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 Author A New Way of Fighting (fiction)
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-17 16:52   
I dont know perhaps a love interest maybe? lol but yeah, you need to keep writing this is very interesting

  Email GothThug {C?}
_x$witchBladex_ [1.480 Fanboy]
Grand Admiral

Joined: February 26, 2003
Posts: 849
From: Upstate New York
Posted: 2006-03-17 20:06   
More, more, more!!!

I liked reading the combat.


[EDIT] Surprised you didn't use rum instead of whiskey

[ This Message was edited by: _x$witchBladex_ {1.484} on 2006-03-17 20:07 ]
* [=TB=]Enterprise @39933 sent to Clan: "Thats a lie Switch, you'd never let anyone else drink rum if it were right there. You'd slip teh roofies in and start drinking it yourself and not even realize it."

Sanity Assassins

Joined: September 14, 2004
Posts: 237
From: London England
Posted: 2006-03-19 00:46   
I can't wait til the next installment
a true master of fiction you will become my friend

Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-20 13:55   
Kluth Space
A sector of space never been seen by humans
Kiel’ EiTo S’NakoTo Ei Y’tomak’Atar (Leader of the tribes of Y’tomak’Atar)
Colony Science Station
Ki’SoDak EiTo Jo’SoDak (Knower of the Unknown)
Switchblade and Darkscorpions meeting.

Switchblades piercer docked with the massive colony ship. It was at least three times as large as a normal colony and ten times as heavy armed. It was after all the leader of the Y’tomak’Atar tribes flagship. The supreme leader of all the tribes bearing the Y’tomak’Atar name, Switch’s direct superior in the Kluth Hierarchy, Switch had seen him maybe three times in his life, but was ever able to feel his presence. Here on his flag, the HiveMind was extremely strong, so strong in fact switch could almost taste what his eminence had for lunch. Switch shook his head, he had to control his thoughts and remember how to fall into the role of the ruled rather then the ruler, lest he lose his life. TaRiak, who the humans didn’t even know existed, was a direct descendant of Tomak, one of the original eight awakened by the merger of Rath and Atar as is written in the sacred Helyu Y’Rath’Atar. His being of holy blood made him more the common Kluth, He had lived through three generations of Switch’s family and looked like he planned for at least three more, and he has never been defeated in mortal combat. Switch rounded a corner in corridor admiring the way TaRiak’s growers had both made it functional and pleasing to look at. He stopped as he seen Darkscorpion approaching him. Dark has been onboard the Knower for over a year now, he had been working with TaRiak’s best scientists, and from what switch understood, he was instrumental.
Dark half bowed at the waist to his tribal leader ‘Welcome switch, I trust your voyage was pleasant.’ Switch nodded to him, ‘boring, it took many long jumps just to reach the worm hole, I am hungry.’ Dark turned and motioned at the same time for Switch to accompany him, there were many things that Dark wanted to tell Switch but could not; Kluth had no ability to lie or deceive, to tell switch would be to broadcast it to all the Kluth with in range. Dark, while working on the project had discovered a way for a Kluth to hide information from other Kluth; while he could not lie he had manipulated certain cells in his brain trying to attune himself with the weapon when he discovered he could store thoughts in the small nerve bundle without thinking of them. While they were stored he did not know what they were, just that they were there until he mentally wished to know what they were. It was amazing, yet very confusing as all the knowledge of this ability was now safely stored. All he could remember was he needed to tell switch something in private; an alien thought that frightened him just a little.
Switch could sense the turmoil in Dark, he had odd alien thoughts coursing off him randomly, and Switch knew he could not see TaRiak like this.
‘Perhaps we should forget the food right now Dark’ he sent. ‘Perhaps your lab would be a good place to catch up before tonight’s meal at TaRiak’s table.’ Switch sent a menacing emotion with TaRiak’s name.
‘Yes that is a great idea,’ Dark sent back, relived that Switch could see the urgency of the situation; they turned and headed for the lab. As they neared the section of the ship that housed the lab Dark stopped in a portion of the ship that they would be able to talk unheard in.
‘Switch, you will see things in this lab that you were not meant to see.’ Concern was clearly evident in Darks thoughts, you will be taking a great risk, but I can show you a way to protect your self, even from the Kiel’, the Kluth word for leader’, if you are willing. Switch pondered a moment; Dark could feel his emotions warring with themselves, loyalty to the TaRiak, fear at what Dark was implying, as well as frustration with TaRiak’s way of dealing with the humans.
‘This risk,’ Switch sent, ‘It will make our tribe stronger?’ he asked, ever the watchful patriarch of his tribe.
‘it its well worth the chances you will take Kiel’, you will be more then you were before.’ Dark paused, ‘I have already taken the step, what it is I can not tell you yet, not till we are in the lab.’ Switch’s amazement was crystal clear; Dark could feel his emotions so strongly they were almost a thought ‘that a Kluth could hide a thought from another, amazing!’
‘Let us proceed, Dark my friend.’ Switch sent, clapping his friend on the shoulder, ‘never has my faith in you been less the fully rewarded.’ With a half bow and emoting pride, gratitude and satisfaction Dark led the way to the orifice of the lab. Sending in a quick mental command, the orifice, which only responded to Dark, opened like an iris with a wet sucking sound. Dark half bowed again and waved Switch in giving him the honor of entering first as well as letting the import of what he was going to see have its full effect.
Switch’s eyes grew wide and he emoted shock and amazement at what he saw. ‘So this is the great weapon,’ he sent with awe.
‘Yes, Kiel’,’ Dark sent back, ‘Shall we begin?’

R33-8710 System
Center City red light district
Same seedy unnamed bar catering to ICC fleet and enlisted personnel
20:37 June 24, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

Goththug sat at the bar enjoying his drink, he was in pretty high spirits today considering he had won quite a few hands tonight at Star Poker and was drinking for free. He had cleaned nearly all of the creds from six, rather large mean looking, heavy space marines before they retired from the game to sit in the back of the bar and give him dark, surly looks now and then.
‘Pfft’ he thought to himself, ‘they’ll get over it,’ casting a cautious look over his shoulder at them. ‘At least I hope they do.’ “Hit me,” he told Manny the bartender who wordlessly filled his glass again. Even with his winnings Goth’s spirits began to wane, four days since the raid, and no news, Ants and the gang hadn’t been back yet, and all Goth had to go on was base scuttlebutt. Not being able to fly with the squad anymore was bad enough, but not knowing what was going on was almost more then he could take. Thinking back to the event that caused his decommissioning had him half rising from his seat to ask the jarheads in the back what their problem was someone coming in the door stopped him in his tracks.
A woman entered the bar, dressed in stylish civilian street clothes; her eyes surveyed the bar and stopped on Goth. She was tall and leggy; with hair so blond it was nearly silver. She had deep piercing emerald green eyes seemed to look right into your soul, her skin was tan and she was simply the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Goth ran a hand through his hair straitening it out a bit as she walked across the room towards him. Every eye belonging to a man even half worth the name tracked her like a fighter pilot, she was stunning.
Goth leaned back against the bar and held his drink loosely in his hand, admiring the way she moved in an almost fluid way.
“Hello darling,” he said, looking in her eyes, “looking for me?” he asked with a patented Goththug leer. She smiled her million candle watt smile at him, and swayed up the bar.
“Depends,” she said leaning up against the bar, “buy me a drink?” she asked with a smoldering look through lowered eyelashes that made Goths heart skip a beat.
“Manny,” Goth said turning to a bar, “the lady’s pleasure is on me.” Turning to her he said “name your poison, I’m Goththug, most my friends just call me Goth.” She ordered her drink from Manny and turned back to Goth.
“I’m Deja,” she had a distinctly different accent; one Goth felt he should know but couldn’t put a finger on. “I’m new in town, and was just checking out the nightlife, thanks for the drink.” Manny put her glass on the table and left to serve other customers.
“You from around here?” she asked with another of her heart breaker smiles.
Goth shrugged, “here, there, I move around a lot. Where do you come from?” he couldn’t get over how beautiful she was, or the fact that she was standing in front of him.
“I’m from Haven,” she said with a tremor in her voice and looked down, “one of the refugees, I live in the shelter on 5th.”
Goth wanted to reach out and hold her with every fiber in his being; he hadn’t ever felt anything this strong before, the tremor in her voice stabbed at his heart, which he was surprised still worked.
“I’m so sorry,” he handed her the glass, “It’s always the same with those bloody bugs,” he said with a harsh edge in his voice.
“Or the UGTO,” taking the glass she said, “Thanks, I needed this.” She took a sip from the glass and looked into his eyes, her eyes got a little wide and Goth instinctively pushed her to the right and ducked. The bottle made a whooshing sound as it barely missed the back of Goths head, as the large marine swung it full force at him. Off balance from the missed blow the marine over reached and collided with the bar, where from his crouched position Goth couldn’t help drilling him as hard has he could in the family jewels. The marine collapsed with a grunt as Goth jumped to his feet and surveyed his surroundings. Deja was off to his right, a few feet behind the five pissed off marines still standing, with a startled and worried look on her face.
“Guys,” Goth thug quipped, as he dodged to the left out of reach of the nearest marine trying to latch onto him. “It was just a card game, come on already!” he backed around the curved corner of the bar trying to get some room to maneuver.
“Frigin punk!” one of them growled, “bad enough you cheat us out of our money, you aint walking out of here in one piece with her.” The marine slurred his words, they were all obviously drunk, which explained a lot especially why he was still breathing at the moment. The marines, though drunk and having lost the initiative were still good enough to close him in, forcing him into a box between them, the bar and the back wall.
“Guys, I think you’re blowing this a little out of proportion here.” Goth knew his back was against the wall here, his hand started to slide towards blaster he kept in a special pocket sewn in his flight vest he still wore.
One of the marines started to respond when there was loud blast and the smell of burnt ozone began to fill the air everyone froze. Manny was standing behind the bar with a blaster cradled in his arm; there was a loud metallic clicking from the kitchen door where the cook stood menacingly with a combat needler.
“Boys,” Manny said with a grin as he adjusted the range on the blaster to short fan, “someone owes me a ceiling here.” Everyone listened closely, as Manny had a reputation for ending fights the fast way, often messy but fast. “The way I see it, you boys are pissed about losing your creds,” he pointed at the marines with the blaster, who didn’t flinch. “and the fact he seems to lucky, even with the ladies,” and you he pointed at Goth who tried to look innocent, how many times have I told you about straight games in my bar.”
“But I,” Goth started to protest, but was cut off.
“Can it, Goth,” Manny barked. “I don’t have time for this,” he pointed at the marines again, “you boys will wait here real nice with me for a few moments.” Pointing at Goth again he said, “Me and you will talk about that ceiling later, you’re going to pay for it and these nice marines here won’t owe me anything for the trouble tonight. That way we all win and we all lose tonight got it?”
“But, Manny,” Goth started, a bit hurt that he thought he was cheating.
“Not now Goth, I’ll add the damages to your tab, due Friday.” He motioned towards the door, “now take your lady friend and get the hell out of here, I’m gonna buy these fine solders here a drink and explain the finer points of our little agreement here to em.”
“Got ya Manny, sorry for the trouble.” Goth walked around the marines, who while making no threatening moves, didn’t move aside for him either. He crossed to where Deja was standing and took her hand. “I think we better go the airs a little thick in here.”
She let herself be led out of the bar with a bemused look on her face and looked at him as they stopped on the curb.
“Is it always like this around you? She asked head slightly tilted with an amused look on her face.
“Taxi!” Goth yelled, holding his right hand over his head and waving. He looked down into her eyes, “yea pretty much.” He said with a shrug.
“Good,” she said, putting her hands on each side of his face, “I hate boring.” With that she kissed him fiercely on the lips. Goths eyes got wide, and he froze for a second, then he draped his arms around her back and kissed her back with as much vigor as he had in him.

Andosia System
Hilg Orbit
UGTO Drop Squadron
09:30 June 25, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

CommanderHawk piloted the CO Shuttle away from the U.W.S Avenger just a little pissed off. Divine, had somehow managed to gain control of fleet operations for this entire mission and was taking advantage of his time in command to pay him back for a particularly crappy mission Hawk had sent him on some years back as a joke. Even pissed Hawk had to laugh, sending Divine to lead a scouting mission for survivors of a civilian Intergalactic cruiser explosion in Lala; he spent four months searching the asteroids for escape pods from a wreck that never happened. Hawk laughed a little, maybe he deserved this mission, though deserving it didn’t make having to work with the uptight marine Captain any easier. The guy was a real jerk, instead of making the best of a bad situation; he met every attempt by Hawk to get along with a stony silence.
“Admiral Hawk,” the Captain asked, “how long till we reach dirt? I need to brief my men.” He was cold and professional to the core. Hawk sighed to himself, he was really going to get Divine back for this.
“We will be in formation in five minutes; we will be going in hot in six.” Hawk answered, if they want to play soldier, then his boys were gonna play pilot. “I’m taking this time to have my pilots gain some air time in dropping to a hot LZ so have men secured and ready.”
“The corp. is always ready Admiral; we may proceed when you are ready.” The Captain answered back dryly. Hawk cursed under his breath and keyed the mike his pilots.
“Drop leader to Drop Team, we are going in hot, last one to dump their load is galley rat for a week, got it.” Affirmatives came in and when the last one said roger Hawk kicked into gear.
G forces slammed Hawk and his passengers back into the acceleration couch a thrusters designed to break planets gravity, hurled them straight into it. Fire flew from the nose of the vessel as it skimmed the planets atmosphere attempting to find the fastest way down with out burning up. The specially designed shuttles bucked and rocked as the planet tried to either skip the shuttles away or destroy them entirely, Hawks copilot yelled out the numbers as the temperature leaped first tens and twenties of degrees then by the hundreds.
“Admiral,” Hawks copilot spoke into the intercom, “we need to level her out some,” Hawk could hear the tension in his copilots voice. “We need to straighten her out; she’s getting to hot Sir.” Hawk checked the gauges for fifth time in the last two minutes and responded simply.
“She will hold.”
Three nerve racking minutes later the shuttle group, minus a few heat tiles and blacked from nose to stern burst through the upper atmosphere, banked and dove straight for the largest cotenant in the southern hemisphere. During the decent each shuttle broke formation a bit, each one had a navmarker on their navcom, each a different LZ to drop the marines in. first to widen the search grid, second no one was sure what this weapon was supposed to be or what it was capable of, splitting the shuttles seemed a good idea at this point.

Captain Bailey sat in the deployment bay of the shuttle with his HQ Company, drop pods were fast, but nothing like this, he swore he could feel his front ribs pressing into the back of his G couch. If that fleet puke thought he or his boys would be bothered by a wild ride they were wrong. Ear splitting directional boosters kicked of as the main engines shut down, the boosters whipped the shuttles into a madding 180 degree turn that set everyone’s teeth on edge. If Bailey and his boys thought that the ride was wild till now, they reappraised their opinions when shuttles now pointing up and a mere few thousand meters from impact kicked their engines back in full. To the marines and anyone else who never rode a fleet shuttle on a hell drop, now knew what it felt like to have the god of war reach out and use your body as a tooth pick. The power of the main engines firing up and fighting the gravity they had so recently rode in on, hit like a ton of bricks and Bailey felt like his spine was ripped out.
“Holy sh…” one of his marines was yelling when he barked “stow it marine!” the rumbling and roaring stopped suddenly and the ship pitched forward and came down flat with a jar. Restraints released as side doors whisked up revealing the jungle beyond, Explosions roared all around the shuttle as suppressive mortar fire and rapid fire particle cannons killed anything within five hundred meters of the LZ. Bailey and his troops rushed out of the shuttle and hit the dirt in a perimeter around the shuttle. The ships weapons fire ceased abruptly, and Bailey got all clears from his men.
“Bull, copy,” he barked in the mike, “secure the perimeter and report when finished.”
“Yes sir,” Top answered and continued out loud in a huge voice, “you heard the captain! Move it you lazy maggots, last one to be dug in, is on my list, MOVE!” Bailey smiled to himself as Bull yelled orders and insults to his marines, he turned to Hawk who was stepping out of the shuttle into the sweltering heat.
“Exceptional flight Admiral, and since were going to be here a while,” he said unlimbering his blast rifle and peered into the jungle, “call me John, I like to be informal in the bush.” Bailey had no choice to admit that Hawk and his boys were most likely the best pilots he had ever encountered.
“yea, whatever,” Hawk said a little disappointed they weren’t puking their guts out, but unable help but admire the obvious professionalism of a fellow soldier no matter what branch he was in.


  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-20 13:59   
Whew, more to come soon, the 11th ODM will begin to find some clues and a cold trail, can they follow it and locate the weapon? What is this mysterious weapon created by Darkscorpian and the TaRiaks best siceintists and what will he do to switch? and once again who is that girl with Goth, damn shes hot, whats she see in him.

ever typing



  Email HaVoX
Sanity Assassins

Joined: September 14, 2004
Posts: 237
From: London England
Posted: 2006-03-20 14:31   
What im going to do something to switch? cant it be that cute human female with goth
keep up the good work dude


Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-20 14:45   
lol, dont worry switch, it wont be anything obscene, and all i will say is that, towards the middle, the type of kluth you and the rest of S|P become will surprise you. besides, how cute could Kluth girls be.


  Email HaVoX
_x$witchBladex_ [1.480 Fanboy]
Grand Admiral

Joined: February 26, 2003
Posts: 849
From: Upstate New York
Posted: 2006-03-20 15:36   
Keep it coming. -$|P- shall thrive once more!

<-- supposed to be evil grin...didn't quite work


[ This Message was edited by: _x$witchBladex_ {1.484} on 2006-03-20 15:37 ]
* [=TB=]Enterprise @39933 sent to Clan: "Thats a lie Switch, you'd never let anyone else drink rum if it were right there. You'd slip teh roofies in and start drinking it yourself and not even realize it."

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-20 20:19   
a female? eww. im bisexual hello! i'd rather it be 1 guy and 1 girl lol but yeah beside the point it was cute hehe

  Email GothThug {C?}
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-20 20:33   
oh and i might add, if you kill me off in this story imma huntchu down in the MV haVoX

  Email GothThug {C?}

Raven Warriors

Joined: March 03, 2004
Posts: 2673
Posted: 2006-03-20 22:47   
From what I read, it's awesome. Very nice

Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-21 08:38   
if ya die, you will be a hero, if ya dont ya still might lol, and as i understand it bi's do have anyproblems with girls. course the only bi's i knew were girls.

  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-21 09:11   
errm, well, i dont have a problem with girls hehe

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-21 12:50   
this edtion is the end of chapter 2, chapter 3 "Hook line and sinker" soon to be started.


  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-21 12:52   
R33-8710 System
ICC Fleet Command Haven Office
Colonel, Gerred Baker, ICC Military Intelligence
13:00 June 25, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

“Sir, I think we have something here you should see.” A new second lieutenant, as well as a new member of Colonels Bakers MI investigation team had been sifting through the mess that was left after the Kluth occupation of Haven. So far nothing seemed to be compromised, the Luth had a difficult time hacking into human systems unless allowed a sufficient amount of time to build a bio interface, which they didn’t have this time. Baker walked over to where the young 2nd lieuie was carefully examining a reserve interface for redundancy used in off world communications. Baker was careful to step over the bodies of the operators killed by the neutron bombs the Luth dropped; bio-techs had already sprayed the place killing off any Germs and covering the bodies with a microfilm that kept the odor of decay inside till they were laid to rest. Kept it in that is if you didn’t disturb them, otherwise a miasma of decaying flesh, smelling of massive death tolls and suffering filled the room, and everyone thought MI’s job was all spies and romance.
“What did you find lieutenant?” Baker asked crouching down to see what the lieuie was looking at.
“Looks like some kind of micro-chip,” the lieuie said, examining it with a pair of micro-binoculars. “If I may sir, I’d like to remove it, I don’t believe it will cause any harm.”
Baker, using his own micro-binoculars looked the tiny chip and attached components over, they seemed innocuous enough not complicated enough to be part of a demolition device, no signs of self destruct mechanisms, he decided.
“Go ahead lieutenant, just be careful.” Baker adjusted his position till he was crouched sitting on his ankles, knees off the floor held a light for the lieutenant and observed the process of removal. The lieuie slowly worked the device out of the communication matrix; it was a madding slow process, which took nearly two hours and impressed Baker with the boy’s meticulous manner, patience and skill. Finally it was free and placed on the console in a portable analysis unit. Baker and the lieuie put the device to a closer inspection with far more sophisticated equipment, Baker allowing the lieuie to do most the work in order to evaluate his performance. They analyzed the device component by component; Baker had already reached his conclusions, stood up stretched and asked the lieutenant what he thought.
“Well sir I can’t be 100% sure but I believe it is a device designed to record pre-encrypted traffic and send it on a sideband after re-encrypting it with a rather primitive coding system that would actually make it appear to be interference rather then traffic.” The lieuie wiped perspiration from his forehead. “It appears from certain distinct chips as well as the type of code used in its processor to be defiantly UGTO in origin.” He paused there for a second, and Baker prompted him.
“Go on son.”
“I also believe it utilized a 10 gigabyte flash memory to hold data for retrieval and encryption, so we would not be able to recover anything but the last 10 gigs being stolen or sent.” The lieutenant pointed with a pair if very small tweezers, “that would be this piece here, it looks intact and if it is flash, the data should still be there.”
Baker looked at the young lieuie, his name tag on his uniform said, “Helyer.”
“What’s your full name soldier,” he asked, “your new to the squad aren’t you?”
“Dennis sir, and yes I’m new I’ve been here nearly a month now.” The lieutenant was obviously unsure how to take Bakers response to his dissertation on the device.
“I concur completely on you observations Dennis,” Dennis relaxed visibly. “I believe the Kluth may have unwittingly done us a favor here or we may never have found this bug. I want you to take it to the lab and oversee a more detailed analysis, see if u can find what’s on that flash and report back to me.” Brimming with pride Dennis came to attention and saluted the colonel,
“Sir, yes sir,” he gathered up the mobile lab and left the room.
Colonel Baker looked over the dead in the room, then out the window to where even more dead littered the parade grounds, fallen in their tracks trying to escape the bombs. Never in his twenty years of MI work he had never had gotten to the mass death involved in planetary bombardment and invasion.
‘Yes’ he thought to himself ‘the cost may have been high, but if not for the Luths bombing Haven they would never have found the UGTO plant here.

Andosia System
Hilg Orbit
UGTO Drop Squadron
22:15 June 25, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

First Sergeant “Bull” O’Dell listened on the company band as his Fire Teams methodically searched their assigned grids, the Captain was speaking with the flyboy from fleet assigned to baby sit them by that overstuffed VA over their heads. So far no one had found anything. Bull looked back at the scorched AR shuttle, he had to admit for a pansy fleet officer, the SOB could fly, and those boats had no shortage of firepower. So far this has been a milk run, no enemy, no drop pod, nothing, it was to damn quite. Bull continued to monitor the bands when he heard something on Fire Team 2 freq.
“Lance 3 to fox tango leader, over,” there was squelch break and the Fire Team leader responded. “Fox Tango here, go ahead Lima 3.”
“Roger Fox Tango, we found a drop pod over, looks like we may have company here sir, over.”
“Roger, deploy sonic countermeasures, and look alive, break” the FT leader paused to keep the length of his transmissions down to make it harder to triangulate. “Investigate the area, looks for signs of where they went, over.”
“Roger, were on it sir, over” Bull waited a few minutes and like the tide, “Fox Tango 1 to Fox Bravo over,” Fire Team 1 was contacting the Fire Base.
“Fox Bravo, go ahead, over,” Bull responded.
“Roger, Lima 3 has found a drop pod; they are currently deploying Sonics and on recon of the area, over.”
Bull keyed the mike, “Roger, secure the area, and prepare a LZ, over.” Bull stood up and walked over to where John was still talking to the pilot.
“Sir, I hate to interrupt but we have located at least one pod.” The Captain turned and looked at Bull.
“They securing the area?” he asked.
“Yes sir, we can leave when ever you are ready.”
“Good, see to the other teams Top; I want us there as soon as possible.” John turned to CommanderHawk, “notify your pilots, we're going to pull all the shuttles to the pod site, were going to reset our search grid from there.”
Hawk nodded and walked up the ramp, out of the stifling heat and into the climate controlled cockpit, grumbling about grunt captains ordering fleet officers around. Put on his helmet and transmitted to the rest of his pilots.
“Drop team, this is drop team leader, acknowledge.” There was a series of double clicks as pilots signaled their readiness to receive orders; after Hawk was sure everyone was there he began again. “Ok boys, were moving to a central location, the grunts have found a pod and were setting up shop there.” He keyed several coordinates into the navcom, “sending navpoint for initial rendezvous, smoke should be up in ten minutes, and will run for twenty mikes after that. Don’t miss it, Hawk out.” Hawk looked over his shoulder and out the cockpit door, marines were loading up and looked like they would be ready within a few moments. He strapped himself into his acceleration couch and started preflight checks. Hawk had just finished and was sparking the engines when Bailey poked his head in the cabin.
“We can go in five if your ready Hawk,” Bailey stated, “it’s your baby now.” Bailey turned back and walked to his couch and strapped in just as the powerful engines coughed and caught.
“Hold on ladies,” Hawk called out over the intercom, “we’re going to need go a little vertical here, or else we won’t clear the trees.” Hawk chuckled to himself bring the engines to full power, hit the lower bow thruster which tossed the nose of the shuttle straight up. When he was staring at clouds, he released the pent fury of the massive engines and the shuttle leapt straight up like it was shot out of cannon. Hawks intercom clicked twice and he sent an acceptance.
“Hawk, don’t these birds come with repelars?’ Bailey asked, “For VTOL?”
Hawk laughed into the intercom “yep, but that’s not near as fun is it?” Hawk looked out the window as the trees rapidly receded and banked to get on course. “Next time, remember, it’s a lot like pizza, you get what your order and don’t forget to tip the delivery boy.”
As the increased gravity of the take off punished shuttles occupants, Bailey made a mental note to himself to ‘ask’ Hawk next time, before he ended up with anchovies on his pizza.

Kluth Space
A sector of space never been seen by humans
Kiel’ EiTo S’NakoTo Ei Y’tomak’Atar (Leader of the tribes of Y’tomak’Atar)
Colony Science Station
Ki’SoDak EiTo Jo’SoDak (Knower of the Unknown)
Darkscorpions Lab

Darkscorpion sedated Switchblade and checked his vitals, the process did not require that one be put under anesthesia, but would make the operation go faster if Switch wasn’t subconsciously resisting his efforts. Dark donned the specially grown apparatus used for altering DNA and altering metabolic rates and operation in organics. It looked a bit like helmet with a crested fin over the head that started at his lower spine and ended with a visor over his eyes. From the central fin starting at his lower back to the top of his head. The apparatus bristled with, sensors, small manipulator arms, cutting tools, needles and tubes extending into the ceiling. Dark adjusted his vision through the helmets optics until he was able to see into Switch’s head for the nerve cluster he was looking for. He checked vitals again and began the operation.
Two hours had passed before Dark was finished with the now larger nerve cluster in Switch’s skull, he paused thoughtfully as he looked at his S’Kiel’ prone form. The days to come would bring many challenges for both Switch and the S|P, Dark wondered if what he had accomplished here would be enough. Accessing his own nerve cluster, Dark remembered things he had put aside till now. With a determined look, he again adjusted his vision to the microscopic, this time just behind his sleeping leader’s heart, and began his work, the difference was this time his work wouldn’t be apparent till the time was right, if it ever was. After another two hours Dark turned his attention to himself and duplicated the process on himself, he would never subject his Kiel’ to a process he wasn’t sure enough to try one himself, even if it did break the taboo of altering oneself. The survival of the S|P and most likely the Kluth may fall upon their shoulders soon. Drugs and stamina would keep him awake long enough to complete the surgery, he just hoped that he and Switch had time enough to recover before TaRiak summoned them.

Andosia System
Andosia Prime
UGTO Military Intelligence Agency HQ
01:30 June 26, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

A huge explosion ripped through the balmy night air, shattering what was other wise pleasant night. Alarms rang out all over the city as emergency services raced to the explosion which had destroyed nearly five city blocks of the UGTO Military Command base on Andosia Prime. The explosion was no massive that fleet vessels in orbit were able to record the incident as well as view it with the naked eye. In addition to the five blocks instantly destroyed, nearly everyone within a half of a mile of the craters rim was killed; anyone within a mile of the event was deafened, some permanently. Shuttles began coming down from fleet to assist the overwhelmed planet side emergency services units, to bring the resulting conflagration under control and to assist with the dead and wounded. It was an effort that would take nearly two weeks in order to total the dead, wounded and tally damages, longer yet to rebuild. The only thing that was apparent in short order was that it was an intentional bombing from sources unknown within the perimeter of the installation, sabotage.

Andosia System
Andosia Prime Orbit
Aboard the N.S.S Reliant
GTN Fleet Admiral Starfist System Commander
01:40 June 26, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

Fleet Admiral Starfist the UGTO system commander for the Andosia System was not a happy man. He strode down the corridors leading to the bridge in a stunned rage; someone had blown the hell out of Fleet HQ on Ando, though on the other hand he was glad he made it a habit to billet on his command vessels rather then at HQ. Officers snapped to attention as he entered the bridge.
“Commander on Deck!” was shouted loudly as he passed through the blast doors in route to his command console.
“At ease,” he commanded out to reflex, as he mounted the podium, sat down in his acceleration couch and opened up his console.
“Cal, status please,” he asked as he brought his console online. “How bad is it?”
“Bad sir,” Admiral Calvin Tanner his adjunct, answered. “There is no telling how many are dead at this point, estimates are in the thousands, and the blast originated from the military intelligence headquarters. There’s a crater nearly a half a mile wide and encompassing a five block radius of the blast point.” Calvin looked at his screen, the light blue glow highlighting his face in the dimly lit bridge. “Emergency services are overwhelmed, forgive me sir, but I anticipated your orders and have sent marines and medical units to restore order and help with the wounded.” Calvin turned his head and looked at his superior.
“Yes that’s fine good work,” Star answered, “continue please.” Calvin turned back to his screen and spoke again.
“The fleet military intelligence presence on board the Reliant requested permission to go planet side; they did not wait on your affirmative, but rather commandeered a HAZMAT shuttle and disembarked for the blast zone, clearly to investigate the cause of explosion.” Again Calvin paused looking at his superior, Star didn’t get where he was by bucking MI, and they did what they wanted most of the time anyhow.
“That’s fine, continue,” Star answered impatiently.
“Yes sir,” Calvin began again. “From our preliminary investigation of particles of matter blown into the upper atmosphere, which I took the liberty of having an ecodrone sample, shows an extraordinary amount of the element Vitretranium L-5.” Calvin again waited on his superior.
“Cal,” Starfist said slowly, “I am not in the mood for twenty questions, what the hell is the Vitro whatever.” Starfist promised himself the next time he and Cal were on liberty he was going to set Cal up with a hooker with the clap.
“Yes sir, it is an element found only found on certain asteroids.” Calvin placed a map on the bridge display. “Around Okag in the Epsilon Eri system, the element is nearly useless to anyone except the ICC, who has been the only ones to date able to harness the massive amounts of energy produced.” The display changed showing ICC news vids touting the discovery of means to employ the Vitretranium L-5 in shields and weapons, hopefully enhancing their performance by nearly 300%. “It would appear that they have managed to create a bomb with it, as it is only found at Okag and would have no reason to be in Andosia Primes atmosphere. Until the investigation is completed, it’s much too soon to judge.”
Starfist rubbed his chin, thoughtfully scratching at the stubble already started at this early hour, and made up his mind.
“Cal, bring the Fleet to battle readiness, and dispatch a preliminary report to Demorian at GTN Headquarters in Sol System.” Star considered for a moment, and then began typing. “Also include this,” he added shortly, sending the short note to Cal’s console. “If what I think did go on down there, and the MI geeks get the proof I need, we may all be going to Epsi Eri soon.” Starfist rose from his couch, turned and surveyed the planets spreading dust cloud over the now devastated compound through the view ports.
“Someone will pay for this,” he said to no one in particular. ”Give the UGTO a black eye, and we will give you a lobotomy.”


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