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Forum Index » » Basic Scripting Discussion » » bug name fix question
 Author bug name fix question

Joined: March 15, 2003
Posts: 5
From: Israel
Posted: 2003-04-03 00:24   
ok.. at my server, when im trying to do my tutorial, at people with clans tags the script dont work, how to fix that ?

and another thing.. i writed a code that the computer know when my ship orbiting to the earth.. and then the tutorial contiune
here the code :
if isOrbiting("TrainPlayer", "The Earth") == 1 then
startTimer( 0, "onStep2_5()" );
people must be named TrainPlayer to contiune the tutorial, how i do that transport ship or other ship that called every name that it want , no only TrainPlayer ?
i mean that i want that every player will come can contiune the tutorial without name change to TrainPlayer..

answer me.. and dont forget the clan tag fix name.

  Goto the website of courage_the_dog

Joined: June 29, 2001
Posts: 3052
Posted: 2003-04-03 09:31   
A general note: It's pretty hard to write multiplayer tutorials, you should stick to singleplayer at the beginning.

It doesn't matter if players have clantags or not, it simply doesn't affect the script. If it doesn't work for you you made a mistake. Post the codesnippet here so I can take a look at it.

If you want it to work regardless of the playername, then iterating through all available ships and picking one of them is probably what you want.

  Email Chromix

Joined: March 15, 2003
Posts: 5
From: Israel
Posted: 2003-04-03 11:14   
here it is... this is my tutorial script


function onInitialize()
-- Perform any initialization here, this is called right after the script is loaded


function onRelease()
-- Called before the script is release


-- The following callbacks are only called when running on the client

function onTeamSelect()
-- Called before the player selects a team

function onTeamSelected( team )
-- Called after the player selects a team, the team ID is passed

function onShipSelect()
-- Called before the player selects a ship

function onShipSelected( shipName )
-- Called after the player selects a ship

function onTactical()

function onDeath()
-- Called when the players ship is destroyed

function onCaptured()
-- Called when the players ship is captured

function onDisconnected()
-- Called when connection to the server is lost

function onEndGame()
-- Called when the scenerio or mission is completed

function startTutorial()

pushChat( "Tutorial: How To Capture Planets With The ICC ,well..." );

pushChat( "Press ENTER to begin the tutorial.n" );

trapKey( 13, "onStep1()" );

function onStep1()
pushChat( "well, lets do it fast, and clean..." );
pushChat( "nFirst, Press on the F2 key and then click on the earth planet. when you see the picture.... have few buttons under the picture, click on the Orbit Planet button " );
pushChat( "nTo orbit the earth planet. then your ship will jump to this planet" );

startTimer( 30, "onStep2()" );
trapKey( 12, "onStep1()" );

function onStep2()
pushChat( "Little boring.. huh ? but dont worry, more few secens we'll get to this earth." );
startTimer( 1, "onStep2_5()" );

function onStep2_1()
pushChat(" WARNING! be sure you called yourself 'TrainPlayer'..." );
startTimer( 1, "onStep2_5()" );

function onStep2_5()

if isOrbiting("TrainPlayer", "The Earth") == 1 then
startTimer( 0, "onStep2_5()" );

function onStep3()
pushChat( " GOOD JOB ! your ship has been orbited on the earth!!" );
startTimer( 5, "onStep4()" );


function onStep4()
pushChat("Ok to capture the planet, you need to put a infantry on it. so pick up a diamond and press the U key" );
pushChat("nPress ENTER when you see that have green diamond on the planet with the word infantry." );
trapKey( 13, "onStep5()" );

function onStep5()
pushChat(" GOOD JOB! SOLIDER! VERY GOOD JOB !!!! now you'll have to wait 60 seconds until the planet will captured" );
startTimer( 60, "onStep6()" );


function onStep6()
pushChat( " WHOOOWOOO!!! well done LoL , you now excshelly finished this tutorial - bye , and good luck at my next coming tutorials !" );
startTimer( 20, "onStep7()");

function onStep7()


that it..
i dont think that have any error here..
and what you say about the orbit name id - i didnt understand that, try explain more about it.

  Goto the website of courage_the_dog

Joined: June 29, 2001
Posts: 3052
Posted: 2003-04-03 14:24   
i dont think that have any error here..

Yes, I don't see any reason why this code shouldn't work for other playernames too.

and what you say about the orbit name id - i didnt understand that, try explain more about it.

You need to familiarize yourself with some standard programming techniques first, iteration is one of that.
See the lua training thread.

  Email Chromix

Joined: March 15, 2003
Posts: 5
From: Israel
Posted: 2003-04-04 23:42   
if you say that donsent have any error here, so why the peple with the clans tags cant join to my server...?
look.. why you dont tell me the answer to the orbit name question ? i need script that all who enter change automaticly to that name (TrainPlayer) ?
you always tell me that i need to "familize" 'standart technuiqes' and another stuiped other things.
i cant that way get the answer ! you have to show me something! an exmaple (by the way i trained lua and got all the souloutions) or..or.. something else ! like telling me the script of change the all names to one name ! you cant do that, because i dont know what you want from me, i cant learn with words or with lua training, because lua its print commands, table commands, and k,v commands, what prints , tabls , and K,V's going to help me to find that code whice change all the names in the server to one correctly name ? when you going to permission as (me and the players in the forum) to go to the advanced forum ?? you want that we learn all the language ? we cant do that, something like that taking 2-3 years, here - i got all the souloutions, you going to permission me or you going to wait 2-3 years until i know all the language and only then - when darkspace will be not popular and very old you only then permission me...
all the good scripting and good answers you save for yourself, in the advanced foruM, you must recognize with your self and check out your advanced forum needs, you must do less needs , less needs... less needssssssss............................................................................

  Goto the website of courage_the_dog
Fleet Admiral

Joined: May 31, 2001
Posts: 5630
From: The Netherlands
Posted: 2003-04-05 01:23   
hehehe, well i have to say i dont like Lua either
but in a nicer way

  Goto the website of Barthezzz

Joined: June 29, 2001
Posts: 3052
Posted: 2003-04-05 04:00   
if you say that donsent have any error here, so why the peple with the clans tags cant join to my server...?

...people with clans tags the script dont work...

So what exactly is the problem, what happens ?

look.. why you dont tell me the answer to the orbit name question ? i need script that all who enter change automaticly to that name (TrainPlayer) ?
you always tell me that i need to "familize" 'standart technuiqes' and another stuiped other things.

That is a correct answer, plain and simple I described you a possible solution to your problem (if I understood you correctly)
If you want it to work regardless of the playername, then iterating through all available ships and picking one of them is probably what you want.

by the way i trained lua and got all the souloutions

If that is so then you most likely understand my answer above,
if not you maybe solved those in a different way I didn't expect,
so send me your solutions via forum priv msg.

because i dont know what you want from me, i cant learn with words or with lua training, because lua its print commands, table commands, and k,v commands, what prints , tabls , and K,V's going to help me to find that code whice change all the names in the server to one correctly name ?

The first 8 ones were aimed at the general understanding of the LUA syntax and some basic programming patterns. When writing LUA scripts the problems you ecounter are likely to be solvable using these patterns, so you need to know about them.

when you going to permission as (me and the players in the forum) to go to the advanced forum ?? you want that we learn all the language ?

The advanced forum is dedicated to mission & tutorial scripts, aswell as some special things like i.e. the temporary boarding fix. If you're good enough in LUA and willing to help working on those you get access.

you want that we learn all the language ? we cant do that, something like that taking 2-3 years, here

You said you programmed C before, so it shouldn't take you more than a week to apply the programming techniques and concepts you used in C to LUA.

  Email Chromix

Joined: June 29, 2001
Posts: 3052
Posted: 2003-04-05 04:01   
On 2003-04-05 01:23, Barthezzz wrote:
hehehe, well i have to say i dont like Lua either
but in a nicer way

Btw: LUA is the scripting language used in a lot of popular games / projects. Most times it's just not written anywhere, but if you take a look at the datafiles you notice lots of things are scripted in LUA.

  Email Chromix

Joined: March 15, 2003
Posts: 5
From: Israel
Posted: 2003-04-05 08:29   
Btw: LUA is the scripting language used in a lot of popular games / projects. Most times it's just not written anywhere, but if you take a look at the datafiles you notice lots of things are scripted in LUA.
i know that, i know that lua is used at many games and projects.
you sad that the advanced forum is dediacated tutorials and missions - thats what im doing! generate tutorials., but to build tutorial i dont have to know lua language, because i see how the script in the file itself.
and i sad i know a little C, not a whole C. i know how to build calculator and few other things.. by the way, if i was know all the C, i wasnt understand this language too, because printf going into print, /k going into K,v . <=> going into i = i + 1 (or 2) ?!
i called to my father that he explain more about this langage, he know 100% C, 90% C++ and 100% visual basic, he wasnt understand this language too, he sad that this language is very diffrent then C, i asked him "how much time do you need until you know explain me it" ?
he sad : "hmm, couple of months".
another things : he sad that he dont understand this lua menual reference because the english there is too hard (we are israeli peoples) and he need exmapls, after he found some i learned the basic too and that way i founded the souloutions, do you know where to get more exmapls ?
you sad that if we look (me and the players) at the data files well see the lua code..
explain me now.. how the hell i need to look the files ?!
here part of file that i looked into it : ¸ð/Ê
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how do you expect me and the players too look the files ? there is no editor , for dll and exe, or the data archive, maybe you have because you one of the devolevers, (barthezzz told me that) .

i want to help in the advanced forum and fix things, but its too hard to learn whole the language, think about it..

  Goto the website of courage_the_dog

Joined: May 29, 2001
Posts: 5726
From: The Land of Taxation without Representation
Posted: 2003-04-06 05:28   
Gaining access to the advanced forum does not immediately grant you knowledge of the language, and there isn't really a lot of help there for learners. Its mainly just a repository for scripts that have already been made, or for questions dealing with missions. Those who have access already know the language, so there isn't really help there for those who don't - which is why you have to demonstrate proficiency in Lua before you get access. Its not like we want to keep you out; but there's no point in giving access, since there's nothing really there other than official scripts and ideas for tutorials, and the like.

I think everyone's perception of that forum is a bit off...
* [S.W]AdmBito @55321 Sent \"I dunno; the French had a few missteps. But they're on the right track, one headbutt at a time.\"

  Email Shigernafy

Joined: March 15, 2003
Posts: 5
From: Israel
Posted: 2003-04-17 15:21   

On 2003-04-06 05:28, Shigernafy wrote:
Gaining access to the advanced forum does not immediately grant you knowledge of the language, and there isn't really a lot of help there for learners. Its mainly just a repository for scripts that have already been made, or for questions dealing with missions. Those who have access already know the language, so there isn't really help there for those who don't - which is why you have to demonstrate proficiency in Lua before you get access. Its not like we want to keep you out; but there's no point in giving access, since there's nothing really there other than official scripts and ideas for tutorials, and the like.

I think everyone's perception of that forum is a bit off...

look........... i want do tutorials and discussion about the offical scripts, i already done a tutorial, and i already done the lua training , i cant learn all lua language, i think that have here very big "proteckzion" because only the admins and devolevers come and i saw 0 players which get into the advanced forum, everyone i asked for sad that "chromix is annoying and he dont let access" .

i want to discuss about tutorials and offical scripts and data (i mean archive data , ) lua is only part of that, the real commands is the dark space script, lua is just headquarters for that language , but all the language become diffrent when its darkspace , i cant use lua commands in darkspace because its diffrent window, options, console..
Just let me try to be in the advanced forum and if i will ask too much or not discuss about the offical scripts and tutorials so kick me! okay??

  Goto the website of courage_the_dog
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