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Forum Index » » English (General) » » A survey of 3 month in Darkspace - This games main problem are the players
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 Author A survey of 3 month in Darkspace - This games main problem are the players

Joined: August 02, 2006
Posts: 327
Posted: 2007-07-05 02:10   
anyway it seems ds has WON the thread, the bias evers have lost muhahahhaha ds forever

[ This Message was edited by: HMS Blueprint on 2007-07-05 02:11 ]

Tommas [ USF HunnyBunny ]
Chief Marshal
Pitch Black

Joined: February 04, 2006
Posts: 581
From: Norway
Posted: 2007-07-05 06:33   
id say no one won...


Joined: April 05, 2007
Posts: 65
From: England
Posted: 2007-07-05 07:24   
I'd like to see people treat prestige like the tool it is. The point isn't to collect these little numbers - no, it's to use those little numbers to get bigger boom-booms to stick it to the other guy!

Or something. Not thinking too hard right now.


Joined: June 14, 2007
Posts: 9
Posted: 2007-07-05 07:27   
Let me begin by saying that HMS Blueprint should consider drinking household products found under the kitchen sink.

This thread isn't exactly about wether DS or EvE are better than the other, its about what is wrong with Darkspace. Now I know that you guys LOVE to blame other games when it comes to problems than to criticize your own but well...people wouldn't have left for EvE if there was something here.

But to continue, even though I stopped playing (or at least took a break from) EVE Online several months ago, here's a few things. CCP has been facing corruption claims which have been spammed all over the internet, this is something that went on not too long ago. Even through that fiasco subscription numbers picked up, and the corruption was disproven, and if you think some of you guys are dedicated, try talking to a few EvE players.

Next up, Goththug. You've obviously never played the game before to have an opinion about it. And yes, there is a help channel that volunteers and staff members are in to you.

EVE also has its own problems, there's been some desync issues and general lag appearing in the larger fleet battles (60v60+), its really testing the limits of servers lately. I guess the learning curve is a bit higher due to how indepth of a game it is, although that curve depends on how much you wanted to learn. (mining isnt learning)

Right, thanks for making this a DS vs EVE arguement.

1st Rear Admiral

Joined: February 15, 2007
Posts: 4
Posted: 2007-07-05 10:40   
it seems mr.naudet seeems to be putting down every game in sight.. good luck

Actually not, i know that in a MMOG you will always have annoying players but in the games i played and which i use as a reference to judge the community (Fighter Ace, Aces High I & II, World War II Online) those annoying players found a massive counterweight in the great majority of players that were friendly, respectful and helpful.

DS is just missing that counterweight, because the active player base is so small at the moment that one "tard" can ruin it all.

The smaller the player base the more important it is that all adhere to those things as chivaly and fairness.

Reeves mentioned Aces High and AH is the game where i so far found my expectations mostly met. AH is developed by a small company called Hitechcreations, it has a dedicaded development team, an exellent community, amazing events and scenarios and is around with an ever growing player base since 1999. Now you may i ask, why that stupid guy does not return to AH?
Simple reason, i lost my interest in flight sims once i made and finished my privat pilot licence. Why play at home, when you can have the real experience.

[ This Message was edited by: Naudet on 2007-07-05 10:42 ]

Grand Admiral

Joined: June 16, 2005
Posts: 851
From: Barcino, Hispania Tarraconensis
Posted: 2007-07-05 11:11   

On 2007-07-05 10:40, Naudet wrote:

Actually not, i know that in a MMOG you will always have annoying players but in the games i played and which i use as a reference to judge the community (Fighter Ace, Aces High I & II, World War II Online) those annoying players found a massive counterweight in the great majority of players that were friendly, respectful and helpful.

DS is just missing that counterweight, because the active player base is so small at the moment that one "tard" can ruin it all.

The smaller the player base the more important it is that all adhere to those things as chivaly and fairness.

Reeves mentioned Aces High and AH is the game where i so far found my expectations mostly met. AH is developed by a small company called Hitechcreations, it has a dedicaded development team, an exellent community, amazing events and scenarios and is around with an ever growing player base since 1999. Now you may i ask, why that stupid guy does not return to AH?
Simple reason, i lost my interest in flight sims once i made and finished my privat pilot licence. Why play at home, when you can have the real experience.

Believe me when I say, that DS was like that when I joined around two years ago. The patch that came out a couple of months after I joined caused a big shift in the vet:newbie ratio because through poor gamesmanship, a new player could attain a rank that had taken a veteran months to achieve. As a result, there are fewer, older, more respected members of the community to aspire to.

Now, the next patch is slated to fix the majority of problems with this one (as well as creating a few new ones of its own, as is the way with games) and hopefully at least some of those that left will return and improve the community (which in the past has always been this game's best aspect). So, as I see it, this is just a temporary lull for the game, albeit a long one.

And I know what you mean about leaving Aces High, as soon as I'm qualified for interplanetary travel, I'm going to forget about DS (In all honesty, though, when I took my first lesson, I realised flight sims can only prepare you for so much, PC games are dead by comparison, though I still enjoy Il-2 from time to time. Had I not been colourblind, I might've tried for a CPL. But I digress...)

[ This Message was edited by: YIIMM on 2007-07-05 11:12 ]

Walrus of Apathy
Templar Knights

Joined: August 07, 2005
Posts: 466
From: Dorans Basement
Posted: 2007-07-05 17:45   
I own a lot of games, many of which can be played online including al ot of MMOs. And i must say that so far DarkSpace is my Favorite one. Most of my other games have better graphics or mechanics then DS but i still stick with this one because of its great community. It's the people i see in the lobby like Melly, Crim and Coeus or the Mods like Ferul, Doran, and Drafell that make my day worth gaming. Even if the Game itself is broken or not fun it's the people who play it who count.

My 2nd favorite game is SW:Empire At War.

P.S: i tried Aces High 2 and i my opinion; i think it sucked.

  Email Walrus of Apathy
Junky Da FunkyMonke

Joined: May 14, 2007
Posts: 347
From: The Hotel California, takes excursions to Deep Sexys Space every now and then
Posted: 2007-07-05 22:14   
I honestly dont know what you expected i played a few games but this is one of the best but this is a war game and in war you dont go out for tea with the enemy. i did pres farm ONCE i was trying to get silver combat was like 10 away some friends helped me out. they both lost i think 1000 pres and i lost more damage pres then i gained. never did it again.

if you want a really good game that i liked try puzzle pirates (i dont play anymore because i think someone hacked me and got my account permanently banned when they ban its ip so ya)

[ This Message was edited by: Junky on 2007-07-05 22:15 ]

Fleet Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 06, 2001
Posts: 3406
From: Charlotte, North Carolina
Posted: 2007-07-07 00:08   
How can you seriously expect to know exactly what this game's problem is when you haven't been here to see it all unfold? What makes you think you can march into these forums and tell these people that they are the problem as if you have any clue what you're talking about?

Call me old-fashioned, but I consider it extremely arrogant when someone with less than a tenth the experience of some of the active community tries to tell said community what their problem is.

This community has been beaten back time and time again by the relentless delay of over three patches, each of which took a year or more to come out, and you're blaming them for making the most of the broken game that they have? DarkSpace is a shadow of its former self, and players complaining about balance problems that cropped up after the last patch (two years ago, mind you) were promised fixes that were never received.

You say the future of DarkSpace is dark? I don't know where exactly you've been, but these guys have been living that future for years now, and yet that loyal core has the constitution to hang on for another big patch that will supposedly fix everything and probably won't, simply because they believe in this place and practically call each other family.

You say the diminishing importance of the RoC is the problem, and if that's true, why do you suppose that is? This game used to be a shining example of an MMO community before over half of the active moderators and a majority of the players (myself included) left, and why was that? I'll give you a hint: It has nothing to do with the player base and everything to do with the development process.

No, this game's players are the only reasons this game is still here.

Ugh. I could keep going, but I honestly don't feel like it. If you're leaving, then have a nice life. If you're sticking around, stop acting like you "get it."

You don't.


[ This Message was edited by: Demorian on 2007-07-07 00:14 ]

Pitch Black

Joined: March 18, 2004
Posts: 1895
From: Maryland, U.S.A
Posted: 2007-07-07 00:18   
I found out that if you hold a yard glass to your ear, and tap on it, it makes an awsome sound..

  Email Supertrooper
Grand Admiral

Joined: May 30, 2003
Posts: 2449
From: United Kingdom
Posted: 2007-07-07 01:39   
The good news is that we have a development process now, (which is a substantial improvement) although still no ETA.
It's gone now, no longer here...Yet still I see, and still I fear.rnrn
DarkSpace Developer - Retired

  Goto the website of Drafell
Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2007-07-07 02:04   
And Dem comes in with the hammer that is ALSO mostly true..

But players nowadays.. they have something to do with it. Its not all just past issues, is the present ones too.

But true enough, the DS community perserveres through the worst. It always has. There are always those members, such as myself, who wont leave, will not leave. Not until the day GCQL cant be logged in again.


1st Rear Admiral

Joined: February 15, 2007
Posts: 4
Posted: 2007-07-08 06:46   
Dear Demorian,

and i call it extremely arrogant if you just don't accept oppions of someone that has not been around in this game for years. Experience is not an argument itself. Sometimes its is good to get a fresh view.

And i am not so arrogant to judge the DS before 483, i just judge the DS i experience in the last 3 months. I based my oppion on the players currently active in the MV, not the inactive veterans that made DS a great community 2-3 patches earlier.

I in no way want to offend those old players. But if they are unsubbed, waiting in the second row for a patch, they honestly can not say anything about what is currently going on.

Note how you speak in the past. When you left, the problem was the development process. Thats right, but at present the active player base is also a problem.

Interestingly through this thread i have gotten a hint of how great this community was before and still seems to be in the backround. I really wish i found DS earlier to be part of that.

I just can ask the old guys to resub and fill the MV with the spirit of the past.



Joined: August 02, 2006
Posts: 327
Posted: 2007-07-08 07:19   

On 2007-07-05 07:27, -BaronVonVirtu2 wrote:
Let me begin by saying I should consider stabbing myself with a fluffy fork

thats nice?


Fleet Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 06, 2001
Posts: 3406
From: Charlotte, North Carolina
Posted: 2007-07-08 09:46   

Indeed, this community was once leaps and bounds better than its present state. Some of my colleagues from that time period have even suggested that the present state of the playerbase, as you say, is a problem in and of itself.

I disagree.

Our loss of stature can all be traced back to the loss of morale that has crippled the community and staff. This community would not be as it is right now if the game had remained actively developed (we once got patches every few months), which would have kept the playerbase active, involved, and happy, which would have kept the staff around because they actually had a substantial amount of work to do, which they could take pride in. Everything, from the poor sportsmanship, to the lax enforcement, to the very argument we're having right now, can be traced back to something entirely removed from the players themselves.

Ergo, no matter how wretched some players might have become, it is NOT. THEIR. FAULT.

Don't insult me because I got angry when you charged in here blaming them for this game's problems. I'm defending something I care about, so "accepting your opinion" be damned. You're the one that brought that opinion into the open, and that is an invitation for those who think you're dead wrong. You have no right to say something so critical and then expect no reprisal.

I realize that you may have been simply trying to help, but there is a fundamental flaw in your original post, and that is the presumption that you have a clue what has brought the community to this point after having only been here for so short a time. It is that which I find insulting.

Do you think it fair to claim that you understand the problems of a six-year-old community after three months?


[ This Message was edited by: Demorian on 2007-07-08 11:07 ]

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