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 Author A New Way of Fighting (fiction)
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-16 14:50   
R33-8710 System
Near ICC Occupied Haven
16:00 June 20, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

Fleet Admiral HaVoX commander of the Dar S’Obek Brood Vessel, Ki’ Soal EiTo SaAtar, or in translation the Shadow Pirates Brood vessel Bringer of the Light entered into the R33-8710 System with care. His mission was different then that of xTx. Switch wanted the operation on the UGTO front to be entirely covert, where on the ICC front he wanted it to be covered by an apparent attempt to capture the system. So with this in mind HaVoX posisitioned his fleet, brought here by long jumps and many hours of sub light travel, to a position that would allow him to attack both Haven and the Paul cluster. This both he and switch thought would allow them to deploy the weapon both directly and covertly and allow them to analyze the best means of future deployment as well as if its use was worth the effort and expense its creation and deployment cost. HaVoX was unsure, though Darkscorpion one of the S|P’s finest scientist as well as their Prime Engineer, assured them it was a flawless plan, that he had personally worked with the leader of the entire Y’tomak’Atar clans best scientists on the project. A rare honor that not even the most pessimistic or over cautious Kluth could deny, besides HaVoX trusted Dark a great deal, more then enough to belay his uneasiness with this sort of project. Sending a mental command to his command cocoon, HaVoX raised its height until it towered over the crew control cocoons, thus he was able to see and be visible to all his subordinates even though they were in constant contact psionicly it never hurt to show a physical presence of power and superiority less any of the younger warriors feel they could dispose him and assume his command. Such was the way of the Kluth, the weak fell, the strong survived, and the greatest strength came from the light and unity of the Helyu Y’Rath’Atar as the foolish divided humans would one day learn and come to appreciate and worship. Only then would the Kluth and Human’s together, be ready to face the eventual coming of the Kraddax.
HaVoX surveyed his fleet, he had with him a total of four mandibles, six scales and two piercers, a ultimate worker as well as a elite fleet of bombers from Ki’ Soal Ei SaAtar Roth To’Roth a tribe of Kluth also belonging to the Y’tomak’Atar clan named BUM by the humans for some unknown reason. They are a great taker and builder of planets and hold much respect amongst the Y’tomak’Atar, their presence was welcome as the S|P was a small but powerful tribe as any who walk in the shadows must be. The BUM’s had brought with them two ganglia’s, four clavates and two advanced workers. Together they presented a overwhelming fleet, one not easily intimidated into retreat, with this in mind HaVoX sent his marching orders and attack plan to the fleet, he would split his forces, and invite defeat and retreat only after the prime objective had been met on Haven.

R33-8710 System
Center City red light district
In a seedy unnamed bar catering to fleet and enlisted personnel

Knocking back another shot of Old Energy Entity whiskey, Goththug spread his cards on the table, “Royal Flush baby!” he exulted as he reached for the stack of credsticks in the center of the table, “Read em and weep.” He was sitting in a seedy little dive a few miles outside the base playing cards with some of his old FS buddies and some noobs they brought to be fleeced of this weeks pay. Ants, the Commander of the Fatal Squadron in R33 leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head and said. “Your pretty lucky tonight Goth, what’s that your 7th hand tonight?”
“To damn lucky if ya ask me.” Taxi said leaning over the table and eyeing Goths growing stack of credsticks, “makes me wonder how much of it’s really luck.” Goth pushed his chair back and half stood up when Ants interrupted with a chuckle. “Sit back down Goth, no ones accusing you of anything; you know how Taxi likes to bait you.” He turned to Taxi and said, “You of all people should know how lucky he is, you’ve flown his wing a few time.”
“Yea, yea,” Taxi grumped. “That doesn’t pay the bills though.”
Goth snickered as he sat back down, “If you can’t afford to pay then you cant afford to pay.” He gave Taxi a serious look, “if you need a loan to pay day, I can float you some creds till payday, at say 50% interest?” Taxi’s snide and most likely offensive rebuttal died on his lips as a ground shaking sirens blast split the night. All the military personnel as well as the civilians jumped to feet, something big was going down.
“Catch ya lata, Goth” Ants said as he and all the FS started bulling their way to door past panicked civilians and other military trying to get to their posts.
“Yea,” Taxi shot as he moved towards the door, “Its, time for us pilots to get to work, catcha on the flipside.” Goth watched their retreating backs, seen Melly swing the door open and yell for Ants, and couldn’t help feel a little left out. Its been little over a year, since he was decommissioned for knocking a smart mouthed marine Colonel on his brain case, who would of thought it would have went that far, hell we were all drinking. Guess marines don’t like having their lunch handed to em by fleet. Shrugging Goth set back at the table and poured him another shot, ‘can’t think of a better place to be if they nuke this rock.’ He thought to himself as he tossed back the check whiskey.
Out in the street pandemonium ruled, with fleet personnel running for base, marines and infantry returning to their units, civilians looking for loved ones and heading for shelters. It was amazing Ants and Taxi ever found Melly again by time they reached the street, a task made easier with Epoch behind the wheel of a fleet ground transport and Melly stand on the hood with a rather nasty looking fully charged energy assault rifle cradled in her arm, yelling his name and waving her free arm.
“Get your rear in gear lover” Melly yelled, “Do ya think this is a parade?” Melly swung off the side mirror and opened sliding door to let them in and casually clubbed a frightened and disoriented street punk who tried to get in with them in the brain pan. “Sorry no ticket no ride.” She quipped as she stepped over the overly pierced and tacky dressed punk and entered the transport. “Gun it bro,” she directed to Epoch as she slammed the door shut. Repelars roared and scatter light debris everywhere as Epoch slammed the throttle to the floor and whipped her up and over the crowed streets towards base.
“What he heck is going on here,” Ants demanded as he grabbed the roof hand holds to steady him self in the violently rocking vehicle. “What are you doing here Mel, how did you find us?”
“Well you did say you were going to go out with Taxi, and I overheard one of the noobs mention Goths name, so I figured cards and alcohol, and that’s Goths favorite dive, so you weren’t hard to find dear” Melly answered coyly, “As for the rest, the bloody Kluth have just mounted a full scale assault on Benevolence, when the bombs were detected, our rapid response teams moved to intercept the bombs and bomber, they were ambushed by at least on mandi and a couple of scales, they didn’t make it.”
“Damn it,” Ants swore, “and the bombs?”
“They stopped the first wave, but there were at least two clavs sighted, the first one was to distract the defenders while the second one made its run, the sorry sob’s rode em straight into the equator, they were using neutrons and we estimate a 75% casualty rate so far, I’m sure its being invaded right now.” Repelars roared as Epoch yanked back on the tranys controls and forced the speeding vehicle to its limits as he soared it over the bases walls all the while shouting insults, clearance codes and a sarcastic “yes I know what roads look like, would you kindly point that damn cannon somewhere it might do some good.”
“When you done negotiating our return clearance to the base Epoch, do you think you can get some speed out of this beast and get us to the ship yards space elevator?” Epoch looked over his shoulder and shot Ants his best go to hell look and said “aye, aye sir, right away, sir.”
“Good man, we have some Kluth to kill.” Ants growled, “And the sooner the better.”

[ This Message was edited by: HaVoX on 2006-03-16 16:08 ]

  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 16, 2003
Posts: 1336
Posted: 2006-03-16 14:55   
Damn Man =) Awsome.

Fatal Instinct

Joined: February 22, 2006
Posts: 2
Posted: 2006-03-16 16:48   
Ty Crim, next addition COMBAT!!

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-16 17:18   
OMG, you have me as an alcoholic, like starbuck! lol nice havox this is keeping me on the edge of my seat so too speak hahahahha

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-16 17:27   
lol glad you like it

  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-16 18:04   
More More More

  Email GothThug {C?}
Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2006-03-16 19:21   
Holy crap... I am VERY impressed! *bow*

*slaps self for leaving the floppy at work for the 2nd day in a row*

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-16 20:21   
Now being that im half Kluth, you should write that in that i can Sense what they're plan of attack is lol

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-16 20:42   
Here is the end of chapter 1 "Infiltration". I now Begin the second chapter "Deception" coming soon to a forum near you.

R33-8710 System
Near ICC Occupied Haven
20:43 June 20, 2295 Galactic Standard Time

HaVoX smiled to himself, the assault on Benevolence was underway, now all that remained was to wait for the ICC to respond put up a good fight around the Paul cluster, and launch the attack on Haven. After the weapon was securely deployed at Haven, he would be free to take a beating at the Paul cluster retreat in apparent disgrace, and allow the forces at Haven to be run off. All was going according to plan, little did the humans know that when he suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the FS, that in reality he was attaining a victory of the highest accord.
Screens lit up as sensors tracked, several ICC ships bearing the Fatal Squadrons FF tags erupting into space from their ship yard, the human com channels were buzzing with encrypted data. The Paul cluster now looked rather like ChoJo’s nest when stirred, and like its human counterpart the honey bee, one must get stung to reach the gold inside. The time for secrecy was over, it was time to fight.
“Ants felt like he weighed a ton as the G forces from his launch pressed him into his acceleration couch, anti G suits and Meds that trickled into his bloodstream kept him conscious, and alive as his Assault Cruiser roared away from Paul towards Benevolence. He checked his HUD to insure all systems were green and keyed his transmitter.
“This is strike team alpha leader,” he barked into his mike, “alpha 1 and alpha 2 form on my wing and prepare receive coordinates and jump on my mark.”
“Roger alpha leader, alpha 1 standing by.” Epoch replied as he piloted his AC into Ants left wing position. He glanced out his cockpit and saw Melly, alpha 2, pulling into position on the right as she signaled her readiness. With Epoch and Melly on his wings, Ants sent a readiness query to his tactical, com, and engineering officer, who promptly a all systems and personel ready.
“Prepare to jump!” Ants called out over alpha teams freq. “3…2…1…Mark!” Ants and his crew were slammed into there acceleration couch hard, they were pulling six G’s easy by time their jump drives achieved faster then light travel, all in a matter of seconds. His vision swam and tunneled for several seconds, if not for the anti G drugs and suits him and his crew would be dead right now. There was a brilliant flash of light and alpha 1 dropped back into real space, Ants felt light as a feather quickly oriented himself, first sending a status query to his crew he then opened alpha 1’s com link.
“Alpha team, Report,” Ants tracked two scales engaging, a Heavy Cruiser and a Missile destroyer never intended for close combat, there was a glowing field of wreckage and what looked like a mandible cloaking, to late to tell for sure but defiantly a dread.
“Alpha 1 good to go, alpha leader,” Epoch reported.
“Alpha 2 ready,” Melly reported a second later. “Good Ants,” returned, “alpha 2 and I will engage the scale nearest us, I believe that’s Shadow, alpha 1 you hang back and cover our rear if that mandi decides to pop out.” Ants slowed his burn and aligned his AC with Shadows scale.
“Isn’t Shadow a rear admiral or something?” Epoch asked. “Did he get promoted?”
“If he did,” Melly chimed in, “lets demote him!.”
“Cut the chatter alpha!” Ants ordered, and then switched freq. “Bravo leader, where is that heavy armor, Taxi your there?”
“alpha leader, this is bravo leader, we had a snafu in the ship yard, seems some port commander had a case of cranial rectal inversion, seemed to think that while the Luth drop bombs on his head it was a good idea to gripe about flight plans being filled out prior to launch. ETA is 7 to 10 minuets, the delay put us behind Reality’s orbit, and we need to jump twice to reach you, over.” Ants slammed his fist on his acceleration couch’s armrest, “we will address that when this is over, just get those dreads over here, I don’t know where that mandi is and don’t want it decloaking on our six.” Switching freq. again Ants addressed alpha team. “Ok alpha, lets move, Melly keep to my right wing.”
Shadow lined his scale up with rear arc of the missile destroyer who was jinxing like mad trying to shake him, smoke and atmosphere vented from the rear of the ailing dessies rear arc where it had taken most of its damage so far. Not this time Shadow thought to himself, and sent a mental command to his tactical officer, ‘fire at will, target his six.’ A mental affirmative came simultaneously with a full barrage of psi cannons, disrupters followed by a barrage of antimatter torpedoes. Shadow, decelerated and turn hard to his right, G’s threatened to overcome him, but he held on till the apex of the turn and slammed the ship forward full speed, again fighting G’s and trying like hell to avoid the splash from his own ships weapons salvo. The scale screamed past the failing dessie just before the torpedo’s erupted deep inside the ships hull turning it into a raging fireball. Shadow celebrated victory with a furious primal victory roar which lasted just as long as it took for Ants and Melly’s torpedos’s to blind side him and blow him into a million flaming particles.
“Booyah!” Ants yelled, and keyed his mike, “nice shooting Melly! One down two to go.” Ants looked over his scanner, the other scale was no where to be seen, the HC was badly damaged and limping around the planet to gain a flight solution for returning to Paul’s ship yard, it was venting atmosphere badly and seemed to have problems with its reactors. Checking the FF tag he seen it was Wing, Ants keyed his mike again “Wing, this is Ants, how are you doing? Going to make it back?” Static cracked across the com, when Wing answered back. “Ay….ir, soo….I pic…up Dr…ons cr….dule…hey jet..d jus. …ore…ey ex…ded.” Wings transmission was badly broken, but Ants got the jist of it, Dragon’s crew survived and he was recovering them. “Good job Wing see that…what the…” Ants eyes got wide, “hard Right Wing!” he yelled into the mike, the mandible had made its presence known, SyTHe decloaked at near point blank range to the stricken HC, he paused, cruelly allowing the full impact of his situation sink into Wing before firing his massive dreads full weapons array. “Sir…” Wing said over the mike as the disruptor beams glowed with bristling energy. There was a blinding flash of light, and the mandible fired. Shield generators screamed with overloading circuits, armor bubble and disappeared into space as vapor. Wing blinked two times before he realized he was still alive. Epochs AC was listing to his left, shields flaring like a mini nova as he poured all his systems power into holding them, he had somehow pin point jumped from a stand still, placing his ship between Wings HC and SyTHes mandi, saving the HC from destruction.
“Wing! Get your six out of there!” Ants roared, “Now!”
“God! I love you bro!” Wing shouted as he gunned his ailing engines, praying Dragons crew pod stayed attached, “were outta here!” Ants and Melly threw their AC’s into hard turns; punishing G’s warring with drugs, adrenalin and pure force of will, to put them into unconsciousness, but failing to do so. Epoch gunned his AC as the mandi charged weapons for a second salvo knowing in the pit of his stomach that he wasn’t going to make it. Ants and Melly desperately tried to find a firing solution that would allow them to save their friends life, after so heroically saving Wing and Dragons. Blinding rings of light flared off the aft of the mandible as an Assault Dread, flanked by two Combat Dreads jumped in just over 400 GU away, the new comers were Taxi in the AD followed by Crimson and Banshee from the Raven Warriors Squadron. SyTHe retargeted on the AD and fired all his torpedo’s and fighters, and cloaked, as the torpedoes drew close he remote detonated them filling the space between him and the approaching dreads with sensor clouding antimatter fire, allowing him just enough time to achieve full cloak. Unable to arrive at a firing solution before the mandies cloak engaged, the ICC defenders began firing beacons randomly around the mandies last location to no avail.
“the freaking bug got away!” a frustrated Taxi cursed to himself just as Ants broadcast over all channels, “the enemy has withdrawn, the bombers don’t seem to have made another run, drop your infantry units on Benevolence and stand firm till the planets under our control again.” Ants paused. “Don’t let your guard down ladies, were in for a long night, and they are still out there somewhere.”

HaVoX told his units near Paul to stand down with the arrival of the dreads, after losing Shadow, a unfortunate event but not necessary a bad thing considering the nature of the mission, it added a air of reality to the OP. This left him with one mandible, a scale, a gang and two claves near Paul. With him he had his brood, a mandi, and two scales. After a few moments reflection he decided to have the units near Paul pull out cloaked, make a feint towards Tattoo and withdraw. The units with him would cover there supply’s and the Haven units withdraw to a rally point before leaving the system. HaVoX sent his orders to the com tech that relayed them to the fleet via the psi matrix crystal, which amplified their ability to communicate mind to mind and pass thoughts over vast distances.
Top and Mad, a pair of elite bomber pilots from the BUMS was waiting in their clavates for orders to begin bombing Haven, invade and deploy the weapons pod. HaVoX had two mandibles and two scales waiting within striking distance to defend them, when attacked. Top received his orders, he was to attack Haven at 22:00 hrs, take enough fire to appear damaged and break off with out using cloak to escape. This was meant to draw defenders from the planet and allow Mad drop his bombs and deploy both troops and the weapon. He nodded to himself, this mission would bring great honor to the tribe, sending a mental query contacted Mad.
‘Have you the orders?’ he asked. Mad sent a affirmative, ‘good I will begin my run as planed. At precisely 22:00 hrs Top Moved his clave into position, gained speed and decloaked, his ECM was running full on and he had dropped all three racks of neutrons nearly seven times before the planets sensors picked him up and started firing its planetary defense bases at him. Top kept cool and continued to release bombs even as wave after wave of IT missiles streaked towards him. He kept a straight and level course, his bombs nestled underneath his cruiser, traveling at the exact speed he was, this difficult maneuver help ensure that the maximum number of bombs would reach the planet by sheltering with his ship, risky but effective. Just as the first wave of IT’s impacted his ship slaging 20% of his fore armor, the three AC’s of alpha team, dropped into real space. Flying in a classic V formation they lit into Tops clavate, while at same time deploying their pulse shield to destroy the bombs. Top turned hard, surprised at the ferocity of the counter attack, very out of character for the cautious humans. He narrowly missed being hit by the Three AC’s massive torpedoes attack, but was unable to avoid all the particle cannon fire and took the full brunt of the three ships combined six HCL’s, Armor vaporized and internal systems went red all over his consoles. ‘I believe I am in trouble,’ he sent to the combat ships there to defend them, ‘a little help please.’ The two scales, decloaked and jumped in behind alpha teams formation, these scales were modified, and they carried no disruptors but packed instead a full compliment psi cannons and a total of eight torpedo tubes. Coming in from behind they rapidly began chewing the aft shields and armor off the AC’s. Left with no option Ants keyed his mike, “break formation and engage the scales, we can’t let them get on our six with those torps.” Both alpha 1 and 2 responded with “Roger alpha leader.”
Badly damaged, but still running without cloak, top fought to escape the planets interdictor field and survive its relentless missile barrage. Mad attained the proper bombing speed and remained cloaked until within 1000 GU of the planet where he decloaked and began his bombing run. He had dropped five racks of neutrons, which all impacted the planet, spreading invisible death through out the atmosphere irradiating and killing anything within its range. Not a total kill but enough, the alerted infantry died in their bunkers as well as a 30% if the planets population. Mad pulled his ship into a steep climb, fighting G’s and the planets gravitational pull, at the top of his arc he released the infantry pods one at a time and lastly the cloaked weapons pod. All but the first two pods of infantry safely made it within the planets defensive perimeter. He activated his cloak and slowed his speed down to conserve energy, checked his sensors to confirm the pods safe landing and began his slow withdraw from the planet. Once Mad had cloaked and was out of danger, Top jumped having cleared the interdictor field, and cloaked on arrival. The two scales after seeing Mad and Top safely away jumped clear of Havens sensor range and headed for the rally point cloaks ineffective due to the many beacons they carried on their hulls.
Ants was furious, “Taxi where are those dreads, we have another bomber here, and were engaged with these blasted scales!”
“Were gaining a jump solution now, Tattoo came under attack and we jumped here shortly after you left, what do you want from me.” Taxi shot back, “were doing the best we can here.”
“Its ok,” Ants said watching the scales jump out, “they just left. Did anyone track?”
“No sir,” Epoch answered. “They long jumped; they must have had a solution pre loaded when they came here.” Ants gritted his teeth; twice they escaped today, damn cowardly hit and run Luth. “Ok girls, let’s get some troops on that rock looks like they could use some help down there.”

HaVoX congratulated his fleet, and honored the dead as they slowly gathered at the rally point. ‘Today,’ he intoned, ‘we have won a great battle, we have triumphed and the enemy does not yet know he lost. You all have brought great honors to your tribes and your ancestors, those who having perished gathering the highest of honors and guaranteeing themselves everlasting accolade in the halls of Y’Rath’Atar, blessed be their light.’ With the ritual response of ‘all praise the light’ the fleet decloaked and jumped to deep space to await their worm hole home.


  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-16 22:07   

  Email GothThug {C?}
Chief Marshal

Joined: February 11, 2005
Posts: 315
From: Canada
Posted: 2006-03-16 22:48   
Hee Hee nice... But come on im not that Good

Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-17 07:47   
Heh Heh, remember, its fiction.....Jk. Look I got to have hero's on all sides, several of them, I also have to have casualties besides unamed noobs. Some will survive by modual ejection, some won't.

So @everyone, if you die its nothing personal, and your a hero!

  Email HaVoX
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-03-17 14:43   
lol, im already finished with my 6 Chapter story, i know it was gonna be 16 chapters but i knocked it down to 6 lol

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-17 16:22   
Chapter 2


Andosia System
Hilg Orbit
UGTO transport fleet from Sol System
Aboard USNC Agincourt Carrier, U.W.S Avenger
16:00 June 24, 2295 Galactic Standard Time
Vice Admiral Divine~Wind Commanding

Fleet Commander Divine~Wind was standing at his desk, pouring two fingers of scotch into a couple of glass’s when Captain Bailey arrived in his open doorway. Capt. Bailey snapped to attention with absolute military precession.
“Capt. Bailey reporting as requested Sir!” he barked in true marine style, back ridged and eyes forward. “At ease Captain,” Divine ordered him as he walked around to the front of his desk, “have a seat.”
“Thank you sir,” the Captain replied as he sat in one of the comfortable leather chairs in front of the desk.
“Don’t thank me yet Captain, we have a lot to discus,” Divine sat on the front corner of the desk and offered the Captain a glass, “scotch?”
“Yes sir, thank you,” the captain replied taking the proffered glass “is this is going to be one of those conversations I need a drink for?” he quipped.
“Not necessarily, Captain I prefer not to drink alone, it’s a bad habit.” Taking a sip out of his glass Divine wondered where to start, “Captain, I am probably the only person in this system, besides you, who knows what your mission is.” Divine paused to let that sink in and give the Captain an opportunity to respond, when he didn’t, he continued. “This mission is of the utmost importance, MI thinks, and I believe it’s safe to know after the events of the last few days, that the Luth are up to something. We don’t know what that something might be, a weapon of some sort, a biological threat or a test of some new ship against our fleet. We just don’t know.” Divine took another sip of his drink. “You haven’t touched your scotch Captain; if you dislike scotch I have some other liquor, one of the perks of being an officer in the fleet and all.”
“No Sir, scotch is fine, I’m just saving it for the punch line.” The Captain swirled the amber liquid and brought it to his nose. “Smells expensive, this has to be good.”
Divine chuckled, “you know Captain, that’s one of the things I always like about you marines, never afraid to speak your mind.” He set his glass on the table, “fine then I will get to the point as well.” He stood up and walked behind his desk with his hands clasped behind his back, “we will not be deploying your troops in the standard drop pods. I have five aerospace assault/recovery drop shuttles I am placing at your disposal.”
“But sir, my pilots are only rated for drop pods.” The Captain interrupted.
“bear with me a moment Captain,” Divine answered turning to stand in front of his desk standing at a loose parade rest, “I will provide you with pilots, I have many good pilots, we are a carrier after all, you may choose four from the roster, if you wish you may interview them. I will be providing the fifth, for your command shuttle.” Again Divine paused allow the Captain to digest what he had said.
The Captain tipped his glass to his mouth and drank half the contents at once, “I don’t quite understand the reasoning here sir, I mean the shuttles and choice of pilots is appreciated and will help us move around greatly.” He paused, “what is my baby sitter for? General Orion implied I was to have my head on this mission.”
Divine placed his hands palms down on the desk and leaned towards the Captain. “I am fully aware of the Generals feelings on this Captain, and I will remind you that he is on Sol and I am responsible for this entire operation, you work for me, I fully expect you to report to the General and proceed with your mission as planned. I also expect you to comply with my orders and work with the officer who I will assign to your command shuttle, keep him informed and he will report to me, do you understand me Captain?” Divine finished his statement with a pointed look at the Captain.
“Yes Sir, I do,” he stood up. “I am to have an officer of your choice I am to report to, I am to keep his space soft hide alive in a jungle on a un surveyed continent where a possible hostile element of Luth may be attempting to infiltrate or deploy a new super weapon.” He placed his half finished drink on the table, “I will comply with the lawful orders of the UGTO officers placed above me, but honestly sir, the scotch wasn’t half a rich as the conversation demanded.”
“Dismissed Captain,” Divine barked, “Do not try my patience.” The Captain snapped to attention, and saluted. “Yes Sir and no Sir.” He barked, turned on his heal and marched from the office. ‘That went well,’ he thought to himself, ‘marines, you always have to piss them off to get them to do the job right’. He keyed up his desk console, “Nelson,” After a pause she replied, “Yes Sir?”
“Please contact CommanderHawk for me, tell him I have a job for him.” after a pause he added, “and tell him paybacks are hell.”
“Yes sir, right away sir.” Nelson replied.
Divine~Wind leaned back in his chair hands behind his head, and laughed, thinking about Hawks reaction. “Sometimes life is good.” He said to no one in particular.

Andosia System
Hilg Orbit
UGTO transport fleet from Sol System
Aboard USNC Agincourt Carrier, U.W.S Avenger
16:53 June 24, 2295 Galactic Standard Time
11th ODM command quarters

Captain Bailey strode down the companion way from the Commanders office to his command quarters, possibly the only place on the ship he was truly in charge. A marine, or any other branches, command quarters on a navy vessel was the same as the dirt at their own camp. It was marine territory plain and simple, even the Commander was required to ask permission to enter the perimeter, it was a tradition that dated way back in human history. Once the Captain was through the security check point he felt much better, he turned to the gate guard and signaled for his attention.
“Yes sir,” the guard promptly came to attention and saluted. “At ease soldier, I want it recorded in the guard log that no fleet officers are to enter the camp with out my being contacted first, I want them to stand outside the perimeter till I or First Sergeant O’Dell arrive to collect them. Understood?”
“Sir Yes Sir!” the marine barked. “Good, carry on soldier,” bailey said as he turned away, then back. “One more thing soldier, send a runner to find Top, I’d like a word with him.” Bailey turned and left paying no attention to the SPC’s response, his mind already on the Commanders conversation and what he knew was going to be a colorful reaction from the First Sergeant. It took nearly ten minutes to reach his personal quarters and office space, the First Sergeant was already waiting on him as he walked in his office. Bailey and The Bull, as the First Sergeant was often referred to owing to his stubborn and tenacious ways, had served many time over many years together had become fast friends and dispensed with military formality when out of sight of the troops.
“Don’t get up Bull, your going to want hear this sitting down,” Bailey said as he tossed his cap onto a chair by the door.
“Wasn’t planning on it John, what do ya have for me, I’ve seen that look before.” William “Bull” O’Dell was a large man, topping nearly 6’3” of battle hardened muscle he was one jar head you didn’t want to cross. He had nearly every battlefield accommodation including a purple heart for the nasty scar running from the hairline over his left temple down into the corner of his left eye, back out the same corner and curving down his jaw to disappear under his chin. No one but him knew the exact details of how he got it, Bull wasn’t a man to brag, all that is known about it, was that he was one of the few humans to ever enter hand to hand combat with a Luth warrior and survive. Even if he was hospitalized for three weeks afterwards, he lived.
Bailey dropped into chair with a whoosh of air leaving the cushion, “Top, you really not going to believe this.” He said tossing the order packet he had received from the Commander, “read this while I tell you about my conversation with the Commander.


  Email HaVoX
Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 07, 2003
Posts: 269
From: Florida whoo hoo
Posted: 2006-03-17 16:25   
next addition to chapter 2 will be switchs and darks meeting with the leader of all the kluth tribes in contact with the humans so far the Y'tomak'Atar clan. and what will cpt baily and commanderhawk find on hilg, and oh yea cant forget this part "who is that girl looking at Goththug"

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