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Forum Index » » English (General) » » You guys obviously don't get it, so I'm gonna explain it to you.
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 Author You guys obviously don't get it, so I'm gonna explain it to you.
$yTHe {C?}
Grand Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: September 29, 2002
Posts: 1292
From: Arlington, VA
Posted: 2005-11-13 01:25   
I've just wasted a few minutes of my life, which I will never get back, listening to a few idiots from opposing factions spew obscenities at eachother discussing the imbalances of ICC Uberships, with the ICC members countering with a "ZOMG PICKETS ARE LAME TOO LOLKKTHXBYE" argument, something far to common nowadays. To you parties involved, I have something I'd like to let you in on.


That's right, I said it. You self-righteous idiots are not actually helping the well-being of this game *gasp*. I know that in that narcistic little brain of yours that you think you're genius is something akin to Albert Freaking Einstein's by pointing out the many flaws of this game. Let me tell you a little secret. FAUSTUS ALREADY KNOWS! Thats right, the lead programmer (you know, the guy who can actually do something about these problems already knows! He only needs one person to tell him, and I'm sure he finds out the very first day that a new patch/version is released. This totally negates any reasoning you have behind for engaging someone in a pointless duel over MV Faction tactics.

These little 'episodes' have totally sent this game straight down the toilet. I was browsing through some of my old chat logs earlier. Among these I see such great names as Varzadium, Azure, Cuisinart, Gideon, and countless others. These people are now nowhere to be found. Would you like to know why? Old vets like them, the people that provided quality lobby entertainment and made this games community the great thing that it is (was, really) today, are freaking gone. And its because you scared them off. They got sick and tired (as I have, and don't try to debate this, I interact with loads of old vets in other games) of the constant bickering and fighting over the same old topics that everyone already knows about. And for what? You're not going to change anything. People just want to make themselves look better.

Your selfishness has destroyed this game, and the great thing that it once was.


Rogue Spear
Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 20, 2002
Posts: 848
From: Texas
Posted: 2005-11-13 01:29   
Act like Dad, not like sis. Raise the lid before you piss.

-A few words of wisdom brought to you by Rogue Spear.

Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 16, 2003
Posts: 1336
Posted: 2005-11-13 03:34   
You've apparently gotten the wrong community, hang up and try again..


Chief Marshal
Raven Warriors

Joined: May 19, 2002
Posts: 2576
From: Hawthorne, Nevada
Posted: 2005-11-13 05:10   

You're not going to change anything.

Your selfishness has destroyed this game, and the great thing that it once was.

Yes, and even though F knew about these problems since the very begininng, I have not yet seen a patch to fix the.

Your right, we can't change anything.

Congratz to those, who did try at least. I think since its been what, 4 months, these same problems, the same crap, you'd think that would be some small incentive to fix it soon.

But apparently not.

Instead it aggervates those vets left, who are sick of it, and they try to change something that is screamed about dozens of times, for that they, among everyone else, are really, really tired of the same old problems.

Of course, those who try to argue to change - even though pointless - at least shows someone doing something. Some people, who do, at least try, if feebley, to sway others to play a bit more fairly, a bit more sportsmanlike, but yeah, people don't care, but obviously, they aren't selfish for doing so.

Yeah, i've been among those idiots, for these past months, trying, failing, trying again, yeah for this game, that was good. And then it stopped. I didn't think my notion for tolerance of the same old story every day could ever be breached but it was - by these same problems. But I did try - I suppose that was selfish - but oh well at least..because...

Well your right. We can't change anything.

But apparently, neither is anyone else.


Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-11-13 08:44   
Amen Chad.

Headshot | Mr. Supervisor
Vice Admiral

Joined: August 20, 2005
Posts: 32
From: Agency, Iowa
Posted: 2005-11-13 11:16   
I have to agree, I hate complaining too (although I did my share). Some people though forget this is a teamgame and start trying to win on there own. Although almost everyone does the occasional yell like (come back here, "and other variations") most of us enjoy the game. I dont really care about imbalances anymore myself. The other day I was in my assault cruiser and was fighting 2 picket dessies and killed them both, I just compensated where it was needed. A few people Ive been playing with that started around the same time I did went through this transition of Nooblet to a complaining moron, then to a faction jumper, then then after a few months we finally plyed the game for what it was, A fun space mmo that needs more people. I try to be on as much as I can so the ICC have people. I remember when the ICC only had me (thats right, just me) for the days straight. It was hard losing CD twice -_- .

My point is, The long term noobs will either quit, or become a great player that quit acting like a monkey (I would like to use another word but the RoC prohibits it)

Even with lag, the game is still berrible, even with faction advatages and disadvantages, its still berrible, even with uber ships and noob pilots, its still berrible, even with constant yellers, its still berrible.

Be a dedicated player and it will all eventually even out


Nim *
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Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: September 05, 2004
Posts: 295
Posted: 2005-11-13 11:25   


Grand Admiral
Galactic Navy

Joined: October 08, 2002
Posts: 2074
From: Ohio
Posted: 2005-11-13 13:09   


You sure about that one?

I don't think he does know, nor do I think he realizes the magnitude of the problems if he does know about them, which again I seriously doubt.

Anyone checked Mantis lately? For those of you that have access, not a single thing has happened in it for months. I personally have added two items to Mantis, almost exactly 3 months ago (equipment cloning and HMA alignment bug). These two items haven't even been acknowledged; they're still just sitting there, on the top of the list, in red. Nothing.

As for the imbalanced in the game now, it's quite obvious that Faustus/Tael didn't realize the magnitude of the problems before the version was released. I personally was shocked that 1.483 wasn't in beta for at least another month or two before it went live. It was simply not ready.

Other players, and myself, had already forseen the problems that 1.483 would pose. We already knew about picket destroyers. We already knew about escort destroyers. We already knew about the potential to turn a missile dreadnought into an all-out killing machine with 20 torpedoes. We saw how weak beams were. We reported all this stuff, and nothing was done. We practically had to pull Tael's teeth to get him to adjust the shield/armor values of ships, and as we all very well know, they're still not very well balanced.

All the player cries of some of the blatent imbalances of this game were met with "it's not finished yet" and "only half of the content is in" and "give us some more time to fix the rest of this stuff". And yet 1.483 was rushed out the door long before it was ready, and now look what's happened.

I agree that continuous whining in the forums does nothing but create a sour atmosphere in [what's left of] the community. However, the reason this is happening is because of the utter lack of correspondence from our higher powers. If Faustus/Tael would simply acknowledge that they are in fact aware of these problems, it would set many of our minds at ease; mine at least. However, we simply don't know if they know or not, and based only on forum whines that they may happen to see, the subject gets blown out of proportion and either too much or too little is done about it.

So what's to be done? I'm not 100% sure. I do know we need more correspondence from those responsible for the game's development. We need to know what you're doing, and what you know about regarding the game's problems, and how you intend to fix it. We need to know if you're alive.

Even Faustus logging in once a week and posting "sorry guys, I was playing EvE all this week and didn't get anything done" would satisfy me (unless that's what it said every week).

And wow, what a long-winded post. I guess Demorian possessed me for a minute there...

[ This Message was edited by: Bobamelius on 2005-11-13 13:10 ]

  Email Bobamelius
Courageous Elite Commandos

Joined: May 11, 2005
Posts: 1786
From: Netherlands
Posted: 2005-11-13 13:22   
well in my case if everything gets fixed i will just be back and playing, just those people who abused the wrong things now, wont become my friends any time soon, if ever.

Entil-Zha the Starkiller
Chief Marshal
Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: May 02, 2005
Posts: 261
From: Arizona - Where DST is a myth
Posted: 2005-11-13 13:48   
Don't know about the rest of you, but I say just suck it up and live through it. By that I dont mean you can't take some time off now and then however.
In DIABLO 2 (I by no means intend to start a flam here, but just giving an example), in Hardcore, I lost countless players to PlayerKillers, who enjoy destroying another persions "1 life to live characters", but I stuck with it, and still am, even though at a reduced rate just because D2 just really isnt fun after playing it for so long. In STARCRAFT, people who used cheats in game forced out many of the better players, no one wanted to fight fair anymore, but again I stayed with it because I was not going to let some half-brained wise *** ruin it for me.

These bugs will be fixed when they are fixed. And no amount of complaining will get it done any sooner, unless you want a half *** job. And there's always going to be new bugs that people are going to exploit anyway, so complaining to get it fixed is about as useful as putting out a forest fire with a squirt gun. So I say just suck it up, and do your best to deal with it. And if YOU are leaving the game, you are ALLOWING those exploiters ruin it.

\"Oh you could do that. And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it,
and feed the charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.\" - Capt. John Sheridan

  Email Entil-Zha the Starkiller
Fleet Admiral
Sundered Weimeriners

Joined: March 16, 2003
Posts: 1336
Posted: 2005-11-13 14:12   
Agame, your wrong there. If we suck it up, that means we go with inbalance, take to using ONLY destroyers, and using the unintentional exploits every single day. That isnt darkspace.

Chief Marshal
Pitch Black

Joined: August 15, 2005
Posts: 2256
From: close by
Posted: 2005-11-13 15:43   
yes and but its alright when ugto do alright grow the hell up, i come out of a ship yard and before i can do anything i get pushed to a planet by a scout

  Email Borgie
Fleet Admiral

Joined: January 12, 2002
Posts: 894
From: Ramius
Posted: 2005-11-13 16:08   
I think the majority of the vets left because the game remains stagnant. I honestly cannot afford to pay for DS while I get no return value. I would like to say that this is not the case but I can't do that. Honestly, this is starting to get ridiculous.

So the vets leave, and we are left with people who have played the game for 2 or 3 months acting like they know everything. Meanwhile, the few remaining vets that are still around have been through all the imba and bug arguments about 3,000 times and are just tired of hearing the same damn things being said over and over.

Or maybe that's just me.

Anyways, carry on.

  Email Ramius
Galactic Navy

Joined: March 23, 2003
Posts: 11183
From: Bristol, England
Posted: 2005-11-13 17:25   
To quote on what Boba said...

It's very true. None of the admin staff, bar Bito and Nax (and Shig at a few times, but he's in Austria now), really play the game like us vets. We tried so hard to make them aware of problems (emails, pm's... etc), we braught up the cloaking bug (it's off when it's on (I personaly baught this one up all those "Backy the kluth hater")), yet nothing was done. I'm not saying this to put down Tael and/or Faustus or any other member with resourcer access. Simply put, we need more admins... Or rather, developers who actualy play the game. We need a development team. Now, this doesn't necisiarly mean people who can code, simply people who can tweak values on a closed server untill everything looks hunky dory. Not much needs to be done to 1.483 to get it playable. I mean, the basis of it is VERY stable, yet a few bugs are causing this game to become unplayable (like many games).

I emailed Tael a list of problems about two months ago, and he said he would get onto it. I don't know if he has got onto it, or if anything is being done. I know Faustus absolutly hates hotfixes... But I do believe that if this game is to pull any of it's remaining followers back into playing, it's just what's needed.

We very few loyal players left (those who have been here throughout thick and thin, and have stuck with it all the way through darkspace, not just 1.481->3) really are beginning to doubt the game. I myself are beginning to look elsewhere. We really are praying, begging... hoping for a fix. I'm sure these bugs could be sorted out within an hour (not by myself, but with Faustus' or Tael's knowledge in the engine/C++, it could be sorted out very quickly). It just needs someone to sit down and read through the list that I sent Tael.


We're crying out for a fix Faust/Tael...

The game can't stand on this weak pillar for much longer... and that should worry you coming from me (avid DarkSpace supporter).

- Jack

Entil-Zha the Starkiller
Chief Marshal
Ravenous Wolfpack Clan

Joined: May 02, 2005
Posts: 261
From: Arizona - Where DST is a myth
Posted: 2005-11-13 18:15   

On 2005-11-13 14:12, Crimson {Akhenaton} wrote:
Agame, your wrong there. If we suck it up, that means we go with inbalance, take to using ONLY destroyers, and using the unintentional exploits every single day. That isnt darkspace.

I'll give you that. But that was not what I meant.

\"Oh you could do that. And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it,
and feed the charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.\" - Capt. John Sheridan

  Email Entil-Zha the Starkiller
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