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164353 Players - page 14 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
1301 Exodus™ 2,805
1302 Snake 2,803
1303 Abandoned Mind 2,801
1304 Agent_Zer0 2,798
1305 |DarthKreiger| 2,797
1306 zendrix 2,790
1307 MaGoo 2,790
1308 NoPants2win 2,782
1309 Astri 2,781
1310 paradoxon 2,779
1311 cfx 2,779
1312 OraOfWar 2,778
1313 AbueloHD 2,776
1314 Reeves-81 2,775
1315 Egir 2,766
1316 wperi 2,761
1317 Zerg2000 2,758
1318 Noob 2,753
1319 Hobbyte 2,751
1320 dorrin22 2,743
1321 An Fiach 2,735
1322 podge_2010 2,731
1323 GBP^fan 2,725
1324 Mysterion 2,725
1325 Cyborg M-101 2,720
1326 Nurfed 2,720
1327 rwroggio 2,719
1328 Rebellion 2,718
1329 Grand Admiral Celle GER 2,716
1330 Walrus of Apathy 2,714
1331 Sternulf 2,713
1332 Sheepy 2,710
1333 battlecruiser3 2,708
1334 Gonnell 2,705
1335 Bresch 2,700
1336 lockey 2,696
1337 darklazer 2,694
1338 Fleet Admiral James115 2,690
1339 demosthene 2,690
1340 blackmoon 2,689
1341 User23 2,686
1342 dirtbag 2,683
1343 Outerdrake 2,681
1344 UNhooked 2,680
1345 Junky Da FunkyMonke 2,676
1346 Kythian 2,667
1347 Midnight *FA* 2,665
1348 xiocata 2,662
1349 Meloku 2,658
1350 ICS Border Dreadnaught 2,653
1351 LordGuardian 2,652
1352 mirkocola 2,650
1353 Prey Hunter 2,649
1354 DaVoggi 2,649
1355 Liquidshot 2,647
1356 Capitain_Albator 2,645
1357 Seriul 2,643
1358 esnava 2,641
1359 Forseen 2,638
1360 AikoTol 2,638
1361 Mitigator 2,637
1362 Diabo|ik 2,636
1363 nafeir 2,633
1364 LORDDARK21 2,631
1365 PUG(uk) 2,629
1366 Varik 2,627
1367 SizzlingCracker 2,627
1368 Silverbird 2,626
1369 Fenrir 2,622
1370 Danek Ma`arna C`arns 2,619
1371 Torlok 2,618
1372 Darkman_X *WM* 2,618
1373 U.S.S. KELVIN 2,615
1374 direwolf 2,613
1375 DarkStar24 2,611
1376 little_chaoz(affe force) 2,610
1377 Cheu612 2,607
1378 Hyena 2,605
1379 Mythocondria 2,605
1380 seyyah 2,597
1381 Crim 2,595
1382 Exorion 2,595
1383 BackSlash 2,594
1384 Refkeen 2,594
1385 Cat_2K 2,593
1386 steele609 2,586
1387 Coaster1000 2,584
1388 Sevnn 2,583
1389 R33.uk 2,581
1390 Corsair Shevath 2,578
1391 TheCrow 2,578
1392 Nath 2,576
1393 AlleyCat 2,576
1394 ArmyHaunt 2,575
1395 Moose 2,574
1396 UNI0N 2,574
1397 codemonkey 2,571
1398 L|ghT 2,570
1399 ferbie 2,569
1400 Prothall 2,564
164353 Players - page 14 of 1644

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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