part of joining server games have it based on the number of players not prestige also have it show the number of people on each side not the number of ships whether they are in there ship or not.


Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-06-06 05:46   
I do not agree with the idea to just increase jump speed with 4x,
For I fear to many bad sides will show up in the end.

I agree that FTL speed needs to be faster then this atm, but making it faster will also make it harder to keep clear from enemy ships that are near by, a dread at 1kgu away, can be ontop of you 4 times faster. Making survival changes lower on all ships that do not stand a change VS a dreads alpha strike...

Also, I love the idea for mass and jumping. I always thought it a bit strange that little scouts jumped the same speed that huge dreads did. Maybe scouts and frigs could jump 4 times faster, destroyers cruisers 3, dreads 2, or something like that?

I agree, that the smaller once should go alot faster then the big bulk classes.

Some ppl point out to fuel should rule over distance...
The small ship might not have that much fuel, but if the go alot faster the will travel alot more space in less time. Making the balance right, sort of... Big ships slow and lots of fuel on board , small ships fast en less fuel onboard.

Yep.. 4 minute jumps across large systems got a bit boring...
But increasing speed by x4 will just aid those dread-jump-onto-enemy-ship guys...
would be nice to either have an acceleration phase so you don´t get the high speed instantly, or a "optimal jumpdrive load calculation phase" or something that starts after you´re aligned... 3 secs for a scout, 6 for frigate, 10 destroyer, 15 cruiser, 20 dread, 30 station....
So ppl might start flying the 500 gu to a target instead of jumping right on top of it... (at least the big ships)

I agree with this idea to, for it will indeed kill those lame "big ship jumps ontop of small ship" jumps.
For the delay can also be done to get from normal speed to FTL top speed. Giving small ships the edge in hit and runs for the bigger ships will not be able to keep up. What would not matter that much for a small ship will never have the upper hand VS a dread in combat. For it also should be that a big and slow ship will never have the upper hand over a small and fast ship when it comes to speed.

And the part about the dictor, its field should stay at 1000gu this game isn't that much lag effected. Or atleast it looks like it. It ain't a FPS like starsiege tribes...
Now I am talking about the dictor... it needs to auto kill he FTL killer device when it jumps him self... for last time. I jumped towards (passed) a group of hostile ships, and along my FTL jump the crossed me and every single one dropped out FTL. It was funny to see, but this isn't reallistic. and more a big PAIN in the ass...

A well my thoughts on the subject of 4x times FTL speed.

Captain Wild Cat

Lith Ragond
Galactic Navy

Joined: November 25, 2001
Posts: 1854
Posted: 2002-06-06 11:19   
the idea of increasing the j-drives speed by 4x is a pretty sweet idea. i am all for it, i am also all for making a difference in how smaller and larger ships jump and their speeds.

but if we want to be realistic, once you reach the speed of light, your mass becomes infinite, so i dont think that speed or range should be determined due to your mass before reaching FTL speeds.

the idea i do like is making the larger ships take longer to reach the speed of light or faster, it seems more realistic to me. scouts and frigates should hit thier top speed several seconds after jump, destroyers and cruisers take 10+ seconds, and then dreads like 15+ seconds.

this would mean that a bunny hop for a dread would take 10 seconds, whereas now it takes 2. this should give any smaller ships ample time to see the dread coming, and stop the complaining.

Jim Starluck
Templar Knights

Joined: October 22, 2001
Posts: 2232
From: Cincinnati, OH
Posted: 2002-06-06 23:59   
I have a thought.

The principle behind the Star Wars Interdictor (Yes, that's where we got it from, despite those who claim otherwise) works by creating a gravitational field that prevents the ship from jumping into hyperspace. This is called a "Gravity Well." In truth, the SW Dictor is not a unique effect, but just simulating the gravity well of a PLANET. In SW, all planets have gravity wells, which prevent ships from hyperspace in their vicinity.

I propose this in DS: Planets/Dictors would, instead of an invisible field, have a gravity well around them, which would be illustrated in the Navscreen by a purplish circle. The larger the planet, the larger the well.

Ships INSIDE the well could not begin a jump, but ships jumping THROUGH the field from outside would keep going. They'd just SLOW DOWN when they passed through the field. If they were in a gravity well, their speed would be lowerthen normal, and once they passed the gravity well, it would increase to (for the sake of simplicity) 4x the standard speed at the moment. Fuel consumption would be constant at any speed.

Multiple gravity wells overlapping would slow a ship down even more, based off the 4x higher standard in open space.

E-jumping in open space would NOT damage the drive, but E-jumping in a gravity well would hurt it. The more powerful the well, the more damage you take. You'd still be able to jump, it'd just take a bit out of you.

This way, trips in the MV aren't that slow, but it would still be tricky in Scenario, where you'd have to worry about getting caught in a planet's natural gravity well.
If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger space battleship and try again.

  Email Jim Starluck

Joined: February 10, 2002
Posts: 919
From: USA
Posted: 2002-06-08 22:00   
Big F change the speed of the drives, we will get used to it just that the game will move faster. I hate jumping from Big Bonnie to Af in 80 seconds. By the time i get there the battle is over and i have jumped into the enemy and die with a supply ship or combat vessel. So change the drive speeds and if we really don't like it we can have Big F alwasy change it back or something else different. At least people give it a try before u condem it...



Joined: September 14, 2001
Posts: 4604
From: Oregon, USA
Posted: 2002-06-09 12:48   
Faustus, do not change the speeds on the jump drives, and remove the AMJ.

Reason: There is a serious bug with the AMJ that allows it to travel a large ammount of distance when entering an interdictor field. This distance will somtimes allow a ship to travel through the interdictor field.
...and lo, He looked upon His creation, and said, "Fo shizzle."

  Email Gideon

Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-06-10 19:10   
I'd really like current jump speeds within a system to be kept as they are as it's part of tactics and faster speeds will just quake-ify gameplay.
I think the main problem lies in travelling through several systems to get to frontline, which can take a very long time.
So, how about this?
Use a very fast drive for interstellar travels that will take you to the neighbouring system in 10 and the one after that 20 seconds (so if you want to jump to the one 5 systems away it will take 50 seconds).
To engage that hyperspace drive a ship must be at least 40-50k GU from the farthest planet orbit path (due to gravity and what-not).
When you are at the safe distance, you just zoom out and click on the system you want to jump to, jumpdrive engages and you are then connected to the server you are jumping at, but it spawns your ship after the countdown and at a location you designate (or random at certain area depending what direction you're jumping from), again at least some 40-50k gu from the farthest planet orbit path.
Follow command would work the same way so not every ship in the fleet has to manually choose a location.
To avoid people hopping through systems enable only 2 jumps before it needs refuel at a friendly planet.

I think that would both keep the tactical part of intrasystem jumps and cut on the boredom of travelling over multiple systems.


Posts: 0
Posted: 2002-06-11 22:30   
4X good idea. bigger ships have latger fuel tanks, so all ships should have same range. Double the recharge time though.

This change would make scouts play a more necessary role, in scouting for eenmy to jump to


DOM700 [-IMO-]
Fleet Admiral

Joined: July 26, 2001
Posts: 3175
From: Eckental, Germany, Sol-System
Posted: 2002-06-12 10:45   
Maybe there should be orbital plattforms which accelerate ships at a REALLY high speed, shooting them to their target
If the buildings on your planets disappear, guess who was there....

Never forget what you fight for
I have earned my betatester badge for being part of the open beta

  Email DOM700 [-IMO-]   Goto the website of DOM700 [-IMO-]

Joined: May 26, 2002
Posts: 893
Posted: 2002-06-19 04:51   
the 4x speed is a bit much, i think that if you wanna incress ranges you should just give the scout extra fuel, not so much speed, i do agree that there should be new drives for ALL of the factions so that all of them can have the speed bonus. Granted yes the trips are long. in MV i think if you totaly contorl the system for maybe a day that it auto adds a jumpgate to the farthest system. i have no idea how you would do that but maybe make it team only and you need to buy the gate to the system that you control or partly contorl?

the idea of crusiers dreads and other things going faster and slower is kind of a bad idea, i mean over a long distance jumping as a fleet will take alot of timeing and kind of a pain in you get lag, or maybe if you do, do that make it so the follow command automaticly times it for you?
and the 4x is bad cause what if you ejump and you notice at teh last moment that you are going to hit a planet with the 4x your reducing your reaction/lag time to get out of the jump to prevent the crash.

only other thing i would like to add is that this game is good and i like desginers who like imput from the gamers =)

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~ William H. O

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