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DarkSpace - Beta
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Games Played
Time Played
Bonus Prestige
Ships Damaged
Ships Captured
Planets Damaged
Planets Captured
Friendly Fire
Self Destructs
Planet Collisions
Resources Lost
164352 Players - page 28 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NamePlanets Damaged
2701 neebert 884
2702 Grumpy Dwarf 882
2703 JadeHare 882
2704 -Aagibmoon_ 881
2705 WraithBalor 881
2706 Anon 881
2707 Charlik 880
2708 Athanasius 879
2709 oohal 878
2710 Mad Bear 876
2711 Dark_Warriors_96 876
2712 GreenManPan 875
2713 kingelij 875
2714 Absence 874
2715 lamagra 874
2716 Drusswyn 873
2717 Kobayashi Maru 872
2718 SolarWind 871
2719 LowFire4 871
2720 Admiral Kamikaze Bacon 869
2721 Sinner 868
2722 Icarus II 867
2723 Knobby 866
2724 NightstrikerX 865
2725 Flux v 865
2726 DarthMOO 864
2727 Blacksmith9684 863
2728 Nath 862
2729 TomShaftoe 862
2730 Fatal Error 861
2731 Chaos Theory 860
2732 Friis999 859
2733 Sarabas 859
2734 Vector40 859
2735 zura 858
2736 Bashy 856
2737 Ratooney 856
2738 shanghili 856
2739 shahidee44 856
2740 Ozilir 854
2741 Lobotomized (i.e. missing some brain) 853
2742 gamingfreak099 851
2743 Konykaze 851
2744 LancelotBlade23 850
2745 Flare 850
2746 centaure{PEBCAK} 850
2747 herodes 849
2748 Olims(ex-YU) 845
2749 Fnd rebel 845
2750 SoulMaster 845
2751 TeddyRuxpin 844
2752 buggy123 844
2753 Kikugai 843
2754 noctifer 843
2755 WeavingTheIncantation 843
2756 Zox 841
2757 Ghoststories 841
2758 Shad4c 841
2759 Lockdown 840
2760 The_Blackness 837
2761 Uareuss 837
2762 Target 836
2763 Axian 836
2764 Tikki 835
2765 Egoman1001 834
2766 Coredin 834
2767 bluepc 832
2768 RuthlesS..SiLeNtKiLLaH 831
2769 Tetrarch 830
2770 Phaser Burns 830
2771 h4rdc0re 829
2772 Brundon 829
2773 PlagueDog 828
2774 kbossm772 828
2775 Arbitae 828
2776 Batto 828
2777 Prawneh 827
2778 sweplatte 826
2779 Deadeye1989 826
2780 -Merrick- 824
2781 tehvivi 823
2782 Scruffie 822
2783 Randoh 821
2784 Saveth 821
2785 omegga10 819
2786 wokwon 819
2787 Transfer 819
2788 rupedog 819
2789 Captin Talon 817
2790 Nixie 817
2791 DeathChat 817
2792 TheImpaler 817
2793 shokakukai 817
2794 The George R 817
2795 MSC Tsugumori 816
2796 Connor {I} 816
2797 spanky 816
2798 arcantos 815
2799 Admiral C. Wilson 814
2800 jaqleo 813
164352 Players - page 28 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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