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 Author just an idea
Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2015-05-27 22:31   
I agree with Taelon on one point; being a CM shouldn't mean you are stuck in only one or two types of ships. I was always more for dessies and cruisers back in the day, BUT it was a standard Wolf thing that you always flew with a wingman, so it was seldom one cruiser vs one dread. It was nearly always 2 to 1 smaller to large. And that was when we had DreadSpace.
Limiting my options is what I expect while I am ranking, but never once I'm done. I earned every damned class and ship, and its as wrong to say I can't fly a frigate as to say I shouldn't fly a dread. Wth are you (no matter who the you is) to tell me what ship out of the 25+ I am limited from when I virtually mastered every one of them?

I also agree with Blade on one point; balance cruisers to cruisers, dreads to dreads. Should be that it takes 2 cruisers to fight a dread and it should still be a close fight.

I would personally prefer a reversal of the diversity within ship classes tho.you gave me a bomber dread that can level a planet in one pass. When it's too risky, you gave me a frigate that can kill all Inf and a shield gen at full strength and do it under invisibility with the stealth armor and ecm. The Clavate? Mothballs. Why bother? Also, the effect was to essentially make us all the same, with some equipment differences. Not really what DS was, and hasn't played out successfully.

True, there are some things I believe that should be reversed that could make a difference, but it's still just not enough to compete in the market now. Gotta have some things that DS hasn't had. I applause the attempt at the ship tiers because that kind of bold step is what is needed. I just think that particular one wasn't executed as well as could be done.
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Chief Marshal
Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: December 18, 2010
Posts: 140
Posted: 2015-05-28 00:00   
On 2015-05-27 21:36, Talien wrote:
Except I wasn't talking about the game itself at all, I was talking about certain people thinking their idea of fun is somehow more important than other people's idea of fun just because they're CM.

"I want to play in Dreadnoughts so everyone else should be forced to as well, my ship is too slow to catch anything smaller and I don't like that they can take advantage of that."

Seriously, you are a fleeted ICC cruiser player, and even you are bored at playing cause you don't play anymore....I am not going on about being a CM....CRUISERS ARE BORING TO ZIGZAG AROUND IN , PERIOD...AND EVEN MORE BORING TO TRY ANd KILL IN A DREAD.......... This game changed for the benefit of one faction...and that faction is the ICC cruiser faction...ICC players have always been assinine and just want to annoy and jump away...well now, DS belongs to ICC, while the rest of us are forced to get into annoying Mario Kart ships cause of you and your immature style of playing...it is not a coincidence that everyone left the game when 1.67 came out and was by design to change DS into "cruiserspace"....ICC's IQQ finally beat this game to scraps of what it was...like I said before..."the squeaky wheel got all the oil and the rest of the wheels fell off because of it" If you noticed before or now......."the many" prefer to be in dreads and "the few" prefer to be in small ships...but now the few rule the game and dominate it, UGTO and KLUTH players do not even use stats cause they are boring too. Why not just change the name of the game to "ICCSPACE"

Dreads are the real pulse-pounding fun and always have been..........if you had it your way, dreads would just be deleted (which basically have been, except for us diehard dread players)...I always said that if a player wants to zigzag around and accomplish nothing in a cruiser , than play ICC.....now all 3 factions are forced into this...but most UGTO and KLuth players want dreads to fight in, and as well as the long list of daily players that left because of "cruiserspace"...go play mario Kart and zigzag around on a banana peel if you prefer cruisers.....this is DS....acronym = DarkSpace, DreadSpace...because of "cruiserspace" everyone in a small ship can always escape easy and there is nothing Dark about that, and DS is now a joke of MarioKart space ships winning everybattle!!!!

[ This Message was edited by: BLADERUNNER2019 on 2015-05-28 00:46 ]

Templar Knights

Joined: May 11, 2010
Posts: 2044
From: Michigan
Posted: 2015-05-28 09:49   
On 2015-05-28 00:00, BLADERUNNER2019 wrote:
Seriously, you are a fleeted ICC cruiser player, and even you are bored at playing cause you don't play anymore....I am not going on about being a CM....CRUISERS ARE BORING TO ZIGZAG AROUND IN , PERIOD...AND EVEN MORE BORING TO TRY ANd KILL IN A DREAD.......... This game changed for the benefit of one faction...and that faction is the ICC cruiser faction...ICC players have always been assinine and just want to annoy and jump away...well now, DS belongs to ICC, while the rest of us are forced to get into annoying Mario Kart ships cause of you and your immature style of playing...it is not a coincidence that everyone left the game when 1.67 came out and was by design to change DS into "cruiserspace"....ICC's IQQ finally beat this game to scraps of what it was...like I said before..."the squeaky wheel got all the oil and the rest of the wheels fell off because of it" If you noticed before or now......."the many" prefer to be in dreads and "the few" prefer to be in small ships...but now the few rule the game and dominate it, UGTO and KLUTH players do not even use stats cause they are boring too. Why not just change the name of the game to "ICCSPACE"

Dreads are the real pulse-pounding fun and always have been..........if you had it your way, dreads would just be deleted (which basically have been, except for us diehard dread players)...I always said that if a player wants to zigzag around and accomplish nothing in a cruiser , than play ICC.....now all 3 factions are forced into this...but most UGTO and KLuth players want dreads to fight in, and as well as the long list of daily players that left because of "cruiserspace"...go play mario Kart and zigzag around on a banana peel if you prefer cruisers.....this is DS....acronym = DarkSpace, DreadSpace...because of "cruiserspace" everyone in a small ship can always escape easy and there is nothing Dark about that, and DS is now a joke of MarioKart space ships winning everybattle!!!!

Actually I haven't been playing because of RL issues. I'm currently on satellite internet and most games I get 800-1200 ping, not exactly good for a game like DS.

And no I don't want Dreadnoughts to be deleted because they're far too fun to shoot at no matter what faction I'm playing. Most ICC Dreadnoughts are a joke, probably why you rarely see people using them aside from one or two. Sure they're a bit better now for the most part, back in 1.5x I could solo kill ICC Dreadnoughts using an Assault Corvette (and frequently did in scen when I was bored) but not sure if I could pull that off now.
Adapt or die.

Fatal Mack Bolan(WildCards_58th)*COM*
Fatal Squadron

Joined: June 12, 2010
Posts: 184
From: home planet: Exathra
Posted: 2015-06-18 08:54   
hello ladies,still fighting over who gets to go out with the popular jock.......what a shame......on another note i haven't been here for a little while so cannot comment on recent issues,BUTT i can say the death penalty needs to go, planets need to be more relavant, res do need to be split back up, AND *crap* lost my train of thought......sorry.............there needs to be a way to earn in-game $$$$, and.........*crap* my poor brain is in vapor-lock......sorry....if i remember where my original train of thought was going i'll edit this reply..............

flatulently yours
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Point Of No Return
Chief Marshal
United Nations Space Command

Joined: December 24, 2007
Posts: 78
Posted: 2015-06-19 20:33   
As an ICC seasoned pilot it has come to my attention that some players flying ships that deal out more damage in 1 salvo than any ICC dred does in two minutes might feel they are being cheated by the lack of ICC dreds to kill, but rest assurd that the ICC faction taking steps to keep those mega hit wonders from makeing life to easy for you. ICC crusers are being used for many reasons, the biggest is they lack the firepower compared to the other factions, they are slow and cumbersume when fighting a faction that can blink in and attack and have AHR on demand, or a faction that has 3 layers of armor per arc, capable of reduceing most if not all ICC weapons to half or less value in a fight, and the speed at which ICC crusers can respond to an attack with a lower player base makes them ideal for fighting other players who prefer using the above mentioned ships and tactics. Thank you for stoping by and I hope you have enjoyed this briefing on the use and capabilites of counter uber dred ICC cruser defense force.

hehas{No mercy for a week}
Chief Marshal

Joined: April 08, 2007
Posts: 6
Posted: 2015-06-20 10:50   
i think the only reason icc is flying cruisers the most is becouse they are forced to by current balance of the game as icc dreads are not the viable option it used to be. It is easy to counter tho so its mostly cat and mouse game DS is these days.

i tink my opriginal idea just to boost icc dreads to bring them on par with other faction dreads so people fly them more and stop being easy pickings.
[ This Message was edited by: hehas{No mercy for a week} on 2015-06-20 10:54 ]

Chief Marshal

Joined: May 24, 2010
Posts: 237
Posted: 2015-06-20 13:18   
If you think ICC dreads are weak then you need to try full aux swap + reactives. I personally think the ICC dreads are the strongest in the game: I can beat a siphon in both a CD and AD and I can beat a Krill in a CD. A pack of LDs is awesome. A CD can basically tank a bastion dread if its flown right, and the AD ties against EAD if fit with reactive while a CD will wreck a reactive fit EAD.

ICC dreads are not weak.
I be rebuilding your planets!

Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 24, 2011
Posts: 778
From: Fluttershy
Posted: 2015-06-20 20:03   
The real problem here though is that the game is just too punishing, not rewarding enough, empty, and dreads are just the biggest "KILL MEEEE" sign in the damn galaxy.

Instead of having 5 different ship sizes of the same role (ie, cannons) why not make each class of ships unique in function and role?
To give some examples for cannon oriented ships:
Dreads - Cannon dreads having obscenely long ranged artillery that do AoE and can damage planet structures and groups of ships from long range, lighter cannon batteries for dealing with smaller craft, as well as a small squad of fighters to repel skirmishers attacking from long range.

Cruisers - Cannon cruisers having a lot of equipment for self-sufficiency and long term missions deep in hostile territory, able to steal ammo and supply from hostile planets, and repair hull out of combat, and deployable cannon turrets to make a defensive parameter.

Destroyers - Cannon destroyers would have boosters for closing distance and withdrawing quickly, would have a great deal of forward firepower and tools to cripple and make a single target more vulnerable to incoming damage, and cause a fraction of incoming damage to bleed through armor and shields.

That's just some rough ideas, but I hope you get the point, basically just giving each class of ship some really unique play styles and satisfying roles.


Joined: January 04, 2011
Posts: 204
From: St. Petersburg, FL
Posted: 2015-06-20 20:08   

Chief Marshal
Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: December 18, 2010
Posts: 140
Posted: 2015-06-21 01:15   
On 2015-06-20 13:18, Incinarator wrote:
If you think ICC dreads are weak then you need to try full aux swap + reactives. I personally think the ICC dreads are the strongest in the game: I can beat a siphon in both a CD and AD and I can beat a Krill in a CD. A pack of LDs is awesome. A CD can basically tank a bastion dread if its flown right, and the AD ties against EAD if fit with reactive while a CD will wreck a reactive fit EAD.

ICC dreads are not weak.

I agree...icc dreads are deadly if you modify them right...but,
jumping into a fight with any dread is more of a commitment than a cruiser (or smaller) to the fight because of the slow slow slow JD recharge on a dread...which increases your chance of death (especially for Kluth)...Dreads are too expensive to maintain with enhancements and I think it is a detterent for players to use them, blue enhancements should last 30 or 40 deaths, the prestige loss for a dread should be lowered, and dread JD recharge time is ridiculous at 2 minutes, 20 secs, not just in combat but for navigating around (especially if all planet dicos worked)...it takes too long to get to a battle in diff system and you have to linger too long in a fight if you are getting shreaded...another problem with dreads is how poorly they maneuver, which means that instead of extra weapon enh, speed enhancements are necessary(rainbow exhaust is 6000 credits)...wihtout my enhancements, i wouldn't play DS....killing dreads = good drops, killing cruiser (or smaller) = crappy drops (which is a bit unfair for dread pilots)....every dread on dread fight is fun, live or die...but dread death is too costly in many ways that I can understand why players use cruisers alot....but there is a dread revolution happenning and I hope to see all those cruiser players (or smaller) get in a dread for combat regularly.


Fleet Admiral

Joined: September 24, 2011
Posts: 778
From: Fluttershy
Posted: 2015-06-25 00:27   
One of the biggest problems that I see, is that, in a 1 on 1 fight to the death, with both sides dying to each other, there is a net LOSS of prestige.

I can't remember exactly, but you might make about 50% of your prestige back in a battle to the death, assuming you fight an equally sized opponent to the death...

So in order to maintain your rank, you need to supplement it with boring stuff like supply, or fighting AI, or playing it safe, and if you do fight, you need to commit and take out hull, which is where all the prestige is at.

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