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 Author Taking a Break
Fleet Admiral

Joined: January 06, 2005
Posts: 202
Posted: 2005-04-15 04:22   
Now normally this isn't the sort of thing I'd announce (who cares, right?), however in this case I felt the reasons deserved a mention.

I'm a strong believer in "It's just a game". However even with that, over time some things can still get to you. And lately I've caught myself getting a bit bitter over some things. It's not flux, it's not elf and it's not even the lag (well-timed lag can be very annoying though). Those I can work around. My problem is the Advanced Carrier. It's the one thing I cannot do a damn thing about. Why? Because it's at its worst when I'm not online. The design of this ship is unbalanced bordering on game-breaking. You all know about it, so I need not go through its design. I would only point out that the clavate is alone a far better bomber (stock!) than anything the ICC or UGTO can put together.

The speed which which two AC can capture a system when no-one's on is unbelievable. There is nothing more frustrating than knowing the system you've been defending for the past two hours will be all gone 15min after you log out. I've seen two AC and a gang cap a medium size system in 20min flat. Even from my short time playing, I can say the K'Luth only maintain dominance right now due to the AC having 2, even 3 more bio than it ever should have. Some K'Luth use this as justification for the current AC, saying if it didn't have the bio they'd find it very hard to keep the inner core... as if that's a bad thing.

You might say "Oh but beta should fix up all these imbalances/bugs/lag". Well that may be the case but it looks to me like the beta has forced a lot of crucial fixes to wait for new content so it can be all done at once. What stopped you removing bios from ac, limiting flux/elf the moment the need was identified? For example I see flux is limited to UGTO and 1 per ship in beta. This could have been put into release a lot earlier, but now it waits indefinitely for beta to be finished.

But see I'm getting a little too bitter and involved again.

I'm taking a break to disconnect. Bitterness is a good sign to go away for a while and get some perspective (It's just a game ). It's more a preventative measure than anything else, don't go thinking I'm just sitting around brooding on DS 24/7 . There's a lot of you I'd suggest do the same.

Also, while we're on the topic of balance and beta, from my testing the AC is even stronger than in release thanks to cloak. Ignoring the actual strength of the bios (it's not finished yet I understand). An AC can jump in at 2.5k and just crawl in cloaked to drop silently. Also bombs still work if the AC cloaks after firing. This allows a luth to cloak/uncloak between firing to throw off planet defence. Plus a luth can jump in at 2.5k gu, crawl in cloaked, then uncloak at 300-500 gu to get most of a run in without anyone having even a hope at getting there in time. And then it can drop 10 inf :/

A few suggestions:
- Any bombs, fighters, missiles self-destruct when a luth cloaks.
- A "Cloaked ships detected near xxx" warning (at 2k gu), without revealing number or type.
- Some method of detecting cloaked ships, however poor. For example, being able to det beacons to show luth in ~50gu radius for a few seconds. Beacons would be perfect for that since they move so slow and not much ammo.

I'm sorry if you read all this and am wondering who the hell I am, I post rarely in the forums but am fairly active in game. I'll still be browsing the forums and perhaps idle in the Lobby, but am taking probably three or so weeks off playing. I've already started, haven't been in mv last few days. Just checked site and K'Luth have taken back inner core. Surprise.

EDIT: The other half of the reason I'm taking a break is I'm going to be busy with a rather painful uni assignment, so I'm not going to have a great amount of time anyway.

[ This Message was edited by: Lonectzn on 2005-04-15 04:41 ]

Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2005-04-15 04:44   
+1 to well thought out posts!!!

Okay back on topic.

Lone, what that feeling is is understandable, and actually taking a break is a great decision, so I'll see you in the MV when you should decide to return.

However for the rest of you-

Please, please let us NOT turn this into an AC flame war. This is a subject that has been tossed around enough and does not need any more tossing. I give the strong suggestion if ya can't control that impulsem don't post..

This has that great potential for an all out bashing, so im gonna stop it before it starts.


[ This Message was edited by: The Evil Enterprise on 2005-04-15 04:58 ]

BIOnics Industry Syndicate

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 1955
From: Denmark
Posted: 2005-04-15 05:18   
still a lot of focus on the ac funny

you should not worry so much the usefullnes of bombers like the ac gona be drastical reduced with the new form/force of planet defence + the fact that the nr of bombs and engines on it have gone down to.

and now its only a matter of time before the whining about the new kluth bomber dred starts

well have a good breake, we all need it sometimes speaking as one that had an 1 year breake from ds , just made things fun again.

its somethig i would recomend all whiners on all fractions to do from time to time.

hope you come back soon, gona miss our littel bomber catch and fetch duels.

P:@12 C:$38

LOVE the smell of human flesh in the morning smells like MVictory

  Goto the website of Ragglock
Nim *
Chief Marshal
Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: September 05, 2004
Posts: 295
Posted: 2005-04-15 05:27   
Cya in a few weeks m8! Good luck with the assignment.


On 2005-04-15 05:18, Ragglock wrote:

well have a good breake, we all need it sometimes speaking as one that had an 1 year breake from ds , just made things fun again.

You need another break rag, so i can cap luth systems while no one defends


Grand Admiral

Joined: January 24, 2004
Posts: 1729
From: sitting somewhere drinking beer
Posted: 2005-04-15 09:36   
I haven't played in about a week myself. Sometimes I take a week off,, a month, whatever it takes. We can all flame on about FluxELFAdvancedtrannyUberblahblahblah all we want. The fact is It IS "just a game" and sometimes we just need to step back from it for awhile.

Straight from the RoC:(edited to just the parts pertaining to this)

3.1 Code of Conduct for Players

3.1.1 General
DarkSpace is a community.

DarkSpace is more than simply a multi Player game; it is a Community of people who have come together for the purpose of mutual entertainment.

After all, gaming is all about entertainment. When it ceases to be entertaining, it is time to "turn it off" and do something else.

All Players should adhere to the Code of Sportsmanship.
As a game involving more than one Player, all Players should abide by this prime rule: Be honest and fair to one another at all times; win well and lose well; and always keep in mind that it IS just a game. Have fun and share it.

See ya when you come back Lone.

Don't mess with old dudes...age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!

Fatal Rocko Willis
Fleet Admiral
Fatal Squadron

Joined: March 01, 2003
Posts: 1336
From: Kentucky
Posted: 2005-04-15 09:49   
I know how you feel. I have stepped away once myself.

Unfortunately this last little 6 Month Adventure away from DS was brought to you by the US Government.

  Email Fatal Rocko Willis
2nd Rear Admiral

Joined: July 03, 2002
Posts: 3697
From: San Francisco Bay Area
Posted: 2005-04-15 10:08   

You might say "Oh but beta should fix up all these imbalances/bugs/lag". Well that may be the case but it looks to me like the beta has forced a lot of crucial fixes to wait for new content so it can be all done at once. What stopped you removing bios from ac, limiting flux/elf the moment the need was identified? For example I see flux is limited to UGTO and 1 per ship in beta. This could have been put into release a lot earlier, but now it waits indefinitely for beta to be finished.

Actually they can't be rolled out sooner...

Beta started out as a rewrite of the low level code to reduce lag. While F works soley on the low level code the other dev.s decided to work on the other features in conjunction.

Once the low level code is complete, beta will be rolled out. We've already stated that higher level fighter control and AI might come out in the next patch after 1.483.

We could have gone the route of 1 year to do the low level code and then another year for balance and new content. This way we get all of it done at one time and then hopefully work back to minor adjustments more regularly.

The game works on a system of version control. This is no way to roll out any changes to the release system at this point because they are so different without completely wiping out all the work done to the beta code. Thus setting the game back a whole year.

Hopefully we can wrap up the beta soon so that we may begin working on other projects.

  Email Tael
Fleet Admiral

Joined: January 06, 2005
Posts: 202
Posted: 2005-04-15 12:15   
Actually 'crucial fixes' was referring to things like flux/elf/ac, and not bugs/lag etc (sorry I wasn't very clear, chalk it up to haste). I understand the reasons for the rewrite, that's not my target. My point is exactly what you said: 'Once the low level code is complete, beta will be rolled out'. Waiting on this is balance changes that don't (or shouldn't) depend on it. Modifying ship module layouts and module types is not a one year project, but is being made that long. I'm not talking about new content, that I agree is much more efficiently done released with the new code. Sure it's also easier to do balance changes with it, but in the meantime the cost is a flawed game.

Perhaps you thought originally beta would not take so long, so decided to put the changes off to be released with beta. That would make sense if beta would be rolled out in 3-4 months.

If beta is more than a few months away, really I say probably better off doing fast fixes, limiting # of flux/elf that can be fitted (removing some ac bio >D). They are relatively basic content-level changes. I'm guessing... I can't actually see your code.... much as I'd like to .
But really, if my guesses on your approach are off, I don't expect you to explain it. I hope you do take from this though that it's not the new content or lag/bugs, but these changes that top my list.

Ent, no I don't want this to become a fire breathing contest either.

And Ragg, you take a break and I'll come back, ok? >)


Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Admiral, I can't read,
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: February 16, 2004
Posts: 3635
From: South Philly
Posted: 2005-04-15 12:41   
I'd just like to make one note...

On 2005-04-15 05:18, Ragglock wrote:

you should not worry so much the usefullnes of bombers like the ac ...

AC is a bomber? Ahhh, a clue sherlock!

Darkspace: Twilight

  Goto the website of Coeus {NCX-Charger}
Grand Admiral

Joined: September 01, 2004
Posts: 43
Posted: 2005-04-15 14:42   
There is a problem with balance, but not because of the Adv. Carrier or the Claw or the cloack...
You see, I was ICC since I joined this game until a few days ago, I left ICC for one sole reason: We were always waiting for something to happen, and when something actually happened we didn't have a clue about what to do. The same goes for UGTO, from what I've seen.

On kluth we don't wait for you to come after us, we go for you.
When we hit a system, we always leave a door open, we just cap 1 SY and take it slow with the rest of the system, leaving you all the chances to step in and play, to make things hard on us, but you don't... you just wait...

I joined =Wolf= and let me tell you, it's like a dream come true, on =Wolf= we never do things random, we always have a strategy, we always have a plan before doing something. Our leader, Azreal, always listens to what we have to say, he is always open to a change in plans, to a new strategy, even if it comes from a noob like me.
On =Wolf= we like to play and we like to think on the way we play.
There you have it... You just play, you don't think.
When you put your mind at work, this game gets a lot more fun, trust me!

The real balance problem is that you (ICC / UGTO) do NOT balance your fleet... You just spawn in the biggest ship you can without even looking at your adversary, without checking what is really needed for that particular situation.

Example 1:
On a 1 vs 1 battle, if you choose an EAD and I get a Claw I'll most probably win and not because the claw is too powerful, I can actually kill you with any combat dessy, any faction. It's just a matter of common sense!
I will always stay away from your CL range, and I can dodge anything else you throw at me, even fighters! On the other hand, you won't be able to dodge my torps, cannons, etc...
You get the idea, right ?
But if I get too close to you, you will drop my hull to 60% with just 1 alpha strike, I must be careful. Still, I have more chances of running out of ammo than getting killed by you!
Now... if you see 3 or 4 of us in dessy's why are you still trying to kill us with your white elephants ??? It doesn't make any sense...
Any dread vs. Any destroyer, (1 on 1) the destroyer has the advantage if the dessy pilot is proficient, of course.
There's still no cure for stupidity.

Example 2:
A few days ago we were fighting UGTO on Lalande, they outnumbered us 2-1 and we still won.
Why ? Because of the Adv. Carrier ? Nope!
It was because of our strategy!
You were defending your remaining 2 planet cluster, 2 [GER] (sorry, don't remember their names) set to Van Manen with the hope that you will follow them there but you didn't, you didn't fell for that one, you stayed and defended your dumb cluster and what we did ?
Well.. After capturing Van Manen while you were still defending the dumb cluster, 4 of us set course to Alpha Centaury and you showed up there, unfortunately a bit too late because you were also reduced to one cluster there, finally we got the remaining Lalande cluster and then we proceeded to kick your ass in Alpha Centaury, Wolf and Sol. What about Barnard's ?? We left it for you to come after us!!! and just like you always do, you didn't come...
get the idea ?
We used some strategy, you didn't. You were just waiting. You didn't came after us while you still had a chance, when there was 2 of you for each one of us...

Example 3:
2 days ago we set course to Williams and we could have capped it in a matter of minutes, the planets there were a mess! no defenses, just sensors, all barracks together...
-wth??? we said! Learn to build!
The same thing happened while we were on Wolf, Alpha and some clusters in Sol.
At first we thought you were sabotaged, but you were not, you just don't spend time teaching your builders how to properly build.

There is it, we should limit the number of players on each faction who use some sore of thinking while they play. That should take care of all your balance issues.

I don't complain when 2 EAD jump on me and kill me with 1 shot.
I don't complain about the fact that I cannot fire 2 consecutive alpha strikes without depleting my energy reserves.
I don't complain when with 1 alpha strike from any cruiser or dread I loose 100% of my armor and some hull on my Siphon.
I don't complain if I cannot mount CL2K which do twice the damage and recharges faster than my disruptors.
I don't see me crying because of the lack of Point Defense.
All these among others, however I must admit that some things must be fixed, like using ELF against the ICC (that kills them!!) and the multi-flux issue.

What would happen if your take away the Adv. Carrier ???
The way things are now, we just need 1 bomber and 1 tranny, usually after the first run the planet is flat because of the way you built it...

Now please don't complain about any grammatical, syntax or spell errors in my post, bear in mind that I don't ever speak, much less write in English.

UGTO, learn to balance your fleet!
ICC, if we go bomb you, learn to use your pulse shield.

Take care and see you in the MV!

signature under construction!

Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-04-15 15:24   
EAD vs Claw, the EAD should always win, its a Dread, it 'should' have more fire power, but it cant....Why?

K'luth Destroyers have ALWAYS...ALWAYS been overpowered. Compaire them to their human counterparts and they can destroy ANY ship.

A ICC Destroyer and UGTO Destroyer have NOTHING on the kluth ones, simply because of the amount of torpedo's and the disruptors, which you say are rubbish....well...

Disruptors are more powerfull than CL1000's at range, and pretty much equal the same damage up close. To a destroyer a CL1000's damage at 250gu HURTS, compaired to the human ships range (which is 150gu for a cl500 (which is the most damging CL we can equip)), does nothing.

A destroyer pilot shouldnt look at any ship and go "hehe easy peasy". You shouldnt be causing enough damage in one alpha for me to go "Crickey, back I run!". You cannot argue the fact that your destroyers are "not overpowered". If you cannot see that your ships are "uber" compaired to ours, then you need to go around the other factions fighting kluth just to see how hard it is. Not because of skill or strategy, simply because of the ships you fly.

Btw Lone, im sure Tael will impliment a feature that allows defending troops to have a large bonus over invading troops, and im sure planet defence will be adiqate(sp?) enough to take down just one ships bombs. Your going to need a lot more bombers and teamwork to take down a planet now. Hopefully we will see battles over single planets, not 5-7 systems in two hours.

[ This Message was edited by: BackSlash *Jack* on 2005-04-15 15:28 ]

Grand Admiral

Joined: August 13, 2002
Posts: 1029
Posted: 2005-04-15 15:48   
I kept out of this one, but I can't anymore. I'm gonna have a great time writing this one...

*cracks knuckles*

bold text inside quotes is mine


On 2005-04-15 14:42, LastFreeSoul wrote:
The real balance problem is that you (ICC / UGTO) do NOT balance your fleet... You just spawn in the biggest ship you can without even looking at your adversary, without checking what is really needed for that particular situation.

I beg to differ. The last few days, whenever i was in MV, the UGTO had a differentiated fleet. A station, couple cruisers, couple dessies, a suppie or two, and the rest dreads. But guess what? The UGTO's strong point is their dreadnoughts. ICC has the better cruisers, and K'luth the better dessies. It's not just a matter of biggest ship, our cruisers and destroyers simply can't hold their own against yours, and I'm not even thinking about vs your dreads.

Simple fact: UGTO fleets will always have a lot of dreads.
Explanation: our low-end dreads are useful, contrary to those of the other factions. A Combat Dread is a flying coffin, whereas the Battle Dread, if modded and flown well, is a quite potent ship.


Example 1:
On a 1 vs 1 battle, if you choose an EAD and I get a Claw I'll most probably win and not because the claw is too powerful [Hah! Claws ARE overpowered, everyone knows that], I can actually kill you with any combat dessy, any faction.

Not likely. Couple of point-jumps and youre dead. Only Kluth dessies have any chance against a dread, thanks to their weaponry and their autorepair/cloak.


It's just a matter of common sense!
I will always stay away from your CL range, and I can dodge anything else you throw at me, even fighters! On the other hand, you won't be able to dodge my torps, cannons, etc...
You get the idea, right ?
But if I get too close to you, you will drop my hull to 60% with just 1 alpha strike, I must be careful. Still, I have more chances of running out of ammo than getting killed by you! [See above]
Now... if you see 3 or 4 of us in dessy's why are you still trying to kill us with your white elephants ??? It doesn't make any sense... [This one is true]
Any dread vs. Any destroyer, (1 on 1) the destroyer has the advantage if the dessy pilot is proficient, of course.
There's still no cure for stupidity.

The scenario of a dessie beating a dread is pretty rare if it's one on one. And you're only talking about the dessie pilot having skill. If they're about the same, the dessie's pilot's skill bonus gets nullified, and the dread has the better odds again.


Example 2:
A few days ago we were fighting UGTO on Lalande, they outnumbered us 2-1 and we still won. [Please. We went somewhere else, at which point you brought in the ACs and capped the planets. As long as we were at the planets, you guys were taking damage, losing a few ships even, while i barely had to repair anyone.]
Why ? Because of the Adv. Carrier ? Nope! [See above]
It was because of our strategy!
You were defending your remaining 2 planet cluster, 2 [GER] (sorry, don't remember their names) set to Van Manen with the hope that you will follow them there but you didn't, you didn't fell for that one, you stayed and defended your dumb cluster and what we did ?
Well.. After capturing Van Manen while you were still defending the dumb cluster, 4 of us set course to Alpha Centaury and you showed up there, unfortunately a bit too late because you were also reduced to one cluster there [Yeah. ACs can cap an entire system rather quickly. Don't argue with me, it was 2 ACs who did all the capping in Alpha. I saw them eat planet after planet.], finally we got the remaining Lalande cluster and then we proceeded to kick your ass in Alpha Centaury, Wolf and Sol. What about Barnard's ?? We left it for you to come after us!!! and just like you always do, you didn't come...
get the idea ?
We used some strategy, you didn't. You were just waiting. You didn't came after us while you still had a chance, when there was 2 of you for each one of us...

There was 2 of us for 1 of you guys, if you don't count your ACs. While your fleet kept us busy, your AC squads capped somewhere far from us on almost all of those occasions. Since we like fighting better than trying to [in vain I'm afraid] stop a set of ACs from capping, we fought. So sue me.


Example 3:
2 days ago we set course to Williams and we could have capped it in a matter of minutes, the planets there were a mess! no defenses, just sensors, all barracks together...
-wth??? we said! Learn to build!
The same thing happened while we were on Wolf, Alpha and some clusters in Sol.
At first we thought you were sabotaged, but you were not, you just don't spend time teaching your builders how to properly build.

Well, it's you guys who scrap every single planet down to a couple buildings. Not like we bombed it flat... you'd have to be insane to use MIRVs when Bio's are more effective AND keep the structures whole.


There is it, we should limit the number of players on each faction who use some sore of thinking while they play. That should take care of all your balance issues. [All three factions, as far as I know, have their share of strategists and good players. Moot point.]

I don't complain when 2 EAD jump on me and kill me with 1 shot. [Well, they are after all assault ships.]
I don't complain about the fact that I cannot fire 2 consecutive alpha strikes without depleting my energy reserves. [Here you go, this is the balance you seek. Kluth have powerfull weapons, yes... but not the energy to sustain them indefinately. Sounds fair to me for a hit-and-run faction.]
I don't complain when with 1 alpha strike from any cruiser or dread I loose 100% of my armor and some hull on my Siphon. [Alpha Strike back, they'll lose just as much, if not more.]
I don't complain if I cannot mount CL2K which do twice the damage and recharges faster than my disruptors. [The Balance is strong in this one. Kssshhhh-hoooo, kssshhhh-hoooo]
I don't see me crying because of the lack of Point Defense. [Humans have plenty PD. K'luth cloak to avoid being fired upon from long range.]
All these among others, however I must admit that some things must be fixed, like using ELF against the ICC (that kills them!!) and the multi-flux issue.

Save for that last line, that all seemed perfectly fine to me. Things mentioned in that last line need some adjustments, yes. Ask the bulk of the players about the rest and they'll usually say everything is alright with those.


What would happen if your take away the Adv. Carrier ???
The way things are now, we just need 1 bomber and 1 tranny[Newsflash! The AC is BOTH!], usually after the first run the planet is flat because of the way you built it... [You must mean the way you guys scrapped it. I have yet to see us recapture a planet that wasn't fully buildt before we capped it.]

Now please don't complain about any grammatical, syntax or spell errors in my post, bear in mind that I don't ever speak, much less write in English.

UGTO, learn to balance your fleet!
ICC, if we go bomb you, learn to use your pulse shield.

Take care and see you in the MV!

signature under construction!

Final analysis: you should go to Dagobah, and learn the ways of the Balance, like your father before you.



[ This Message was edited by: Rock on 2005-04-15 15:58 ]

Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2005-04-15 15:59   
While I already stated hitherto to please NOT let this turn into a bashing thread...

It has, and as such, I'd like to point out that Rock simply just dismantled and tore to shreds everything you happened to say LastFreeSoul, without once getting severely personal (unlike your own). I hereby congratulate Rock on becoming a lawyer.

(No not an insult )

Can't help to say gj Rock.


P.S. An added reminder.


SERVER : LastFreeSoul has been destroyed by [-GTN-]Rock!


Grand Admiral

Joined: September 01, 2004
Posts: 43
Posted: 2005-04-15 16:57   
I could reply to most of your arguments, but there's no point.
I won't convince and you won't convince me.
In any case, even when I was playing ICC (the past 7 months) I didn't felt the game was unbalanced, now that I'm with Kluth I still don't feel the mighty-uber-invincible-evil-kluth power...
Each faction has their strong and weak points.

Imagine you are 5' 140 pounds and about to fight a 6'3" 340 pounds guy... You know he will make you eat dust with 1 punch... you don't go face to face with him... You pick up some rocks and launch 'em from a distance!, that if you want to hurt him of course, normally I would just runaway!

That's the way I see things on the EAD vs. Claw debate...
You are the big guy and are pissed off because you cannot catch me, I carry rocks with me and I'm not stupid enough to stand right in front of you.
You jump in front of me ? I jump away! and you are still gonna struggle those 20 seconds before you can even turn around!

As for the Adv. Carrier, yes, it is both a tranny and a bomber.. If you take away the bombs, it's the same, we always go on pairs, instead of 2 adv carriers you will find 1 carrier and 1 clavate... no big deal.

As for the scrapping... I have yet to see someone in my clan scrap a planet.
We just strip the sensors, we have no use for them.

Take care, don't take it personal, it's just a game, let's enjoy it.

Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2005-04-15 17:38   
Well, I said it a few days ago, I'll say it again. When Wolf goes into a system, we always try to leave a way in for the enemy. It is a new shift in tactics, granted, but has been in effect for a few weeks now. I just liked having battles more than bombing and capping.

And again I say, can we just stick to the inner systems, leave the other guy's homelands alone? Is there not enough fun in Nicea for 50 people that we must go bombing the po peoples in the home systems?

But I have to agree with Lastfreesoul. Every time we have gone into an enemy system all week, be it UGTO or ICC, we get a sy, maybe the planet/planets right next to it, and basically wait.

Mostly, in vain. Now, we aren't going in with 10 trannies and a few gangs. Just usually my fleet, maybe 3-4 pilots, and everynow and then a few tagalongs. We aren't blitzcapping systems. We are literally going in to TRY to pick a fight.

As far as scrapping goes, I will do it, but only in my jumpgate systems. If you are in K'luth territory, and you are steamrolling us, I will scrap and turn off buildings. It slows you down, creates a small confusion, raises the tension within the enemy, and gives my faction a few seconds to breath while the enemy regroups. But never in an enemies jumpgate system. That I do not agree with, with the exception of a dictor here and there so I can point jump in my inf drops. I never scrap there besides that.

Some folks use whatever they can, no matter how cheap. Well, it is a WAR SIMULATION! I like to use tactics. Can't help it. Sure flux is effective, but I find that 1 usually does the trick. No need for 6 or 7 or more. Elf is effective, but with few selected circumstances, I seldom use more than 3.

As far as EAD vs Claw, sure the Claw is very manuverable, and I believe it carries as many torps as an EAD, but has pitiful armor. The EAD seems most effective with it's CL2K. Other than that, it's a battle for who get's who's armor first. I say it comes down to the pilots in each ship, and the tactics they choose. But I do not fear an EAD in my Claw.

And besides, if I lose the battle? That's why Faustus put that little respawn screen in the game. For noobs, fearless pilots, and people with a propensity to knock planets off their axis with a ship.

Damn, I fit all 3 of those catagories.

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