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 Author Not so serious Fanfic by Diabo|ik, part 7 up, look on page 2.
Ulven Skyblade
Non Omnis Moriar

Joined: March 04, 2007
Posts: 230
From: Timbo400
Posted: 2009-12-10 07:42   
NICE i like it.
The more you see, the more you read, the more you hear, the more you know that you know nothing. And that the truth is nothing more then a personal judgment on the world around us by the people around us.

Galactic Navy

Joined: September 23, 2007
Posts: 709
From: Shadows
Posted: 2009-12-10 18:15   

  Email -Shadowalker-™
Grand Admiral

Joined: August 16, 2002
Posts: 327
From: Quebec, Canada
Posted: 2009-12-11 06:56   
As I scanned the crew for their reactions to the view below us, I was surprised to find... an absence of surprise. Even finding here and there a sense of belonging, as if they would at last be back home. The same feeling I had when I would be back at Sag Hotha after a long trip deep behind enemy lines.

I didn't knew what to think, as we got closer to the docks, I could make out familiar figures, a UGTO scout and supply ship there, a few ICC transports and an assault cruiser, a few K'luth destroyers and frigates, as well a few designs I was unfamiliar with. And they weren't firing at each other. As I looked, it felt wrong, it felt strange, and it felt kinda nice too. I was confused.

2nd in command : "On final approach to dock K-021, helm, lightly as a feather, the sensor officer is telling me that we have royalty awaiting us on the docks."

"Royalty? It must be..." I thought. Just as the holographic display panned and zoomed in on our welcome party on the docks.

A knot formed in my chest as I looked upon her, looking at us. I thought I wouldn't feel a thing after these last few years... I thought wrong. She was breathtaking, as usual, well, at least for me. For our culture and indoctrinated society standards she was a bit too fat and small, as well as having a few strangely colored patches on her shoulders and neck. But for me, these patches, and everything else about her were the most beautifull things I ever saw, and will ever see.

"2nd, you're in charge while I'm away. Cadet Gil, you're with me." I psied.

"Yes captain." Answered the young and impetuous Cadet.

*On the way to the airlock.*

"You're fresh out of the academy aren't you Cadet?"

"Yes captain."

"Don't call me captain when were not on the bridge, just call me Diabolik."

"Yes, cap... Diabolik."

"Cap, err, Diabolik, that isn't your real name isn't it?"

*Looking at the Cadet.* "It isn't... It comes from an old initiation that is no longer practiced for different reasons. One of em being that a lot died during it, and we needed all the officers and soldiers we could get during the last few human wars."

*As the pressure in the airlock had finished to equalize with the exterior and the door was opening to the docks.*

"And what is it, if it isn't indiscre..."

Cutting her from the outside with a strong psionic projection... "Si'ya'moon."

*Looking at the Cadet* "I see that you're still, as usual, in good company." On a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Yes prin... my lady, it seems so." I answered.

"I'm so happy to see you at last lady." Said Gil out loud.

"Yes I am happy to see you too Gil. It's been so long."

"They know each other?" I thought.

Gil must have caught a glimpse of my thoughts because she quickly told me that her parents were living here.

"Lady, we must..." Said a guard of her escort.

"I know." She cut.

"If you would follow me Si'ya'moon, we have a lot of things to talk about, Gil can come too." she added.

*2 years ago near the Mycopia cluster on the bridge of the Deadly Providence Ganglia class dreadnought*

"Sensors, anything on the scopes?" I psied.

"Negative... wait, 2 UGTO dreadnoughts, a Carrier and a EAD escorted by 3 destroyers just dropped out of FTL 2000 GUs from us, running ECCMs."

"Signal psionically to the captains of the Gritty Vengeance and the Vigilant Twins A and B to actively run ECMs and to stay in a reversed delta formation, angle 133 degrees."

"Silent running, don't do anything stupid, maybe they'll just scan the area and leave." I psied to the K'luth detachment.

"Captain, maybe they're aware of our cargo and destination, it wouldn't bode well for the UGTO if we were to strike a deal with the ICC to join our efforts in the Epsilon Ind campaign." Psied the 2nd in command.


"1100 GUs and still incoming captain." Psied the sensor officer.

"Alright, 800 hundred GUs more and they'll be able to detect our thermal signatures through our cloak... Helm, maneuver for a preemptive strike on their right flank, slowly."

"Fleet, we'll hit their right flank and maneuver toward the Mycopia cluster, when you see them giving us chase, you uncloak and give them all you've got on the rear ends of their escort." I psied.

"Roger." Psied the captain of the Gritty Vengeance Scarab class cruiser.

"We will take them down, or we'll die trying." Psied the twin captains from the

Vigilant Twins drainer class destroyers.

"500 GUs, they're still going toward our previous position and our detachment."

Psied the helm.

"Uncloak, keep ECM running and fire at the nearest destroyer on my mark."


"350 GUs, 50 more and they'll detect us." Psied the sensor officer, with an apparent anxiety in the tone.

"Hold... ... NOW!"

The Ganglia class dreadnought suddenly appeared 300 GUs away from the UGTO destroyer on the edge of the formation.

"Torpedoes away, sabot rockets firing, almost in disruptor range... now in range.

Firing disruptors! 2nd salvo of torpedoes away!." Enthusiastically psied the weapons officer.

"Hard right helm, and floor it."

As the Deadly Providence slowly began to turn toward the Mycopia cluster, you could see the UGTO destroyer's left flank armor being torn apart by the 2 volleys of torpedoes as well as the numerous volleys of sabot rockets and the 4 disruptors ripping away at the hull, making the ship vent atmosphere and plasma.

Suddenly a hail of particles and torpedoes poured from the human fleet, particles hitting and torpedoes barely missing.

"It's working, they're turning toward us." Psied the sensor officer.

"Good, helm, evasive maneuvers, fleet, they're all yours."

The rest of the K'luth fleet uncloaked 100 GU behind the UGTO detachment just as the partially crippled UGTO destroyer was making an emergency jump out of the battlefield.

The scarab opened fire pouring forth 3 volleys of antimatter torpedoes on the rear of the 2nd escorting destroyer while the 2 drainers focused fire on the 3rd destroyer.

The UGTO EAD kept on chasing the K'luth ganglia firing with it's long range cannons,while the Carrier Dreadnought poured forth it's complement of fighters and missiles on the scarab class cruiser while trying to make for a quick exit.

The scarabs 3 torpedo volleys had knocked out the FTL, sublight engines and most of the guns of it's target, while the 3rd destroyer was already uncontrollably shaking and falling apart from the focused fire of the 2 drainers surprise attack, it's power source wildly fluctuating just before erupting in a bright ball of fire, lighting up the dark void of space for a second, like a supernova, as it's crews cries and screams of horror could be sensed by the crews on the K'luth ships, and then nothing, no more fire, only debris, no more screams, only cold dead meat silently floating in space.

"Helm, hard left, bring us in range of the EAD, engineering activate those repair drones and get ready to patch some holes." I psied.

"Turning." "Drones launched."

"Fleet, let the remaining destroyer lick it's wounds and slowly limp away from the battlefield." I psied just as the Carrier dreadnought lurched forward and jumped away.

"Concentrate on the EAD, I'll face it and hold it toward me long enough for you 3 to hit him from behind."

"Weapons, fire at will, all weapons in action."

Just as the first few sabots began to strike the EAD's front armor, barely denting it, the partially crippled but still functional UGTO destroyer jumped back in the fray behind the scarab, forcing it to maneuver out of harms way, all of it's weapons being forward faced, the Gritty Vengeance was unable to retaliate.

"Helm, change of plans, full speed ahead, make us fly by the EAD as fast as possible and calculate an intercept vector with that destroyer."

"Gritty Vengeance..." I began to psi...

"I know captain, I know, I'm on my way at best speed."

As the Ganglia lurched forward, the EADs guns were slowly but surely digging a hole on the front armor of the ganglia, drones being unable to keep up, they soon began to hit the hull.

"Hold fire, prepare for an alpha strike on the destroyer."

"Hull at 80% captain... 75%, we're losing integrity on numerous forward decks."

"Just a few more seconds..." I psied, just as the 2 drainers began firing on the right flank of the EAD, ripping away it's thick armor.

"Hard right! Now!."

The Ganglia lurched right, making the EAD turn right too, EAD exchanging a final broadside of particle cannons and CL2Ks with the Ganglia's sabots. Just as the ganglia cleared the turn, the twins had managed to get between it and the EAD, giving it chase from behind.

The EAD now firing on the leading drainer. The Vigilant twin A.

"Hull back up to 76% captain, but our front armors and 2 sabot launchers are toast." Psied the engineer officer.

Just as the scarab was beginning to take hull damage on it's rear arc, it maneuvered to turn around the right flank of the ganglia, giving the Deadly Providence a clear shot at the destroyers already badly damaged left flank, while the scarab could open fire on the now fleeing EAD.

"FIRE!" I psied.

Torpedoes, rockets and disruptors tracked the destroyer, giving it it's killing blow on it's left flank, more fire, more screams, more silence...

"Captain, I have a ship on approach in FTL, UGTO Carrier is back." Psied the sensor officer.


The Carrier exited from FTL 25 GU from the Vigilant Twins, pouring forth deadly light in the form of it's CL2K batteries on the leading drainer.

"Get out Twin A, get..." I psied to the fleet

"It's too late captain." Cut the sensor officer "It's..." Just as the drainer exploded in a bright ball of fire. The ship screaming in unison with the dying crew.

I could sense the captain of the Vigilant B... shock, sorrow, then fierce hatred.

"Vigilant B, jump out now..." I psied.

"There's no way I'm going to flee..." Came the answer.

"Who said anything about fleeing?" I interjected. I then transmitted on a private channel instructions on a secure psi channel to the Vigilant B captain who acknowledged the command.

"Gritty Vengeance, I want you to show the Carrier your rear armor. Give him a target he can't resist, then just as you're about to lose jump drive functionality, jump to these coordinates..." I psied.

By now the EAD had most of it's armor ripped apart, and 60% of it's guns were either offline or completely destroyed, with the last ounce of energy it had, it engaged it's jump drive... And so did the Vigilant B.

"Helm, jump to these coordinates, minus 750 GU." I psied.

"But captain..." replied the 2nd in command.

"Don't worry, you'll see..." I interjected.

"Aligning... ..."

"Good luck Gritty Vengeance. See you at the coordinates."

" ... engaging jump drive!" Psied the sensor officer.

Just as the Ganglia lurched forward, you could see the Carrier taking the bait, activating it's particle cannons and launching missiles on the Gritty Vengeance.

"I see you had the time for those 2 jumps Vigilant B... good, the scarab and the Carrier should be here anytime now, get ready." I psied.

*A few seconds later...*

The shockwave of the scarab coming out of FTL speed began to spread on the carpet of stars behind it, it quickly turned around, facing the way it was coming with it's fresh front armor and numerous torpedo lauchers. And sure enough a few seconds later, the UGTO Carrier and EAD appeared on it's heels.

"Fire at will fleet, take no prisoners." I psied.

All hell broke lose as the scarab torpedoes slowly but surely impacted the partially repaired EAD's armor, quickly tearing it to pieces and making it shake with each volley. While the Deadly Providence fired at it from behind...

"Gritty Vengeance, turn around and help the Vigilant B, we'll take care of the EADs killing blow."

A few seconds and an alpha strike later the once massive and majestic EAD was now just spacedust and dead meat.

The Carrier had begun to flee but the Vigilant twin B was giving chase, as well as the scarab close behind. The Vigilant B wildly evading the Carrier's rear guns fire while returning fire of it's own, quickly, with the aid of the scarabs volleys, taking care of the UGTO Carrier's thin rear armor.

30 seconds later it was apparent that the Carrier was mostly disabled, barely being able to maneuver anymore. You could see escape pods being launched from both sides of it's massive hull.

It was over. But the Vigilant B's captain wasn't satisfied yet, engaging it's disruptors in point defense fashion on the fleeing pods as the Carrier succumbed from the last antimatter torpedo volley coming from the Gritty Vengeance.

Once they were all gone. The Vigilant twin B captain psied me, asking permission to go after the last destroyer.

"Negative, you've had your vengeance, let the destroyer go, they'll bring the news back to the UGTO that they better be prepared for the ugly consequences if they want to interfere in internal ICC and K'luth affairs." I psied

"But admiral..."

"No but, act like the captain you are... your brother will be sorely missed, he was a good friend... I lost enough friends today." I psied

"... ... admiral... ... standing down admiral..."

"So the battle is over... You just saved our lives, and maybe the lives of my whole tribe Si'ya'moon, I am gratefull." Psied the lady from her quarters. "Can you come see me once you're done with the formalities?" She psied.

"I will."

*To be continued...*

[ This Message was edited by: Diabo|ik on 2009-12-11 07:00 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Diabo|ik on 2009-12-11 07:03 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Diabo|ik on 2009-12-11 16:39 ]
Mostly Retired.

*Renegade Space Marines*

Joined: July 26, 2009
Posts: 323
From: Ontario, Canada
Posted: 2009-12-11 16:03   
wow thats real good. someone should make a video out of that

Grand Admiral

Joined: August 16, 2002
Posts: 327
From: Quebec, Canada
Posted: 2009-12-11 16:31   

wow thats real good. someone should make a video out of that

Unfortunately, that would be impossible, the ships mentioned in this now 4 years old flashback are no more, the setups/damage/speed/etc have been changed way too much.

The oldies will recognize em and be able to play it out in their heads tho, as if they were there.
[ This Message was edited by: Diabo|ik on 2009-12-11 16:33 ]
Mostly Retired.

Grand Admiral

Joined: August 16, 2002
Posts: 327
From: Quebec, Canada
Posted: 2009-12-12 13:36   

Sorry in advance, this one is short, I can barely stay at the keyboard more than 10 minutes in a row, got inoculated yesterday for h1n1, and I'm feeling like total crap, fever, muscles hurting all over, the works.


*In the Lady's quarters...*

"If you would sit..." She psied.

Cutting her. "Now, you're going to divulge me what this is all about, this was supposed to be a run off the mill mission, but this is far from it. They knew where we were, they could even more or less accurately pinpoint our location while cloaked, and the way that Carrier dread fell right on top of the Vigilant A all looked a bit too easy..."

Cutting me. "Yes, but I couldn't... I can't let you know what it is all about, this goes way beyond the usual galactic diplomatic relations that's for sure, and you have no idea how far it goes, and you don't need to."

"When my men... my friends are dying, I think I DO need to know." I psied

"Well... I'm sorry about your friend, the captain of the Vigilant A, you're right about something being suspicious, tho I'm as much in the dark as you are about this... well, as much in the dark as I can be."

"What does that mean exactly?"

"Well... we do know of a way they could have had a loose idea of where we were, down to 500 GU radius..." She psied.

*Awkward pause.*

"I'm listening..." I psied.

"We're aware of a device that exist... partially psionic, partially cybernetic, that could have done this."

"Go on..."

"I'm not allowed to share the details with you about this... Believe me, you're better off not to know, for your own safety." She psied.

"Well, I'm here for YOUR safety, it's my life... and, I'd die if anything bad would happen to you because of me, that would mean that I failed not only my race, my oath toward the Prime Queen, but also... my heart."

"That is so sweet... I wish you would act like this more often, and act less... distant and closed, but I guess that's why I like you, you always manage to suprise me, in the sweetest of ways... Right now, right here,, there is only one thing that I wish tho, do I need to draw you a picture?" She psied with a come hither look.

What the heck I thought, royalty are known to be mysterious, even if they're pretty much the only ones in our race... secrecy, so strange, so alien a concept... But who am I to argue with such a lovely lady... and proposition. As our minds joined each other, so did our bodies, our hearts, and dare I say, our souls... *Deep contented sigh* Together as one, once again.
Mostly Retired.

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