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 Author The Conflict
Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: July 18, 2002
Posts: 724
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted: 2005-04-27 19:34   
Part 1

CSA Normandy EAD-86
21/07/2435-Military Calender
Sol System/Titan Orbit

Fifteen days. In civilian terms that wouldnt be all that bad, but for military terms, it seems like a life time for soldiers who knew nothing more than how to fight and survive. At least that is how Fleet Admiral Duo Maxwell thought. The ship had gone out of its way to answer a small distress from one of the planets in the Ross 348 Sector, which after five days finally fell to the constant ICC attack. Seventeen ships, most of which Destroyers, a few cruisers were destroyed. The three dreadnoughts, the Normandy, Crusader, and the Solaris. Each one managed to get out just barely with war torn hulls and armor that resembled swiss cheese.

The Crusader and Solaris had already been re-dispatched out to the Cincinnati System to take care of some small skirmishes with a K'Luth Siphon class Dreadnought and its escorts. Only thing was in the escape of Ross 348, the Normandy took the most damage and barely escaped with 76% of its weapons knocked out, and a hull just lingering around 28%.

Duo held his hands behind his back, looking out the window of the bridge. His eyes looked around, watching the drones scurry about, their green engine glows leaving a green lumitation on the bridge. The lights were dimmed drastically, the ship itself looking like a ghost ship by how little activity there was on the inside. On the outside it was like a bee hive, full of activity.

The docking clamps held the ship in place while it rested in the comforting arms of the shipyard over Titan. The largest object in the area for 500GU. After that, a massive GTN Support Station orbited the planet. Transport shuttles and fighters left from its massive hangar bays. Some of the shuttles transfering supplies to the CSA Normandy, others heading for the planet. And then the slight few left the station into the Heavy Transport ships, which then activated their Tachyon Jumpdrives and headed elsewhere in the system.

Duos eyes came about, looking at the control panels, the comm system blinking then came on, "Sir all systems are green...The crew is comming back aboard..."

"Get everyone aboard and prepair the ship for immediate departure..."A slight nod came across Lowels face, the Normandy's chief engineering officer. Duo just smirked and looked back out the window. The bridge crew consisted of himself, Karen his navigations officer. Lieutenant Roger was incharge of the weapon systems, and then Ensign Zen was incharge of the Navigations, which also handled the logistics of communications and sensors. Over all, the bridge was effectivly small so it was easier to get down to business and keep the bridge crew focused. Duo always said that the smaller the bridge crew, the better. And that ment less mistakes because there wasnt so many people to look after.

Once the Marines, Engineers, Weapon Gunners, and Medical Staff came back aboard the ship, the latches on the shipyard released the massive ship. Duos eyes looking over at Zen, "I want 25% thrust power to forward thrusters, take us out slow. Once cleared, turn about 76% and push engines to 80% thrust output..." Zen just nodded and did as he was instructed.

The ship slowly eased out of the arms of the shipyard, the crew on the bridge saying their prayers, knowing it may be the only time they see it again. The ship then slid to a halt, the forward and rear thrusters going off to ease the ship to a complete stop. Then the portside thrusters came on, moving the ships nose to its directed heading. Once their, the starboard thrusters eased the ship to a half. Then that low rumbling roar came through the hull as the Nomandy came to life. The gold luminescent glow of the engines flared up, sending the vessel forward. Everyone by a window turned, and saluted the GTN Defense Station on the way out, knowing that this time may be the last they see their home system.

"Interdictor range cleared sir, ready for jump coordinates..." Duo looked at Zen, and nodded, "Jump to Alpha Centauri and contact the CSA Outpost there and have them prep us a wormhole..."

Zen quirked a brow, but didnt question his orders, "What should i have them set the desitination for sir?" Duo smirked, then looked at him, "Destination is to be set for K'Luth held Nicea...Where we will meet a UGTO Strikeforce, and smash those damn aliens into another realm."

-To be continued...

[ This Message was edited by: Duo[21] on 2005-04-27 19:42 ]

  Email UnknownWarrior
Fleet Admiral Busby
Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 15, 2004
Posts: 239
Posted: 2005-04-27 19:37   
ooooo nice lol can i be apart of the story i want to be a UGTO Dred or a fighter piolt please
My God There are Stars

Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: July 18, 2002
Posts: 724
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted: 2005-04-27 19:44   
heh, ill see....As for right now, i go to plot Part 2...And thats the fun part because the fighting starts there >:)

  Email UnknownWarrior
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-04-27 19:45   
Ryans on a roll

Nice ficy m8

Fleet Admiral Busby
Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 15, 2004
Posts: 239
Posted: 2005-04-27 19:53   
Keep typeing thats a awsome stoy WUV IT !!!!!! execlamation Execlamation
My God There are Stars

Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: July 18, 2002
Posts: 724
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted: 2005-04-27 20:09   
Part 2

05/08/2435-Military Calender
Somewhere in the Nicea System

"Fire forward Proton Torpedos! Turn about heading 176 by 197. Starboard Partical Cannons fire!" The massive Battle Dreadnought Eclipse turned on its side. The forward Proton Torpedos charged and fired. The glowing white weapons streaked across space. Impacting into the side of a nearby Claw, a K'Luth class Destroyer. GCI, GTN, and CSA had only recently jumped into the system via-Worm Hole from the CSA Reliant, the Outpost in the Alpha Centauri system. The ships hull glittered in Niceas sunlight. The several partical cannons littered across the hull turned and fired in a hellish volley. The Claw that had been hit earlier went up in flames. The gases from inside leaked in white fumes into the empty void of space. The organic hull began to buckle and soon imploded before exploding when one of the Anti-Matter engines leaked, releasing the destructive force from its chains and tore the ship apart from the inside out.

The Independence, head flagship of the CSA Fleet turned on its side. The starboard armor absorbing the hit from several Anti-Matter torpedos. Fleet Admiral Feralwulf, commanding officer of the CSA Fleet growled and hit the arm of his chair, "Thirty to port! Get our ship in range of that Hive!" The Independence lurched sideways and made a rapid push towards the central Hive of the K'Luth fleet.

Duo growled when the Normandy was slammed by two Disruptor beam cannons. His eyes looked over at his weapons officer, barking orders like a General foaming from the mouth, "Bring us about and fire CL2000 ports 01-03 at that nearby Nymph Frigate, i want that thing out of my sky!" The heavy lasers began to gather energy. The ports of the weapons began to glow a hellish red to a bright white before the lance of energy discharged across space. The beam slammed into the side of the Nymph Frigate, the second beam scratched across its hull, cutting off one of the "Wings" of the ship which sent it into a roll on an all three axis. The final beam found its mark and slammed into it, gutting it from bow to stern.

Once done, Duo looked over at the Independence, then to Zen, "Full power to engines, charge Fusion Torpedos 01-06 to max power and perpair to fire on my mark. Psi Cannon 01 set to defense, fire at any ships that get within its range. I want all CL550s' set to point defence. And send power from 1500 Fusion Reactor 01 to the Cl2000's we just fired!" Zen piloted the ship while Roger powered up the weapons.

The Independence raced through space. The forward lasers gathered energy, then unleashed their hellish might apon the Hive. The armor of the ship barely rippled. In retaliation for the small damage, four of the Disruptors fired, lashing into the Independence's portside when the ship raced by while unloading two Anti-Matter Torpedos and four Fusion Torpedos into the stations underbelly.

One of the Disruptors power up and fired to the incomming Normandy, in which the Normandys forward CL2000 fired at the exact same time. Like clockwork, both beams met head on, the energy forming into an explosive force which sent a quantum blast across space, completely annihilating nearby Frigates, and severely damaging Destroyers. That same force rattled the Normandy to the core. Duo felt his teeth chattering when that force hit. He then smirked and thought of a plan, then relayed the information to the Independence.

Then like predicting the future, two disruptors powered up on the Hives portside and forward ports. Both the Normandy and Independence fired one Cl2000 at their targeted Disruptor. And before the energy from the Hives beams could get too far, the CL2000s tore into the Hives weapon ports, causing the same chain reaction which went to the core of the Station. The stations hull began to short out and cumple in its vital points where it was less reinforced. Eventually the energy reverberating inside the ship tore it apart. The Station lurched to one side and then fell out of its allignment path, which sent it crashing into the gas giant nearby.

The shockwave rippled through space, the energy shorting out some of the UGTO ships. Then at the loss of their Station, the remaining K'Luth ships began to fall out after just having seen their forward Defense Station destroyed, which gave the UGTO forces that could move a time to breath.

Duo sighed lightly, then looked at Zen, "Fleet Status report?" Zen came through with the numbers. Out of the origional fleet, 65% of the taskforce was still intact. This was somewhat a victory, but not for those who gave their lives for this one battle. And he knew, down in the pit of his stomach, more was to come around. And this was just a small skirmish. Instead he would have to imagine trying to figure his way around, when three fleets from each Faction met. And he knew when that happened, who ever came through as the victore, would claim the Nicea system.

-To be continued...

  Email UnknownWarrior
Fleet Admiral Busby
Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 15, 2004
Posts: 239
Posted: 2005-04-27 20:13   
Bravo! Bravo
lol iam command of th Eclipse lol it awsome i love it MROE MORE MORE

[ This Message was edited by: Evil Lol on 2005-04-27 20:20 ]
My God There are Stars

Lux (Polaris)
Fleet Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: April 20, 2004
Posts: 835
From: Asgard
Posted: 2005-04-27 21:09   
Good story. You smirk a lot, eh?
ICC Security Councilor - Raven representative

Loyal Admiral of the Interstellar Cultural Confederation Navy.
Senior Commander of the Raven Warriors, the ICC elite.
Captain of the Assault Dreadnaught \"Gungnir\"

  Email Lux (Polaris)
Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: July 18, 2002
Posts: 724
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted: 2005-04-28 15:28   
Part 3

Grand K'Luth Hive
Date Unknown
Main K'Luth Fleet somewhere in Nicea

Humming began to start in the emptiness of space. Light began to distort in multiple locations, then soon began to shape the form of ships of many different shapes and sizes. Eventually, space folded and warped, the organic hulls of the mighty K'Luth fleet of the Nicea system appearing from the void of space. And in the center of the entire formation, a massive K'Luth station folded out of the shadows, dwarfing all the smaller ships around it.

Larve fighters flew about on their patrols while few of the Advanced Carriers in the area transfered supplies for the upcomming assault. The previous lost of one Defense Outpost angered the Hive greatly.

Around the station, space began to fold once again, many more ships appeared out of the shadowing protection of their Cloak. More and more ships arrived until three different fleets converged on the central station there. Inside the massive vessel, the organic doors slowly parted in a slight hissing sound. Smog emitted from the opened chamber, and the sound of claws began clicking on the floor of the hallway. One of the K'Luth Fleet Admirals slowly moved down the hallway. The organic floor moving slightly when his feet touched it. The hallways were dimely luminated, making it impossible for humans to walk about without some sort of flash light.

The creature moved through another set of larger doors, into the main chamber. He kneeled down, bowing his head, speaking in his alien tongue at the Hive Commander, "All Fleets have arrived excellency...We are ready to move apon your command..."

The creature sitting there atop the steps raised its clawed hand for silence from the Fleet Admiral, its voice echoing through the chamber, "You have done well...The Hive Counsol has granted me permission to grant you the rank of Grand Admiral, in preparation to clense the system of the human filth...You are to have a scout wave move out across the system, and report back once the humans have been found, and then. We will crush them."

What would look like a smirk appeared on the Admirals face, his jet black eyes looking up at the Hive Commander, "I accept the role the Queen has granted permission, and in her name, i will have my ship personally lead the operation with the swift might that is our race..."

The Hive Commander slowly stood, and moved down the steps slowly. Its eyes were glowing in somewhat of a mixture between black and red, "Do not underestimate this enemy Admiral. For this combination of their fleets are the deadliest among their faction...These UGTO are not to be taken lightly...That is the Queens request of you..."

The Admiral nodded once again, "The Queens will shall not be ignored, i will do as the Queen commands, even unto death..."

The Hive Commander nodded lightly, then turned his back to the Admiral, "Make swift haste to your ship, i wish not to keep our progress from the Hive any more than we must. I will not delay their patience..."

The Admiral stood slowly and put his clawed hand to his chest and bowed while he slowly backed out of the chamber. Once in the hallway, evil thoughts began to go through his mind, formulating a plan on how to deal with the UGTO threat.

He left the station with swiftness. Apon reading his command ship, a Ganglia class vessel, he gave the order. The scouts left, and in mere moments came back with the location of the UGTO fleets. He grimmaced slightly, knowing it was too easy, but none the less, the Queens orders were laid down, and he would not oppose her. With the order sent, the fleet disappeared into the darkness, and in one massive movement, the area lit up like a bright blue sun. And in mere seconds, what had once been three massive attack fleets, had been left to nothing while the mighty K'Luth Fleets made their jump for the unaware UGTO forces.

-To be continued...

  Email UnknownWarrior
Fleet Admiral Busby
Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 15, 2004
Posts: 239
Posted: 2005-04-28 16:29   
awsome ploting!
My God There are Stars

Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: July 18, 2002
Posts: 724
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted: 2005-04-28 17:09   
Part 4

07/08/2435-Military Calender
UGTO Assault Fleet/Nicea System

The Interdictor ship, the GTN Sovernty IDCr-90 floated around in the center of the massive UGTO Fleet, comprised of the CSA, GTN, and GCI fleets. The ships scanners, and reactor took a sudden spike, the ship rumbled lightly when the interdictor field took a sudden rush of incomming enemy jump signatures, stopping them all at 1000GU.

"All crew evacuate immed-"the captain of the Sovernty lived his shortened life with the support gear collapsed, causing an internal meltdown, causing the vessel to errupt into flames, exploding just 150gu off the portside of the CSA Normandy.

Duo winced his eyes, then snapped to Zen, "Engines to max, 67 to starboard, begin moving towards the Kluth fleet..." His eyes then locked onto Roger, "Prep all weapons, prepair to fire at the closest ship..."

Just then the Dreadnought turned, lurching on its side lightly while the engines began to glow a blinding gold. The ship turned, and began to race towards the incomming fleet.

Other dreadnoughts from GTN began to do the same, lead by the GTN Repulse, commanded by Fleet Admiral Enterprise. And with the GCI fleet, the GCI Eclipse, headed by Evil. All three dreadnoughts race along side, the CSA Independence following behind. The ships split from their delta formation while waves of B-27 fighters began launching and tore their way across space. The partical cannons aboard the fighters began to unlease their hellish volley into the Larve fighters comming towards them. Fighters began to weave around one another, some exploded with the debries slamming into other fighters from both factions.

The Normandy's main Cl2000 weapons charged and lanced across space. The heavy beams slammed into the bow of a Beak frigate, which then tore through the hull completely, the orange glowing inscisions growing larger until the ship split into pieces while the beams lanced even further, tearing a Stinger into two halves between Bow to Stern.

The Eclipse came over the high portside of the Normandy, the partical cannons firing into the void of space. One of the Kluth scout ships feeling the blows of the weapons, causing it to swirve and slam into a UGTO Battlecruiser crossing the fury. The ship shuddered and went slightly off course while the Cl500s blew into a nearby Scarab. The Scarab soon enough finished the cripled battlecruiser off by unleasing its 6 Disruptor beam cannons, which tore the ship apart from the starboard side to the portside, dicing the ship into multipule fragments.

Duo held onto his chair, feeling his ship suddenly push to one side when a small scout rammed into the lower aft decks. The klaxons went off, and the pressure doors sealed the damaged and destroyed decks off. Duo soon turned to Roger, then looked around, "Lieutenant fire at the closest enemy dreadnought and then pull us around to the flanks of the enemy so we can catch the ship on its blind side..."

The Normandy turned, the Siphon fired its disruptors at it, but the armor took the blow while the Anti-Matter torpedos missed the Normandy all together, but didnt miss the following CSA Supply ship that was following close behind. The torpedos hit the ship dead on, causing the nose to push into the ship like an accordian, and that same rippling force tore the ship apart all together.

Feralwulf winced at the side. His ship moved down, barely missing the fragments of the supply ship that had just been completely destroyed moments earlier. The Independence moved forward, pulling off the portside of the Eclipse, the Fusion Torpedos leaving their bays and released into space. The red hot torpedos slammed themselves into the nearest dreadnought. The Ganglia lurched to one side and tried to get back under control. Seeing this, the Independence's Cl2000's with the combinded strength of the Cl550's errupted from their standby state and began carving through the organic hull. The Ganglia managed to turn just slightly, two disruptors finding their marks on the side of the Independence, leaving their burn marks.

The Repulse turned to its portside, and began to release volley after volley onto a Siphon that had just blown apart a UGTO Torpedo cruiser. The Siphons body began to glow red hot from all the hits, then exploded into fragments when the Repulse flew through the debries field.

Then at one single time, the three massive UGTO dreadnoughts turned, firing full weapons at one of the two Kluth Hives in the area. The hives cloaking failed, causing the ship to come under constant siege.

The lead Ganglia came off course and charged towards the three UGTO ships. The beams and torpedos lanced through space and gutted one of the dreadnoughts completely. The Eclipse turned lightly to its side, then managed to activate the Emergency Jump-Drive and evacuated from the area just before being destroyed. The Normandy took the ship into notice and turned towards it. The forward CL2000 fired, crushing into one of the starboard spikes of the Ganglia, causing the spike to glow red hot before being sliced off the ship completely.

Anti-Matter torpedos launched from the Ganglia, hitting into the armor plating of the Normandy and completely tore the armor to bits, impacting into the lower aft sections, destroying one of the engines.

Duo fell out of his chair, hitting the floor. The ship soon went into a roll. The top CL2000's locked on and fired, leaving glowing inscisions in the Ganglias hull. The Normandy moved too fast for the Kluth flagship to turn, and the rear Cl550s tore into the engine port of the alien ship.

The engines ignited and sent the Ganglia into a tumble with no engines to stop it. Seeing the moment, both the Normandy and Independence turned towards the ship. The Independence prepaired to fire, but moved up into space when another Siphon attempted to ram her. The charged weapons diverted and fired apon the newer threat, shredding the ships hull and armor to bits.

The Normandy moved to the side, avoiding another volley of Anti-Matter torpedos. Then once in range, the Fusion Torpedos released from their tubes and flew across space. The torpedos impacted into the bow of the Ganglia, then with the heated hull, a Cl2000 broke through the bow of the ship, eventually piercing clear through and out the rear of the vessel. The Normandy then passed below it and cleared the explosion radius just before it exploded into flames. Duo sighed lightly and rubbed his eyes, then turned his attention back to the Kluth Hive that was still under assault.

"All ships this is the CSA Normandy...Concentrate fire apon that hive!"With that order, most of the CSA Fleet responded and began moving for the hive. The Normandy moved sluggishly through space, cruisers and destroyers racing past with weapons firing in all directions. The Normandys forward beams cut a path through a Scarab cruiser that tried to block the way. The beams tore the ship into three seperate pieces which were then destroyed by the leading Assault Destroyers from the GTN and GCI fleets.

The Normandy, accompanied by the CSA Vigilant TCr-67, commanded by Crimson raced to the hive. The Vigilant launched vollies of its Fusion Torpedos into the station, sending vibrations through the Hive constantly. The Normandy fired until the torpedo banks ran on empty. Then the ship raced into beam range. And with that, the Cl2000 and Cl550 weapons from both the Normandy and Vigilant began carving their way through the hives bow and portside.

Soon enough, what became 11 beams soon became 34 as the entire UGTO fleet, now finished with cleaning up the Kluth fleets, soon all concentrated fire onto the single hive. The Station lurched and groaned as the hull of the ship began to cumble and buckle in many locations. Soon enough, the hives core was pierece by three beams and five torpedos. Sending a chain reaction to the weapons, and engines. The reaction exploded each weapon and engine, sending the station into a violent spin.

All the UGTO ships turned and ran out of range of the station. The Hive continued to spin and fall on its side until it began to come apart. After five minutes of its violent dance, the station finally exploded into flames. To the crew of the Normandy, it looked like a short living star in its prime. The flames soon grew, then shrank until all that remained were debries and floating hot metal.

Duo sighed lightly, then looked around from the bridge. All around, the smoldering hulls of UGTO and Kluth ships littered the area. The Eclipse then suddenly appeared from Jump, atmosphere venting from its sides and rear.

Duo sat back in his chair, Karen finally broke down into tears at all the carnage that had just taken place. Most of the soldiers aboard the ship fell down to the floor, thanking god that they were still alive. Duo then stood, and with his right hand to his chest, he saluted the fallen UGTO that gave their lives so galently for their race. And knew that their sacrifice was not in vain. And with that final thought, the ships of the UGTO scattared across the system, and began dropping countless numbers of infantry onto the planets in order to free the planets, and claim them for the UGTO.

-To be continued...


  Email UnknownWarrior
Fleet Admiral Busby
Fleet Admiral

Joined: October 15, 2004
Posts: 239
Posted: 2005-04-28 17:21   
You should mkae it into a book
My God There are Stars

Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: July 18, 2002
Posts: 724
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted: 2005-04-28 18:05   
Just a brief note that most likely from here on out ill be posting any further parts day after day...So that means Part 5 would be out tomorrow, and part 6 on Saturday and so forth...

  Email UnknownWarrior
Axianda The Royal
Fleet Admiral
Terra Squadron

Joined: November 20, 2001
Posts: 4273
From: Axianda
Posted: 2005-04-29 07:55   
Eventhough its the UGTO that are winning its a DAMN good read... keep it up

- Axi

Grand Admiral
Raven Warriors

Joined: July 18, 2002
Posts: 724
From: North Carolina, USA
Posted: 2005-04-29 20:26   
Part 5

21/08/2435-Military Calender
UGTO Fleet/Orc Lost Colony Orbit/Nicea System

Fleet Admiral Duo stood there in front of the small podium in the briefing room aboard the CSA Normandy. He straightened his uniform out slightly, then took in a deep breath, "At 0700 this morning, the front line defense station in Ross 148 sent us a disturbing transmission. At that exact time, the Sensor Station Antares, GTN Support Station class picked up these sillouetes..." He motioned his hand to the large blips on the radar, then he cleared the images up a bit, his eyes returning back to the screen in which was sending the transmission through out the entire fleet.

"It is completely obvious, the sillouetes that we see here now were what obliterated the defense fleet around Ross 4. The ships that attacked were ICC Vessels. We havent got full coverage as of yet to the might of the enemy forces, but from recon images provided by a few MYTH Sensor Scouts, we have confirmed that the enemy forces consist of one Support Station, five Dreadnoughts, 15 cruisers, and around 30-40 destroyers. Now how these forces managed to appear without us catching any hint of a Wormhole is beyond us..."

The screen changed from the sensor pictures to a full radar layout of the Ross 148 system, reading the small ship icons that one would normally see on the navigations map, the typical green for friendly forces, and blue for the ICC Forces in the system. The blue ship blips moved across the system, the ships that were engaged began flashing gold, and in those battles some of the ship icons disappeared until none remained on the UGTO side. "This attack caught the GTN and MYTH defensive fleets completely by surprise, and the High Command on Earth has called in for half of the Nicea forces to divert their attention to the battle on Ross 148. Command has ordered the following ships to make way at best speed for Alpha Centauri. the CSA Normandy EAD-86, CSA Independence, GCI Eclipse, GTN Repulse, CSA Vigilant, GTN Monitor, GTN Hellfire, GCI Constelation, and the 309th and 242nd Fighter Squadrons are to report back to Ross 148, there they will meet up with the GTN 3rd Fleet, headed by Fleet Admiral Backslash and the GTN Executioner."

Duo leaned against the podium more, his eyes narrowing, "Keep in mind, the lead Assault Dreadnought for the ICC is headed by Grand Admiral Banshee...So dont lose your footing out there people...Fleet Admiral Duo, CSA Normandy...Out..."

The screen cut off through out the fleet. Vice Admiral Evil looked at his crew and nodded, "Alright guys, double time it to combat stations, i want engines on half power and make way with the fleet to the nearest UGTO station so we can hitch a wormhole to Alpha Centauri..." The same orders were issued through out the rest of the fleet. Duo went to his own comm system, and hit the long band transmission for the GTN Executioner, "Fleet Admiral Duo to Fleet Admiral Backslash, orders have been sent and fleet is in transit...ETA until arrival...1450 Tomorrow...I repeat, ETA until arrival at 1450 tomorrow...CSA Normandy over and out..."

-To be continued...

[ This Message was edited by: Duo[21] on 2005-04-30 13:55 ]

  Email UnknownWarrior
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