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DarkSpace - Beta
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164346 Players - page 116 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameResources Lost
11501 Nydez 2,478
11502 The-evil-one//Maluno 2,476
11503 CowTipper796 2,475
11504 ddr 2,474
11505 Midship krism54 2,473
11506 Silent Death 2,469
11507 }{aX0r 2,467
11508 ThreeJay 2,466
11509 Silentbob666 2,460
11510 genlastudio 2,457
11511 bengravelle 2,456
11512 BlackOrchid 2,456
11513 loki33 2,454
11514 Rayne [VIP] 2,452
11515 Vacu 2,451
11516 ixnus 2,450
11517 loocimi 2,448
11518 DsAnimal 2,448
11519 gangstar 2,447
11520 fringyboy 2,446
11521 siccness 2,444
11522 gamer42 2,444
11523 Conflict 2,443
11524 jannejouman 2,439
11525 Llanwin 2,438
11526 Panda 2,438
11527 Vortor 2,430
11528 Mind What? 2,429
11529 Kaine 2,427
11530 Noste 2,426
11531 MedicineMan600 2,424
11532 Krael 2,423
11533 gammelaa 2,423
11534 redrum86 2,422
11535 Harkness 2,422
11536 Spacer_JED 2,421
11537 mar418 2,417
11538 Bankai! 2,417
11539 Satanic Turtle 2,415
11540 Demonsbane 2,410
11541 Xaith 2,409
11542 hellord16 2,408
11543 Meriath 2,408
11544 McKay 2,405
11545 Sonador 2,404
11546 Ludicrous Speed 2,402
11547 Alpha-Omega 2,402
11548 Shad0w 0ps[YAY] 2,398
11549 Kill3r 2,394
11550 CPLGDR 2,394
11551 motulis 2,392
11552 Alexroe^2[isna][VX] 2,390
11553 devilsforces 2,386
11554 Crygonhlin 2,383
11555 RavenLTU 2,382
11556 GIGAKing 2,380
11557 Amen-Ra 2,379
11558 Dilly Dom DoOm 2,378
11559 Lokimer 2,377
11560 Vaiarihau 2,376
11561 Kurumi Anako 2,375
11562 Temily 2,375
11563 Doomclown 2,375
11564 **DarkStar** 2,375
11565 Hummer 2,375
11566 tarsalterror 2,373
11567 temp2005 2,373
11568 Grimsters 2,372
11569 BullDog 2,370
11570 Ayreo_Greywolf 2,370
11571 shado91 2,361
11572 Acolyte 2,361
11573 Big Smoke 2,359
11574 demon_sight 2,358
11575 XxGIRxX 2,354
11576 AllTheLittleVoices 2,348
11577 god_5in 2,347
11578 Lenius 2,345
11579 Admiral Tom 2,344
11580 Sem_Young_39 2,344
11581 Router 2,344
11582 Dark_Killer 2,344
11583 Dubia 2,344
11584 death 2,344
11585 DurinKharo 2,344
11586 meintool 2,344
11587 Bley 2,344
11588 Shroom 2,344
11589 SoulReaverPT 2,344
11590 xicexxfirex 2,344
11591 Kailelle 2,344
11592 Daret 2,344
11593 mixs 2,344
11594 Smapdi 2,344
11595 Knight(uk) 2,343
11596 DasEsinnock 2,341
11597 ShawnM 2,340
11598 The Disciple 2,338
11599 Verrus 2,336
11600 slag5 2,335
164346 Players - page 116 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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