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Forum Index » » Fan Fiction » » Darkspace - Twilight (Now with Alternate Ending!)
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 Author Darkspace - Twilight (Now with Alternate Ending!)
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Vice Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 03, 2003
Posts: 415
From: killer
Posted: 2004-11-04 23:39   

The cruiser lay in ruins: windows were cracked and shattered, the lower two decks were completely gone, compacted by the collision into the decks above them. From the bridge of the ship, no lights could be seen. Outside - covered in dirt, charred, scratched and pockmarked - the ICC symbol was half visable, the top portion of it could barely even be discerned for what it was.

Could this be the Sobek? And my turn to take over. Was linna TRYING the impossable Landing on a planet or moon to evade the UGTO? Well stay tunned and we shall find out ^_^.

Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.

  Email Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}   Goto the website of Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Astral Viper

Joined: February 27, 2003
Posts: 343
Posted: 2004-11-07 01:36   
Rawr it's coming along good.

This was not a bump in any way shape or form /me lookas around nervously for mods. I swear /me hides.

GTN wasnt just a Fleet it was a Family we all were and still are and always will be brothers in our hearts.

From the ashes of Earth we rise like a pheonix spreading our wings

  Email Astral Viper
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2004-11-07 07:30   
As long as me and astral end up kicking ass, I dont mind . If we dont though, I will make you re-write the entire thing....in binary mwahahah!

Seriously though, it shouldnt matter if you dont rush it, i'd rather have quality over quantity .

Ace work all the way dude

Vice Admiral

Joined: October 11, 2003
Posts: 150
From: vermilion AB
Posted: 2004-11-07 11:40   
Oh my god im so excited now coeus, this is going to be awesome.

  Email Jaydawg   Goto the website of Jaydawg
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-11-07 12:42   
No hints as to what ship & circumstances are involved in the first teaser, enemy and reason for fighting in the second teaser, or what ship is going kamikazi or why in the third teaser will be given Guesses are welcome though! Who knows, make a good one and I may just change the story to accomidate it

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-11-08 10:14   
Holy crap... TWO chapters done One hell of an update, with the possibility for more later today! Enjoy!


Chapter 15

“Here they come!” NubMarine said. Nub saw his screen light up like a Christmas tree, except this tree had twice as many red lights as green ones. In some odd corner of his mind he pictured a tree with red needles instead of green ones. Good thought to have going into battle. “Order the fleet to spread formation, Cruisers take point Dreadnaughts stand by to close jump key targets.” Nub said. He looked to the situational analysis screen on his right, and made a face that not even a mother could love. He felt as if he had swallowed a hundred rotten eggs.

Almost two thousand galactic units away, Captain Jameson was making a similar face as he looked at the fleet nav screen installed in the Charger. They could not win this fight with strategic prowess. There was simply too many of them. “Tactical alert, sound general quarters. Bring us around to heading 137, engage at ¾ speed. Bring all torpedo tubes online, swap out the pulse beams for the CL550s we picked up and charge all laser banks.” He didn’t even wait for the Ticonderoga’s approval, because he didn’t need it. Despite the fact that there were many higher ranked officers on this flank, the Charger was the ranking ship in a 1,000gu radius – which put Jameson in the hot seat. He was in charge of this flank.

“Captain, orders coming in from the Ticonderoga, sir. Admiral NubMarine wants us to engage with Cruisers only and have Dreadnaughts on standby for close-jumping of key targets.” The comms officer said. He had his work cut out getting the key messages through, and he was damned good at his job. “I also have the Sobek and the Diligent on the line, they are requesting to join our flanks.”

“Permission granted, but tell Powell to keep his distance, try to stick to his P.C.M.s. Order the Sobek to link in with our nav computer to mirror our movements until we are within firing range.” Jameson glanced again at the fleet nav panel. “Make all speed for that Command Dreadnaught, that should knock them a pretty good blow. Order two of the Assault Dreadnaughts on our flank to stand by for a close jump. Order the 2nd Heavy Cruiser wing to go after that Interdictor.” Jameson could see the lines of battle moving, there were some stray blips away from the battlefield, but he wasn’t worried about them. If they were enemy ships, then they would be dealt with by the planetary defenses. In the blackness of space, the Charger lived up to her name, and charged head first into the enemy formations. Only fate and time would tell whether she would ever come out again.


“Admiral, we have a report” Viper was getting cold sores from sitting so long in the captain’s chair. He wouldn’t be able to sleep or anything however, so he stayed at his post, waiting for some news. “The UGTO have invaded Sol, Fleet Admiral NubMarine in charge of the SDL has called for reinforcements, priority gold. They are losing the fight, sir. They need any and all assistance.”

Viper sighed. They had swept the entire shipping lane three times now. The fighter pilots were pushed to the breaking point – two pilots had already crashed while attempting to land and were recovering in sick bay. “Very well, recall all pilots. Prepa-”

“Sir, I’m detecting something, hang on!” The sensors officer said. He had an urgency in his voice that alarmed Viper. “Wormhole forming, 10,000gu from our current location! Detecting two ships, ICC signatures. Neither are giving off long range signals, nor scanners powerful enough to reach us. They don’t know we’re here sir!”

Viper was standing before the corporal had even finished his report. He ran over to the station. “No way to get a ship ID?” he said.

“No sir, but from the signatures I would say a cruiser and a destroyer, wormhole destination is Neptune – which is where the Ticonderoga reported the UGTO fleet.” The officer touched some controls, and brought up the uplinks to the Sol sensor network. They began getting real time feeds from the battle going on around the planet. From the looks of things, the battle wouldn’t be very long unless something changed. It appeared that the cruisers were doing hit and run strikes just outside of the planetary defense range of the planet and its moons. Viper watched as three ICC Dreadnaughts suddenly jumped to point blank range of an Elite Assault Dreadnaught that had strayed from the pack. A split second later, a small flash indicated that the EAD was nothing but debris. Viper could imagine the commotion as the three AD’s attempted to turn around and jump back to the safety of the planetary defenses. Moments later, two of the AD’s orbited one of Neptune’s moons, and the third broke apart in mid-turn from the concentrated fire of several UGTO ships that had jumped to intercept the stranded Dreadnaughts. The battle would not last long at all the way it was going.

“Helm, plot a course for that wormhole and engage, tell Engineering to open up the anti-matter valves, give her all she’s got.” Viper said. He had already let Backslash down, he would not let him have died in vain. Despite what Viper wanted to do and thought of the ICC, he would respect his friend’s wishes, and fight with the rebels to the last. Besides, the way Viper figured it was this, if his friend was still alive then he would survive long enough for them to jump to Sol, help out however he could, and jump back. Besides, there was always a chance…


Coeus walked out into the arid desert air, took off his sunglasses and wiped his brow. Delafelde stood by one of the hovercars he had come in, leaning casually against its hood. Walking over to him, Coeus wondered what ran through the spy’s mind. Was he going to attempt to assassinate the enemy admiral? Or possibly capture him as a prize? Coeus had to get in touch with the Charger, that much was certain. “So am I a prisoner here or what?” he asked. He had a smile on his face and a touch of humor in his voice that betrayed the seriousness of the question.

“Well,” Delafelde said, “that depends on you amigo.” The spy’s face was unreadable behind the leathery skin and large mirrored sunglasses. The air around him swirled sand as the wind blew across the depression in which Lelandra’s house sat. Hours seemed to go by in which Delafelde looked around at the near horizon created by the rim of the bowl-shaped crater. Coeus wondered whether this was a natural basin or whether it had been dug out especially for this house. It certainly made the house last longer, as it was semi-shielded from the sand-filled wind. He pondered that at the same time he examined Delafelde’s face for any clue of thought. Finally, the spy turned back to the Admiral. “UGTO policy says take no prisoners.” Delafelde drew his pulse pistol, but did not raise it.

“And what does UGTO policy say about enforcement all the way out here in unregistered space?” Coeus said. His hand hovered near the low-slung holster that his own pulse pistol hung from. He took notice of the two guards just in front of Delafelde. They had not changed position since Coeus came out, they still stood at attention right next to one of the hovercars, on either side of the driver’s side door. Delafelde himself had moved just behind the hood on the passenger side of the same hovercar, his pulse pistol still in hand at his side.

“Well, officially we’re not even supposed to be here. The UGTO’s efforts are intended to be focused on retaking Sol. Our fate lies elsewhere, however. My ship would be of little consequence in the battle for Sol – which by the way is going on as we speak, I got the report a minute ago.” Coeus started towards the three UGTO, and stopped when the two guards raised their pulse rifles. Coeus made his peace with the world in that instant, and closed his eyes as the flash came.

A second later, two thuds made him open his eyes again and realize he wasn’t dying in agonizing pain. Before him lay the two soldiers, with burn marks on the back of their sandy uniforms. Delafelde had returned the pulse pistol to his holster and made his way around the side of the hovercar.

“No more killing damnit! I’m coming!” Coeus heard Lelandra say from the house behind him. On instinct Coeus drew his own pulse pistol and aimed it at Delafelde. The spy stopped, looked at him, then continued getting into the drivers seat.

As he was going through the pre-start routines he said, “You can kill me now, try to take any information from our PCDs – assuming you can crack our encryption codes – and continue blindly to your death.” To which Coeus fired a round into the frame of the hover car. Delafelde looked over at him sharply, took off his glasses. He looked more annoyed than afraid. “Choice 2.” He said defiantly. “You get in the car with me and your sister, we go to my ship and attempt to make it back to Sol space before both of our governments annihilate one another and leave all of humanity as easy pickings for the evil that you were warned about. Coeus stood there with his jaw open. They had talked about the evil, but Coeus hadn’t said how he learned about it – nor had Delafelde.

“How… never mind, I don’t think I want to know.” Coeus decided. He walked over to his sister to grab the bag she had finally left the house with. Putting the bag in the trunk, he took a last look around. He would have to come back here, finish the journey that he started with Lelandra. “You said you have a ship nearby?” he asked Delafelde.

“In orbit, actually. She is fully fueled and ready to go, and has been for several days.” Coeus looked at him from the passenger seat as the hovercar lifted from the ground.

“I didn’t detect anything when I arrived in the system, and I made some very careful scans.” He said befuddled.

“Well,” the spy said, “I have made some very… unique adjustments to her. Enough talk, the faster we get to the Harpoon, the faster we can get to where we’re needed.” The hovercar jetted forward, and left behind several dead guards, and brought with it a very much alive alliance among very much unusual people in a very much unusual circumstance.

Chapter 16

Backslash grimaced as he looked at the nav display. The odds certainly weren’t in the ICC’s favor, and he wasn’t sure what good he could do in this broken down little tub. Even if they were to dock for repairs the ship still wouldn’t be fully operational before this battle was over. “Put me through to NubMarine.” He said.

“Admiral, its good to see you’re still with us – though I do wish you brought the Eternal with you, we could use the support.” Nub said. Backslash could hear the impacts as they rocked the Ticonderoga, could hear the alarms as they blared loudly for different reasons. This was never a good thing, when the flagship was already sounding hull breach alarms in a battle.

“It’s good to be here, sir. Though I admit, I wish it were under different circumstances.” Backslash said. “What are your orders, sir?” At the same time that Backslash was talking to Nub, he was sending a text message to his navigational officer, and one to his communications officer. He wanted them to find the Eternal, any way they could.

“Join up with the 3rd defensive fleet, they are set to take on one of those stations, I think your MIRVs could make you a worthwhile addition. See if you can’t get to a supply ship to repair and reload some of your systems and weapons. NubMarine out.” Backslash heard the click of the channel closing.

“You heard the man, get to it!” He said. Before he could give his next orders, the comms officer spoke up.

“Sir, I’ve got the Eternal! They are connected to Neptune’s sensor network through a series of relays. I have them positioned… just where we were! They must have been closing on us. They are about to come through the wormhole we have to our aft by 1000gu – the one we just came through.” He said eagerly. Backslash breathed a sigh of relief. They had survived the encounter with the mysterious enemy – but not without losses. Backslash sat up suddenly as he realized the opportunity he was presented with.

“Send my compliments to Admiral Viper, and bring up the ship log of the enemy fleet from the Neptune sensor system.” Backslash knew he was here, the bastard had to be! “Got it sir, what am I looking for?” the sensors officer said. Backslash walked over to her post and said, “Bring me the status and position of one of the Shadow Pirate traitors, the ship is the NCX-Havoc, commanded by Admiral Switchblade.”


‘Damn these ICC traitors!’ Wyke thought as the Depthcharge rocked from yet another blast. They were not going to be able to keep the pressure on as long as the Shadow Pirates kept rotating their ships out of combat. Wyke wondered how the hell they had ever lost as much to commanders like this. “Get me Switchblade on the line, NOW!” Wyke shouted. He prepared as another wave of cruisers jumped into weapons range and knocked out yet another Interdictor. They weren’t going to have enough to maintain a safety perimeter around the stations if this kept up. The fleet was advancing, but the losses they were suffering would leave them vulnerable to counter attack after the ICC had been wiped out of this system – and Wyke vowed to wipe them all out.

“I’ve got the Havoc on the line, sir!” the comms officer said.

“What is it Wyke? I’m kinda busy here.” Switchblade said. Such disrespect! If the son of a- “WYKE! Make it quick!” the traitor shouted.

“Stop rotating your damned ships! We need to keep the pressure on, not give the enemy the idea that they are inflicting damage.” Wyke said. He chose his words carefully, since he was well aware that some of the Shadow Pirates did not share the ideals of their superiors but had sworn an oath all the same. Fortunately, the ICC was still deeply rooted in the traditions of the outer colony worlds and placed priority to a ships captain above all else, Even the ICC as a whole. This is why an entire fleet of the ICC was able to defect, and why only certain individuals among the UGTO were able to turn traitor.

“Well, Admiral, they are inflicting damage, we have already lost several ships, as have you. If we don’t change our tactics fast then we won’t be able to hold the system after we destroy these guys.” Wyke could tell that Switchblade had also chosen his words carefully.

“I am giving you a direct order, keep all of your ships on the firing line, focus all fire on ships that enter range in the order they arrive. Maintain the line, and keep pushing forward. Wyke out!” He motioned for the channel to be closed, and a click confirmed it was. “I swear this is the last time I trust a bunch of… frelling flip floppers!” he thought aloud. Some of the nearby officers chuckled, but they were roused out of the moment as another torpedo impacted on the starboard side of the ship. “Hard to port, engines ahead full. Tell the Thor’s Hammer to close the gap between us and the Slandor. They would take this field yet.


“My lord.” The speaker crackled. Hawk turned his attention to the voice.
“What is it?” he said sharply. Now was not a time to annoy him, he was very close to a breakthrough on how to defeat the planet’s defenses with minimal risk to the Del Monte. He had been studying the biological agent that the K’Luth used to destroy planets, and found that its genetic makeup could be altered to increase the destructive capability a thousand fold.
“Sir, the human fleets have engaged in combat around the eighth planet of the system. It seems the defending humans may be destroyed, unless they abandon the outer planets. If they do, they will most likely assemble here, as it is the most heavily built planet of the system – and the human home world.” The aide said.

“Understood.” Hawk did indeed understand, but did not need further reports. The details of the human war were of no consequence, either they would retreat to the home planet and would have to be dealt with, or they would stand and fight, and most likely die with honor.

He brought up another display of the biological agent’s molecules. Within the next hour, it would not matter. When the modifications to the K’Luth bombs were complete, they would not only annihilate a planet’s population, but would also generate enough heat to burn away the atmosphere and melt the polar ice caps. All it would take was one well placed bomb near the planet’s southern pole, and after the agent had spread across enough of the atmosphere, an ignition spark would burn the very air that gave the planet life. The planet would be destroyed by the substances that made it important for the humans. The fact that it was a place they could live and grow. Within an hour, it would no longer be.

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Vice Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 03, 2003
Posts: 415
From: killer
Posted: 2004-11-08 10:28   
WOW pretty intense GOOD JOB there Buddy, keep it up. ^_^

Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.

  Email Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}   Goto the website of Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-11-08 10:31   
OMG that's good reading! And if I understand right they are gonna try to frag Earth? Oh let me at them... I do not care if I have only a JC... I will drive my ship right into that bomb!

Grrrr Frelling Kluth (or whomever they are)!


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2004-11-08 11:16   
Awesome. Its gonna get real real good soon, cant wait for the next chapter!

Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-11-08 11:30   
Well at least I came along and got yer butt back to Neptune Backslash.... Not the most glamerous job but hey... every great actor in a movie needs his side kick.. right?


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-11-08 12:03   
Yeah, I'd love to give ya a bigger part bro, but I'm running out of major roles here... lol. Needless to say, some key battles coming up. And, those teasers are gonna come into play real soon!

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2004-11-08 12:26   
Oh, I forgot about the MS Doc link. Sorry! bump

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Vice Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 03, 2003
Posts: 415
From: killer
Posted: 2004-11-08 13:04   
Very nice I have just archived the files SO if anyone wants them let me know and I'll Zip them up and send then to you Providing Coeus, does not mind nor throw a fit about it ^_^.

Two weeks™ Later and a new sig.

  Email Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}   Goto the website of Linna Yamazaka {Vice Admiral}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 11, 2002
Posts: 2449
From: World of tomorrow
Posted: 2004-11-08 14:19   
I wub you.

Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2004-11-08 15:25   
Yeah Linna I would like a copy of the Word version of this story if you got all 16 chapters saved up... Email it to >>> dollbt@hs7.navy.mil <<< This is my Military email acount and since I cannot access my Hotmail account AND the Frelling Profile program will not let me put my military email in as a defualt account (it don't recognize the address as an actual account). This is of course the boss man Coeus allows this.. It is his actual story... heh maybe I will make it look all nice and pretty and send him a nice hard hard copy!


  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
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