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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » Darkspace - Twilight (Now with Alternate Ending!)
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 Author Darkspace - Twilight (Now with Alternate Ending!)
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-10-18 15:45   
ROFL, I'm getting dirty looks in the comp lab from laughing I think... hehe.

Oh stop your whining, have I let you down thusfar with your character? Trust me, or else I'LL KILL YOU! j/k

*humps backy's leg*

[Edit]Holy crap, 10 pages... and about 2/3 of it is mine
[Admin]Faustus broadcasts "UGTO stop launching all those damn fighters... your lagging out the MV..."

[ This Message was edited by: Coeus {NCX-Charger} on 2004-10-18 15:47 ]

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2004-10-18 15:54   
last 1/3 is my spam.

U better not let me down...that $5 I payed you so that I co......erm *ahem*


Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-10-18 19:37   
Oh be quiet, or I'll be inclined to alter the planned story line for you

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: December 07, 2002
Posts: 522
From: Straight Outta Boston!
Posted: 2004-10-20 01:23   
Sweet stuff man, keep em coming. That move you ahd me do was pretty accurate, I have a bad habit of charging into situations that are CLEARLY not in my favor. But hey, its fun. Though i never mount flux on ICC ships. I'm fundamentally against it, but hey, thats why it's fiction, right?


[S.W] Grand Admiral Strategery
ICC Master Battle Strategist (ret.)
Proud Commander of the C.S.S. Ticonderoga

  Email Strategery
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: December 07, 2002
Posts: 522
From: Straight Outta Boston!
Posted: 2004-10-20 01:23   
Sweet stuff man, keep em coming. That move you ahd me do was pretty accurate, I have a bad habit of charging into situations that are CLEARLY not in my favor. But hey, its fun. Though i never mount flux on ICC ships. I'm fundamentally against it, but hey, thats why it's fiction, right?


[S.W] Grand Admiral Strategery
ICC Master Battle Strategist (ret.)
Proud Commander of the C.S.S. Ticonderoga

  Email Strategery
Grand Admiral

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 1956
From: Vancouver
Posted: 2004-10-20 07:06   
Well whatever you have planned for him..... write it!!!

and include me.


and free writing? thats the best way man, as long as you have a goal in mind that your leading up to.

also Lady Kate, your a writer And animator? that was you that made that wicked looking fighter wasnt it... im not cracking out am i....

anyways, i check this thread every day, do not dissapoint me young padawan!!!


  Email Meko
Grand Admiral

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 1956
From: Vancouver
Posted: 2004-10-20 07:07   
Well whatever you have planned for him..... write it!!!

and include me.


and free writing? thats the best way man, as long as you have a goal in mind that your leading up to.

also Lady Kate, your a writer And animator? that was you that made that wicked looking fighter wasnt it... im not cracking out am i....

anyways, i check this thread every day, do not dissapoint me young padawan!!!


  Email Meko
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-10-20 10:39   
Jeez... whats with the double posts.... ROFL. I mostly only write on Mondays Wendesdays & Fridays - not sure about today though, slept through my first class & don't have that massive time slot between 1st & 2nd class... but I'll try.

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Astral Viper

Joined: February 27, 2003
Posts: 343
Posted: 2004-10-20 15:06   
wheres the hero :'( (me) i need to keep backy from doing something stupid even if it involves boarding his ship and pimp slapping sense into him.

GTN wasnt just a Fleet it was a Family we all were and still are and always will be brothers in our hearts.

From the ashes of Earth we rise like a pheonix spreading our wings

  Email Astral Viper
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2004-10-20 15:20   

On 2004-10-20 15:06, Astral Viper {GTN Forever} wrote:
wheres the hero :'( (me) i need to keep backy from doing something stupid even if it involves boarding his ship and pimp slapping sense into him.

we'd end up partying.

Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-10-20 16:05   
I haven't the feintest idea what I'ma do with you viper, to be honest with ya... LOL. I'll see what I can come up with though... hehe.

Okies, here we go! Chapter 12. It is kind of rushed, but I really wanted to get this stuff out there, and may add on another part to it after I get home later.

New MS Word linky!

[Edit]Fixed the rank in that first paragraph...


Chapter 12

Coeus sat down in a soon-to-be sweaty leather chair. The plain-clothed officer, whom Coeus had since discovered to be an Admiral in the UGTO intelligence division, sat opposite him. Admiral Rory "Sono" Delafelde, was his name – and he had given his word that Coeus won’t be arrested. The word of a spy, but it didn’t matter since Coeus had no doubt in his mind that he could wax the floor with Delafelde’s remaining pair of guards with or without a weapon.

“Ok Delafelde, where is she?” Coeus stared straight at the enemy spy. Delafelde stared right back at Coeus with unreadable eyes. He was good at this.

“What the hell are you doing here Co’?” a harsh voice growled from Coeus’ left. He looked over, and saw his sister the terrorist. While she had never committed any acts against the ICC herself, she had never dissuaded any of her comrades from doing so. Coeus had looked away from that fact because of the acts she performed to undermine the UGTO. In fact, in collaborating with her years ago he had enabled the ship he was serving on, the Intensity, to single handedly take over several planets in Wolf 359. While it had been through command’s ineptness that the planets were subsequently lost, Coeus still kept that on his private victory list.

“I was in the neighborhood, decided to drop by.” Coeus answered. He looked blankly at his sister, trying to keep the UGTO spy in the dark about their relationship.

“You coulda picked a better time.” She replied. She set down a tray between the two officers, with three tall glasses of iced tea on it. The three of them took a glass each, while Lelandra motioned to the door. “Your grunts can fill their canteens from the spigot around the side of the house.” Delafelde raised his hand and motioned to the soldiers when they looked in the door at him. Within a split second water could be heard outside, and a loud sigh of relief.

“I didn’t realize you had company – decided to crash the party anyway.” Coeus smirked; he knew she was probably glad to see him. As bad as it was for an ICC to come calling on her, it was even worse for a UGTO intelligence officer to be here with soldiers.

“Oh, you two can drop the act. We are well aware of your shared parentage, and frankly we don’t care. I care even less than I’m ordered to, in fact. I am here on more serious matters than the petty bickering of the war between us. Something more important even than Lelandra’s own personal ‘beliefs’.” Delafelde said. He produced a printout of a small segment of star chart, along with a transparent segment of subspace scans the same size. It was the section of space that Jameson and Coeus had examined earlier that led Coeus to where he was now.

“Now, Admiral. I’m sure you recognize this.” Delafelde paused while Coeus nodded.

“We detected a boomer headed for those coordinates loaded with enough material to blow through the subspace barrier and destroy that intersection in subspace, destroying the entire galaxy.” Coeus said. He knew that what he was about to say was confidential, and he didn’t care. “We have a fleet standing by to intercept it.”

“Your intelligence is a little outdated, Admiral – and I must say that it’s my fault. I intercepted a communiqué from your ship to you. The UGTO fleet, along with the ICC traitors you call the Shadow Pirates have left Nicea for Sol, most of the fleet including the station commanded by your friend Hirad has rerouted to intercept us when our fleet reaches Sol space.” Delafelde raised a hand to calm Coeus down. “Relax, we were expecting you because of that, and I have saved a copy of the communiqué for you to review. It is from your Captain Jameson. That isn’t important, there are enough ships to destroy the boomer left guarding the subspace eddy convergence. The problem is, we can’t let them stop that transport.”

Coeus stared at Delafelde thoughtfully. “I’m all ears now bubba.” He said.


Powell cursed as his officers read off the latest list of damages. At least they hadn’t been fluxed yet, and most likely wouldn’t be since the two dreads hadn’t used it yet. They were closing on the stray moon quickly, but it may not be quick enough. The Diligent had lost all weapons and exhausted all defensive measures. It was up to the battered Sobek now to protect the jump cruiser. He wasn’t sure how much longer Linna could continue to do so. Powell had called for reinforcements, and asked for some elements of the fleet to stand by for an emergency wormhole to help deal with these dreads. But even if Powell could summon a wormhole immediately, which he couldn’t, the fleet wouldn’t be able to deal with the extra firepower of two more dreads – especially not if they were delivered directly into the middle of the fleet. They were on their own.

“Begin evasive pattern Omega, we need to keep those dreads within range if this is going to work.” Powell said. He opened a channel to the Sobek, and was met by a shower of sparks on the monitor. “You ok Admiral?” he said.

“Just peachy, when are you getting us the hell out of here?” She said. She ordered her helm to change their evasive patterns, trying to avoid as much enemy fire as possible.

“Its gonna get worse before it gets better slick. We need to get those dreads within 100gu before we get to the planet. That means circling.”

“That’s no good Powell, I’ve got one of these fricking B.D.s on follow, its helm is matching our course turn for turn.” Yamazaka said. Her ship was hit with yet another shower of sparks.

“Sir, there is another ship coming in.” The sensors operator said. He looked over at Powell.

“BD or EAD?” Powell said. Things were going this bad, that was the only way it could get worse.

“Neither sir, it’s the Charger! Shes opening a channel.” The communications officer chimed in.

“Put them through.” Powell waited until the click signaled they were connected. “Coeus good buddy, great timing!” he then said.

“Good guess, but wrong.” Jameson said. “Is your wormhole charged?”

“Not yet, but it will be in a second. We were going to open one right next to the planet with the dreads close on our tail, so close they couldn’t turn away and their size would impact the planet before they made the wormhole.” Powell said, sure that the comm. lines were secure between the two friendlies.

“Good plan, but I think you’ll only be able to get one like that. You keep going for that, and open the wormhole to this location. We’ll deal with the second dread.”

A moment later, the Diligent’s internal lighting dimmed as most of the power was sent to the prototype device. A few hundred meters ahead, a glowing lightshow indicated that a stable wormhole had been established, and seconds later the Diligent was through. Seconds after that, the first battle dread slammed into the side of the moon, creating a crater a dozen kilometers wide. The second dread was still following the Sobek’s unsteady course.

“Sir, we’re not going to be able to make that wormhole before it closes up, the dread has caused too much damage to the engines! They’re beginning to overtake us!”

Linna was on the verge of collapsing, all offensive and defensive options were exhausted. Then an idea struck her. “How far off is that wormhole.” She said.

“800gu dead ahead.” The helmsmen said.

“Is the jumpdrive charged?” she said. The helmsman nodded. “Plot in a standard jump, calculate for full speed.”

“Sir, at this range the jump computer won’t engage, it will only align to jump then abort.” He said.

“I’m well aware, engage jump computer.” Seconds later, the Sobek altered course slightly.

“Jump aborted by nav-comp. What now sir?” The helmsman said with a slight tweak to his voice.

“Engage emergency jump protocol.” Linna said with a smile. With a blast of light, the Sobek defied the laws of space, and rocketed forward and into the closing event horizon of the wormhole. The enemy dreadnaught attempted to follow, and found its front end cut off by the closed wormhole, and its tail end continued forward, flipping end over end as the moon’s gravitational force drew it downwards.

On the bridge of the Sobek, Linna sat back in her seat. “Ensign.” She said softly. When her helmsman looked over his shoulder at her, she smiled and said, “I’ll add that bet to your tab.” He shook his head and turned back to his station. In front of her, the Diligent and the Charger both faced the point where the wormhole would have been, gun ports open. Beyond them, the flashs of light and distant sparks of explosions marked the main battleground. Glancing at her nav, Linna could see that the battle did not progress well, and recommended that the three ships regroup at Neptune as soon as the Diligent’s wormhole was charged again. The war would be decided in Sol, this was only a precursor.

[Admin]Faustus broadcasts "UGTO stop launching all those damn fighters... your lagging out the MV..."

[ This Message was edited by: Coeus {NCX-Charger} on 2004-10-22 09:01 ]

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-10-21 01:08   
I wasn't quite happy with the variety of Chapter 12, and Viper has been missing for a while, so here ya go Addon to the end of 12. Expect more later this week, hopefully

MS Word Doc.


Viper paced back and forth on the bridge. It had been almost a day searching the area where they found debris of the Absolut, and there were still no clues as to their disappearance. The debris pattern indicated that the ship was intact, though heavily damaged. It was doubtful that even the Eternal’s repair systems could fix her, it would probably take the resources of a drydock. That all depended on if Viper could get there in time.

“Show it to me again.” Viper said. On one of the monitors in the ceiling just in front of Viper lit up with an analysis of a substance found near the debris. “And you’re sure they don’t know about it?” he asked. Chief Lawrence looked at Viper with a glare. Viper shook his head and said, “I still don’t believe it. How could something that serious be so minute on sensors that our advanced scanners barely picked it up?” He didn’t really expect an answer.

“Sir, this sort of plasma leak is limited to mostly smaller ships with less space to work with and a weight limit on the shielding they use to protect the plasma conduits. It is very likely that the leak is occurring from a ruptured valve in whatever section of the ship was destroyed, and thus the engineers presumed that the plasma flow would cease since they shunted the regulators away from the damaged area. Problem is that with these smaller ships there is only so many ways to alter the path of the plasm-“

Viper shook his head, enough techno-babble. "Just find them.” He said.

“I’ll try sir, but a Destroyer like that will be very hard to find if they’re trying to avoid enemy detection. Even if I do a broad sensor sweep, I’m likely to pick up a bunch of merchant ships that could ha-“

“That’s it!” Viper stood up with a short hop. He practically ran to the helm, and began flipping through local star-charts on the small navigation panel of the helm console.

“What’s it, sir?” Lawrence said.

“I know how to find him, Chief.” Viper said. There was an energy in his voice that Lawrence immediately recognized as something he almost never heard before from the Admiral. Hope. “Back when we were in the Navy, any small ship that was damaged was told to make its way to the local supply routes, with the idea that the locals would come to the aid of a UGTO ship in distress. We avoided the routes like the plague, since they were pirate haven and many commercial transports were known to be sympathetic of the ICC. But, in that destroyer… yes, there! Set course for that shipping lane, engage jump drive as soon as we’re clear of the asteroid field.”

Viper sat back in his seat. He crossed his leg and put his hands in a temple as he stared straight ahead. The power he radiated in this position brought an inkling of fear from his ICC subordinates. They had seen UGTO officers in this same position demanding surrender, and bad things happened when the ICC declined to surrender, as they always did. No matter, it was very clear that Viper’s loyalties lied towards his fellow ICC officers. All they had to do was look at everything he was doing to save Backslash and his crew. Yes, the crew could trust Viper to uphold his oath to the ICC.

[Admin]Faustus broadcasts "UGTO stop launching all those damn fighters... your lagging out the MV..."

[ This Message was edited by: Coeus {NCX-Charger} on 2004-10-22 10:54 ]

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-10-21 02:00   
BTW, Meko...

"it doesnt precede you" not I.

Read the whole line you yutz! Hehe

"Nice to see that my reputation precedes me. Too bad that I couldn’t precede you, whoever you are.” Coeus said.

What he is saying is that his reputation gets to where he hasn't been ahead of him, and he is wishing that he had gotten to where he is now before the officer. Get it?

I couldn't figure out what you were talking about until I was reading over the story earlier... hehe.

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Grand Admiral

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 1956
From: Vancouver
Posted: 2004-10-21 10:06   
serves me right for reading it while im suppost to be sleeping =)


good installment... now for the sake of the ICC, Add me!!

  Email Meko
Astral Viper

Joined: February 27, 2003
Posts: 343
Posted: 2004-10-21 11:03   

Viper sat back in his seat. He crossed his leg and put his hands in a temple as he stared straight ahead. The power he radiated in this position brought an inkling of fear from his ICC subordinates. They had seen UGTO officers in this same position demanding surrender, and bad things happened when the ICC declined to surrender, as they always did.

ROFL thats awsome lol i love you man

GTN wasnt just a Fleet it was a Family we all were and still are and always will be brothers in our hearts.

From the ashes of Earth we rise like a pheonix spreading our wings

  Email Astral Viper
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