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Forum Index » » English (General) » » Apology Letter To all That I've Hurt
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 Author Apology Letter To all That I've Hurt
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-06-10 17:57   
this apology was to ensure that i atleast had loyal friends but it seems like i dont. i've been pulled into 3 conferences this past week cause of my anger issues and they dont help. all because i went UGTO....no because i clan hopped 12 different times since i've been back......I pay to play this game i dont get no coupons, i dont get rewarded, i pay to play and have fun...i find a faction/clan i like and i stick with it dont like me for Tough Beans cause thats how i am. im sick and tired of people TELLING me what faction and what clan to be in ESPECIALLY zeritu and his strong dislike for CEC oh well bully for him! thinkin they exploit and they dont, I got a lucky kill off Zeritu in his HIVE because i Manually Targetted where he was and let off my Volley of Level 10 AM Torps. Coeus and Crimson they were my friend from coming to ICC but once i left to join UGTO because i wasnt ranking up in ICC they stopped being my friend why? because they're Facist, Hypcritical, Prideful and arrogant! $ythe used to be my friend until that jerk tractored me into Ross 4 and we were both on the same team! and dont blame being drunk for that it doesnt fly with me!

I have tried and tried to be everyones friend and i get pimp slapped in the face for speaking my mind! if i said what all was on my mind i'd get banned. but im too smart for that! so yall want me to get banned again? TOO BAD BOIS IM HERE TO STAY! DONT LIKE IT TOUGH DEAL WITH IT OR FREAKING LEAVE THE GAME! Calling me a UGTO fan boy doesnt help either! because i like them for 2 Reasons 1. Friendly People and 2. See 1

These People have been good to me, they taught me how to build BETTER than ICC cause ICC werent there for me at all! Kluth werent there for me! so im here in UGTO cause its comfortable! I have worked hard on my prestige, i have 14K to go til i get FA, and if any of you harrass me for a demotion i swear god help me cause he sure as hell wont help you when you cross me!

IM SORRY! how many times do i have to freaking say it! i have tried and tried and tried and tried to be yalls friend! but all you guys do is take advantage of it and when something doesnt go yer damn way you remove me from friends or IGNORE ME! what kinda REAL friend does that? NONE! and let me tell you why! this is a game and in the actual game play we are enemies! but in the lobby we are human beings enjoying the lobby camping and having a decent convo! SO GROW UP THE LOT OF YOU AND STOP JUMPING DOWN MY GOSHDAMN THROAT FOR CHRISTS SAKES!

people like coeus cause people like me to leave the game all because he's got a strong hatred for UGTO but he doesnt for kluth why? he can beacon them dictor them and kill them. but when UGTO goes for him they jump him in a fleet! my god! isnt that what teamwork is for!? ICC HAVE NO TEAMWORK AT ALL THEY JUST PLANET CAMP AND WH FISH or TRACTOR SCOUT! OR MIRV PLANETS FOR EASY PRES GAIN AND YOU KNOW WHAT IM DAMN FREAKING SICK OF IT! AND IT NEEDS TO STOP! i HAVE said my peace and thats all i want from you IS TO ACCEPT MY GOSHDAMN APOLOGY! BECAUSE ITS NOT BULLCRAP ITS A HEARTFELT ONE! im just damn sorry you dont see it that way! I have tried and tried and i cant get it through yer damn thick ape like skulls!


  Email GothThug {C?}

Joined: February 02, 2006
Posts: 100
Posted: 2006-06-10 18:22   
well said goth, well said

p.s sorry for being an ass to you
Goth and I dueling. This is why you shouldn't run from duels

Goth, Your my oneway ticket to GA

$yTHe {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: September 29, 2002
Posts: 1292
From: Arlington, VA
Posted: 2006-06-10 18:51   
Goth, seriously, I'm going to be nice about this.

Here's why people don't like you. First, you're very hypocritical most of the time. This post, for example. Just yesterday, you told everyone it was 'null and void'. You also tend to preach something, change fleets, and then champion for the things that you had ranted and raved against on the other fleet, and that gains you enemies. And don't say you don't do it. You badmouthed the UGTO as an ICC, and now you badmouth the ICC as a UGTO.

Secondly, your egotistical threads. Their intention may not be to stroke your own ego, but thats what they seem like. If you want to prove a point, go out into the game and do it. The only reason to tell people about it on the forums is to brag.

Finally, your anti-MiRV crusade. Stop it. You're only egging those little bastards on further.

I know you're gonna flame me for this. I don't care. I'm trying to be nice, and provide constructive criticism for you. If you flame me, then you just prove all of my points.


GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-06-10 19:10   
First of all im not hypocritical, i dont say Mirv and Not Rebuild do i? HELL FREAKING NO! i tell them to rebuild if they mirv or go out and neutron but whatever and thanx rangar apology accepted

  Email GothThug {C?}
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2006-06-10 19:12   
I pulled you into a room so you could calm down. I also tried to tell you what road you where heading down and how to change things, but you seemed to have ignored every piece of advice I gave you. People are out there to help you Goth, but it's YOU giving them the shaft, not the other way around.

Unless you change your ways, things are going to carry on like this Goth. Yes, there are a few select people who can act the donkey at times, but it's not like the entire game is spewing them from the seams. You just need to calm down, play the game, and like Chad said, stop being so hypocritical.

And maybe, just maybe, YOU could stop jumping down peoples throats. I told you this in private, and I'll now tell you this in public. The reason people treat you like they do, is because you go after them like a bully. They feel threatened by you always telling them they harass you and that they're flying bugged ships (when they're not). They feel threatened by this, and in turn, single you out for revenge. That's not their fault, its yours, and it's human nature to want revenge. The difference is, you go on a personal crusade against people, when they just take it out ingame, like you're supposed too.

Just the other day you kept saying how you got harassed because people jumped after you ingame... That's not harassment, people will see you leave the battle, and will jump after you to kill you becuase of the way you act. You also call people donkey-canyons when they won't let you go when you're about to die, even when you ask 'nicely'. Yet I've seen you ask nicely, and it's just a bunch of words with explimantion marks on the end, and this is a combat game... Nothing in the RoC that says they have to let you go, and lets face it, 9/10, no ones going to say "You know what? You can go! Fly free!".

Seriously Goth. You need to change your ways, otherwise things are just going to continue as they are.

I'm not having a dig at you, Goth. I told you all of this yesterday in a private room, and you seem to have forgotten it. So here it is in plain English, where you can see it and read it again.

- Jack

[ This Message was edited by: BackSlash *SL3 (Chiefly British!) on 2006-06-10 19:14 ]

GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-06-10 19:46   
no i didnt ignore it....i took it to heart, and then i get jumped in the lobby when you werent HERE i might add but whatever

  Email GothThug {C?}
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2006-06-10 20:21   
And what might I add, did I tell you to do when that happens?

Ignore it / log off if you can't.

Fleet Admiral

Joined: January 12, 2002
Posts: 894
From: Ramius
Posted: 2006-06-10 20:25   
I don't want no drama, drama. Spending all your money on me, all your time on me.

This thread is close to being locked.

  Email Ramius
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-06-10 20:44   
dont lock it please no ones flamming me

  Email GothThug {C?}
GothThug {C?}
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 29, 2005
Posts: 2932
Posted: 2006-06-10 20:45   
oh and +1 i got 801 uh huh uh huh i got it like that now lets go have fun out in the Exathra sun and eat a sticky bun!

  Email GothThug {C?}
Jammy Pajamies

Joined: October 08, 2004
Posts: 121
From: See Occupation
Posted: 2006-06-11 01:09   
.......Me thinks Gothy here needs some Happy Pills ™ !!!!!

Ingredients:5000 tons pure artificial sugar for coating,300lbs. of UBER << OMGWEREALLGONNADIE energy in the form of a secret formula i shouldnt^ have told you guys about.the thing i just mentioned.yup.---------------------^

[small][ This Message was edited by: F-117 NIGHTHAWK on 2006-06-11 01:10 ][/small]

[ This Message was edited by: F-117 NIGHTHAWK on 2006-06-11 01:17 ]

Vice Admiral

Joined: October 11, 2003
Posts: 150
From: vermilion AB
Posted: 2006-06-11 01:24   
my honest opinion GothThug, is that you need to take a break from the game...seperate yourself from it, so you don't take everything so seriously. I think you need to remember that everybody is just trying to have some fun. Just loosen up about everything...take MIRV'ers etc. in stride...like the rest of us do!

  Email Jaydawg   Goto the website of Jaydawg
Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2006-06-11 03:56   
perhaps no-one is flaming you Goth, but YOU are calling people facists, and that IS flaming

Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 16, 2003
Posts: 1336
Posted: 2006-06-11 23:55   
Not to flame you goth, but I do not accept this. You have said you are sorry before and did the SAME exact thing. You harrased multiple players, greifed multiple players, and accused multiple players of cheating. You have done NOTHING to help your case, and of late, you've 'gloated' over the UGTO's victory over the ICC, when just two weeks ago, you where whining and complaining about ICC being borked, cheaters, and how you where on strike. You did better by trying to say sorry for it, but I do not accept your apology.


Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 16, 2003
Posts: 1336
Posted: 2006-06-12 00:01   
Coeus and Crimson they were my friend from coming to ICC but once i left to join UGTO because i wasnt ranking up in ICC they stopped being my friend why? because they're Facist, Hypcritical, Prideful and arrogant!

We where you friends, Goth. We didnt have much a problem with you going UGTO, I've done that before. It's how you acted about it, though. As soon as you went UGTO, you began to bash ICC, the same as you bashed UGTO the day before. You suddenly hated the ICC players which where your 'friends' the day before. You gloated over every victory the UGTO had over the ICC, the same as you did when you where ICC when they where winning. You griefed multiple ICC players, and accused multiple ICC players of Sabotaging and Cheating. We do not mind faction hopping that much, but when you get annoying, arrogant, and ignorant, we do not want you as a friend. Now, Facist? No. I treat every player on every faction equaly, unless they have done something to get under my skin. Hypicritical? How so goth? Have I said "Omg Nuking is HORRRIBLE", and then done it? As you have done MULTIPLE times? No. You need to look at the things you call people, and then see how they apply to you, Goth.


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