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DarkSpace - Beta
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164328 Players - page 6 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

Player Rankings
NameFriendly Fire
501 Hell Bender 2,272
502 YIIMM 2,267
503 Azure.co.uk 2,267
504 shokakukai 2,266
505 sir exodus 2,262
506 NoBoDx 2,262
507 Wicked Ice ={NuKe Squad}= 2,258
508 MrKRaBBiT 2,252
509 fishy1954 2,242
510 guardsman 2,239
511 shamooo 2,238
512 DarkCloudd 2,237
513 Deadly Assassin 2,232
514 Great Budda 2,232
515 Pope 2,232
516 -(kha-ti the silent watcher)- 2,229
517 hemlock 2,226
518 Skuriti2 2,225
519 unimatrixzero 2,224
520 Ash'elth 2,211
521 abyss 2,209
522 TheCrow 2,209
523 Exocet 2,195
524 TAZ 2,194
525 Daedalus Bum 2,192
526 Teager 2,190
527 twistyou 2,190
528 Khaleesi 2,189
529 -=Arch=- 2,186
530 Fleet Admiral James115 2,183
531 Archon 2,182
532 Captain Caveman 2,173
533 Bengiowns 2,168
534 The Anarchist 2,165
535 .spaivxx. 2,160
536 Taelron 2,160
537 Thernhoghas 2,158
538 Vindicator 2,152
539 Slidevail** 2,148
540 Rogue Spear 2,138
541 Polemos 2,135
542 Spacie 2,135
543 DarkEmber 2,129
544 Haheho28 2,128
545 Zygji 2,121
546 mousey010 2,118
547 00kennedyp 2,115
548 Kestalkayden 2,115
549 Koda 2,112
550 sploitz 2,111
551 Lady-GrimSabre 2,111
552 Boerenkool 2,107
553 Bumblebee 2,105
554 MrSparkle 2,104
555 AlleyCat 2,099
556 Talien 2,092
557 Klaatu 2,089
558 Admiral Darth 2,082
559 Dakkron 2,078
560 Weebee 2,064
561 Maskerade 2,056
562 Reeves-81 2,045
563 Crim 2,042
564 Sir Diablos {C?} 2,040
565 ADM Saver 2,032
566 Tekriax 2,019
567 Sagitter 2,015
568 sauerkraut 2,013
569 darkcow300 2,013
570 shamyempire 1,998
571 Erk 1,989
572 Strategery 1,968
573 DufasRufas 1,965
574 Andromeda {C?} 1,961
575 Meko 1,956
576 Addiction_Srb 1,951
577 Ham&Swiss 1,945
578 Siginau 1,939
579 Smartin 1,939
580 atillahun 1,936
581 Kazix Gaians 1,932
582 DarkCombat 1,930
583 AgentWD40 1,926
584 *Wizard* 1,924
585 hlavac 1,921
586 Ulven Skyblade 1,921
587 Raiders 1,920
588 Phellan 1,919
589 Kilimanjaro 1,919
590 Diabo|ik 1,917
591 buzter 1,916
592 ChaosZ 1,913
593 Dimorrow 1,910
594 jessters 1,909
595 Abandoned Mind 1,905
596 PhiliChez 1,901
597 DaMadCow 1,892
598 Panduh 1,891
599 HeLLDoG 1,890
600 Diesalot 1,887
164328 Players - page 6 of 1643

[Top] [-10] [-5] [-1] [+1] [+5] [+10]

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