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 Author Darkspace: Title still yet to be decided, but +1 Chapter.
Lux (Polaris)
Fleet Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: April 20, 2004
Posts: 835
From: Asgard
Posted: 2007-09-13 23:21   
It's kinda hard for me to see if it's a readable form...to me, posting it, it looks like one big block of annoyingly hard to read text.

Dangit. After posting, it does look very unreadable because of the sheer amount of text...


Shane strode down the hallway, trying to exude an air of casualness. Most others would consciously try and act their role, and usually try too hard and give themselves away, or be too casual and enter in conversations with others that invariably led to disaster. But not Shane. As he neared the security checkpoint, he looked every bit like the UGTO technician he was supposed to be, and acted like one too: an upright posture, with a serious expression on his face at all times. ‘Base technicians.’ He mused. ‘No matter what side they’re on - always serious.’ He got to the checkpoint, and without a moment’s hesitation, strode on through. He didn’t expect the guards to stop him, and they didn’t. One of the guards simply glanced at him once, summing him up as one of the countless technicians that entered the base in the course of the day, giving him a bored nod. Shane nodded back, without breaking pace, and headed down a narrow corridor to his right.

‘Right, left, right, right…’ he recited in his head. He made his way through a myriad of small passageways, finally coming to a small, but thick and obviously well secured door. Shane reached into his pocket, pulling out a small card that read “Charles Merrol” and slid it through the small identification slot on the side of the door. Shane, was of course, not Charles Merrol. In fact, Charles Merrol was securely tied in the back of Shane’s transport car. Shane smiled when a light on the door blinked green, granting him access. Like the supposed maintenance door before him, Shane was not what he seemed. He stepped inside the room, and heard the door quietly reseal behind him. He now stood inside a small, air-conditioned room, lighted by a dozen white bulbs inset into the walls. Three sides of the room were bare. The fourth was covered with screens showing various diagrams of ships and maps of the surrounding space, with two command consoles attached to them, both of which were occupied.

One of the men in a chair wheeled around to face Shane, his questioning look quickly replaced by surprise and anguish as Shane quickly drew a pistol, shooting him directly in the center of the chest. The woman in the other chair, not bothering to look at who shot her comrade, reached for a red button on the dashboard. Shane didn’t know what exactly the button did, but he knew that red buttons usually meant either ‘alarm’ or ‘complete lockdown’. He reacted instantly, firing a shot which hit the woman’s hand, causing her to recoil in pain, her face contorted, until Shane fired once again and hit her in the neck. The hard part over with, Shane checked both of the technician’s pulses. Still alive and breathing, but wouldn’t be regaining their cognitive abilities for an hour or so. He lifted the woman’s hand and looked at it, noting the burn marks where the stun rounds had hit and released their electricity. He frowned. He much preferred to use lethal rounds when available, but Admiral Polaris didn’t want to cause unnecessary casualties. He mentally shrugged. Shane didn’t see the point, but orders were orders.

After lifting the woman out of the chair and dumping her unceremoniously on the floor, he sat at the console, looking over the readouts that were being shown on the dashboard. He found the one he was looking for, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small microchip. ‘Marvelous.’ He thought. Normally, interdictor reconfiguration would take days, maybe even more than a week. It took large amounts of time to change the interdictor coding and get through the prodigious amounts of firewalls in the system. But Polaris had gotten a significant part of the research complex of Exathra to devote their time solely to building this microchip, a device that had everything it needed to hack in, bypass the firewalls, and reconfigure the system, all the time rebuilding new firewalls to block entry to hacks attempted by the enemy. It was a fine piece of work, and took about a month to develop, even with the assistance of the best technicians in the ICC. But it was worth it.

He found the port for the microchip, and hesitated, savoring the moment. Shane loved it, the part of the mission where everything came to fruition. The feeling of immense satisfaction he got when he completed a mission, and got it done right. It was probably why he was so eager about his job. He grinned, and plugged the microchip in. The viewscreens blinked red for a moment as the counter-intrusion software detected a microchip…then changed back to blue diagrams and quiet pictures of the stars. Shane’s grin grew wider. The UGTO software was taken out in a millisecond. They weren’t going to know what hit them. He calmly stepped over the woman’s prone body and stepped outside into the hallway…but not before slapping on a beacon to the wall of the room. The door closed behind him, and all was silent. The beacon whirred, flashed red, and then began to pulse a signal…the signal that would start the assault on Ross 148.

Chapter One –

“Bad news, sir.”
Polaris put his hand to his forehead and closed his eyes. Bad news. A phrase he was too hearing too often in recent times. After a moment, he looked up, and slowly turned towards the officer who had uttered the phrase.
“Bad news?” repeated Polaris, his voice tinged with annoyance. “Lately, it seems to be the only kind of news I get.”
Matt shrugged, a tired look on his face. “It can’t be helped, sir.” He said plainly.
Polaris sighed, and looked out a window into the blackness of space.
“So then. Let’s hear it.”

“Yes sir.” Though the news he was about to deliver would send most commanders into an angry fit, Matt was calm. Ever since he had served on the Moonlight as the communications officer, then as second in command, Matt had seen again and again that Admiral Polaris had proved himself to be unusually calm and clear headed under periods of stress. Even so, this news would test his self-control.

Matt cleared his throat, and then hesitantly spoke.
“Sir, Rear Admiral Ghantel has abandoned his post. A UGTO attack just moments after he left defeated his fleet, which, without Ghantel, had no overall commander or leader. Subsequently, approximately three quarters of the remnants of his fleet fled, warping out of the system, and abandoning the planets Ida and El. Out of those ships, half were tracked and destroyed by UGTO patrols, a quarter fled to the gate and were defeated by a UGTO fleet there, and the remaining quarter apparently regained their bravery in a fashion, and returned in system. They’ve just arrived now.”
Matt finished, and braced for the expected outburst. Instead, Polaris just sighed.
Matt’s eyebrows arched slightly, taken aback at the apparent lack of surprise.

“Not one made it out of system then?” Polaris asked tiredly. “The UGTO must have an exceptional sensor network throughout the system.”
“One or two may have made it out.” responded Matt.
“And Ghantel?”
“Dead. His ship was destroyed by a UGTO EAD.” Matt said, still curious to how Polaris could take this news so calmly.
Seeing Matt’s surprise at his reaction, he let out a small chuckle.
“To be honest with you, Matt, I had my doubts about Rear Admiral Ghantel from the start. I had Ida’s entire military infrastructure razed, and all troops ready to be extracted at a moment’s notice: all courtesy of the certain Raven ships I had placed within that defense fleet.”

“And the casualties of the fleet to the UGTO? Were those included in your plans?” Matt queried, slightly alarmed at Polaris’ willingness to keep his doubts about Ghantel secret.
Polaris grimaced. “Although I had made precautions should he cut and run…I trusted enough in his capabilities and courage to let him keep command of the defense fleet. Obviously, this was a mistake.”
Polaris nodded, looking out the window.
“He never had much heart for the battle after that first major setback…I had hoped he would gain some measure of courage.”
Matt nodded. The last week had been hard on everyone.

They had come into the system with all speed, immediately jumping to Ross 3, the main UGTO Shipyard. They had arrived too quickly, too suddenly, for the stunned UGTO defenders to form a proper defense. Even with the UGTO ships at such an obvious disadvantage, they still outnumbered the ICC fleet by more than half. Polaris would not accept the predicted casualties if the ICC engaged the UGTO on initial arrival, and so hatched a different attack plan. The fleet had jumped 2000 gu from the planet in battle formation, giving the illusion the UGTO dictor was still fully functional. Emboldened by the distance between them and the ICC fleet, the UGTO formed a battle line facing the ICC. Once the element of surprise was lost, the advantage shifted overwhelmingly to the UGTO. But while the UGTO laughed at the now seemingly pitiful attempt by the ICC to take the planet, Polaris set his task force into motion.

10 Heavy Transports engaged their Tachyon drives, jumping straight past the startled UGTO defenders, into close orbit of Ross 3. The Transports showered Ross 3’s defenses with bombs, effectively putting them out of action before their shocked gunners could warm up their missile and laser systems. Hundreds of landing craft streamed from the transports, as the ICC Marines began their invasion. Fully three quarters of the UGTO fleet did an about face, turning to try and return to the planet. But Shane had done his work well. The UGTO ships found that they couldn’t engage their Tachyon drives, and now with three quarters of the formidable UGTO fleet facing back towards the planet, Polaris didn’t hesitate.

The ICC battle fleet accelerated to full speed, and smashed through the UGTO line, Polaris’ modified Combat Dreadnaught, the Moonlight, leading the charge. Polaris had placed the Combat and Assault Dreadnaughts at the head of the formation, and the sheer power they wielded quickly broke the UGTO line and overwhelmed the quarter of the UGTO fleet still facing them. The ICC Cruisers emerged behind the Dreadnaughts, accelerating ahead to engage the smaller ships which had been able to get moving fast enough to dodge the Dreadnaught’s initial charge. The remaining three quarters of the UGTO fleet, realizing their dire predicament, turned to engage – but not before half of their number went up in flames, easily destroyed with their vulnerable aft sections (engines and reactors in particular) facing the ICC.

The remaining UGTO, realizing that they were trapped, fought to the death. But even with the sheer courage and desperation of their commanders, the UGTO fleet succumbed to the superior firepower of the ICC fleet. Ross 3 was taken, and with it, the UGTO Shipyard in the system, stalling all possible UGTO reinforcements. With the majority of the UGTO fleet destroyed at Ross 3, The ICC fleet quickly took most of the system, taking the planets El and Ida with little resistance, and the Ross 2 cluster with none, the citizens deciding to surrender rather than face devastating orbital bombardment.

But then the advance stalled. Despite the UGTO Shipyard being in ICC hands, and despite the fact that the gates to Lalande and Ross 33 were disabled, UGTO ships continued to attack the ICC occupiers. And they weren’t simply remnants of the UGTO system fleet engaging in hit and run attacks, not by a long shot. The attacks were well coordinated and precise, and staged by UGTO ships in top condition and with the finest UGTO hardware and weapons to date. The ICC, with their superior defensive technologies, and a firm defensive position around the captured planets, were able to hold out. However, the ICC lost their grip on the Ross 2 cluster, the citizens of which were all too eager to welcome back the UGTO.

And now, with El and Ida back in enemy hands, all the ICC had left was Ross 3. Polaris had established communications with his fellow Security Councilors and set up a meeting via comlink, to debate about how the seemingly defeated UGTO were able to amass such a force in the system without sending in reinforcements through the gate.

No conclusion could be met. Long jumping was out of the question: while there were certainly a lot of UGTO ships in Ross 33 and Lalande, it would simply take too much time, and consume too much fuel for a substantial UGTO fleet to travel through interstellar space without the assistance of the gates. The UGTO couldn’t have built a new gate, as that took large amounts of rare materials to build, not to mention a year to construct. Wormholes were out of the question as well. The inherent nature of the Ross 148 system made all Wormholes impossible, a weird quirk that made the Ross 148 a pain to capture. The reason was over Polaris’ head – but he knew that out of every single Wormhole that had been attempted by both the UGTO and the ICC in Ross 148, none had opened.

So now, Polaris was faced with a ever increasing UGTO fleet, with no idea of how it got there, and no way to stop it. Reinforcements were impossible, with the ICC Navy stretched thin across the border systems, and despite the revival of several destroyed ICC ships (using Ross 3’s extensive Shipyard), Polaris’ numbers were dwindling, while the UGTO numbers were ever increasing.
“Guess there’s no helping it.” Polaris sighed. “Lucky that our fleet is already in defensive formation. They’ll be attacking Ross 3 soon.”
“Sir…” Matt started, as the red emergency lights of the Moonlight began to pulse insistently. “It seems that they’re already here.”

Polaris’ tired manner was long gone by the time he strode purposefully onto the bridge, Matt following right behind.
“Everything is set, Admiral.” Brent, the navigational officer, assured him. “All ships in their position.”
“All ships report that they are ready.” Matt added, looking at his console. “Every ship shows green, and are at full battle readiness.”
“As are we.” came the voice of Andrea, the Ship Operations officer. “All weapons are ready to fire, general quarters has been sounded, and reactors are running at full capacity. Engines are warmed up and we’re ready to move at a moment’s notice.”
“Weapons and ammunition all accounted for.” piped up Stadnyk, the last of the four primary bridge officers. “All fighters are in their respective hangars and ready for launch.”
Polaris nodded, fully satisfied with the situation. His bridge officers had all grown into competent and reliable people over the months of campaigning against the UGTO, and even K’luth, forces.
“Put a tactical map of the planet on viewscreen one, please.”
Viewscreen one flickered on, showing the position of the ICC ships and Ross 3.

The UGTO ships had come in a wedge formation, coming down ‘above’ the planet, at its north pole. The ICC fleet had responded accordingly, following Polaris’ pre-determined defensive formation. This time, the Destroyers and Frigates were at the front of the defensive line, while the Cruisers stayed guard over the Dreadnaughts, towards the back of the formation. In addition, hundreds of mines littered the surrounding space: the path through them only known to the ICC.

Polaris nodded. A good solid defense. The enemy fleet seemed to be roughly equal in numbers, but with the advantages of the minefield as well as the planetary interdictor field, the ICC held the upper hand, as it usually did when defending.
“Take us into the center of the formation. Full speed.” commanded Polaris.
The feeling of anticipation came, then, as it always did before a battle. No matter what horrors he had seen, always, the moment before battle…it was glorious, a mixture of anticipation, eagerness, and a tinge of trepidation.

Explosions lit up space as the UGTO vanguard hit the minefield. In the distance, ships ignited and broke apart as the nuclear mines exploded around them. The first line of ICC ships, now in missile range, started to fire volleys of IT missiles at the approaching UGTO ships, and the UGTO returned in kind. Fighters launched from both fleets, and now the battle was joined in earnest.

“That one?” asked the UGTO officer, pointing at what appeared to be the only aberration in the ICC formation: while all the Dreadnaughts were clustered towards the rear of the defenses, there was one lone Combat Dreadnaught situated in the direct center of the ICC fleet.
“Must be.” replied the ship’s captain, a person of no small rank, which was shown in the ship he commanded: the UGTO’s best, the Elite Assault Dreadnaught.
“Task force ready for insertion?”
“Of course.” responded the officer. “All teams are ready, in their ships, and ready to move on your command.”
“Excellent.” said the captain. He rubbed his hands together to warm them up in the cold air of the bridge.

For a second, when the blue glow of the navigation screen lit up his arms, one could see the gold insignia of a Grand Admiral on his forearm, and another below that, a smaller, darker insignia, but one that probably meant more than the one above it. Seemingly insignificant and easily overlooked, it was nevertheless, a badge that signified the bearer as the highest-ranking member of UGTO Special Operations.

[ This Message was edited by: Polaris {Kitsune} on 2007-09-15 10:58 ]

[small][ This Message was edited by: Polaris {Kitsune} on 2007-11-10 22:29 ][/small]

[ This Message was edited by: Polaris {Kitsune} on 2007-11-10 22:31 ]
ICC Security Councilor - Raven representative

Loyal Admiral of the Interstellar Cultural Confederation Navy.
Senior Commander of the Raven Warriors, the ICC elite.
Captain of the Assault Dreadnaught \"Gungnir\"

  Email Lux (Polaris)
Chief Marshal
*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: February 03, 2006
Posts: 260
From: Denver Colorado
Posted: 2007-09-14 00:18   
nice job i honestly rly enjoyed reading this cant wait for part 2
plan A : dont die

plan B : take someone with you

Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2007-09-14 01:24   
the part after Chapter One - is a bit long, might wanna split it up for a bit.
For the rest, didnt read it yet, will do after school:)

doda *EP5 no longer exception...*
Grand Admiral

Joined: December 11, 2005
Posts: 1012
From: happy land
Posted: 2007-09-14 08:50   
nice stroy
Please resize your Admin - signature
VCA since June 5th 06

Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2007-09-14 09:22   
so, now i read it.
Man, that was a nice story to read:)

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2007-09-14 16:46   
Very nice Kit!

Darkspace: Twilight

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Sanity Assassins

Joined: August 03, 2005
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From: Somewhere in the USA
Posted: 2007-09-14 16:53   
OOO i love it
(- _ -) - Email: admin@inductivesoul.us

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$yTHe {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

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Posts: 1292
From: Arlington, VA
Posted: 2007-09-14 17:13   


Grand Admiral

Joined: August 04, 2005
Posts: 1107
From: Michigan
Posted: 2007-09-14 18:06   
This was such a good read. More please. Very good work.

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  Email Smartin
Rogue Spear
Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

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Posted: 2007-09-14 23:30   
*Rogue Spear seal of approval*

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2007-09-15 04:40   
wow kit...sweet..MOAR pl0x

  Email GothThug {C?}
Ulven Skyblade
Non Omnis Moriar

Joined: March 04, 2007
Posts: 230
From: Timbo400
Posted: 2007-09-15 08:06   
this story rocks.

The more you see, the more you read, the more you hear, the more you know that you know nothing. And that the truth is nothing more then a personal judgment on the world around us by the people around us.

Lux (Polaris)
Fleet Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: April 20, 2004
Posts: 835
From: Asgard
Posted: 2007-09-15 22:59   
...unfortunately I've realized that with the new MV, this first chapter (obviously written before the changes) is now completely out of sync with the reality of the MV now...as Ross 148 was deleted, and the border systems now have just shrunk to Luyten...

Nevermind. Think I figured a way around it.

[ This Message was edited by: Polaris {Kitsune} on 2007-09-16 00:13 ]
ICC Security Councilor - Raven representative

Loyal Admiral of the Interstellar Cultural Confederation Navy.
Senior Commander of the Raven Warriors, the ICC elite.
Captain of the Assault Dreadnaught \"Gungnir\"

  Email Lux (Polaris)
Chief Marshal
*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: February 03, 2006
Posts: 260
From: Denver Colorado
Posted: 2007-09-16 00:39   
kewl . what abut a computer virus ( we will just call it lag) that destroys the gates beyond repair or somthing and brand new gates will have to be created witch could take decades (lets hope the decades part stays with the story )
plan A : dont die

plan B : take someone with you

Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2007-09-16 03:36   

On 2007-09-15 22:59, Polaris {Kitsune} wrote:
...unfortunately I've realized that with the new MV, this first chapter (obviously written before the changes) is now completely out of sync with the reality of the MV now...as Ross 148 was deleted, and the border systems now have just shrunk to Luyten...

Nevermind. Think I figured a way around it.

[ This Message was edited by: Polaris {Kitsune} on 2007-09-16 00:13 ]

We care little, we all remember the Ross system:)

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