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164328 Players - page 12 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameBonus Prestige
1101 Spritzer 2,191
1102 Warpath81 2,190
1103 Carbonyx Viceroy of the Ozone 2,190
1104 DragonScribe 2,187
1105 holycomp 2,187
1106 bdubs 2,183
1107 101st Legion 2,181
1108 Desono 2,178
1109 Kesari 2,175
1110 FlyD4wn 2,175
1111 trAsh 2,173
1112 Ulven Skyblade 2,171
1113 Senshino Rei 2,169
1114 sniper65 2,157
1115 anonimo2000 2,155
1116 Durden 2,149
1117 outsider 2,147
1118 Leviathan V 2,133
1119 Coffinmaker 2,132
1120 Lebonians 2,131
1121 cloud0418 2,125
1122 2,122
1123 Redemption (Angel of Light) 2,118
1124 DarkWingz 2,113
1125 Neo_chaoz 2,112
1126 Hellion 2,105
1127 xerox18 2,103
1128 Sir Orion 2,100
1129 Tarvos 2,098
1130 EpicLime 2,098
1131 xshortyx955 2,097
1132 thedeaths 2,090
1133 Ho Chi 2,087
1134 r0gue redbeard trooper 2,087
1135 Heart_of_Gold 2,084
1136 BorgDrone4of20(KuYa) 2,082
1137 st1135 2,076
1138 SoNiC 2,076
1139 ROMEO2000 2,069
1140 Rilross 2,068
1141 Dead-Eye 2,059
1142 Wyldkat 2,057
1143 Admiral Alucard (2IC) 2,055
1144 SolFlash [II] 2,054
1145 Blackraven 2,052
1146 vbdwayne 2,050
1147 -Deamon- 2,047
1148 ucaspiral 2,034
1149 numbnuts01 2,034
1150 Evil Tom 2,031
1151 Lockdown 2,028
1152 Tempaler 2,028
1153 Evyls 2,027
1154 BTL3000 2,027
1155 SuperNova10 2,018
1156 DeathChat 2,013
1157 Araith*LTJG* 2,011
1158 Patriarch 2,011
1159 Hounti 2,006
1160 Solareon 2,000
1161 spwa117 2,000
1162 Seriul 1,992
1163 Mr_Ed 1,991
1164 Loki-71 1,990
1165 Drow 1,989
1166 Dave8 1,988
1167 raners 1,988
1168 Glaceon 1,981
1169 vexile 1,981
1170 SirAce 1,980
1171 BorgDrone4of20 1,978
1172 viashin 1,978
1173 ZeroCool[No Lame No Fame] 1,978
1174 el-rufio 1,975
1175 skini 1,967
1176 mk57nato 1,964
1177 Nussi 1,964
1178 FlufferZ 1,961
1179 zolfo 1,961
1180 Panimu 1,960
1181 Cold Death 1,955
1182 DigitalMafia 1,954
1183 ssj4megaman 1,954
1184 Simbaka45 1,952
1185 Demetri 1,947
1186 Esper8 1,942
1187 Mirage 1,939
1188 FidgeT 1,937
1189 The Fires of Orion 1,933
1190 rohrshak9 1,931
1191 needforsleep 1,926
1192 Nath 1,924
1193 Knightfall 1,924
1194 Croven 1,915
1195 Yohan 1,912
1196 Juichi 1,912
1197 Aex 1,907
1198 Thyraiel 1,906
1199 Allch Chcar 1,899
1200 Squishton 1,898
164328 Players - page 12 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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