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 Author Darkspace: Title still yet to be decided, but +1 Chapter.
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 22, 2006
Posts: 2815
From: Philly
Posted: 2007-09-16 03:40   
You already have the basis for your solution written in... for some reason WHs won't go there... therefore something is wrong with the surrounding space......
Do I really look like a guy with a plan?
'I'm gonna go crazy, and I'm taking you with me!'

ICC Security Council Chief Enforcer

  Email Coeus   Goto the website of Coeus
Lux (Polaris)
Fleet Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: April 20, 2004
Posts: 835
From: Asgard
Posted: 2007-11-10 22:28   
Chapter 2 – The Cavalry
CD*36 system, Exathra.

The northern forests of Exathra were quiet, serene. This certain section of Exathra’s landscape was untouched by humans, as pristine and calm as it was when the first colony ship arrived. A beach was nearby, and the sound of waves hitting the shore was ever-present. But if a person were to trek through the forest towards the sound of waves, upon nearing the beach, the scenery would change so suddenly that even the oblivious person would be taken aback.

For here, overlooking the coastline of Exathra’s northernmost sea, lay the sprawling military complex of the ICC Military Headquarters. Trees and shrubs gave way to titanium and glass, and the sounds of the forest were abruptly overpowered by the shouts and orders of drill sergeants. Three of the most well-kept and up to date Defense Bases were integrated into this complex, the gigantic barrels of the high-powered lasers pointed towards the sky, with their adjacent missile silos constantly on alert, and ready to fire in less than a minute.

In the center of this fortress, past the heavily guarded entrances, checkpoints, cafeteria, offices, and barracks, lay the elevator system that reached deep below the surface, to sleeping quarters for Councilors and Admirals, the underground tram that shuttled personnel to and from the nearest Shipyard (quite a few miles away), and deeper still, several high-security conference rooms, as well as laboratories busy developing the latest military hardware for the ICC war machine.

Here, deep beneath the earth, things were much quieter, as only the most important people were let this far in. The halls were white and well lit, and sparsely populated: the people here usually had urgent matters to attend to, and kept to themselves. The hallway leading to the westernmost room, likewise, was hushed and silent. Silent except for one man, whose military boots echoed in the hall as he paced back and forth around the doors of the conference room.

Vice Admiral Avetorian impatiently walked to and fro as he waited to be summoned in. He had just arrived at Exathra, returning from a particularly hard-fought battle in the Luyten system, against the fleets of the K’luth Empire. Fighting in the system had carried on for days as Avetorian rushed from planet to planet as the K’luth fleets, elusive as always, staged hit and runs on the beleaguered ICC defenses. But finally, Avetorian was able to lay a trap for the K’luth, and in one titanic battle, crushed the enemy fleet, sending the remnants fleeing in all directions, most of which were later found by ICC search-and-destroy task forces.

After staying in the system for three days to make sure that there were not additional K’luth lurking about, Avetorian, as well as his personal squad, were recalled by the High Council, for unknown reasons. Avetorian was just going over the possibilities for the summons when the conference doors opened. A grim faced man, wearing a very battered and faded uniform, appeared at the door. His eyes found Avetorian, and the man gave a curt nod. Amongst the faded colors of the man’s uniform, Avetorian caught the glint of gold: the insignia of an ICC Fleet Admiral.

“Come in, Vice Admiral. Sorry to keep you waiting.” the Fleet Admiral said, opening the door wide, and stepping back to let Avetorian in. As Avetorian strode inside, he was instantly greeted by the sight of Security Councilor James ‘Crimson’ Watts, a raven-haired man whom he knew to be Admiral Lantelar, and a serious looking woman whom he didn’t recognize. She wore the uniform of a ship captain, but no insignia was visible. All were sitting around a table, with various maps and charts displayed on the viewscreen behind them.
The Fleet Admiral quietly closed the door and took a seat.
“Vice Admiral Avetorian.” spoke Crimson after giving Avetorian a brief nod. “I know you don’t have much time to waste, so I’ll make this short and to the point.”
Crimson got out of his chair, and walked over to the viewscreen, staring at it for a moment before turning to face Avetorian.

“We have reassigned you and your fleet. Don’t get me wrong,” Crimson said hurriedly, as a not so subtle look of indignation crossed Avetorian’s face. “You have done an excellent job defending Luyten, there is no doubt. But that job will now be taken over by Vice Admiral Koch.” Crimson now looked Avetorian straight in the eyes.

“Your new assignment will be no less dangerous. You and your fleet are to rendezvous with Vice Admiral Linna Yamakaza, and travel to Uaeleas. We’ve got a Wormhole Cruiser setting up there, and it should be ready to generate a Wormhole once you arrive. You are to use it to travel to the very edge of Ross 148; the nearest we can make the WH to the system’s center. And from there…you are to reinforce Councilor Polaris’ fleet, and find out what the hell is going on in that system. Here-“ Crimson said, picking up a folder from the table and handing it to Avetorian.

“This is all the information we have on the abnormalities of the system: radiation levels, anomalies, anything unusual that has ever happened in the system. I’ve uploaded this information to your ship’s computers as well. You’ve proven yourself a competent Admiral, so you’ll be given free rein on how to go about this mission. Good luck, Admiral. You are dismissed.”

“Understood, sir!” Avetorian said, and gave Crimson a sharp salute.
Both Admiral Lantelar and the unknown woman nodded.
“Take care.” said the Fleet Admiral, giving a lazy wave of his hand.

Avetorian walked back into the hallway, a sense of purpose now invigorating his steps. He slid a finger-sized communicator from his pocket, establishing a comlink back to his Cruiser, Nightfall.
“Lieutenant Graves? Send a message to the fleet, have every ship recall its crew from their shore leave. We’re moving out as soon as possible.”

Ross 148 system, Ross 3

High above Ross 3, the human fleets clashed, countless explosions and laser bursts lighting up the darkness of space. A fantastic fireworks display to an observer on the ground: but a struggle of life and death for the valiant men and women of the UGTO and ICC.

The light from the battle suddenly intensified as a UGTO battle group smashed through an ICC formation, breaking it apart and leaving three burning Cruisers in their wake. The ICC, resilient as always, reformed and pushed the UGTO back, supported by nearby reinforcements. The UGTO attackers, unable to withstand the sudden surge of ships, broke entirely under the assault, losing all group cohesion. The ships scattered in all directions, but none attempted to flee from the field.

Many of the ships from this particular attack wave were downed, their hulls battered and pockmarked from the ICC’s withering firepower. But alone of the survivors, a UGTO Battle Cruiser from the former battle group soared straight towards the ICC ranks, somehow remaining unscathed as it dove between wrecked hulls and ICC Cruisers alike. Its captain spotted a vulnerable target: a supply ship, its defenders scattered, too far to lend assistance. The Cruiser fired, Particle Cannons and Proton Torpedoes lashing out to strike the supply ship’s shields. The smaller, weakly armed ship withstood the impacts for a split-second, shields flaring bright blue, until the shields broke in an explosion of energy and tore the supply asunder. The ship fragmented into countless pieces, yet another broken wreck amongst the battlefield.

“Damn!” Polaris snarled, who was watching as the nearby supply ship met its end. “Stadnyk! Lock on to that cruiser!”
The Battle Cruiser left its latest kill behind, turning 90 degrees as it spotted yet another vulnerable target. Particle cannons warmed up; torpedo tubes were reloaded.
“Fire!” ordered Polaris.
Four high-yield Fusion Torpedoes slammed into the cruiser’s fore section before its captain knew what hit him, burning through armor and hull, and charring the area of impact. The cruiser turned to face this new threat, firing a salvo of torpedoes and high velocity slugs.
"All ships! Break and attack!" Polaris roared into the COM. The Moonlight's escort, two Cruisers and four Destroyers, broke formation and scattered to dodge the incoming projectiles.
The Moonlight, however, was not nearly as agile as the smaller ships.
Polaris grimaced as torpedoes splashed across the Moonlight’s shields. He quickly checked to see if the shields were holding, then gave the order to fire once more.

A flash of white light blinded nearby ships as Polaris fired the weapon that had saved him countless times throughout his career. A brilliant bolt of blue energy smashed into the cruiser, crashing into it like a wave does on a rock, leaving a blue afterimage in space. The cruiser listed, out of control, as its momentum carried it straight into another volley from the Moonlight’s torpedo tubes.

Chemical Lasers sliced through space, hitting the cruiser in the midsection, the high-powered lasers making quick work of the weakened hull and neatly bisecting the ship. The two halves of the ship hurtled towards Ross 3, narrowly missing the Moonlight. Polaris smiled. By all accounts, an Ion Cannon was simply too large and used too much energy to outfit on a Combat Dreadnaught: a preoccupation that served him very well.

The Spec Ops Commander watched as the Moonlight dispatched the Cruiser, and felt a momentary pang of sadness as the broken hull plummeted towards the planet. The captain of that ship had been a good friend, and a damn fine leader. Still, the Commander grudgingly admired how easily the Cruiser was defeated. This plan wasn't going to be easy to pull off.

"Alert the insertion team." the Commander said to his officers. "Tell them we're going in now."
He glanced once more at the two halves of the burning Cruiser, now breaking up in the atmosphere of Ross 3.
"We're a little late, friend..." he whispered. "But nevertheless, here comes the cavalry."

“Tighten up your defenses!” Polaris roared on the command channel. “We’ve lost quite a few supply ships already, keep them protected, or this battle is lost! Take a full alpha for those ships if need be!”
Polaris shook his head. The battle had disintegrated into chaos. The minefield and the tactics of the ICC frigates and destroyers had scattered the UGTO formation, and took the edge off their charge: but not defeated it. The UGTO assault had forced ICC ships to break formation to dodge the barrage of missiles and cannon fire. Now ICC and UGTO ships simply brawled throughout the wreckage-strewn space. Polaris' own escort ships were already hopelessly out of range, as the arrival of several UGTO Destroyers drove them further and further away from the Moonlight. Polaris frowned. It wasn’t like the UGTO. Their ships were scattered and lacking organization, with no apparent purpose: yet they still continued to fight. Polaris thought a moment about the unusual situation. No UGTO bombers had appeared. No invasion craft either. But wasn’t their whole objective to take Ross 3 back?

Polaris train of thought was suddenly broken by an exclamation from Brent.
“Sir!” Brent yelled over to Polaris. “We’ve got trouble! Coming from above!”
Polaris looked at the tactical map, his eyes narrowing.
From the chaos on screen, Polaris could make out a delta formation consisting of an EAD and four Cruisers. Their predicted paths were shown on the screen, and right where all their lines intersected was the gently pulsing icon labeled Moonlight.

"Our jump systems are offline." Andrea cooly reported, as red lights began to pulse insistently on her console. "We're in an interdictor field, and the source appears to be the EAD."
“Bring us around to face them.” Polaris commanded. "Alert the nearest ICC ships of our situation."
"Ships alerted." said Matt. "Two Cruisers, the Azure Reach and the Kikomi are already in our immediate vicinity: but the next nearest ships are too busy with UGTO to easily come to our aid. Interdictor field is preventing any short jumps."

"Councilor!" came a soft voice over the COM. "This is Captain Bremer of the Azure Reach. Our ship is in perfect condition, and in position on your starboard."
"And this is Commander Silyan of the Kikomi." came in another voice, harsh, gruff tones contrasting with the tone of Captain Bremer. "We've take a few hits to our hull on the port side: but all systems are green, and shields at 97%."

"Good." responded Polaris, allowing a quick smile. "Form up: match my speed, and be ready for further orders. I'll keep this COM channel open."
He smiled again, the satisfied smile of a man who didn’t know if he was going to live or die, but who had fully accepted both possibilities. They couldn't outrun the EAD. They were outnumbered and outgunned. Only one thing left to do...
“Divert all shielding power to the fore." he directed to his officers. "Bring the engines up to 110%…and set a course for that EAD."

“Everyone ready?” asked the Spec Ops Commander into his transmitter, set to a secure channel. “We’ll be nearing the Moonlight in 30 seconds or so.”
“Aye sir.” a deep voice responded. “We’re all set to go. Every person in the squad is accounted for.”
“Good. We’ll get their shields down first: then hit them with some EMP to disable them. At that point we’ll-“
The Spec Ops Commander’s voice stopped abruptly as he took a look at the tactical screen.

”Navigator…show me the predicted destination and speed of our target.”
The Ensign’s fingers flew rapidly over the command console, calculating a vector and zooming in on the Moonlight.
“Sir…the Moonlight seems to be heading straight for us, at full speed! We’ll come in range in ten seconds! Two Cruisers have joined it, and are now heading at us on the same attack vector!”
The Commander swore loudly, and raised the transmitter.
“There’s been a change in plans! The Moonlight is charging us! Launch right now, and keep a safe distance! Stay hidden, and await further orders!”
“Affirmative.” replied the squad leader. “Launching now.”
“Sir!” shouted the Ensign. “We’re coming into range now!”

The Commander looked at the tactical screen again, as several blinking dots emerged from the Moonlight and headed straight for the EAD.
“Damn…” the Commander muttered again, then turned to give the order to return fire, as the first of the Moonlight’s railgun volley smashed across the bow.

CD*36 System, in orbit of Uaeleas.

Avetorian watched from the bridge as the Wormhole slowly came into being. Countless motes of light were appearing in space, all being slowly drawn to a single point in front of the WH Cruiser.

The sensor readings of his ship were going crazy, as space-time was distorted, as the very fabric of the universe was stretched and pulled. The motes of light finally coalesced, into a brilliant sphere of light that illuminated the gathered fleet. Six Dreadnaughts, twelve Cruisers, sixteen Destroyers, and twenty two frigates were arrayed in battle formation, an armada illuminated by the light of the nearby wormhole, the deep blue of the ICC symbol emblazoned on each hull.

“Let’s move.” said Avetorian. “Give us full engine power. Take us in, we’ll lead the way.”
The Nightfall’s engines blazed a brilliant blue, but more brilliant still was the flash of light as the Cruiser flew into the Wormhole, disappearing into the tunnel through time and space.

“Hang on, old friend.” muttered Avetorian, as the Nightfall made its way through the alternate dimension. “The cavalry is on its way.”

[small][ This Message was edited by: Polaris {Eternal Starlight} on 2007-11-20 22:15 ][/small]

[ This Message was edited by: Polaris {Eternal Starlight} on 2007-11-25 20:17 ]
ICC Security Councilor - Raven representative

Loyal Admiral of the Interstellar Cultural Confederation Navy.
Senior Commander of the Raven Warriors, the ICC elite.
Captain of the Assault Dreadnaught \"Gungnir\"

  Email Lux (Polaris)
Grand Admiral

Joined: August 04, 2005
Posts: 1107
From: Michigan
Posted: 2007-11-11 05:53   
Utter win. I enjoyed reading that.

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  Email Smartin
Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2007-11-11 06:50   
me to, very nice story. I had to re-read the first chapter, but damn-well worth the time:)

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-11-11 07:41   
needs moar EAD

  Email GothThug {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 22, 2006
Posts: 2815
From: Philly
Posted: 2007-11-11 14:22   
Good stuff Kit
Do I really look like a guy with a plan?
'I'm gonna go crazy, and I'm taking you with me!'

ICC Security Council Chief Enforcer

  Email Coeus   Goto the website of Coeus
Lux (Polaris)
Fleet Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: April 20, 2004
Posts: 835
From: Asgard
Posted: 2007-11-20 22:16   
Edited it a bit since I felt the Moonlight being without any available help was too unrealistic.
ICC Security Councilor - Raven representative

Loyal Admiral of the Interstellar Cultural Confederation Navy.
Senior Commander of the Raven Warriors, the ICC elite.
Captain of the Assault Dreadnaught \"Gungnir\"

  Email Lux (Polaris)
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