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 Author Darkspace: Origins
$yTHe {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: September 29, 2002
Posts: 1292
From: Arlington, VA
Posted: 2008-04-16 08:02   


Hellza - Dark Master
Fleet Admiral
Praetorian Wolves

Joined: June 06, 2004
Posts: 498
Posted: 2008-04-16 08:29   

On 2008-04-16 03:15, GothThug {C?} wrote:
wow, i forgot all about this....hmm....Chapter 5 is coming soon and its gonna be in 8 Parts....as its the last Chapter of the series XD

since the brotherhood is back....its time to have some fun XD now WHO WANTS PARTS! XD

parts? I'll take a Icc salad please.
I am watching you in the dark shadows

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2008-04-16 12:05   
GOSHDAMN YOU sythe.....STOP SPAMMING MY thread with worthless pictures..this is EXACTLY why you got yer forum rights taken away, and possibly why you got banned.....now, stop teh flamming and lemme get my thread a rolling! XD

  Email GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: August 17, 2007
Posts: 395
From: Liverpool, Great Britain
Posted: 2008-08-17 07:55   
GT told me to post this for him. Sit back and relax with Darkspace: origins. Chapter 5!

Chaoter 5: part 1: The Fall of Rogue Spear

Prologue: "oh my god, GT we have to get out of here...." Communications interrupted sir...."

"Guys," Michael says, "We have a huge problem, and I just hope the UGTO and kluth have something up their sleeves cause I sure as hell don't, we cant survive this battle with that ship class, the origins of the MIR are unclear at this time, and I think what attacked that ship in Groombridge wasnt the kluth or the ICC, our fate is in thier hands". With that said, the HOD fired its Variance cannons at the Battle Dread knocking it's sensors and Armor Plating offline....


As the plating went offline the bulkheads started to buckle, the First Officer ran and jumped on top of Michael Porter's body and got killed for his captain, the others continued what they were doing, hull plating came back online and the ship fired 5 QST's at the HoD, crippling its engines and SE Drive. "Michael, Nukey's ship is disabled but im getting a power reading from Rogue spears ship.".
"SCANNERS!, WHAT IS HE DOING!??!" Scanners showed cloaked bombs coming from rogue, however, they were coming from the fighters that he launched. "Hard to port!" Micheal cried.
The bombs missed by a few GU, but it wasnt enough and one of the bombs hit the port engine which came off its hinges, now there was 3 engines left.

The super dreads that were pounding Rogue's ship did enough damage for the UWS Galveston to do some damage too.
"Helm do an in system jump and land right on top of Rogue, open a channel to the fleet, all hands this is the captain, we're gonna do a close jump flux manuever. Stand by" as the BEAD close jumped in, a blinding blue flash burnt out Rogue's monitors and disabled the ship, and the Galvestons remaining proton torpedos did a crippling blow to rogue's ship. The Galvestons jump drive recharged and they long jumped back to sol while the fleet killed Rogue. "Reverse angle on the viewer." As the screen turned to the reverse side, in the distance a mess of debris and other materials floated in space but just then a bright flash followed by a level 6 Shockwave came at them causeing the Galveston to rock violently and collapse its jump field, but it was quickly reinitialised. Rogue Spear had fallen, and as a bonus, the ICC Cloning Facilities in lalande were destroyed leaving no hope for him to come back,

07:45 AM Zulu Time: Earth Orbit

Just as a victory celebration came up, more bad news kept popping up.
Grand Chancellor Mateo gave a report that unknown bogies were near the Alpha Cent/Sol border..
The funeral for Late first officer x_Killa_x was held on his home planet of mars where the funeral procession took place. Little did they know, trouble was brewing 3 billion GU from where they were...

To be Continued

EDIT: Corrected grammar, punctuation etc.

[ This Message was edited by: Deltaflyer on 2008-08-17 08:06 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Deltaflyer on 2008-08-17 15:07 ]

Fleet Admiral

Joined: August 17, 2007
Posts: 395
From: Liverpool, Great Britain
Posted: 2008-08-18 06:02   
Chapter 5: Part 2: another pilot falls
14:30 hours Zulu Time earth Orbit

it was 2 Months after the slaughter of lalande that had Michael porter baffled, conflicting reports of Mystery ship sightings and weird markings on ships were destroying Kluth and ICC alike is Perplexing. But, it is a Time of Celebration for the UGTO and ICC armed forces for this conflict with the mysterious alien race known as the MIR have brought Humanity and Alien alike together. As Michael and Fatal Nukey Sign the Treaty and The Queen of the Kluth and the chancellor Make a toast, a Wormhole that Exceeded the size of a station caused earths proximity Alarm to go off. The Now Grand Admiral Michael GT Porter and Nukey Beamed up to their Stations and scanned the Wormhole, it was massive. But, Just as Things couldnt have gotten any worse they did. "Michael Porter to Fatal Nukey come back." "I read ya good buddy, are you getting these readings? they could keep Fatal Squad Scientists busy for the next 200 years" Nukey said. "yes, i know this, Fire up your Ion cannon batteries and stand by on the Class 10 Fore Ion cannon" "yes Sir, charged sir" "Michael porter to fleet, by my count, we have 2 Spheres, one cruiser, 2 Dreadnaughts, and an Assembler" "where they headed" The chancellor asks "Straight for sirius" "oh no, my queen you have to warn your people" The Chancellor says. "Warn them? about what may i ask? The MI are mindless Machines, they have 1 will and 1 will alone. Assimilate, Decimate, and annihilate any form of alien or human DNA for their Version of Perfection.

There i just gave you a breif lesson in where the MI Originates from. Chaos into Order." The Queen Explained a bit with more Detail how the MIR overtook their home system but just then the intercom crackled to life from....."BARNARDS STAR?!?!?" Everyone Exclaimed. "This is saturnshadow from the 9th Fleet in barnards is anyone receiving this!?!?" Michael Porter answers "this is headquarters saturn whats up good buddy?" "Michael we need back up theres tons of them everywhere!" "what? The Triangle that came through split and is heading towards the fale cluster over and its drones have buried underneath." "Order an evacuation Asap, we cant let those people die" The chancellor Exclaims.

Michael porter was confused about the whole situation. why choose this moment to attack in full why not just wipe us out! "this is Fleet Admiral Na'cheyav too base, Saturnshadows been kidnapped by the MI Core...." "transmission interrupted...Sir! we're being hailed" "on screen" Just then the view screen turned on with a person in the center of a white room. Little Tiny Robots are goin in through his nasal cavity and it looks like he's in searing agony, a few minutes later blood gushes out his nose and mouth and the screen goes blank. Saturnshadow is dead. his Soul is gone but what remained inside of him is the MI conscienceness it speaks for the MI. Just then, the Triangle breaks up into smaller pieces and burrows themselves deeper into fales crust. 10 seconds later the cluster is destroyed. "LONG JUMP BACK TO SOL! NOW!" The Fleet Admiral Exclaims. The Meteor Tracking Station in Alpha Centauri hailed UGTO headquarters "guys, i dont mean to bother you but you guys have a problem, the destruction of Fale has sent ship sized Asteriods in sols direction, estimated time to impact earth.....27 days 15 hours and 10 minutes."

And with that, the room fell silent.....To be Continued

Fleet Admiral

Joined: August 17, 2007
Posts: 395
From: Liverpool, Great Britain
Posted: 2008-08-18 13:00   
Chapter 6: Part 1: Encounter In Barnards

Prologue: It is 22 Years into the future, with 1 year to go before the Debris from The Fallen planet of Fale reaches Sol. the current course puts the piece of Debris into earths orbit path right next too Michael "GT" Porters Command Station. The already aged Grand Admiral who's fought the MIR, Kluth and ICC and is scarred. Even the Light from the Sun hurts his Occular implants which have Adapted to Darkness. The Recent Pirate Raids into Barnards star to Get Easy Techknowledgy is getting Harder and harder for 1 of the Pirate Lords who reside in the Reven System which is 2000 Lightyears from Sol, Sirius and CD-36, But the pirates have made some Advancements. Genetic Advancements as well as Super Heavily Armed Capital Ships with Masses of Fighter Bays and 10x's as much Firepower as your average Planet.

"Grand Admirals Log Stardate March 22nd 2322 07:20 Hours Zulu Time. These damned Reports of a new breed of Pirate in the Barnards system is getting Tiresome some people just need to get a...." and before he finished that sentence Grand Marshall Nukey Enters his chambers "heeeey ol buddy" he says as he puts on his Sunglasses. "its been a long time brother, how you been." "i;ve been doin okay Goth, but i've been sent out on assignment to barnards to investigate this pirate thing and see if its legit." "okay just be careful out there, i heard that theres severe Gravimetric Eddys that can tear your Trident in 2" "hey dont you worry about me here GT, its you we should be concerned of, yes i know your eyes have grown to sensitive to sunlight, but dont let me get started with that. see ya" "bye"

March 22nd 2322 09:30 hours Zulu Time. Ianthea Orbit

"It sure is beautiful isnt it Delta? Barnards star ripe for the taking, hahahhahahahaha! LOOK AT ME WHEN I SPEAK AT YOU! FOOL!" Pirate Lord Veronw Exclaims. This hooded Cloaked figure stands at 6 Foot 0 150 pounds, has black eyes with a Green Tint when he's calm, he has supernatural powers, and wears the bones of conquered warlords. his Ship. The IKS Aurora, Armored to the Teeth. This ship has, 15 Heavy Phase Cannons, 19 Transphasic Photon Torpedos, Primary, Secondary shields and Alblative Hull Armor, 20 Fighter bays, 3 Ion Blast Torpedo Batteries, 2 Quantum Torpedo Bays, 1 Steller Pod, 6 Auto Hull Repair, 12 AIE (Advanced Ion Engines). The ship is as big as 3 Siphons and 100x's the firepower. "Now Delta, be a good slave and COME HERE! i have a job for you! Take a squiddy Patrol and head to sol there you will find earth and when you do, land on Michael GT Porters Ship Plant a Device on it so it allows us to track him and when they least expect it...we'll crush him!" and with that said, the one known as Delta Flyer boarded a shuttle pod and took the Wormhole to the outside parimeter and waited for furthur instructions. Little did Veronw know, that Delta was planning on betraying his master and defecting to the UGTO/ICC/Kluth Alliance. But, as Nukey gets to his ship and begins to take off he sees the shuttle pod and calls up Michael on the Radio "hey michael, we have a visitor, and he's hailing us" nukey said, "open a channel then" Michael says, "Delta Flyer too anyone within the sound of my voice, i am a former slave to an evil pirate lord i come to seek refuge and request Asylum. im defecting" "Request Granted" Michael Says, "welcome to the Metaverse Space Patrol Deltaflyer."

As Delta explains the situation to nukey and Michael the situation grows dim. The IKS Aurora launched 16 mirvs at a planet in barnards star and nukey was sent on his way, what kind of trouble will nukey find? find out soon™

To Be Continued............

Pitch Black

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 1895
From: Maryland, U.S.A
Posted: 2008-08-18 16:50   
I lol.

  Email Supertrooper
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 22, 2006
Posts: 2815
From: Philly
Posted: 2008-08-18 17:24   

Do I really look like a guy with a plan?
'I'm gonna go crazy, and I'm taking you with me!'

ICC Security Council Chief Enforcer

  Email Coeus   Goto the website of Coeus
Raven Warriors

Joined: April 30, 2002
Posts: 906
From: Jacksonville, FL
Posted: 2008-08-18 18:13   
As harmless at it seems, posting for users that have been banned from the forums is not permitted.

At this time I am going to lock this thread, pending a review.


Joined: May 12, 2005
Posts: 768
Posted: 2008-08-22 12:06   
As I posted previously, this thread is under review. Something will be posted shortly and the thread will be unlocked, shortly.


Joined: March 21, 2006
Posts: 79
From: Latrodectus
Posted: 2008-09-18 19:28   
he he he, really interesting thread.... >>.<<

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