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DarkSpace - Beta
3 Ship Configurations - Updated 11th Oct, 2010
A guide to the various ship configurations and their intended roles in DarkSpace.
3.1 Hull Classes
Ship Stats
3.2 ICC
ICC Logo
3.2.1 Corvette

M-24B Bomber Corvette

The M-24B is a light orbit-to-surface bomber. While its limited payload makes it ineffective against a target with even minimal defenses, its high mobility allows it to reach trouble spots rapidly. Rather than attacking enemy planets, this ship is far more often called on to take out UGTO troops that have landed on outlying colonies which will be otherwise unable to repel them. A well-developed network of rapid response bases puts these nimble little bombers within a few minutes' response time from any potential target. In many cases, the response is so rapid that enemy forces are dispatched before allied troops ever catch sight of them.

ICC M-20 Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 15 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    1 Engines "Human"
    2 Electronic Warfares
    4 shields
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 Standard Beams
    1 Bombs

M-24S Recon Scout

The M-24S Recon is the purest descendant of the original M-20 series. The early M-10 corvettes were considerably larger and heavier than their modern counterparts and a smaller, faster ship was needed for forward reconnaissance--thus the M-20 was born. As the role of corvettes changed into smaller, faster attack ships the M-10 series was eventually retired and M-20 variants were designed to fill combat roles. The lead class of the series is still the Recon Scout, equipped with stealth systems and long-range scanners for covert surveillance of enemy forces.

ICC M-20 Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 15 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    1 Engine "Human"
    5 Electronic Warfare
    4 shields
    2 Auxillary Fusion Reactor
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 Standard Beams
    1 Standard Cannons
    1 Beacon

M-25A Sensor Corvette

The M-25A is a highly mobile light attack ship employed both by the Confederated Navy and many local police forces. It is among the most heavily-armed ships of its size in known space, and carries a well-earned reputation for lethality. Many a pirate or privateer has tried to meet this little buzzsaw head-on and not lived long enough to regret it. It also carries a modest electronic warfare suite, to help it locate and identify its targets.

ICC M-20 Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 30 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    1 Engines "Human"
    2 Electronic Warfare
    4 shields
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 Standard Beams
    1 Standard Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons
    1 Fusion Torpedos

M-27A Stealth Corvette

The M-27A Stealth Corvette is one of the newest innovations of the Confederated Navy. It carries a sophisticated ECM array to help it avoid detection and five torpedo launchers to rapidly dish out death and destruction. So far it has been used to great success in attacking UGTO logistical targets--their transports, engineering and supply ships--rather than their front-line forces. On a few occasions, large squadrons have brought down battle-damaged dreadnoughts--but not without casualties.

ICC M-20 Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 30 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    1 Engines "Human"
    3 Electronic Warfare
    4 shields
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 Standard Beams
    5 Fusion Torpedos

3.2.2 Frigate

M-40S Sensor Frigate

The M-40S is a powerful electronic warfare platform, packing enough ECCM to prevent the enemy pulling any dirty tricks. This makes it a priority target, so it carries a decent armament to defend itself with. With the arrival of the K'luth this ship has seen more action than any other single class in the fleet... though it has also taken heavy casualties, as frigates are just too small and fragile to last long in heavy combat, especially with the K'luth.

ICC M-40 Frigate


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2, Engines "Human"
    4, shields
    2, Armor
    1, Auxillary Fusion Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    4 Standard Beamss
    1 Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons

M-42B Bomber Frigate

The M-42B, planned and built largely before the latest conflict began, was envisioned as a first-strike weapon for taking out critical industrial targets on UGTO planets. To that end it was equipped with extensive stealth and electronic countermeasure systems to help it penetrate enemy lines and evade detection. In the years of fighting since it has also proven a highly effective raider, able to hit targets the UGTO thinks are safe and force them to divert more ships to garrison duty.

ICC M-40 Frigate


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    4 Electronic Warfare
    4 shields
    1 Armor
    2 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    4 standard Beams
    2 Bombs

M-44A Assault Frigate

The M-44A is a pure combat frigate, designed for close-range engagements with other light warships. It one of the ships most readily recognizable to civilians, as it can be seen on regular patrol routes throughout the Confederation. The Assault Frigate has a hard-earned reputation for heroic sacrifice: when the going gets tough, this tough little gunboat gets going, using a formidable railgun battery and twin torpedo launchers to harrass and stall a superior enemy attack force until reinforcements arrive. It rarely survives to see the victory it helps ensure.

ICC M-40 Frigate


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    4 shields
    2 Armor
    1 Faction Specials
    2 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 standard Beams
    2 Standard Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons
    2 Torpedos

M-45B Minelayer Frigate

The Minelayer frigate is one of the most effective frigate designs the ICC has built to date. Its high mobility allows it to deploy its payload ahead of advancing UGTO forces, inflicting crippling damage when they run afoul of the trusty nuclear mines the ICC has been using since its war for independence. In many cases it can drop its mines and jump clear without the enemy ever catching sight of it, resulting in some very frustrated UGTO admirals wondering how the ICC could possibly have deployed minefields all over the sector.

ICC M-40 Frigate


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: Bronze Navigator
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    3 Electronic Warfare
    4 shields
    2 Armor
    1 Faction Specials
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    4 standard Beams
    2 Mines

M-46M Missile Frigate

The M-46M is one of the most modern frigates in service. Designed in response to the UGTO deploying larger and larger dreadnought fleets, the Missile Frigate packs a devastatingly strong punch for its size. While it also carries enough ECM to stay hidden it has little in the way of short-range armament, making it a tempting target for smaller UGTO attack ships... if they can catch it, that is.

ICC M-40 Frigate


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    3 Electronic Warfare
    4 shields
    2 Armor
    2 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    3 standard Beams
    4 Tier 1 missiles
    2 Standard Cannons

3.2.3 Destroyer

M-184B Minelayer Destroyer

The "Ol' 184" is one of the oldest ship classes still in active service with the Confederated Navy. Configured as a tactical minelayer, its main role is to actively deploy mines during fleet combat to break up enemy formations and force them into positions that give friendly ships the advantage. It also has a modest gun armament for self-defense against smaller attack ships, though anything bigger than a Frigate will trounce it handily. Rumors of the average 184's hull armor being at least 20% duct tape are entirely unsubstantiated.

ICC M-180 Destroyer


  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Badges: Bronze Support
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    4 shields
    4 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    4 standard Beams
    6 Standard Cannons
    3 Mines

M-186E Escort Destroyer

The M-180 series destroyer hull dates back to the early years of the Confederated Navy, and has been converted to fill many different roles throughout its career. Though largely replaced by the new M-190 series, some specialized versions of it still fill niche roles in the fleet. The 186 is a fairly recent variant that is equipped with a variety of close-range beam weapons, enabling it to serve as a picket ship to protect the fleet from large-scale fighter and missile attacks.

ICC M-180 Destroyer


  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    4 shields
    4 Armor
    1 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    10 standard Beams
    6 Standard Cannons

M-190A Combat Destroyer

The M-190A is the primary attack ship of the ICC destroyer lineup. Built to engage and destroy all kinds of other light enemy warships, it carries a formidable gun battery and a decent torpedo payload. This sturdy, rugged gunboat has developed a reputation for survivability; time and again it has defied odds that would be the doom of just about anything else.

ICC M-190 Destroyer


  • Rank: Captain
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    4 shields
    4 Armor
    1 Faction Special
    2 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    2 standard Beams
    4 Standard Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons
    4 Torpedos

M-190B Bomber Destroyer

The M-190B is a bomber variant of the M-190 destroyer series. Heavy frontal defenses are designed to protect it as it makes attack runs on enemy planets, while modest aft defenses help protect it on the way out if it survives. Given that their standard attack plan involves diving straight towards a planet at high speed, the crews of these daredevil ships have a reputation for being either incredibly courageous or insanely reckless, depending on who's buying the drinks.

ICC M-190 Destroyer


  • Rank: Commander
  • Badges: Bronze Bomber
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    4 shields
    3 Armor
    2 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    8 standard Beams
    3 Bombs

M-192M Missile Destroyer

The M-192M is the latest model in the M-190 series, which exchanges all but the bare minimum of close-range defenses to carry a devastating long-range missile payload. Some of these ships are still so fresh out of the Shi Jie yards that they have yet to lose that "new starship" smell. Despite its newness, however, it is rapidly proving its effectiveness at bringing down larger targets from beyond the range of potential retaliation. In some ways a big brother to the M-46M Missile Frigate, the two ships have been increasingly deployed alongside one another to great success.

ICC M-190 Destroyer


  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Badges: Bronze Combat
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    4 shields
    4 Armor
    2 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    2 standard Beams
    5 Tier 2 missiles

3.2.4 Cruiser

M-220 Carrier Cruiser

Converted C-220 Passenger Liner
Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

ICC M-220 Carrier Cruiser


  • Rank: 2nd Rear Admiral
  • Badges: Silver Support
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

M-230 Cruiser

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

ICC M-230 Cruiser


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

M-240 Missile Cruiser

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

ICC M-240 Missile Cruiser


  • Rank: 2nd Rear Admiral
  • Badges: Silver Combat
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

M-270 Carrier Cruiser

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

ICC M-270 Carrier Cruiser


  • Rank: 2nd Rear Admiral
  • Badges: Silver Support
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.2.5 Dreadnought

M-300 Dreadnought

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

ICC M-300 Dreadnought


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

M-400 Dreadnought

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

ICC M-400 Dreadnought


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.2.6 Station

M-2200 Station

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

ICC M-2200 Station


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.2.7 Transports

M-2100 Transport

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

ICC M-2100 Transport


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

Me-1500 Extractor

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

ICC Me-1500 Extractor


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.2.8 Supply

M-S40 Supply

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

ICC M-S40 Supply


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.2.9 Engineers

MR-100 Engineer

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

ICC MR-100 Engineer


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.2.10 Platforms

Sensor Platform

The ICC Sensor Platform is a deep space observation facility equipped with advanced sensory systems and light defensive weaponry.

ICC Sensor Platform


  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. Build Drones
  • Primary Systems:
    1 shields
    3 Auxillary Reactors
    3 Electronic Warfare
  • Weapon Systems:
    3 standard Beams

Supply Platform

The ICC supply platform.

IICC Supply Platform


  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. Build Drones
  • Primary Systems:
    1 shields
    3 Auxillary Reactors
    1 Drone Bay
  • Weapon Systems:
    3 standard Beams

Weapon Platform

The ICC Weapon Platform.

ICC Weapon Platform


  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. Build Drones
  • Primary Systems:
    1 shields
    3 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    3 standard Beams
    1 Core Weapons

3.3 UGTO
ugto Logo
3.3.1 Corvette

ST-1 Covert Ops Scout

The ST-1 scouts are the primary reconnaissance and intelligence craft employed by the UGTO. Their heavy ECM loadout allows them to venture deep into hostile territory, while their long-range scanner allows them to monitor enemy activity from a safe distance. Modified variants of this ship class are also employed by the UGTO intelligence agencies HUGIN and MUNIN, for covert operations both at home and abroad. Rumor has it that their variants carry a single Quantum Singularity Bomb in place of a conventional self-destruct charge, to ensure that state secrets never fall into the wrong hands.

UGTO ST-0 Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    1 Engine "Human"
    5 Electronic Warfare
    4 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 standard Beams
    2 Standard Cannons
    1 Beacon

ST-2 Assault Corvette

ST-2 corvettes are potent light attack ships. Between their high mobility, small size, heavy guns and torpedo launchers, they can make short work of any rag-tag pirate raider. The sight of them guarding regular shipping lanes has become a welcome sight to both civilian and military traffic--civilian because they protect against piracy, and military because it frees them up to deal with actual threats instead of just pirate scum.

UGTO ST-0 Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    1 Engine "Human"
    4 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 standard Beams
    2 Heavy Cannons
    2 Torpedos

ST-4 Blockade Corvette

A relatively new tool in the UGTO's grab-bag of dirty tricks, ST-4s are built to sneak behind enemy lines and deploy their payload of mines at strategic locations--like, say, the approach lanes for jumpgates--with the intent of disrupting civilian shipping. Though they cannot carry very many mines compared to larger ships, their small size and ECM array makes them quite difficult for ICC patrol ships to track down and destroy. Since their introduction they have wreaked havoc on shipping; the Confederation economy is still struggling to recover.

UGTO ST-0 Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    1 Engine "Human"
    3 Electronic Warfare
    4 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 standard Beams
    1 Mine

ST-5 Bomber Corvette

ST-5 Bombers are dangerous little ships. With as few frills as possible, they amount to little more than an engine and jumpdrive slapped onto a bomb bay. They are fast, cheap and unbeknownst to their crews, expendable. For many years now they have been used to slow the expansion of the Confederation by attacking newly-founded colonies, wiping them out before they can ever get basic defenses up. In many cases their targets never even get a distress call out, so their fate is a mystery until patrol ships arrive... and find nothing but craters remaining.

UGTO ST-0 Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    1 Engine "Human"
    2 Electronic Warfare
    4 Armor
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 standard Beams
    1 Bombs

3.3.2 Frigate

ST-15 Bomber Frigate

The ST-15 frigates are designed for covert ship-to-surface munitions delivery, utilizing electronic warfare to conceal themselves and ensure their payload reaches the target. In most cases the first--and only--warning the unsuspecting populace below gets is when the bombs start hitting their colony hub. ICC news networks claim these ships have been responsible for countless unprovoked attacks on civilian targets over the years, but they can never offer any convincing proof... because no-one ever sees them coming.

UGTO ST-10 Frigate


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    4 Electronic Warfare
    5 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    4 standard Beams
    2 Bombs

ST-16 Interceptor Frigate

The ST-16 Interceptors focus on speed and firepower, as they are intended to engage and destroy light attack craft before they can inflict crippling damage on the main battleships of the fleet. Though outwardly disdainful of the dinky little ships and their crews, UGTO dreadnought captains always rest a little easier knowing that the Interceptors have them covered.

UGTO ST-10 Frigate


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    6 Armor
    1 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 standard Beams
    4 Standard Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons

ST-17 Minelayer Frigate

ST-17 Minelayers are highly utilitarian little ships, capable of both deploying a substantial mine payload and using their own electronic warfare and beam armament to keep the shipping lanes clear of enemy minefields. Unfortunately, the new-model EMP mines introduced a few years ago suffered from a design flaw and would detonate in their magazines if an enemy warship so much as sneezed at them. Though the design flaw has long since been corrected, minelayer frigates still have a reputation for being deathtraps.

UGTO ST-10 Frigate


  • Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    3 Electronic Warfare
    6 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    6 standard Beams
    2 Mines

ST-18 Harrier Frigate

Harrier Frigates are equiped with a payload of small but powerful long-range missiles and enough electronic countermeasures to hide them from the enemy even while they attack. This particular combination allows them to destroy unprotected dreadnoughts with near impunity. Many an ICC admiral has cursed these deadly little ships with his last breath. Unfortunately they have only a modest close-range armament, so Harrier captains are always checking over their shoulder for enemy attack ships.

UGTO ST-10 Frigate


  • Rank: 1st Lieutenant
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    3 Electronic Warfare
    6 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    3 standard Beams
    2 Standard Cannons
    4 Tier 1 missiles

ST-19 Defense Frigate

The ST-19 is a versatile support ship that is often found backing up UGTO battle squadrons. Its extensive array of counter-countermeasures allow it to maintain electronic warfare superiority, while its substantial point-defense armament enables it to protect the fleet from fighter or missile attacks. Between these two capabilities, it is a highly effective counter to the light missile ships that are increasingly being deployed against UGTO dreadnoughts.

UGTO ST-10 Frigate


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    5 Electronic Warfare
    6 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    8 standard Beams
    1 Standard Cannons

3.3.3 Destroyer

ST-22 Gunboat Destroyer

While the ST-22s are heavy on particle projection weapons they are still well-balanced light combatants, able to engage smaller targets quite effectively and even pose a threat to capital ships in sufficient numbers. Often seeing prominent duty on the front lines and anti-piracy patrols, these ships are considered a cornerstone of the UGTO fleet and a key step on an officer's track to a more prestigous command. Even senior admirals are known to look back on their time commanding "Double-deuces" fondly.

UGTO ST-20 Destroyer


  • Rank: Commander
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    8 Armor
    1 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    2 standard Beams
    3 Standard Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons
    4 Torpedos

ST-23 Missile Destroyer

The ST-23s are dedicated light missile platforms, with the bare minimum of close-range defenses and a formidable missile battery. When their crews aren't listening, they are sometimes described as "missile spam in a tin can". With the vital systems and crew quarters crammed in around the missile launchers they can be cramped and upleasant to serve on, but the satisfaction from sending all that firepower downrange is considered worth it.

UGTO ST-20 Destroyer


  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Badges: Bronze Combat
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    8 Armor
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    2 standard Beams
    5 Tier 2 missiles

ST-24 Assault Destroyer

Employing a tried-and-true design philosophy that has served the UGTO and its predecessors well, ST-24s are frontal assault ships intended to engage and destroy their targets in close-quarters combat. To this end they are armed with heavy beam arrays and torpedo payloads. Only the most aggressive and ambitious commanders actively seek out a career in these ships, as their lighter armor cannot withstand quite as much punishment as most destroyers and the nature of their armament requires them to get into suicidally point-blank range in order to attack.

UGTO ST-20 Destroyer


  • Rank: Captain
  • Badges: Silver Combat
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    2 Armor
    1 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    8 standard Beams
    2 Medium Beams "Flux"
    6 Torpedos

ST-28 Picket Destroyer

The ST-28 is armed with a comprehensive beam armament to provide excellent point-defense coverage in all directions. Affectionately known by the Trade Navy as "God's Flashlight," it also carries a decent gun armament to help it in combat with other light warships. Unfortunately, the modifications to the hull necessary to carry its heavy armament leaves no room for an auxiliary reactor. As a result it suffers from low power generation at speed, making it unable to keep up with conventional attack Destroyers in a dogfight.

UGTO ST-20 Destroyer


  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Tachyon Drive"
    2 Engine "Human"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    8 Armor
  • Weapon Systems:
    10 standard Beams
    8 Standard Cannons

3.3.4 Cruiser

ST-70 Cruiser

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

UGTO ST-70 Cruiser


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.3.5 Dreadnought

ST-100 Dreadnought

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

UGTO ST-100 Dreadnought


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

Agincourt class Fleet Carrier

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

UGTO Agincourt Class Carrier


  • Rank: Vice Admiral
  • Badges: Gold Support
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.3.6 Station

HT-1000 Station

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

UGTO HT-1000 Station


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.3.7 Transports

ST-200 Transport

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

UGTO ST-200 Transport


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

ST-7501 Extractor

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

UGTO ST-7500 Extractor


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.3.8 Supply

ST-8005 Supply Ship

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

UGTO ST-8005 Supply Ship


  • Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

ST-8010 Heavy Supply Ship

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

UGTO ST-8010 Heavy Supply Ship


  • Rank: Commander
  • Badges: Bronze Support
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.3.9 Engineers

ST-700 Engineer Ship

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

UGTO ST-700 Engineer Ship


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.3.10 Platforms

Sensor Platform

The UGTO Sensor Platform.

UGTO Sensor Platform


  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. Build Drones
  • Primary Systems:
    1 Armor
    3 Auxillary Reactors
    3 Electronic Warfare
  • Weapon Systems:
    3 standard Beams

Supply Platform

The UGTO supply platform.

UGTO Supply Platform


  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. Build Drones
  • Primary Systems:
    1 Armor
    3 Auxillary Reactors
    1 Drone Bay
  • Weapon Systems:
    3 standard Beams

Weapon Platform

The UGTO Weapon Platform.

UGTO Weapon Platform


  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. Build Drones
  • Primary Systems:
    1 Armor
    3 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    3 standard Beams
    1 Core Weapons

3.4 K'Luth
K'Luth Logo
3.4.1 Corvette


The Extruder is a light bomber Raptor, equipped with biowarfare weapons to attack human settlements. In the early days of the conflict, before the humans were aware there was an alien presence in the sector, Extruders were able to induce considerable strife between the human factions by attacking outlying colonies on both sides, making them blame one another and provoking tensions between them. Even years after the discovery of the K'luth, human intelligence agencies have not fully sorted-out their level of involvement in starting the Fourth Interstellar War.

K'Luth Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive"
    1 Engine "K'Luth"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    3 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    2 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    2 standard Beams
    1 Bombs


The Fang is a heavy attack Raptor, armed with powerful antimatter torpedo launchers. Between its firepower and its small size, speed, and ECM array, it is adept at sneaking past enemy forces with ease and wreaking havoc behind their lines, mainly by attacking their frail, defenseless support ships. Finally, it carries a psionic beacon launcher that reveals human targets to its allies, regardless of their feeble attempts at stealth. All in all the Fang is a versatile little ship and an asset the K'luth armada makes excellent use of.

K'Luth Corvette


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive"
    1 Engine "K'Luth"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    3 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 standard Beams
    5 Torpedos
    1 Beacon


The Talon is the standard K'luth Raptor, roughly equivalent in size and function to human Corvettes. Unlike the humans, who have unarmed Scouts and armed Corvettes, all Raptors have a combat role. The Talon in particular is a fast, light attack ship, intended to engage and destroy enemy craft of roughly the same size. It also carries a long-range scanner, allowing it to monitor human colonies while cloaked and report back to the fleet on potential targets.

K'Luth Corvette


  • Rank: Midshipman
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive"
    1 Engine "K'Luth"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    3 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    1 standard Beams
    1 Standard Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons

3.4.2 Frigate


The Beak is the standard configuration for Hunters--similar in size and function to human frigates--and carries a heavy gun armament for engaging and destroying enemy frigates and corvettes. As is the case for most K'luth ships, its frontal firepower is quite heavy but it carries little to the sides and practically none directly aft. As is also the case for most K'luth ships, if an enemy gets behind it can just cloak to shake them off.

K'Luth Frigate


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive
    2 Engine "K'Luth"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    5 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    4 standard Beams
    2 Standard Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons
    2 Torpedos


The Instars uses a customized Hunter frame in order to carry a payload of powerful antimatter mines. It normally has to vacate the area rapidly after deploying them, however, as they have a large blast radius and its own armor is relatively light. The Instars is also one of the few K'luth ships to carry a modest electronic warfare package, enabling it to detect and clear enemy minefields.

K'Luth Frigate


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive
    2 Engine "K'Luth"
    3 Electronic Warfare
    5 Armor
    2 Faction Special
  • Weapon Systems:
    6 standard Beams
    2 Mines


The Nymph is a heavy attack Hunter, armed with a powerful torpedo battery to let it inflict crippling strikes on larger targets. Like all Hunters it is light on armor, making it something of an eggshell wielding a sledgehammer. Hit-and-fade attacks are the standard operating procedure for this ship, as hanging around anything bigger than it is inviting a world of pain. It operates best when supporting larger K'luth ships, which can hold the enemy's attention while the deceptively small Nymph delivers a knock-out blow far bigger than its size would suggest possible.

K'Luth Frigate


  • Rank: Ensign
  • Badges: Bronze Combat
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive
    2 Engine "K'Luth"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    5 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    4 standard Beams
    2 Heavy Cannons
    6 Torpedos


Configured as a bomber, the Proboscis is one of the sneakiest designs in the entire K'luth fleet, and considering their usual standards that's saying something. It carries not just a cloaking device but also electronic warfare systems to help conceal both itself and its bomb payload. This devious little ship has been a key player in many attacks on human colonies. Unfortunately its armor is paper-thin and its ship-to-ship armament is minimal, so if it gets into a fight it's in big trouble.

K'Luth Frigate


  • Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive
    2 Engine "K'Luth"
    3 Electronic Warfare
    4 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    5 standard Beams
    2 Bombs

3.4.3 Destroyer


The Claw is the standard offensive version of the K'luth Predator hull, roughly equivalent to human destroyer-class ships. Unlike most human destroyers it carries a large number of forward weapons, meant for assaulting enemy ships at close range. Brutal, overwhelming firepower and the ability to strike from stealth at will make this ship a pure embodiment of K'luth combat philosophy.

K'Luth Destroyer


  • Rank: Captain
  • Badges: Silver Combat
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive
    2 Engine "K'Luth"
    7 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    8 standard Beams
    2 Standard Cannons
    2 Heavy Cannons
    6 Torpedos


The Drainer is equipped with a heavier beam armament than most other Predators, but lacks a torpedo armament entirely. In exchange it has been outfitted with energy leech field (or "ELF") beams that can drain energy from its target to replenish its own reserves. This ship is best at preying upon targets that have already exhausted themselves in battle, as it can siphon the last of their fighting power from them and use it to hasten their own destruction. As such it is often found lurking around the periphery, waiting for damaged enemy ships to try and flee so that it can hunt them down and end them. In such operations it is usually teamed up with one or more Raptor-type vessels, as they are adept at locating a target in deep space.

K'Luth Destroyer


  • Rank: Commander
  • Badges: Bronze Navigator
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive
    2 Engine "K'Luth"
    7 Armor
    2 Faction Special
  • Weapon Systems:
    8 standard Beams
    2 Medium Beams "ELF"
    2 Standard Cannons


The Shell is a special variation on the Predator hull, crafted by K'luth shipwrights in an attempt to reproduce the performance of human destroyers. It is more heavily-armored than is standard for Predators and carries a formidable cannon armament. Its guns have a somewhat better coverage than is typical on K'luth ships, though the main focus is still frontal firepower. Opinions are mixed among the Armada as to how well the ship performs. Some commanders attest to its strength in combat, while others scoff at the idea of learning anything from the puny humans.

K'Luth Destroyer


  • Rank: Commander
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive
    2 Engine "K'Luth"
    8 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    2 standard Beams
    4 Heavy Cannons
    3 Torpedos


The Stinger-class Predator is equipped as a mid- to long-range support ship, able to rain lethal missiles on unsuspecting humans while its compatriots engage them at close range. Despite their impressive kill record, duty on Stingers is still considered less desirable among the K'luth clans. From so far away, how are you supposed to strike fear in the enemy with psionic battlecries? How can you hear their pitiful prayers for salvation to their dead gods? No, far better to serve aboard one of the close-range attack ships, even if there is greater risk of death.

K'Luth Destroyer


  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    1 FTL "Anti-Matter Jump Drive
    2 Engine "K'Luth"
    1 Electronic Warfare
    7 Armor
    2 Faction Special
    1 Auxillary Reactors
  • Weapon Systems:
    2 standard Beams
    5 Tier 2 missiles

3.4.4 Cruiser


Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

K'Luth Cruiser


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

3.4.5 Dreadnought


Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

K'Luth Dreadnought


  • Rank: Varries
  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

Brood Class Dreadnought

Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

K'Luth Brood Class Dreadnought

Rank: Varries

  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

  • 3.4.6 Station


    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
    Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

    K'Luth Station

    Rank: Varries

  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

  • 3.4.7 Transports


    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
    Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

    K'Luth Transport

    Rank: Varries

  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

  • Extractor

    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

    K'Luth Extractor

    Rank: Midshipman

  • Badges: None
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

  • 3.4.8 Supply


    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
    Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

    K'Luth Supply

    Rank: Varries

  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

  • 3.4.9 Engineers

    Drone Engineer

    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
    Multiple Ship Configurations fall under this hull model

    K'Luth Engineer

    Rank: Varries

  • Badges: Varries
  • Requirements:
    1. 0 Resources
    2. 0 Technology
    3. METALS
  • Primary Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.
  • Weapon Systems:
    Awaiting developer ships overhaul.

  • 3.4.10 Platforms

    Sensor Platform

    The K'Luth Sensor Platform.

    K'Luth Sensor Platform


    • Requirements:
      1. 0 Resources
      2. Build Drones
    • Primary Systems:
      1 Armor
      3 Auxillary Reactors
      1 Faction Special
      2 Electronic Warfare
    • Weapon Systems:
      3 standard Beams

    Supply Platform

    The K'Luth supply platform.

    K'Luth Supply Platform


    • Requirements:
      1. 0 Resources
      2. Build Drones
    • Primary Systems:
      1 Armor
      3 Auxillary Reactors
      1 Faction Special
      1 Drone Bay
    • Weapon Systems:
      3 standard Beams

    Weapon Platform

    The K'Luth Weapon Platform.

    K'Luth Weapon Platform


    • Requirements:
      1. 0 Resources
      2. Build Drones
    • Primary Systems:
      1 Armor
      3 Auxillary Reactors
      1 Faction Special
    • Weapon Systems:
      3 standard Beams
      1 Core Weapons

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