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 Author 1.520 Bug Reports...
Grand Admiral

Joined: September 26, 2006
Posts: 549
Posted: 2009-09-27 07:44   
Not sure if this has been reported and if it's just limited to engineers BUT.

a) Mining will not fill cargo until you pass through a gate or go into a SY then all the resources show up.

b) can't unload any of these hidden resources and can't pick up more from a starport then the bug shows in your cargo. ie. 1000k and won't go higer, if I dump that on the planet I can't get any higher then 1000K from the starport.

c) stops building of platforms, X amount of resources needed to build platforms but since your cargo will never go that high you can't build. Now I don't know if this has been around for awhile but it's been happening to me since 1.520 was released and it happens A LOT.

Tommas [ USF HunnyBunny ]
Chief Marshal
Pitch Black

Joined: February 04, 2006
Posts: 581
From: Norway
Posted: 2009-09-27 14:12   
After teh 1.520 came out theres been alot of desynch issues.
Here is some picture that explains it alot bether.

First off i was orbiting Illyria. Then maximus and some other station where closing in to orbit it, then all of a sudden max blow up. As u can see on the screen theres yellow resource thingys that comes from his station blowing up. He also said he was nowhere near the planet:

Then i asked Darkscorpion how far he sees me, and he says 236gu away, on my screen he shows 616gu away, as the picture tells:

Then later on we where cappin Eternity, then ppl kept flyin trouh planet. It was not just me who saw it so gues the problem not on just my end.
Pic: http://img98.imageshack.us/i/pplinsideplanet.jpg/

Then an bug that been on for some time. Sometimes when u are goin to dock to a shipyard, u click on the dock thing, but u wont go into the shipyard, but just an empty window where u cant click on nothing:
Pic: http://img142.imageshack.us/i/goinintosy2.jpg/

And then i hit F3 just to see what happend, and this showed up:
Pic: http://img19.imageshack.us/i/goinintosy.jpg/

And then i hit escape and i went to that login thingy. I hit on play and i got back to the shipyard and could chose ships etc.

Anyhow thats the bugs ive encounterd today. Enjoy

Julian Delphiki
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 19, 2002
Posts: 171
Posted: 2009-09-27 14:51   

On 2009-09-27 14:12, Tommas [ USF HunnyBunny ] wrote:
Then an bug that been on for some time. Sometimes when u are goin to dock to a shipyard, u click on the dock thing, but u wont go into the shipyard, but just an empty window where u cant click on nothing:
Pic: http://img142.imageshack.us/i/goinintosy2.jpg/

And then i hit F3 just to see what happend, and this showed up:
Pic: http://img19.imageshack.us/i/goinintosy.jpg/

And then i hit escape and i went to that login thingy. I hit on play and i got back to the shipyard and could chose ships etc.

This also has happened to me a lot since the latest patch(almost every time a few days ago).. Once esc+play didnt work for about 2 minutes, would just go back to the "blank screen".. Tho other than that one time, the esc+play resolves it. Happened in 483 too, tho not as much.

((Found that when esc+play doesnt resolve it, Enter - Click/Rightclick - Enter - Right click will fix it))
[ This Message was edited by: Julian Delphiki *P2* on 2009-10-01 01:57 ]


Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2009-09-27 17:31   
- Also, still not sure if plat build times should be effected by upgraded build computers.
They should be, but I can't figure out how this is bugged. I'll put in a report.

- Defense 2 costs same power requirment as def 1. Also only 1 worker. In fact, the only difference between the two seems to be 300 res and 8 secs build time. I think that's bugged. Shouldn't def 2 be 15 requirment on power instead of 10?
My fault. I started implementing a new defense base system but only got halfway, such that some bases got mapped to new structure types. I finished this up today and it will be fixed in the next patch (though at that point I'll need feedback on how it works).

- I don't know if this is a bug or intentional, but the AI only seems to get Frigates and smaller in Scenario
Generally the bigger ships are left to humans. The small ones are there just for a bit of help and an early deterrent. Once you get your resources and planets going, you should be able to dispatch with the AI pretty easily, hence the lower level ships.
Reducing the numbers might be worthwile though.

Sadly, that's about all I can help with. The rest is up to Faustus.

[ This Message was edited by: Shigernafy on 2009-09-27 18:03 ]
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

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Julian Delphiki
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 19, 2002
Posts: 171
Posted: 2009-09-27 18:37   
Also, ill have to go in to check which planet it is.. But in Rogens Rift there is an ice planet with roids orbitting it..
While if you build on it and a roid hits it seems to kill the pop anyways(which means there is no real use in building it up in the first place), if you jump to the planet or sometimes even fly to it at sublight with a clear path and no asteroids in the way, you still have a high chance of exploding from an invisible roid..

Nothing too important, but just to let u know.. Only the one planet that I know of with a belt around it(other than a Pirate planet) so its not a big issue.

Also, just a quick thanks to Shiggy for stopping the planet orbits Provides a temporary fix for the spawn-death problem
[ This Message was edited by: Julian Delphiki *P2* on 2009-09-27 18:43 ]

Grand Admiral

Joined: September 26, 2006
Posts: 549
Posted: 2009-09-27 18:38   

On 2009-09-26 19:20, Julian Delphiki *P2* wrote:
Still the bug where you deactivate a structure, then everything you click directly on the planet will deactivate/activate... Rather annoying

I had that today. I didn't realize what it was.

ADmiraLMaXimus (Bringer of Doom)
Chief Marshal
Praetorian Wolves

Joined: March 09, 2002
Posts: 363
From: Earth
Posted: 2009-09-27 22:06   
KLUTH signature bug happens still but mostly after a kluth vessel in destroyed the respawned it comes out sometimes with a signature that is way to high like 1200 for a station
then other times ... actually more often this one happens:
when you spawn a ship that was just destroyed all appears fine yet even after you repair the ship planets can fire you in and ai target and shoot directly at it and nme players can also see the kluth ship with a 0.0 sig and cloak appears on the the kluth player so its har to tell if your bugged until its too late
i have found that if you dock the ship twice in the SY it fixes the problem however sometime i forget to and realize it when its too late
other than that as long as my connection is good the game plays well just a little dsync sometimes.

Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold..... It Is Very Cold.... In Space.....

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Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2009-09-30 07:10   
The signiture bug simply must be addressed asap. It is a complete killer of our faction. I can be seen for up to 45 secs after I show a o.o sig, with planets and ai pelting away at you. It's cost me 3 deaths in 2 days that should have never happened. No it wasn't pinging that did it.
Also, there are times when u can be seen flying by an enemy rock while cloaked. Far as I know, that shouldn't be.

There is an old bug that seems to be coming more prevelant since the last patch. You are in orbit at a planet. You look at another planet in f2, and suddenly your ships races off to orbit that planet. Really bad when its an enemy planet and you are at a depot planet healing.

Also, about 99% of the time, if you are in f2, you don't get the messages for jump alignment, jump engaged or jump completed.

ELF is still completely useless. It uses more than it leaches, and as far as I can tell, it actually has no effect. Also, since humans can stack emp out the ass, seems logical we should get more than 1 ELF on a ship called a Parasite, and a paltry 3 on a dread. How many EMP and flux can UGTO stack? And it is way to op, but whatever.

Engines can be swapped out in Sag only about 1% of the time. Procyon and RR seem to have no issue with it. Maybe compare code? I dunno.

Infantry do not resettle to the planet after some part of a column has been bombed.

Infantry set to raze that end up capturing a planet will continue to raze the planet after capture, even if they are set to attack or defend. They have to be picked up and then redropped.

Resources carrid out to build platforms sometimes disappear when you go to build the platform.

Infantry dropped on a planet sometimes unexplainably disappear when they land.


Stellar Incinerators do damage only half the time. While engaged in combat, SI seem to do damage only every 2 to 3 shots.

***just had the same issue with missles doing damage only off/on. Watched missles hit ships that registered no damage after impact. Hit them with beams and could see damage at instantly. Not a desynch issue.

When first uncloaking, you have to wait a few seconds before firing, otherwise your alpha does no damage at all. This is probably a desynch issue.

When dropping out of hyper, you have to wait a few secs before firing or your alpha does no damage. This also is most likely a desynch issue.

The arc bug issue with missles is one thing. If it's also happening from cannons, then this must be addressed asap as well. EMP hitting green armor, but having damage transfered back to the rear where all the other damage is getting done due to this "bug", shuts sytems down. This should not be. If EMP is hitting green armor, it should have absolutely no effect at all.

***edit 2***
Monitoring my sig level while doing some bombing, I observed some interesting things.

1. A clavate has 2 ecm, giving it a signature of -2.7 when standing still, away from any sensors or eccm, not recharging anything, and uncloaked. Working with that as a base, I set about doing some bombing. Slowly, my signature would just...I dunno...change is the best word. I look down, and suddenly sitting still in the same exact situation, my sig registers at -1.9. No weapons recharging. No sensors, eccm or even enemy ships. Sitting still.
I went on, did some more bombing, look down, my sig is at .8 in the same situation. I quicklog, and when I come back in, after about 8 - 10 seconds, my position jumps, the planet's position jumps, and I see my sig drop from the .8 to -2.7 where it belongs.
Ok. This process repeated itself for the next 45 mins as I bombed. I ended up just quicklogging when my sig went to -1.9, and even then I would see rather large shifts of myself and the planets around me from where I was when I quicklogged.
The signature issue is for sure one relating to the desynch issue. It's almost as if my ship is operating in the server a minute or two in it's past. It doesn't start that way, but as you play, you slowly get outa whack.
Well, that's what I saw, hope it helps.

***edit 3***
LOL. How about a -0.8 when 100 gu away from 2 sensor plats. They were K'luth plats, but still shoulda raised my sig a bunch. Yeah teasting further, I can SEE the sig raise and stick, raise and stick, raise and stick, and it seems that as it does, the desynch increases.

[ This Message was edited by: Azreal on 2009-09-30 11:44 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Azreal on 2009-09-30 15:35 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Azreal on 2009-09-30 16:59 ]
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Galactic Navy

Joined: March 07, 2004
Posts: 490
Posted: 2009-09-30 09:52   
I have seen two stations get captured in this version and both times after being taken over by AI they would become invincible, can't take damage, can't be captured.

Grand Admiral

Joined: August 25, 2006
Posts: 591
Posted: 2009-09-30 17:25   
come to think of it, Is it possible the EMP is in fact not over powered but rather just suffer the Arc bug? (More than usual)

im just asking, i only hear on this build the EMP are overpowered, i haven't heard that once before

i dunno, maybe il try it out sooner or later..

(PS, im sorry for those tripel post, My Pc went on an sudden auto refresh for some reason, terribly sorry)
[ This Message was edited by: Zero28 on 2009-09-30 17:26 ]
19:33:51 [ZION]GothThug {C?}: "Zero..you are DS's hero"

Fleet Admiral
Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: June 06, 2007
Posts: 2
Posted: 2009-09-30 18:49   
"- Fixed several bugs where the users mouse would become hidden and they are forced to terminate the game."

I still encounter this sometimes. The few times it happened seemed to be associated with left clicking in F2 mode or the ship selection screen. The mouse appears to be stuck in the upper left corner of the display, even if you hit Ctrl-Esc or the windows key to minimize the game.

Vista 64bit
AMD Athlon X2 notebook.
ATI Radeon graphics.

Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2009-09-30 23:31   

On 2009-09-30 17:25, Zero28 wrote:
come to think of it, Is it possible the EMP is in fact not over powered but rather just suffer the Arc bug? (More than usual)

That is my suspicion.
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Julian Delphiki
Fleet Admiral

Joined: June 19, 2002
Posts: 171
Posted: 2009-10-01 02:03   

On 2009-09-30 18:49, Matthias_L wrote:
"- Fixed several bugs where the users mouse would become hidden and they are forced to terminate the game."

I still encounter this sometimes. The few times it happened seemed to be associated with left clicking in F2 mode or the ship selection screen. The mouse appears to be stuck in the upper left corner of the display, even if you hit Ctrl-Esc or the windows key to minimize the game.

Vista 64bit
AMD Athlon X2 notebook.
ATI Radeon graphics.

This happened to me as well on Windows 7, not sure if XP has the same thing. Whenever the mouse got stuck and I alt-tabbed in XP it would work, but I havent tested yet with this build.

The way to fix it right now is Enter - Click(or right click, I did both so Im not sure) - Enter - Right click. But I do agree it needs to be addressed if possible

Happened to me about an hour after posting this..

Its Enter - Right Click - Enter - Right Click and your cursor is released.
[ This Message was edited by: Julian Delphiki *P2* on 2009-10-01 15:38 ]

Chief Marshal

Joined: March 14, 2004
Posts: 2816
From: United State of Texas, Houston
Posted: 2009-10-01 06:11   
Happens with Vista for sure. I've had it happen a few times, but not since the patch went thru.
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Grand Admiral

Joined: September 26, 2006
Posts: 549
Posted: 2009-10-02 18:18   

On 2009-09-27 07:44, Daedalus wrote:
Not sure if this has been reported and if it's just limited to engineers BUT.

a) Mining will not fill cargo until you pass through a gate or go into a SY then all the resources show up.

b) can't unload any of these hidden resources and can't pick up more from a starport then the bug shows in your cargo. ie. 1000k and won't go higer, if I dump that on the planet I can't get any higher then 1000K from the starport.

c) stops building of platforms, X amount of resources needed to build platforms but since your cargo will never go that high you can't build. Now I don't know if this has been around for awhile but it's been happening to me since 1.520 was released and it happens A LOT.

Is there something stopping platforms from being built if a planet has ememy ships around it? I just had this happen again. 4000 resources taken from ship but no platform built and then I can't mine anymore resources.

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